Inclusion;Query;DOI;URL;Description;Publisher;Client_ID;PublicationYear;Identifiers_related_outputs;Names_data_creators;Identifiers_data_creators;Affiliations_data_creators;Affiliation_information_fields;Versioning;Versioning_manual; no;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.1285/i22808949a5n2p231;;"This article explores the import of the Hartford Convention of 1814 both in the War of 1812 and in the early Republic. The Jefferson's doctrine of 1798 was exhumed by the New England Federalists in 1814 after long years during which Jefferson's embargo and then ""Madison's war"" had caused great tension between that section and the federal government, dominated by the Virginia dynasty. Delegates from Massachussetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire met on December 15 in Hartford, CT to discuss exceptional measures. From a political point of view the Convention was an absolute failure: its conclusion had the misfortune of falling right at the time when Jackson reported victory in New Orleans and the terms of the Treaty of Ghent were already discussed in the press. However it demonstrated that those who felt themselves under the heel of other States, which were favoured by the federal government, did not perceive the Union as a benefit for all. In extreme cases no Constitutional remedy, even the dissolution of the Union, was excluded a priori. the Northen politicians, in dire straits due to a war that damaged their vital interests, articulated what would become the political creed of the South in the ensuring years.";University of Salento;crui.unile;2016;no_identifier;Bassani, Luigi Marco;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.14284/159;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Coppejans, Eric / Laboratory For Plant Morphology, Systematic And Ecology; University Of Ghent, Belgium";no_identifier;Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.14284/163;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Van Avesaath, Peter Hendriks / Van Der Velde, Gerard / Coppejans, Eric / Laboratory Of Aquatic Ecology; Catholic University Of Nijmegen, The Netherlands / Laboratory For Plant Morphology, Systematic And Ecology; University Of Ghent, Belgium";no_identifier;Afdeling Aquatische Oecologie en Milieubiologie - KUN / Afdeling Aquatische Oecologie en Milieubiologie - KUN / Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.14284/410;;Dataset on the presence of flatfish (sole, dab and plaice), their characteristics and some abiotic parameters gathered in eight sampling points located in the Belgian part of the North Sea sampled between 2015 and 2019.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2020;no_identifier;Vercauteren, Maaike / Devriese, Lisa / Cattrijsse, André / Decostere, Annemie / Chiers, Koen / Ghent University, Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine, Department Of Pathology, Bacteriology And Avian Diseases, Belgium / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium;no_identifier;Pathology, Bacteriology and Poultry Diseases - UGent, Belgium / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium / Pathology, Bacteriology and Poultry Diseases - UGent, Belgium / Pathology, Bacteriology and Poultry Diseases - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.14284/434;;This is an acoustic telemetry dataset published by Ghent University. It contains animal (fish) tracking data collected by the Permanent Belgian Acoustic Receiver Network ( for the project/study 2015_phd_verhelst_eel, using VEMCO tags (V13) and receivers (VR2AR, VR2Tx, VR2W). In total 136 female individuals of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) were captured, tagged and released between 2015 and 2018 in the Scheldt estuary, to study their migration behaviour - especially their use of selective tidal stream transport - in a tidal system without migration barriers.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2020;"c(""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"", ""IsReferencedBy"") ; c("""", """", """") ; c(""URL"", ""URL"", ""URL"")";Verhelst, Pieterjan / Reubens, Jan / Coeck, Johan / De Maerteleire, Nico / Desmet, Peter / Gelaude, Emilie / Mouton, Ans / Pieters, Sébastien / Reyserhove, Lien / Robberechts, Karen / Moens, Tom;" ;";Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium / Research Institute for Nature and Forest - Flemish Government, Belgium / Research Institute for Nature and Forest - Flemish Government, Belgium / Research Institute for Nature and Forest - Flemish Government, Belgium / Research Institute for Nature and Forest - Flemish Government, Belgium / Research Institute for Nature and Forest - Flemish Government, Belgium / Research Institute for Nature and Forest - Flemish Government, Belgium / Research Institute for Nature and Forest - Flemish Government, Belgium / Research Institute for Nature and Forest - Flemish Government, Belgium / Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.14284/435;;This is an acoustic telemetry dataset published by Ghent University. It contains animal (fish) tracking data collected by the Permanent Belgian Acoustic Receiver Network ( for the project/study 2015_phd_verhelst_cod, using VEMCO tags (V9, V13, V13AP) and receivers (VR2AR, VR2C, VR2Tx, VR2W). In total 106 individuals of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) were captured, tagged and released between 2014 and 2018 in the Scheldt estuary and Belgian Part of the North Sea, to study movement behaviour between the estuary, sand bars, shipwrecks and wind farms.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2020;"c(""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c("""", """") ; c(""URL"", ""URL"")";Verhelst, Pieterjan / Reubens, Jan / Desmet, Peter / Reyserhove, Lien / Moens, Tom;" ;";Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium / Research Institute for Nature and Forest - Flemish Government, Belgium / Research Institute for Nature and Forest - Flemish Government, Belgium / Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.14284/437;;This is an acoustic telemetry dataset published by Ghent University. It contains animal (fish) tracking data collected by what later became the Permanent Belgian Acoustic Receiver Network ( for the project/study 2010_phd_Reubens, using VEMCO tags (V9) and receivers (VR2W). In total 41 individuals of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) were captured, tagged and released in 2010 and 2011 in the C-Power wind farm in the Belgian part of the North Sea, to study their movement behaviour and assess the impacts of offshore wind farms on their movement ecology. This dataset also includes the data of the synchronisation tags present in the study. To calculate exact 2D positions using acoustic telemetry, the time difference of arrival of signals at different receivers is used. Therefore sync tags are needed to account for clock drift in the receivers.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2020;"c(""IsPartOf"", ""IsReferencedBy"", ""IsReferencedBy"", ""IsReferencedBy"") ; c("""", ""10.1016/j.seares.2013.05.005"", ""10.1016/j.marenvres.2013.07.001"", ""10.1007/s10750-013-1793-1"") ; c(""URL"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"")";Reubens, Jan / Degraer, Steven / Desmet, Peter / Moens, Tom / Reyserhove, Lien / Vincx, Magda;" ;";Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / Operational Directorate Natural Environment - IRScNB/KBIN, Belgium / Research Institute for Nature and Forest - Flemish Government, Belgium / Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / Research Institute for Nature and Forest - Flemish Government, Belgium / Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/2hw273;;This database contains information on the herbarium specimens of taxa belonging to Lactarius sect. Deliciosi (syn. sect. Dapetes) present in the Herbarium of the Ghent University, partim Mycology (Ghent University, Department of Biology, Research group Mycology).;BeBIF Provider;gbif.gbif;2016;no_identifier;Crawler.Gbif.Org;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/3pxfgi;;Monitoring data from the Ecopot projects: Determining the maximal and good ecological potential, as well as the current state of Flemish regional water bodies. The data contains phytoplankton counts of Flemish lakes and pools.;Ghent University;gbif.gbif;2019;no_identifier;Wichelen, Jeroen Van / Vyverman, Wim;no_identifier;Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO) / Ghent University;Affiliations_data_creators+Publisher;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/6fcelj;;"The Ghent University Zoological museum holds a scientific collection of vertebrate and invertebrate specimens and a collection of anatomic preparates. The museum dates from 1817 and the original idea was to curate a didactic collection for educational purposes. Ghent University Zoology Museum curates a insect collection of over 17000 specimen. The most important collections in this dataset are: Collection De Riemaecker; Collection Felix Plateau; Collection Hostie.";Ghent University;gbif.gbif;2019;no_identifier;Verschelde, Dominick;no_identifier;Ugent;Affiliations_data_creators+Description+Publisher;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/9kzyk4;;"Florabank1 is a database that contains distributional data on the wild flora indigenous species, archeophytes and naturalised aliens) of Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region. It holds about 3 million records of vascular plants, dating from 1800 till present. Furthermore, it includes ecological data on vascular plant species, redlist category information, Ellenberg values, legal status, global distribution, seed bank etc. The database is an initiative of ""Flo.Wer"" (, the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) ( and the National Botanic Garden of Belgium ( Florabank aims at centralizing botanical distribution data gathered by both professional and amateur botanists and to make these data available to the benefit of nature conservation, policy and scientific research. The occurrence data contained in Florabank1 are extracted from checklists, literature and herbarium specimen information. Of survey lists, the locality name (verbatimLocality), species name, observation date and IFBL square code - the grid system used for plant mapping in Belgium (Van Rompaey 1943) - are recorded. For records dating from the period 1972–2004 all pertinent botanical journals dealing with Belgian flora were systematically screened. Analysis of herbarium specimens in the collection of the National Botanic Garden of Belgium, the University of Ghent and the University of Liège provided interesting distribution knowledge concerning rare species, this information is also included in Florabank1.The data recorded before 1972 is available through the Belgian GBIF node (, not through Florabank1, to avoid duplication of information. A dedicated portal providing access to all currently published Belgian IFBL records is available at: data in Florabank1 is georeferenced. Every record holds the decimal centroid coordinates of the IFBL square containing the observation. The uncertainty radius is the smallest circle possible covering the whole IFBL square, which can measure 1 km² or 4 km². Florabank is a work in progress and new occurrences are added as they become available; the dataset will be updated through GBIF on a regularly base.";Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO);gbif.gbif;2015;"IsPreviousVersionOf ; 10.3897/phytokeys.12.2849 ; DOI";Registry-Migration.Gbif.Org;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/e2l81a;;Monitoring data from Flemish rivers and channels. The data contains phytoplankton counts of Flemish lakes and pools. Water bodies were monthly sampled during the growing season of a one-year period, from a bridge of the shore using a bucket. Each time, a 250ml subsample fixed using 125µl alcalic lugol, 6.25ml borax buffered formaldehyde (35%) and 250µm sodiumthiosulfaat (5 %).Samples were kept dark and cool until microscopic analysis, which was executed according to the European CEN-standard (EN 15204, 2006). In this method, a known volume of the sample was concentrated in a cuvet, after which different phytoplankton taxa were identified along a transect using an inverted microscope (Wild M40). When to much detritus was present, samples were coloured using Bengal red, to enable recognizing cells. For each sample, at least 250 individuals were counted, which was used to calculated to number of individuals per ml. Colonies were counted as one individual.;Ghent University;gbif.gbif;2019;no_identifier;05c249d0-Dfa0-11d8-B22e-B8a03c50a862;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Publisher;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/jrmu8a;;"Samples were collected in a visiting scientist project (W. Vyverman, K. Saabe; University of Ghent, Belgium), within the FRST-funded freshwater biodiversity programme, in early 2001. All samples were benthic grab samples (composites of several subsamples). A comprehensive suite of environmental data (including water chemistry) was collected at the same time. Identifications were