dataset used in our papers. Each grasping contains 3 folders, 1.PVT folder: including PVT points of robot arms and graping parameters/timestamp of gripper Format of PVT.csv: Please check the first line of each pvt files Record time range: when we start a new grasping and lifting, we recorded all the PVT points until the finish of this lifting. 2.tactile folder: including recorded tactile files Format of tactile.csv: first row is timetamp, each column is one timestep sensor reading. Format of sensor readings: sensor ID + axis, e.g. 005x is taxel 005, reading in x axis, each sensor patch has 24 taxel*3axis=72 readings, the first 72 readings is sensor patch one and next 72 readings is from sensor patch 2 Record time range: when we start a new grasping and lifting, we recorded all the tactile reading until the finish of this lifting. 3.image folder: including images of each grasping We recorded videos as .bag file and crop the 224*224*3 image from necessary frames. The original .bag files is too huge and not include in this folder Formats: 224*224*3 .png image. The name of each .png is consisted of "crop_color_" + timestamp Record time range: after grasping object until lifting objects to about 4 cm height For the details of dataset or you wanna use our dataset in your research, feel free to contact with in English/Chinese/Japanese!