195. Ixodes rothschildi Nuttall and Warburton, 1911.

A Palearctic species, all of whose parasitic stages have been found on Procellariiformes: Procellariidae, and Charadriiformes: Alcidae; adults and nymphs have been collected from Charadriiformes: Laridae. There are no records of Ixodes rothschildi causing human parasitism.

M: Arthur (1958d)

F: Nuttall and Warburton (1911), under the name Ixodes percavatus rothschildi, and given its current status in Zumpt (1952)

N: Nuttall and Warburton (1911), under the name Ixodes percavatus rothschildi

L: Arthur (1955a)


M: Arthur (1963), Hillyard (1996), Pérez-Eid (2007, under the name Scaphixodes rothschildi)

F: Arthur (1953c, 1963), Hillyard (1996), Pérez-Eid (2007, under the name Scaphixodes rothschildi)

N: Arthur (1953c, 1963)

L: Arthur (1963). Sénevet and Ripert (1967a), Márquez et al. (1992)

Note: Estrada-Peña et al. (2017) found no reliable morphological characters for separating males, females, nymphs and larvae of Ixodes rothschildi from related species in the genus occurring in Europe and North Africa. See Ixodes diomedeae for its confusion with Ixodes rothschildi.