done at the University of Ghent, to genus level except for some probably endemic taxa. Voucher slides of each sample are held in the NIWA diatom collection (slide numbers are the same as the siteID). Samples were analysed by Koenraad Vanhoutte and collected by: Wim Vyverman and Koen Sabbe (University of Gent, Belgium) and Cathy Kilroy (NIWA).";The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA);gbif.gbif;2019;no_identifier;Kilroy, Cathy;no_identifier;NIWA National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/jz1cdj;;Monitoring data from the Ecopot projects: Determining the maximal and good ecological potential, as well as the current state of Flemish regional water bodies. The data contains phytoplankton counts of Flemish lakes and pools.;Ghent University;gbif.gbif;2019;no_identifier;Wichelen, Jeroen Van / Vyverman, Wim;no_identifier;Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (INBO) / Ghent University;Affiliations_data_creators+Publisher;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/lg8wsd;;The Ghent University Zoological museum holds a scientific collection of vertebrate and invertebrate specimens and a collection of anatomic preparates. The museum dates from 1817 and the original idea was to curate a didactic collection for educational purposes. Ghent University Zoology Museum curates a nematode type collection of over 4000 slides. Up till now, 3000+ slides are inventoried digitally. The collection contains a substantial amount of holotypes and paratypes. A revision of the collection is needed.;Ghent University;gbif.gbif;2019;no_identifier;Verschelde, Dominick / Bert, Wim;no_identifier;Ugent / Ugent;Affiliations_data_creators+Description+Publisher;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/ny1f9n;;"The Canary Islands (Spain) are an archipelago of the coast of northwest Africa. Gran Canaria is the third-largest island and located in the centre (Carracedo & Troll, 2016). The island contains a number endemic land snail species (e.g. Brito & Fraga, 2010). Freshwater molluscs are of smaller significance, but are also present. The research of land and freshwater molluscs of the Canaries mainly goes back to the 19th century with the famous works of Webb & Berthelot (1833), Shuttleworth (1852a, 1852b), Mousson (1872), Wollaston (1878), Mabille (1884), Odhner (1931), and others. Recent checklists are available (Groh, 1985; Bank et al., 2002; Brito & Fraga, 2010; Helixebas, 2019) and some more recent papers are cited further in this article. Nevertheless, taxonomic research is still largely based on these old works and many species were never found again since their description or the ecology or proper range is not known. This, together with the threats of global warming (Luque et al., 2013) and the increase of demographic and touristic pressure (Ibáñez et al., 1997) could (and probably already has) detrimental consequences for the survival of these species (see also the assessments on Therefore, there is an urgent need for information on ecology, distribution and taxonomy. “Land and freshwater molluscs of Gran Canaria (Spain)” is an occurrence dataset containing 389 observations of 62 different taxa of land and freshwater molluscs encountered on Gran Canaria, an island central in the Canarian archipelago (Spain). Various sites were inspected in a period between 1988 to 2020. The aim is to contribute to the knowledge on the ecology and distribution of these species on the island such that it may aid conservation and research of these organisms in the future. The dataset is published as a standardized Darwin Core Archive and includes for each observation a stable occurrenceID, scientific name, date, and location of the observation, as well as info on lifeStage and organismQuantity, and supplementary remarks on the determination and the observation itself. We have released this dataset to the public domain under a CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication (";Ghent University;gbif.gbif;2020;no_identifier;Langeraert, Ward / Brosens, Dimitri;" ;";UGent / INBO/ Belgian Biodiversity Platform;Affiliations_data_creators+Publisher;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/ok9kps;;Founded in 1817 the Zoology Museum aimed to assemble a scientific collection of preserved animals to illustrate the zoology courses given at the University of Gent. Nowadays the collection is still used and studied by university students, but on the same time the museum is made more accessible to a larger public. Ghent University Zoology Museum curates a collection of over 7000 invertebrate specimen. This dataset holds all invertebrates in the collection, except the insects and nematodes.;Ghent University;gbif.gbif;2019;no_identifier;Verschelde, Dominick;no_identifier;Ugent;Affiliations_data_creators+Description+Publisher;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/q457rc;;Upper cm of the deepest part of a lake has been sampled. Taxonomic identification at Genus level.;Ghent University;gbif.gbif;2019;no_identifier;Verleyen, Elie;no_identifier;Ugent;Affiliations_data_creators+Publisher;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/qlvxgw;;Herbarium of the Ghent University (Herbarium Gandavensis), partim Mycology, collection: Lactarius sect. DeliciosiThis database contains information on the herbarium specimens of taxa belonging to Lactarius sect. Deliciosi (syn. sect. Dapetes) present in the Herbarium of the Ghent University, partim Mycology (Ghent University, Department of Biology, Research group Mycology).;Belgian Biodiversity Platform;gbif.gbif;2017;no_identifier;J. Nuytinck;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/wfiktk;;“Land and freshwater molluscs of Northern Spain” is an occurrence dataset containing 222 observations of 73 different taxa of land and freshwater molluscs encountered in Northern Spain (Vízcaya, Cantabria and Asturias). Various sites were inspected in a period between 2004 to 2019. The aim is to contribute to the knowledge on the ecology and distribution of these species such that it may aid conservation and research of these organisms in the future. The dataset is published as a standardized Darwin Core Archive and includes for each observation a stable occurrenceID, scientific name, date, and location of the observation, as well as info on lifeStage and organismQuantity, and supplementary remarks on the determination and the observation itself. We have released this dataset to the public domain under a CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication (;Ghent University;gbif.gbif;2020;no_identifier;Langeraert, Ward;;UGent;Affiliations_data_creators+Publisher;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/xjtfoo;;An inventory was made of the alien macroinvertebrates occurring in Flanders. To this end large collections of biological samples were investigated and supplemented with own sampling campaigns. Mainly fresh and brackish surface waters were investigated. Three new macroinvertebrate species for Flanders were discovered. In total 41 alien macroinvertebrates were encountered in fresh and slightly brackish surface waters in Flanders. Additionally, 24 alien macroinvertebrate species have been reported for the Belgian part of the North Sea and its adjacent estuaries. Most alien macroinvertebrates belonged to the crustaceans and molluscs. Over 2,500 samples containing macrocrustaceans were identified to species level, which allowed us to accurately map their distribution in Flanders. Alien species found in the fresh and brackish water environment, mainly originated from the Ponto-Caspian area and North-America followed by Asia and South- and East-Europe. This overview shows that alien macroinvertebrates are widespread and abundantly present in many watercourses in Flanders. Based on observations in neighbouring countries, several additional species are expected to arrive in the near future. A follow-up of the invasive alien species together with a monitoring scheme to detect new incoming species is valuable to estimate the size of the problem and to be able to closely follow their ecological and economic impact This dataset was originally created for research on the spread and impact of alien invasive macroinvertebrate species in Flanders. However, the dataset can be reused for a variety of purposes. However, this being an occurrence dataset, it can be used for understanding species richness, distribution pattern and modelling studies such as ecological niche modelling. In order to enhance the confidence of use, we have documented the metadata as well as subjected the data records to a series of quality assessment and enhancement processes as described in the earlier section quality control description. To allow anyone to use this dataset, we have released the data to the public domain under a Creative Commons Zero waiver ( We would appreciate however, if you read and follow these norms for data use ( and provide a link to the original dataset ( whenever possible. If you use these data for a scientific paper, please cite the dataset following the applicable citation norms and/or consider us for co-authorship. We are always interested to know how you have used or visualized the data, or to provide more information, so please contact us via the contact information provided in the metadata, or;Ghent University;gbif.gbif;2018;no_identifier;Boets, Pieter / Brosens, Dimitri / Lock, Koen / Adriaens, Tim / Aelterman, Bart / Mertens, Joost / Goethals, Peter L.M.;;Ghent University / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Ghent University / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Vlaamse Milieu Maatschappij / Ghent University;Affiliations_data_creators+Publisher;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/yxcq07;;The Inventory of alien macroinvertebrates in Flanders, Belgium is a species checklist dataset published by Ghent University. It contains information on 73 alien macroinvertebrate species (mostly crustaceans and molluscs) occurring in Flemish aquatic habitats, from inland lakes to coastal harbours at the North Sea. The inventory is the result of the study Boets et al. (2016) ( with occurrence data at where it was originally published as supplementary material. Here it is published as a standardized Darwin Core Archive and includes for each species: the scientific name, higher classification, and stable taxon identifier (in the taxon core), the year of first introduction and last assessment in Flanders (given as a year range in the event date in the distribution extension), coarse habitat information (in the species profile extension) and the pathway(s) of introduction, native range(s), and invasion stage in Flanders (in the description extension). The dataset can be used for researching and managing aquatic invasions or compiling regional and national registries of alien species. Issues with the dataset can be reported at: We have released this dataset to the public domain under a Creative Commons Zero waiver. We would appreciate it if you follow the GBIF citation guidelines ( when using the data. If you have any questions regarding this dataset, don’t hesitate to contact us via the contact information provided in the metadata or via This dataset was published as open data for the TrIAS project (Tracking Invasive Alien Species, Vanderhoeven et al. 2017), with technical support provided by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). It is selected as one of the authoritative sources for the compilation of a unified and reproducible checklist of alien species in Belgium.;Ghent University;gbif.gbif;2018;no_identifier;Boets, Pieter / Lock, Koen / Mertens, Joost / Goethals, Peter / Adriaens, Tim / Groom, Quentin / Brosens, Dimitri / Desmet, Peter / Reyserhove, Lien;" ; ; ; ;";Ghent University / Ghent University / Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM) / Ghent University / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Botanic Garden Meise / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Belgian Biodiversity Platform / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO);Affiliations_data_creators+Description+Publisher;primary;primary; no;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.1594/ieda/100246;;This dataset is a compilation of chemical composition of global distributed granulite-facies rocks. Both meta-igneous and meta-sedimentary rocks are included. The goal of this compilation is to estimate the average composition of lower continental crust, where the temperature and pressure is close to granulite-facies metamorphism condition.;Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA);tib.ldeo;2013;no_identifier;Huang, Yu / Mantovani, Fabio / McDonough, William / Chubakov, Viacheslav / Rudnick, Roberta;" ;";no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.1594/pangaea.873262;;This dataset contains meiofauna abundance data measured from Multicorer samples (MUC) in disturbed and reference areas of the DISCOL experimental area (Peru Basin), collected onboard RV Sonne during expeditions SO242/1 and SO242/2 in 2015.Meiofauna abundances have been standardized to individuals per 10cm² and are given per taxonomic group (phylum level). Data has been collected and analysed by the Marine Biology Research Group of Ghent University, Belgium.;PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science;pangaea.repository;2017;"c(""References"", ""References"") ; c(""10.3289/geomar_rep_ns_27_2015"", ""10.3289/geomar_rep_ns_26_2015"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Hauquier, Freija / Vanreusel, Ann / Mevenkamp, Lisa / Egho, Great / De Smet, Guy / Janssen, Felix / Boetius, Antje;" ; ; ;";no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.1594/pangaea.873267;;This dataset contains meiofauna abundance data collected from ROV pushcore samples (PUC) in disturbed areas of the DISCOL experimental area (Peru Basin), collected onboard RV Sonne during expedition SO242/2 in 2015. Meiofauna taxa have been counted and identified at different microhabitats within old disturbance tracks in the area, created by a plough harrow to mimick deep-sea mining impact. Each push core has been subjected to further division in vertical sediment slices (0-1 cm, 1-2 cm and 2-5 cm) and meiofauna has been counted in each separate slice. Meiofauna abundances have been standardized to individuals per 10cm² and are given per taxonomic group (phylum level) and sediment slice. Data has been collected and analysed by the Marine Biology Research Group of Ghent University, Belgium.;PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science;pangaea.repository;2017;"References ; 10.3289/geomar_rep_ns_27_2015 ; DOI";Hauquier, Freija / Vanreusel, Ann / Mevenkamp, Lisa / Egho, Great;" ;";no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.1594/pangaea.873272;;This dataset contains meiofauna abundance data collected from multicore samples (MUC) in several license areas of the Clarion Clipperton fracture Zone (northeast Pacific), an area currently being explored in the light of future polymetallic nodule mining. Seafloor samples were collected onboard RV Sonne during expedition SO239 in 2015. Meiofauna taxa have been counted and identified at different license areas (IOM, GSR, IFREMER) and one Area of Particular Environmental Interest (APEI#3). Each multicore has been analysed in bulk (0-5 cm), except for those of IOM control sites (5 sediment slices, per cm). Meiofauna abundances have been standardized to individuals per 10cm² and are given per taxonomic group (phylum level) and sediment slice (where applicable). Data has been collected and analysed by the Marine Biology Research Group of Ghent University, Belgium.;PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science;pangaea.repository;2017;"c(""References"", ""References"") ; c(""10.5194/bg-16-3475-2019"", ""10.3289/geomar_rep_ns_25_2015"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Hauquier, Freija / Pape, Ellen / Vanreusel, Ann;;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.1594/pangaea.877808;;During Sonne cruise SO242-2 six steel rings were inserted into undisturbed sediment at the southern reference site of the DISCOL experimental area using ROV Kiel 6000 (GEOMAR). Subsequently, on three of these steel rings a sediment dispenser was deployed to distribute 250 mL of crushed nodule substrate onto the ring surface area resulting in an added layer of approximately 2 cm. The sediment dispensers were left on the steel rings for one night to allow settlement of all particles. After the incubation time of eleven days each steel ring was subsampled with push cores (7.4 cm inner diameter) and those were sliced in different depth layers (added substrate layer, 0-1 cm,1-2 cm and 2-5 cm sediment depth). Samples were fixed in formaldehyde and meiofauna was analysed in the lab of the Marine Biology group at Ghent university.;PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science;pangaea.repository;2017;"c(""IsPartOf"", ""References"") ; c(""10.1594/pangaea.896027"", ""10.3289/geomar_rep_ns_27_2015"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Mevenkamp, Lisa / Vanreusel, Ann / Lins, Lidia;;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.1594/pangaea.903563;;This dataset contains nematode absolute genus abundance data collected from multicore samples (MUC) in several license areas of the Clarion Clipperton fracture Zone (northeast Pacific), an area currently being explored in the light of future polymetallic nodule mining. Seafloor samples were collected onboard RV Sonne during expedition SO239 in 2015. Nematode genera have been counted and identified at different license areas (IOM, BGR, GSR, IFREMER) and one Area of Particular Environmental Interest (APEI-3). Each multicore has been analysed in bulk (0-5 cm).The dataset contains nematode abundances as absolute counts per genus, as well as the total amount of specimens that has been identified per sample. Data has been collected and analysed by the Marine Biology Research Group of Ghent University, Belgium.;PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science;pangaea.repository;2019;"c(""IsSupplementTo"", ""References"", ""References"") ; c(""10.5194/bg-16-3475-2019"", ""10.1594/pangaea.873274"", ""10.1594/pangaea.873272"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Hauquier, Freija / Vanreusel, Ann;;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.1594/pangaea.920077;;A large archive of pre-1940 aerial photography of Ethiopia has come to light. The aerial photographs cover north and central Ethiopia and were acquired by the Italian military geographical institute in 1935-41. The rediscovery of this archive opens new perspectives for change studies as it is the largest set of pre-1940 aerial photos in Africa. As a result of an agreement between Ghent University (Belgium), the Ethiopian Mapping Agency (now Ethiopian Geospatial Information Institute) and Mekelle University (Ethiopia), all the photographs in the archive have been digitised. We have availed it to Ethiopian universities, research institutes and to the broader scientific community through a dedicated web interface:;PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science;pangaea.repository;2020;"c(""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"") ; c(""10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.09.004"", ""10.1007/s10113-019-01533-4"", ""10.1080/17538947.2014.942715"", ""10.1007/s11442-018-1560-3"", ""10.1002/esp.4360"", ""10.1080/10106049.2018.1516241"", ""10.1002/ldr.3220"", ""10.1016/j.culher.2015.07.010"", ""10.1007/978-3-030-04955-3_31"", ""10.1002/ldr.2633"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Nyssen, Jan / Debever, Martijn / Gebremeskel, Gezahegne / De Wit, Bart / Hadgu, Kiros Meles / De Vriese, Steven / Verbeurgt, Jeffrey / Mohammed, Sultan / Frankl, Amaury / Besha, Tulu / Kropácek, Jan / Forceville, Astrid / Demissie, Biadgilgn;" ; ;";no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.17612/p7w88k;;Savonnières limestone is a mono-mineralic, calcitic, layered oolithic limestone belonging to the Oolithe Vacuolaire (France). Its pore structure contains 4 types of porosity: inter-granular and intra-oolithic microporosity, and inter- granular and micro-connected macroporosity (hollow ooliths). The hollow ooliths are only connected to the other macro-pores by microporosity in the oolith-shells. Depending on local variations, the permeability ranges from 115 mD to more than 2000 mD (based on TinyPerm mini-permeameter measurements), and porosity ranges from 22% to 41%.;Digital Rocks Portal, The University of Texas at Austin;tdl.digitalrocks;2017;"IsSourceOf ; 10.1002/2016jb013328 ; DOI";Bultreys, Tom / Stappen, Jeroen Van / Kock, Tim De / Boever, Wesley De / Boone, Marijn A. / Hoorebeke, Luc Van / Cnudde, Veerle;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.17632/my57rxvbww;;Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a group of beneficial bacteria widely used by the food industry around the world. Beside the lactic acid production, their biosynthesis of enzymes, bacteriocin and exopolysaccharides are used to produce probiotics. Exopolysaccharides of lactic acid bacteria have many characteristics that can be used as food additives, especially in improving the appearance and stabilizing the volatility of dairy products. In this research, Lactobacillus plantarum W1 (EPS-W1) isolated from soybean whey was identified by Phenylalanyl-tRNA sequencing method. Its strain number is R-49778 in BCCM/LMG Bacteria collection, Ghent University, Belgium.This strain had the highest ability of exopolysaccharide synthesis among the examined strains. Gel permeation chromatography revealed that the exopolysaccharide of this strain has average molecular weight of 1.11x105 Da. The result of gas–liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry analyses showed that it’s monosaccharide composition included of glucose and mannose in 1.49:1 ratio. By 1D, 2D nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy the repeating unit of this polysaccharide to be shown -D-(1 6)-linked glucosyl,-D-(1 3)-linked mannosyl, -D-(1 3)-linked glucosyl and branch of -D-(16)-linked mannosyl, -D-(1 2)-linked glucosyl. Comparison with previously study of EPS structure indentification showed that this is a new exopolysaccharide.;Mendeley;bl.mendeley;2018;"c(""HasVersion"", ""HasVersion"") ; c(""10.17632/my57rxvbww.2"", ""10.17632/my57rxvbww.1"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Dothibich, Thuy;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.17632/my57rxvbww.1;;Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a group of beneficial bacteria widely used by the food industry around the world. Beside the lactic acid production, their biosynthesis of enzymes, bacteriocin and exopolysaccharides are used to produce probiotics. Exopolysaccharides of lactic acid bacteria have many characteristics that can be used as food additives, especially in improving the appearance and stabilizing the volatility of dairy products. In this research, Lactobacillus plantarum W1 (EPS-W1) isolated from soybean whey was identified by Phenylalanyl-tRNA sequencing method. Its strain number is R-49778 in BCCM/LMG Bacteria collection, Ghent University, Belgium.This strain had the highest ability of exopolysaccharide synthesis among the examined strains. Gel permeation chromatography revealed that the exopolysaccharide of this strain has average molecular weight of 1.11x105 Da. The result of gas–liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry analyses showed that it’s monosaccharide composition included of glucose and mannose in 1.49:1 ratio. By 1D, 2D nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy the repeating unit of this polysaccharide to be shown -D-(1 6)-linked glucosyl,-D-(1 3)-linked mannosyl, -D-(1 3)-linked glucosyl and branch of -D-(16)-linked mannosyl, -D-(1 2)-linked glucosyl. Comparison with previously study of EPS structure indentification showed that this is a new exopolysaccharide.;Mendeley;bl.mendeley;2018;"IsVersionOf ; 10.17632/my57rxvbww ; DOI";Dothibich, Thuy;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.17632/my57rxvbww.2;;Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a group of beneficial bacteria widely used by the food industry around the world. Beside the lactic acid production, their biosynthesis of enzymes, bacteriocin and exopolysaccharides are used to produce probiotics. Exopolysaccharides of lactic acid bacteria have many characteristics that can be used as food additives, especially in improving the appearance and stabilizing the volatility of dairy products. In this research, Lactobacillus plantarum W1 (EPS-W1) isolated from soybean whey was identified by Phenylalanyl-tRNA sequencing method. Its strain number is R-49778 in BCCM/LMG Bacteria collection, Ghent University, Belgium.This strain had the highest ability of exopolysaccharide synthesis among the examined strains. Gel permeation chromatography revealed that the exopolysaccharide of this strain has average molecular weight of 1.11x105 Da. The result of gas–liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry analyses showed that it’s monosaccharide composition included of glucose and mannose in 1.49:1 ratio. By 1D, 2D nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy the repeating unit of this polysaccharide to be shown -D-(1 6)-linked glucosyl,-D-(1 3)-linked mannosyl, -D-(1 3)-linked glucosyl and branch of -D-(16)-linked mannosyl, -D-(1 2)-linked glucosyl. Comparison with previously study of EPS structure indentification showed that this is a new exopolysaccharide.;Mendeley;bl.mendeley;2018;"IsVersionOf ; 10.17632/my57rxvbww ; DOI";Dothibich, Thuy;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.17632/nsbcdcjgps;;The Judgement of Paris and the Los Amores Mosaic in Cástulo (Linares, Spain). An archaeometric analysis. José Tuñón1, Alberto Sánchez1*, Manuel Montejo2, Pilar Amate1, Bautista Ceprián1, Peter Vandenabeele3,4, Anatasia Rousaki3, Mafalda Barrocas4,5, Delphine Saelens4,5, Sylvia Lycke3,4 1University Research Institute for Iberian Archaeology, University of Jaén, Jaén, Spain 2Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, University of Jaén, Jaén, Spain 3Raman Spectroscopy Research Group, Department of Chemistry, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium 4Archaeometry Research Group, Department of Archaeology, Ghent University, Gent, Belgium 5HERCULES Laboratory, University of Évora, Évora, Portugal In this study we present the results obtained in the analysis of the tesserae from the scene of the Judgement of Paris in the Los Amores Mosaic (late 1st-2nd century AD). The working methodology was based on a joint, complementary analysis of individual tesserae and those analysed in situ. The individual tesserae were analysed using micro-Raman spectroscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) and the studies in situ were carried out with portable Raman spectroscopy and handheld X-ray fluorescence (hXRF) equipment. The number of tesserae analysed allows us to advance in our interpretation of the repertory of raw materials, chromophores and opacifiers used in the mosaic as a whole. Of particular importance is the number of vitreous tesserae analysed (soda-lime silica type and lead glass type), as little is known about them on the Iberian Peninsula. These data complete our knowledge of one of the least-known periods in terms of the study of this type Roman mosaic in Hispania dated between the late 1st and the 3rd centuries AD.;Mendeley;bl.mendeley;2020;"HasVersion ; 10.17632/nsbcdcjgps.1 ; DOI";Sanchez, Alberto;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.17632/pcb934vsjz;;"This dataset contains the time series of axial peak tibial acceleration. We recruited 10 runners with high axial peak tibial acceleration. The participants performed a gait retraining session whilst running overground at 3.2 ± 0.2 m/s in self-selected footwear. Real-time auditory biofeedback on axial peak tibial acceleration was provided. The axial peak tibial acceleration was detected before and during the biofeedback-based intervention using a backpack system connected to a very lightweight accelerometer. We refer to the full paper for details on how the data were collected and processed. Data are from an experimental protocol approved by the Ethics Committee of Ghent University (bimetra identification number 2015/0864). The present dataset has been used to determine when runners change their level of peak tibial acceleration during over-ground running using an auditory biofeedback system. The folder 'Change-Point"" contains the .cpa-files to be opened in the Change-Point Analyzer v2.3 software. The values of axial peak tibial acceleration are also stored in an Excel-compatible file 'change point analysis_data' . The spreadsheet comprising of 10 columns. Each column represents a participant. A column contains the values of axial peak tibial acceleration of the no-biofeedback condition (1.5 min. of baseline), followed by the biofeedback condition (2x10 min.). The total number of trials detected per participant equals 1853 ± 88 (mean ± SD).";Mendeley;bl.mendeley;2020;"HasVersion ; 10.17632/pcb934vsjz.1 ; DOI";Change Point Analysis, Public Data For;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.17632/pcb934vsjz.1;;"This dataset contains the time series of axial peak tibial acceleration. We recruited 10 runners with high axial peak tibial acceleration. The participants performed a gait retraining session whilst running overground at 3.2 ± 0.2 m/s in self-selected footwear. Real-time auditory biofeedback on axial peak tibial acceleration was provided. The axial peak tibial acceleration was detected before and during the biofeedback-based intervention using a backpack system connected to a very lightweight accelerometer. We refer to the full paper for details on how the data were collected and processed. Data are from an experimental protocol approved by the Ethics Committee of Ghent University (bimetra identification number 2015/0864). The present dataset has been used to determine when runners change their level of peak tibial acceleration during over-ground running using an auditory biofeedback system. The folder 'Change-Point"" contains the .cpa-files to be opened in the Change-Point Analyzer v2.3 software. The values of axial peak tibial acceleration are also stored in an Excel-compatible file 'change point analysis_data' . The spreadsheet comprising of 10 columns. Each column represents a participant. A column contains the values of axial peak tibial acceleration of the no-biofeedback condition (1.5 min. of baseline), followed by the biofeedback condition (2x10 min.). The total number of trials detected per participant equals 1853 ± 88 (mean ± SD).";Mendeley;bl.mendeley;2020;"IsVersionOf ; 10.17632/pcb934vsjz ; DOI";Change Point Analysis, Public Data For;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.17632/zr389h28zn;;This dataset contains the time series of axial peak tibial acceleration for 10 runners with high tibial shock. The participants performed a running retraining session with real-time auditory biofeedback on axial peak tibial acceleration (cf. tibial shock) at an indoor track and field site at 3.2 ± 0.2 m/s in self-selected footwear. The axial peak tibial acceleration was detected before and during the biofeedback-based intervention using a backpack system connected to a very lightweight accelerometer. Please see the full paper for details on how the data were collected and processed. Data are from an experimental protocol approved by the Ethics Committee of Ghent University (bimetra identification number 2015/0864).;Mendeley;bl.mendeley;2019;"HasVersion ; 10.17632/zr389h28zn.1 ; DOI";Gosseries, Maxim;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.17632/zr389h28zn.1;;This dataset contains the time series of axial peak tibial acceleration for 10 runners with high tibial shock. The participants performed a running retraining session with real-time auditory biofeedback on axial peak tibial acceleration (cf. tibial shock) at an indoor track and field site at 3.2 ± 0.2 m/s in self-selected footwear. The axial peak tibial acceleration was detected before and during the biofeedback-based intervention using a backpack system connected to a very lightweight accelerometer. Please see the full paper for details on how the data were collected and processed. Data are from an experimental protocol approved by the Ethics Committee of Ghent University (bimetra identification number 2015/0864).;Mendeley;bl.mendeley;2019;"IsVersionOf ; 10.17632/zr389h28zn ; DOI";Gosseries, Maxim;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.24417/;;Missing;Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC);delft.rbins;2015;no_identifier;Laboratory For Environmental Toxicology And Aquatic Ecology, Environmental Toxicology Unit , GhEnToxLab Ghent University, Faculty Of Bioscience Engineering / Vlaams Instituut Voor De Zee / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.24417/;;Missing;Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC);delft.rbins;2018;no_identifier;Laboratory For Physical Geography And Regional Pedology, Geological Institute, State University Ghent (RUG) / Force Naval / Zeemacht (FN-ZM);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; no;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.25549/gar-c81-1700;;"Alida F. Babcock, Ghent, New York, USA, letter, 1939 May 23, to Hamlin Garland. ""Having been interested in the occult & psychic…"" -- first line.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2018;no_identifier;Babcock, Alida F.;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.25549/impa-m47515;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown Studio;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.25549/usctheses-c39-276645;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2015;no_identifier;Graves, Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.3886/e119188;;Dataset civcor_bjsp;ICPSR - Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research;gesis.icpsr;2020;no_identifier;Waeterloos, Cato / Ghent University;no_identifier;imec-mict-ugent / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.3886/e119188v1;;Dataset civcor_bjsp;ICPSR - Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research;gesis.icpsr;2020;no_identifier;Waeterloos, Cato / Ghent University;no_identifier;imec-mict-ugent / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.4121/uuid:3537c19d-6c64-4b1d-815d-915ab0e479da;;Log of Volvo IT problem management (open problems) Parent DatasetBPI Challenge 2013Logs of Volvo IT incident and problem management;Ghent University;delft.data4tu;2013;"IsPartOf ; 10.4121/uuid:a7ce5c55-03a7-4583-b855-98b86e1a2b07 ; DOI";Steeman, Ward;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Publisher;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.4121/uuid:500573e6-accc-4b0c-9576-aa5468b10cee;;Log of Volvo IT incident management system Parent DatasetBPI Challenge 2013Logs of Volvo IT incident and problem management;Ghent University;delft.data4tu;2013;"IsPartOf ; 10.4121/uuid:a7ce5c55-03a7-4583-b855-98b86e1a2b07 ; DOI";Steeman, Ward;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Publisher;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.4121/uuid:88fe7309-9697-42e7-af3a-e59770125361;;Monthly means of actual evaporation over land from GLEAM (Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model) version 3.0a;VU Amsterdam, Ghent University and ESA;delft.data4tu;2016;"c(""References"", ""References"", ""IsDocumentedBy"") ; c(""10.5194/gmd-10-1903-2017"", ""10.5194/hess-15-453-2011"", ""10.4121/uuid:c3b6e367-8215-4640-81d2-9f74994e65f4"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Martens, B. (Brecht) / Miralles, D. (Diego);" ;";no_affiliation;Publisher;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.4121/uuid:a7ce5c55-03a7-4583-b855-98b86e1a2b07;;Logs of Volvo IT incident and problem management;Ghent University;delft.data4tu;2013;"c(""References"", ""HasPart"", ""HasPart"", ""HasPart"") ; c("""", ""10.4121/uuid:3537c19d-6c64-4b1d-815d-915ab0e479da"", ""10.4121/uuid:500573e6-accc-4b0c-9576-aa5468b10cee"", ""10.4121/uuid:c2c3b154-ab26-4b31-a0e8-8f2350ddac11"") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Steeman, Ward;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Publisher;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.4121/uuid:c2c3b154-ab26-4b31-a0e8-8f2350ddac11;;Log of Volvo IT problem management (closed problems) Parent DatasetBPI Challenge 2013Logs of Volvo IT incident and problem management;Ghent University;delft.data4tu;2013;"IsPartOf ; 10.4121/uuid:a7ce5c55-03a7-4583-b855-98b86e1a2b07 ; DOI";Steeman, Ward;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Publisher;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.4121/uuid:f38cab8e-e128-40fd-a03a-9753f24b64d6;;This set of images contains the reconstructed images of a peat sample from Markermeer scanned with X-ray phase CT at UGCT - Centre for X-ray Tomography of the Ghent University, Belgium;4TU.Centre for Research Data;delft.data4tu;2019;no_identifier;Dicker, G. (Sjors);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5061/dryad.hmgqnk9f0;;"Density-dependent and extrinsic mortality are predicted to accelerate reproductive maturation. The first 5 years of life is a proposed sensitive period for life-history regulation. This study examines the ways in which local mortality during this sensitive period was related to subsequent marriage timing in 19th Century Belgium (N women= 11,892; N men=14,140). Local mortality during the sensitive period was inversely associated with age at first marriage for men and women controlling for literacy, occupational status, population growth, and migration. Cox regression indicated decreased time to marriage for women (HR=1.661, 95% CI: 1.542-1.789) and men (HR=1.327, 95%CI: 1.238-1.422) from high mortality municipalities. Rising population growth rates were associated with earlier marriage for men. Migration in general was associated with later marriage for men and women. Consistent with life history predictions, harsh ecological conditions such as famine coincided with earlier marriage.";Dryad;dryad.dryad;2020;no_identifier;Pink, Katharina / Quinlan, Robert / Hin, Saskia;;KU Leuven / Washington State University / KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5061/dryad.nzs7h44mm;;"Negative emotionality (NE) and positive emotionality (PE) have repeatedly shown to act as vulnerability factors for youth depression. Less research examined the mechanisms through which these reactive temperament traits may differently confer vulnerability to depression. Based on recent integrated models of depression proposing emotion regulation as a key underlying mechanism, the current study aimed to clarify the general and day-to-day relations among temperament, emotion regulation strategies, and depressive symptoms in Dutch-speaking youth (35% boys; M_age = 13.27 years, SD = 1.98) using a cross-sectional (n = 495) and a 7-day daily diary design (n = 469). Self-reported temperament, trait rumination, trait positive refocusing, and depressive symptoms were measured at baseline. State rumination, state positive refocusing, and depressive symptoms were further assessed daily. Whereas results revealed that NE and PE interacted in predicting baseline and daily depressive symptoms, the cross-sectional analyses provide preliminary evidence for the hypothesis that NE and PE each provide unique pathways for understanding vulnerability to depression. Additional analyses in the daily diary study showed NE to be significantly related to trajectories of state rumination. Results contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the associations between temperament, emotion regulation strategies, and depressive symptoms in youth.";Dryad;dryad.dryad;2019;no_identifier;Van Beveren, Marie-Lotte / Kuppens, Sofie / Hankin, Benjamin / Braet, Caroline;" ;";Ghent University / KU Leuven / University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign / Ghent University;Affiliations_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.2843139;;Coasts of low lying countries are often comprised of a gentle foreshore and shallow waters, followed by a dike and a promenade. At the end of the promenade buildings or storm walls are constructed. This setting makes it possible for waves to overtop the dike and impact on the storm wall or building. Especially during storm season the overtopping waves induce large loads on these structures. New scenarios for climate change and sea level rise make it worthwhile to invest in research regarding overtopping wave loads. Within the European project 'Wave Loads on Walls' (WaLoWa) model tests in the Delta flume (The Netherlands) were conducted. It is the aim to study overtopping wave loads on storm walls and buildings. The project is coordinated by Ghent University (Belgium), in cooperation with TU Delft (The Netherlands), RWTH Aachen (Germany), University of Bari, University of L'Aquila, University of Calabria and University of Florence (Italy) and Flanders Hydraulics Research (Belgium). The project is financed by a grant by Hydralab+ in the framework of the EC Horizon 2020 program. A model geometry comprised of a sandy beach, a sloping dike, promenade and wall structure was built into the Delta flume. The beach alone consists of 1000m³ sand material and was an essential part of the structure, to obtain the broken wave conditions similar to reality. Waves representing a storm with a 1000 year return period and an additional water level to account for sea level rise result in the tested superstorm conditions. Measurements of the water surface elevation were taken close to the paddle, along the mildly sloping foreshore and at the dike toe location by resistance type wave gauges mounted to the flume side wall. The bathymetry of the sandy foreshore was measured by a mechanical profiler before and after the test. The overtopping flow properties thickness and velocity were measured by resistance type wave gauges, ultra-sonic distance sensors, paddle wheels and an electro-magnetic current meter installed along the promenade. Finally, the impact forces and pressures on the wall were measured by compression load cells and pressure sensors respectively. The data-set was complemented by a number of synoptic measurements, such as laser scan profiles, GoPro images, High-speed camera images, Digital camera images. Due to its large storage size, these data are provided on request.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.2843140"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Kortenhaus, Andreas / Streicher, Maximilian / Gruwez, Vincent / Altomare, Corrado / Hofland, Bas / Chen, Xuexue / Marinov, Krasimir / Vanneste, Dieter / Willems, Mark / Suzuki, Tomohiro / Cappietti, Lorenzo / Esposito, Andrea / Damiani, Leonardo / Saponieri, Alessandra / Valentini, Nico / Di Risio, Marcello / Pasquali, Davide / Tripepi, Giuseppe / Aristodemo, Francesco / Schüttrumpf, Holger / Scheres, Babette / Hirt, Matthias / Hughes, Steven / Kaste, Dorothea / Klein Breteler, Mark;" ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;";Ghent University, Department of Civil Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Bridges and Roads, Technologiepark 60, B-9052 Gent, Belgium / Ghent University, Department of Civil Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Bridges and Roads, Technologiepark 60, B-9052 Gent, Belgium / Ghent University, Department of Civil Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Bridges and Roads, Technologiepark 60, B-9052 Gent, Belgium / Maritime Engineering Laboratory, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, carreer Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain / Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Hydraulic Engineering Department, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft, Postbox 5048, The Netherlands / HaskoningDHV Nederland B.V, George Hintzenweg 85, 3068AX Rotterdam, The Netherlands / Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Hristo Smirnenski 1 Boulevard, 1046 Sofia, Bulgaria / Flanders Hydraulics Research, Berchemlei 115, 2140 Antwerp, Belgium / Flanders Hydraulics Research, Berchemlei 115, 2140 Antwerp, Belgium / Flanders Hydraulics Research, Berchemlei 115, 2140 Antwerp, Belgium / Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze, Via di Santa Marta 3, 50139 Florence, Italy / Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze, Via di Santa Marta 3, 50139 Florence, Italy / Technical University of Bari, Department of Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Chemistry, E. Orabona 4, 70125 Bari, Italy / Technical University of Bari, Department of Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Chemistry, E. Orabona 4, 70125 Bari, Italy / BRGM, Univerité de Montpellier, 1039 Rue de Pinville, 34000 Montpellier, France / University of L'Aquila, Department of Civil Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering, via Giovanni Gronchi 18, 67100 L'Aquila, Italy / University of L'Aquila, Department of Civil Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering, via Giovanni Gronchi 18, 67100 L'Aquila, Italy / University of Calabria, Department of Civil Engineering, Via P. Bucci 1, 87036 Arcavacata di Rende CS, Italy / University of Calabria, Department of Civil Engineering, Via P. Bucci 1, 87036 Arcavacata di Rende CS, Italy / RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 17, 52056 Aache, Germany / RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 17, 52056 Aache, Germany / Research Institute for Water and Environment (fwu), University of Siegen, Paul-Bonatz-Straße 9-11, 57076 Siegen, Germany / Engineering Research Center, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1320 Campus Delivery, Colorado State University, CO 80523-1320 Fort Collins, USA / Deltares, Boussinesqweg 1, 2629 HV Delft, The Netherlands / Deltares, Boussinesqweg 1, 2629 HV Delft, The Netherlands;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.2843140;;Coasts of low lying countries are often comprised of a gentle foreshore and shallow waters, followed by a dike and a promenade. At the end of the promenade buildings or storm walls are constructed. This setting makes it possible for waves to overtop the dike and impact on the storm wall or building. Especially during storm season the overtopping waves induce large loads on these structures. New scenarios for climate change and sea level rise make it worthwhile to invest in research regarding overtopping wave loads. Within the European project 'Wave Loads on Walls' (WaLoWa) model tests in the Delta flume (The Netherlands) were conducted. It is the aim to study overtopping wave loads on storm walls and buildings. The project is coordinated by Ghent University (Belgium), in cooperation with TU Delft (The Netherlands), RWTH Aachen (Germany), University of Bari, University of L'Aquila, University of Calabria and University of Florence (Italy) and Flanders Hydraulics Research (Belgium). The project is financed by a grant by Hydralab+ in the framework of the EC Horizon 2020 program. A model geometry comprised of a sandy beach, a sloping dike, promenade and wall structure was built into the Delta flume. The beach alone consists of 1000m³ sand material and was an essential part of the structure, to obtain the broken wave conditions similar to reality. Waves representing a storm with a 1000 year return period and an additional water level to account for sea level rise result in the tested superstorm conditions. Measurements of the water surface elevation were taken close to the paddle, along the mildly sloping foreshore and at the dike toe location by resistance type wave gauges mounted to the flume side wall. The bathymetry of the sandy foreshore was measured by a mechanical profiler before and after the test. The overtopping flow properties thickness and velocity were measured by resistance type wave gauges, ultra-sonic distance sensors, paddle wheels and an electro-magnetic current meter installed along the promenade. Finally, the impact forces and pressures on the wall were measured by compression load cells and pressure sensors respectively. The data-set was complemented by a number of synoptic measurements, such as laser scan profiles, GoPro images, High-speed camera images, Digital camera images. Due to its large storage size, these data are provided on request.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.2843139"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Kortenhaus, Andreas / Streicher, Maximilian / Gruwez, Vincent / Altomare, Corrado / Hofland, Bas / Chen, Xuexue / Marinov, Krasimir / Vanneste, Dieter / Willems, Mark / Suzuki, Tomohiro / Cappietti, Lorenzo / Esposito, Andrea / Damiani, Leonardo / Saponieri, Alessandra / Valentini, Nico / Di Risio, Marcello / Pasquali, Davide / Tripepi, Giuseppe / Aristodemo, Francesco / Schüttrumpf, Holger / Scheres, Babette / Hirt, Matthias / Hughes, Steven / Kaste, Dorothea / Klein Breteler, Mark;" ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;";Ghent University, Department of Civil Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Bridges and Roads, Technologiepark 60, B-9052 Gent, Belgium / Ghent University, Department of Civil Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Bridges and Roads, Technologiepark 60, B-9052 Gent, Belgium / Ghent University, Department of Civil Engineering, Coastal Engineering, Bridges and Roads, Technologiepark 60, B-9052 Gent, Belgium / Maritime Engineering Laboratory, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, carreer Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, Spain / Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Hydraulic Engineering Department, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft, Postbox 5048, The Netherlands / HaskoningDHV Nederland B.V, George Hintzenweg 85, 3068AX Rotterdam, The Netherlands / Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Hristo Smirnenski 1 Boulevard, 1046 Sofia, Bulgaria / Flanders Hydraulics Research, Berchemlei 115, 2140 Antwerp, Belgium / Flanders Hydraulics Research, Berchemlei 115, 2140 Antwerp, Belgium / Flanders Hydraulics Research, Berchemlei 115, 2140 Antwerp, Belgium / Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze, Via di Santa Marta 3, 50139 Florence, Italy / Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze, Via di Santa Marta 3, 50139 Florence, Italy / Technical University of Bari, Department of Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Chemistry, E. Orabona 4, 70125 Bari, Italy / Technical University of Bari, Department of Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Chemistry, E. Orabona 4, 70125 Bari, Italy / BRGM, Univerité de Montpellier, 1039 Rue de Pinville, 34000 Montpellier, France / University of L'Aquila, Department of Civil Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering, via Giovanni Gronchi 18, 67100 L'Aquila, Italy / University of L'Aquila, Department of Civil Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering, via Giovanni Gronchi 18, 67100 L'Aquila, Italy / University of Calabria, Department of Civil Engineering, Via P. Bucci 1, 87036 Arcavacata di Rende CS, Italy / University of Calabria, Department of Civil Engineering, Via P. Bucci 1, 87036 Arcavacata di Rende CS, Italy / RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 17, 52056 Aache, Germany / RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 17, 52056 Aache, Germany / Research Institute for Water and Environment (fwu), University of Siegen, Paul-Bonatz-Straße 9-11, 57076 Siegen, Germany / Engineering Research Center, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1320 Campus Delivery, Colorado State University, CO 80523-1320 Fort Collins, USA / Deltares, Boussinesqweg 1, 2629 HV Delft, The Netherlands / Deltares, Boussinesqweg 1, 2629 HV Delft, The Netherlands;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3387078;;Offshore wind farms contribute significantly to contemporary renewable energy production. By installing these offshore structures, new technical design challenges arise, such as foundation optimisation. Present LCoE (Levelized Cost of Electricity) of offshore wind turbines amounts up to 170 Euro/MWh (Crown Estate, 2015), but the ambition is to reduce this by 2020 to 90 Euro/MWh (EY, 2015). Offshore wind turbine foundation costs are 20 % of the total costs in the case of a monopile (NREL, 2014). An important part of those costs is related to the foundation's scour protection. Therefore, optimisations in the design of the scour protection are indispensable.
Another promising track to reduce the costs of offshore wind turbines is their lifetime extension. Recent studies (Crown Estate, 2015) show that a 5 year lifetime extension can reduce the cost per kWh by 6 %. To check the feasibility of a lifetime extension, it will be necessary to diagnose or inspect the conditions of several core parts of the turbines, notably its foundation and scour protection. Therefore, more fundamental insight into the (longer term damage) behaviour of the scour protection around the monopile is needed.
Beside the interest in design optimisation and lifetime extension, the influence of climate change needs to be investigated in more detail. Climate change will increase the design storm conditions and influence the scour protection stability. Therefore, research towards a risk-based design will help to evaluate the functionality of scour protection already installed and improve the design of future scour protections adapted to climate change.
Based on the above motivations, the main research objective is to establish a basic benchmark dataset on the stability of scour protection around monopile foundations to serve as a basis for model tests in other flumes in the future (rather than to carry out a traditional sensitivity study with a fine resolution for all governing parameters).
To achieve the goals, scour researchers from several institutions are set to start work on a collaborative project at HR Wallingford's Fast Flow Facility (FFF) as part of PROTEUS, an EU-funded Hydralab+ project. Hydralab+ which is funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme brings together facilities and researchers in experimental hydraulic and hydrodynamics.
The research project aims to improve the design of scour protection around offshore wind turbine monopiles, as well as future-proofing them against the impacts of climate change.
PROTEUS, which stands for the 'PRotection of Offshore wind Turbine monopilEs against Scouring' will facilitate the conducting of a series of large scale experiments over a seven week period in the FFF flume at HR Wallingford's UK physical modelling facilities.
Partners involved in PROTEUS are: Department of Civil Engineering at Ghent University, HR Wallingford (UK), the Ludwig-Franzius Institute for Hydraulic, Estuarine and Coastal Engineering at the University of Hannover, the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto, the Geotechnics division of the Belgian Department of Mobility and Public Works, and International Marine and Dredging Consultants (IMDC nv).;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3387079"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Arboleda Chavez, Carlos Emilio / Troch, Peter;" ;";Ghent University / Ghent University;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3387079;;Offshore wind farms contribute significantly to contemporary renewable energy production. By installing these offshore structures, new technical design challenges arise, such as foundation optimisation. Present LCoE (Levelized Cost of Electricity) of offshore wind turbines amounts up to 170 Euro/MWh (Crown Estate, 2015), but the ambition is to reduce this by 2020 to 90 Euro/MWh (EY, 2015). Offshore wind turbine foundation costs are 20 % of the total costs in the case of a monopile (NREL, 2014). An important part of those costs is related to the foundation's scour protection. Therefore, optimisations in the design of the scour protection are indispensable.
Another promising track to reduce the costs of offshore wind turbines is their lifetime extension. Recent studies (Crown Estate, 2015) show that a 5 year lifetime extension can reduce the cost per kWh by 6 %. To check the feasibility of a lifetime extension, it will be necessary to diagnose or inspect the conditions of several core parts of the turbines, notably its foundation and scour protection. Therefore, more fundamental insight into the (longer term damage) behaviour of the scour protection around the monopile is needed.
Beside the interest in design optimisation and lifetime extension, the influence of climate change needs to be investigated in more detail. Climate change will increase the design storm conditions and influence the scour protection stability. Therefore, research towards a risk-based design will help to evaluate the functionality of scour protection already installed and improve the design of future scour protections adapted to climate change.
Based on the above motivations, the main research objective is to establish a basic benchmark dataset on the stability of scour protection around monopile foundations to serve as a basis for model tests in other flumes in the future (rather than to carry out a traditional sensitivity study with a fine resolution for all governing parameters).
To achieve the goals, scour researchers from several institutions are set to start work on a collaborative project at HR Wallingford's Fast Flow Facility (FFF) as part of PROTEUS, an EU-funded Hydralab+ project. Hydralab+ which is funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme brings together facilities and researchers in experimental hydraulic and hydrodynamics.
The research project aims to improve the design of scour protection around offshore wind turbine monopiles, as well as future-proofing them against the impacts of climate change.
PROTEUS, which stands for the 'PRotection of Offshore wind Turbine monopilEs against Scouring' will facilitate the conducting of a series of large scale experiments over a seven week period in the FFF flume at HR Wallingford's UK physical modelling facilities.
Partners involved in PROTEUS are: Department of Civil Engineering at Ghent University, HR Wallingford (UK), the Ludwig-Franzius Institute for Hydraulic, Estuarine and Coastal Engineering at the University of Hannover, the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto, the Geotechnics division of the Belgian Department of Mobility and Public Works, and International Marine and Dredging Consultants (IMDC nv).;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3387078"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Arboleda Chavez, Carlos Emilio / Troch, Peter;" ;";Ghent University / Ghent University;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613517;;"Titel: Recueil de plusieurs placcarts fort utiles au pays de Haynnau, dont les chartes dudit pays renvoient à quantité d'iceux. Avec le decret de l'an 1601, l'edit perpetuel, le reglement de la navigation, mesures des heritages. Publisher: Simeon de la Roche Place: Mons. Year:1664 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book:,+dont+les+chartes+dudit+pays+renvoient&hl=nl&source=gbs_navlinks_s (Main) Language:French Province: Hainaut. Font:Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613518"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613518;;"Titel: Recueil de plusieurs placcarts fort utiles au pays de Haynnau, dont les chartes dudit pays renvoient à quantité d'iceux. Avec le decret de l'an 1601, l'edit perpetuel, le reglement de la navigation, mesures des heritages. Publisher: Simeon de la Roche Place: Mons. Year:1664 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book:,+dont+les+chartes+dudit+pays+renvoient&hl=nl&source=gbs_navlinks_s (Main) Language:French Province: Hainaut. Font:Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613517"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613522;;"Titel: Recueil chronologique de tous les placards, édits, décrets, réglemens, ordonnances, instructions et traités, concernans les titres & marques d'honneur ou de noblesse [...] depuis l'année 1431 jusqu'au mois de mai 1785, recueillis la plupart des editions originales [...] qui se trouvent dans une [...] collection [...] que possède l'imprimeur de ce recueil Publisher: Jos. Ermens Place: Brussels. Year:1785 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language:French Province: Southern Netherlands. Font:Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613523"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613523;;"Titel: Recueil chronologique de tous les placards, édits, décrets, réglemens, ordonnances, instructions et traités, concernans les titres & marques d'honneur ou de noblesse [...] depuis l'année 1431 jusqu'au mois de mai 1785, recueillis la plupart des editions originales [...] qui se trouvent dans une [...] collection [...] que possède l'imprimeur de ce recueil Publisher: Jos. Ermens Place: Brussels. Year:1785 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language:French Province: Southern Netherlands. Font:Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613522"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613552;;"Titel: Recueil des principales ordonnances des magistrats de la ville de Lille Publisher: J.-B. Henry Place: Lille. Year:1771 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language:French Province: City of Lille. Font:Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613553"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613553;;"Titel: Recueil des principales ordonnances des magistrats de la ville de Lille Publisher: J.-B. Henry Place: Lille. Year:1771 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language:French Province: City of Lille. Font:Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613552"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613554;;"Titel: Recueil d'édits, ordonnances, déclarations et reglemens, concernant le Duché de Luxembourg & Comté de Chiny Publisher: Chevalier Place: Luxembourg. Year:1691 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language:French Province: Luxembourg and Chiny Font:Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613555"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613555;;"Titel: Recueil d'édits, ordonnances, déclarations et reglemens, concernant le Duché de Luxembourg & Comté de Chiny Publisher: Chevalier Place: Luxembourg. Year:1691 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language:French Province: Luxembourg and Chiny Font:Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613554"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613584;;"Titel: Coutumes et ordonnances du pays et comté de Namur decretées et authorisées par sa Majesté le deuxiéme May feize cens quatre-vingt & deux. Avec le stile & maniere de proceder au Conseil Provincial & és cours subalternes Publisher:Laurent Vander Elst Place: Malines/ Mechelen. Year:1733 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book:,+avec+le+stile+%26+maniere+de+proc%C3%A9de (Main) Language:French and German Province: Luxembourg and Chiny Font:Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613585"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613585;;"Titel: Coutumes et ordonnances du pays et comté de Namur decretées et authorisées par sa Majesté le deuxiéme May feize cens quatre-vingt & deux. Avec le stile & maniere de proceder au Conseil Provincial & és cours subalternes Publisher:Laurent Vander Elst Place: Malines/ Mechelen. Year:1733 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book:,+avec+le+stile+%26+maniere+de+proc%C3%A9de (Main) Language:French and German Province: Luxembourg and Chiny Font:Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613584"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613600;;"Titel: Recueil chronologique de tous les placards, édits, décrets, réglemens, ordonnances, instructions et traités, concernans les titres & marques d'honneur ou de noblesse [...] depuis l'année 1431 jusqu'au mois de mai 1785, recueillis la plupart des editions originales [...] qui se trouvent dans une [...] collection [...] que possède l'imprimeur de ce recueil Publisher: Jos Ermens Place: Brussels. Year: 1785. Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language: French. Province: Southern Netherlands Font:Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613601"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613601;;"Titel: Recueil chronologique de tous les placards, édits, décrets, réglemens, ordonnances, instructions et traités, concernans les titres & marques d'honneur ou de noblesse [...] depuis l'année 1431 jusqu'au mois de mai 1785, recueillis la plupart des editions originales [...] qui se trouvent dans une [...] collection [...] que possède l'imprimeur de ce recueil Publisher: Jos Ermens Place: Brussels. Year: 1785. Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language: French. Province: Southern Netherlands Font:Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613600"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613616;;"Titel: Recueil chronologique de tous les placards, édits, décrets, réglemens, ordonnances, instructions et traités, concernans les titres & marques d'honneur ou de noblesse [...] depuis l'année 1431 jusqu'au mois de mai 1785, recueillis la plupart des editions originales [...] qui se trouvent dans une [...] collection [...] que possède l'imprimeur de ce recueil (Volume 2) Publisher: Jos Ermens Place: Brussels. Year: 1785. Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language: French. Province: Southern Netherlands Font: Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613617"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613617;;"Titel: Recueil chronologique de tous les placards, édits, décrets, réglemens, ordonnances, instructions et traités, concernans les titres & marques d'honneur ou de noblesse [...] depuis l'année 1431 jusqu'au mois de mai 1785, recueillis la plupart des editions originales [...] qui se trouvent dans une [...] collection [...] que possède l'imprimeur de ce recueil (Volume 2) Publisher: Jos Ermens Place: Brussels. Year: 1785. Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language: French. Province: Southern Netherlands Font: Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613616"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613662;;"Titel: Recueil chronologique de tous les placards, édits, décrets, réglemens, ordonnances, instructions et traités, concernans les titres & marques d'honneur ou de noblesse [...] depuis l'année 1431 jusqu'au mois de mai 1785, recueillis la plupart des editions originales [...] qui se trouvent dans une [...] collection [...] que possède l'imprimeur de ce recueil (Volume 2) Publisher: Jacq. Fr. Willerval Place: Douay. Year: 1730. Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book:,+d%C3%A9clarations,+arrests+et+reglemens+qui+sont+propres+et+particuliers+aux+provinces+du+ressort+du+parlement+de+Flandres&hl=nl&source=gbs_navlinks_s (Main) Language: French. Province: Flanders. Font: Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613663"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613663;;"Titel: Recueil chronologique de tous les placards, édits, décrets, réglemens, ordonnances, instructions et traités, concernans les titres & marques d'honneur ou de noblesse [...] depuis l'année 1431 jusqu'au mois de mai 1785, recueillis la plupart des editions originales [...] qui se trouvent dans une [...] collection [...] que possède l'imprimeur de ce recueil (Volume 2) Publisher: Jacq. Fr. Willerval Place: Douay. Year: 1730. Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book:,+d%C3%A9clarations,+arrests+et+reglemens+qui+sont+propres+et+particuliers+aux+provinces+du+ressort+du+parlement+de+Flandres&hl=nl&source=gbs_navlinks_s (Main) Language: French. Province: Flanders. Font: Roman. Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613662"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613892;;"Titel: Groot Gelders placaet-boeck, inhoudende de placaeten ende ordonnantien, soo by wylen Keyser Kaerle en Coninck Philips als Hertogen van Gelre ende Graven van Zutphen, als by de edele mogende Heeren Staeten des furstendoms Gelre ende graeffschaps Zutphen, sedert den jaere 1543. tot den jaere 1700. uytgegeven. Als mede de principaelste resolutien raekende saecken van politie en justitie by de selve Heeren Staeten sedert den jaere 1577. tot den jaere 1700. successivelych genomen, en voorts sodanige præliminaire puncten als by resolutien van ... Heeren Staeten den 19. Martii en 14 Junii 1699. genomen, is vast gestelt ende goet gevonden. Alles door ordre van ... Heeren Staeten by-een versamelt, in twee deelen verdeelt, en uytg. door W. van Loon (Volume 1) Publisher: W. van Loon/ S. van Goor Place: Nijmegen. Year: 1701. Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book:,+d%C3%A9clarations,+arrests+et+reglemens+qui+sont+propres+et+particuliers+aux+provinces+du+ressort+du+parlement+de+Flandres&hl=nl&source=gbs_navlinks_s (Main) Language: Dutch. Province: Gelderland. Font: Roman. Model used: Dutch_Romantype_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613893"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3613893;;"Titel: Groot Gelders placaet-boeck, inhoudende de placaeten ende ordonnantien, soo by wylen Keyser Kaerle en Coninck Philips als Hertogen van Gelre ende Graven van Zutphen, als by de edele mogende Heeren Staeten des furstendoms Gelre ende graeffschaps Zutphen, sedert den jaere 1543. tot den jaere 1700. uytgegeven. Als mede de principaelste resolutien raekende saecken van politie en justitie by de selve Heeren Staeten sedert den jaere 1577. tot den jaere 1700. successivelych genomen, en voorts sodanige præliminaire puncten als by resolutien van ... Heeren Staeten den 19. Martii en 14 Junii 1699. genomen, is vast gestelt ende goet gevonden. Alles door ordre van ... Heeren Staeten by-een versamelt, in twee deelen verdeelt, en uytg. door W. van Loon (Volume 1) Publisher: W. van Loon/ S. van Goor Place: Nijmegen. Year: 1701. Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University. Link digitised version of the book:,+d%C3%A9clarations,+arrests+et+reglemens+qui+sont+propres+et+particuliers+aux+provinces+du+ressort+du+parlement+de+Flandres&hl=nl&source=gbs_navlinks_s (Main) Language: Dutch. Province: Gelderland. Font: Roman. Model used: Dutch_Romantype_Print (public model in Transkribus) Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3613892"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Romein, Christel Annemieke / Veldhoen, Sara / de Gruijter, Michel;" ; ;";"Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University / KB National Library of the Netherlands / KB National Library of the Netherlands";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.4091166;;These files contain the output of early Cambrian global climate simulations conducted using the coupled ocean-atmosphere FOAM general circulation model. The files include four hypothesized early Cambrian continental configurations, the topography-bathymetry files of which are also supplied. Global climate fields were simulated for each continental configuration at six greenhouse gas forcings: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 times pre-industrial atmospheric level (PAL = 280 ppm). Simulations for all greenhouse gas forcings were run using present day orbital parameters. Additionally, there are cold and hot summer orbital parameter (CS and HS) and high and low obliquity orbital parameter (OH and OL) simulations at 32 PAL CO2. The reader is referred to the associated paper for a full description of the model and boundary conditions.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.4091167 ; DOI";Wong Hearing, Thomas W. / Pohl, Alexandre / Williams, Mark;" ;";Ghent University, Belgium / University of California, Riverside, CA, USA / University of Leicester, UK;Affiliations_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.4091167;;These files contain the output of early Cambrian global climate simulations conducted using the coupled ocean-atmosphere FOAM general circulation model. The files include four hypothesized early Cambrian continental configurations, the topography-bathymetry files of which are also supplied. Global climate fields were simulated for each continental configuration at six greenhouse gas forcings: 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 times pre-industrial atmospheric level (PAL = 280 ppm). Simulations for all greenhouse gas forcings were run using present day orbital parameters. Additionally, there are cold and hot summer orbital parameter (CS and HS) and high and low obliquity orbital parameter (OH and OL) simulations at 32 PAL CO2. The reader is referred to the associated paper for a full description of the model and boundary conditions.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.4091166 ; DOI";Wong Hearing, Thomas W. / Pohl, Alexandre / Williams, Mark;" ;";Ghent University, Belgium / University of California, Riverside, CA, USA / University of Leicester, UK;Affiliations_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.834873;;WaLoWa stands for Wave Loads on Walls and is a Hydralab+ project funded by the European Union. Ghent University (Belgium), TU Delft (The Netherlands), RWTH Aachen (Germany), Politechnico Bari and University of Florence (Italy) and Flanders Hydraulics Research (Belgium) are jointly working on the WaLoWa project. The user team leader is Ghent University. The WaLoWa project is hosted by Deltares and the Delta Flume facility.When storm walls and buildings are located on top of a dike or promenade, overtopping waves can induce large forces on these structures as has e.g. been observed at the Belgian coast which has a specifically shallow foreshore. Especially during storm season and in times of sea level rise these loads can be highly destructive. It is therefore the key objective of WaLoWa to study overtopped wave loads on structures situated on top of a dike and in shallow foreshore conditions.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2017;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.834874 ; DOI";Kortenhaus, Andreas / Streicher, Maximilian / Altomare, Corrado / Gruwez, Vincent / Hofland, Bas / Xuexue Chen / Marinov, Krasimir / Scheres, Babette / Schüttrumpf, Holger / Hirt, Matthias / Cappietti, Lorenzo / Esposito, Andrea / Saponieri, Alessandra / Valentini, Nico / Tripepi, Giuseppe / Pasquali, Davide / Risio, Marcello Di / Aristodemo, Francesco / Damiani, Leonardo / Willems, Marc / Vanneste, Dieter / Suzuki, Tomohiro / Breteler, Mark Klein / Kaste, Dorothea;no_identifier;"Dep. of Civil Eng., Ghent University / Dep. of Civil Eng., Ghent University / Dep. of Civil Eng., Ghent University / Dep. of Civil Eng., Ghent University; Dep. of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Eng., Università degli Studi dell'Aquila / Dep. of Hydraulic Eng., Delft Uni. of Technology / character(0) / Dep. of Hydraulic Eng., Delft Uni. of Technology / Inst. of Hydraulic Eng. & Water Resources Mngt., RWTH Aachen University / Inst. of Hydraulic Eng. & Water Resources Mngt., RWTH Aachen University / Inst. of Hydraulic Eng. & Water Resources Mngt., RWTH Aachen University / Dip. di Ing. Civile e Ambientale, Università degli Studi di Firenze / 5AM3 Spin-Off srl, Advanced Models and Methos in Maritime Engineering / Dep.of Civil, Environ., Building Eng. and Chemistry, Politecnico di Bari / Dep.of Civil, Environ., Building Eng. and Chemistry, Politecnico di Bari / Dep. of Civil Eng., Università della Calabria / Dep. of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Eng., Università degli Studi dell'Aquila / Dep. of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Eng., Università degli Studi dell'Aquila / Dep. of Civil Eng., Università della Calabria / Dep.of Civil, Environ., Building Eng. and Chemistry, Politecnico di Bari / Flanders Hydraulics Laboratory / Flanders Hydraulics Laboratory / Flanders Hydraulics Laboratory / Deltares / Deltares";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.834874;;WaLoWa stands for Wave Loads on Walls and is a Hydralab+ project funded by the European Union. Ghent University (Belgium), TU Delft (The Netherlands), RWTH Aachen (Germany), Politechnico Bari and University of Florence (Italy) and Flanders Hydraulics Research (Belgium) are jointly working on the WaLoWa project. The user team leader is Ghent University. The WaLoWa project is hosted by Deltares and the Delta Flume facility.When storm walls and buildings are located on top of a dike or promenade, overtopping waves can induce large forces on these structures as has e.g. been observed at the Belgian coast which has a specifically shallow foreshore. Especially during storm season and in times of sea level rise these loads can be highly destructive. It is therefore the key objective of WaLoWa to study overtopped wave loads on structures situated on top of a dike and in shallow foreshore conditions.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2017;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.834873 ; DOI";Kortenhaus, Andreas / Streicher, Maximilian / Altomare, Corrado / Gruwez, Vincent / Hofland, Bas / Xuexue Chen / Marinov, Krasimir / Scheres, Babette / Schüttrumpf, Holger / Hirt, Matthias / Cappietti, Lorenzo / Esposito, Andrea / Saponieri, Alessandra / Valentini, Nico / Tripepi, Giuseppe / Pasquali, Davide / Risio, Marcello Di / Aristodemo, Francesco / Damiani, Leonardo / Willems, Marc / Vanneste, Dieter / Suzuki, Tomohiro / Breteler, Mark Klein / Kaste, Dorothea;no_identifier;"Dep. of Civil Eng., Ghent University / Dep. of Civil Eng., Ghent University / Dep. of Civil Eng., Ghent University / Dep. of Civil Eng., Ghent University; Dep. of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Eng., Università degli Studi dell'Aquila / Dep. of Hydraulic Eng., Delft Uni. of Technology / character(0) / Dep. of Hydraulic Eng., Delft Uni. of Technology / Inst. of Hydraulic Eng. & Water Resources Mngt., RWTH Aachen University / Inst. of Hydraulic Eng. & Water Resources Mngt., RWTH Aachen University / Inst. of Hydraulic Eng. & Water Resources Mngt., RWTH Aachen University / Dip. di Ing. Civile e Ambientale, Università degli Studi di Firenze / 5AM3 Spin-Off srl, Advanced Models and Methos in Maritime Engineering / Dep.of Civil, Environ., Building Eng. and Chemistry, Politecnico di Bari / Dep.of Civil, Environ., Building Eng. and Chemistry, Politecnico di Bari / Dep. of Civil Eng., Università della Calabria / Dep. of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Eng., Università degli Studi dell'Aquila / Dep. of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Eng., Università degli Studi dell'Aquila / Dep. of Civil Eng., Università della Calabria / Dep.of Civil, Environ., Building Eng. and Chemistry, Politecnico di Bari / Flanders Hydraulics Laboratory / Flanders Hydraulics Laboratory / Flanders Hydraulics Laboratory / Deltares / Deltares";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000101;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000102;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000103;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000104;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000105;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000106;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000107;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000108;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000109;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000110;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000111;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000112;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000113;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000114;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000115;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000116;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000117;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000118;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000119;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000120;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000121;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5290/70000122;;Uniaxial tensile test data for 10 CrMo 9 10 low alloy steel created at Laboratory Soete - State University Ghent in the context of COST 505 project B2 on remanent life determination of steam pipe and turbine materials.;European Commission JRC;europ.odin;2017;no_identifier;Steen, M / Laboratory Soete-State University Of Ghent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; no;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.6084/m9.figshare.10003385;;"A list of the cold-spot craters used by Elder et al. (2019) JGR. Table includes columns for an assigned identification (ID) number, the longitude (degrees), the latitude (degrees), the crater diameter (m), the Diviner rock abundance (Bandfield et al., 2011) in an annulus surrounding the crater and extending from the crater rim to one crater radius away from the rim, and the Hrock value (m) calculated from the inferred crater excavation depth and the measured Diviner rock abundance (see section 2 of Elder et al. (2019)).

Authors: Elder, C.M., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology; Douglass, B., University of Colorado, Boulder; Ghent, R.R., Planetary Science Institute; Hayne, P.O., University of Colorado, Boulder; Williams, J.-P., University of California, Los Angeles; Bandfield, J.L., Space Science Institute; Costello, E., University of Hawaii, Manoa.
";figshare;figshare.ars;2019;no_identifier;Catherine Elder;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.6084/m9.figshare.10003385.v1;;"A list of the cold-spot craters used by Elder et al. (2019) JGR. Table includes columns for an assigned identification (ID) number, the longitude (degrees), the latitude (degrees), the crater diameter (m), the Diviner rock abundance (Bandfield et al., 2011) in an annulus surrounding the crater and extending from the crater rim to one crater radius away from the rim, and the Hrock value (m) calculated from the inferred crater excavation depth and the measured Diviner rock abundance (see section 2 of Elder et al. (2019)).

Authors: Elder, C.M., Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology; Douglass, B., University of Colorado, Boulder; Ghent, R.R., Planetary Science Institute; Hayne, P.O., University of Colorado, Boulder; Williams, J.-P., University of California, Los Angeles; Bandfield, J.L., Space Science Institute; Costello, E., University of Hawaii, Manoa.
";figshare;figshare.ars;2019;"IsIdenticalTo ; 10.6084/m9.figshare.10003385 ; DOI";Catherine Elder;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.6084/m9.figshare.12053946;;Objective: Aims were to (1) analyse the direct cost charged by a university hospital to the government and the patient in case of an admission for acute poisoning, (2) identify the factors associated with the cost, and (3) compare the cost in the hospital studied with national data from the government. Methods: Patient records and invoices of all poisoning-related episodes of patients 14 years or older admitted to the Emergency Department (ED) of Ghent University Hospital (GUH) in 2017 were analysed. A generalised linear model with gamma loglink was applied to assess the variables associated with the cost. Our GUH data collected in 2017 were compared with national data 2016 for all Belgian hospitals on the one hand, and for the subgroup of GUH 2016 data on the other hand. To do this, we used data provided by the Technical Unit of the Federal Public Service Health, containing All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups 812 (poisoning by medicinal agents) and 816 (toxic effects by non-medicinal substances). Results: The total direct cost for the treatment of 1,175 poisoned patients amounted to 1,830,870. Median direct cost per patient was 512 per episode, with 199 for ambulatory patients, 1,575 for patients admitted to the ED-observation-unit, 3,398 for hospitalised patients and 4,859 for patients treated in the intensive care unit. Factors associated with the cost were gender, degree of severity, type of hospitalisation, intentionality, and involvement of ethanol, paracetamol, antidepressants or amphetamines. Median hospitalisation cost per admission in GUH for medicinal agents was 70.5% higher than the cost reported in national hospitalisation data. Median cost per admission in case of non-medicinal agents was 54.5% higher than the national median 2016. Conclusion: The type of hospitalisation has a high impact on the cost, a.o. primarily due to the length of hospital stay, with accommodation accounting for a large proportion of the costs. It is important to benchmark individual hospital data with (inter)national data to evaluate its own cost management in the context of continuous improvement.;Taylor & Francis;figshare.ars;2020;"IsSupplementTo ; 10.1080/15563650.2019.1651856 ; DOI";Descamps, Anne-Marie / Paepe, Peter De / Buylaert, Walter / Mostin, Martine / Vandijck, Dominique;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.6084/m9.figshare.12053946.v1;;Objective: Aims were to (1) analyse the direct cost charged by a university hospital to the government and the patient in case of an admission for acute poisoning, (2) identify the factors associated with the cost, and (3) compare the cost in the hospital studied with national data from the government. Methods: Patient records and invoices of all poisoning-related episodes of patients 14 years or older admitted to the Emergency Department (ED) of Ghent University Hospital (GUH) in 2017 were analysed. A generalised linear model with gamma loglink was applied to assess the variables associated with the cost. Our GUH data collected in 2017 were compared with national data 2016 for all Belgian hospitals on the one hand, and for the subgroup of GUH 2016 data on the other hand. To do this, we used data provided by the Technical Unit of the Federal Public Service Health, containing All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups 812 (poisoning by medicinal agents) and 816 (toxic effects by non-medicinal substances). Results: The total direct cost for the treatment of 1,175 poisoned patients amounted to 1,830,870. Median direct cost per patient was 512 per episode, with 199 for ambulatory patients, 1,575 for patients admitted to the ED-observation-unit, 3,398 for hospitalised patients and 4,859 for patients treated in the intensive care unit. Factors associated with the cost were gender, degree of severity, type of hospitalisation, intentionality, and involvement of ethanol, paracetamol, antidepressants or amphetamines. Median hospitalisation cost per admission in GUH for medicinal agents was 70.5% higher than the cost reported in national hospitalisation data. Median cost per admission in case of non-medicinal agents was 54.5% higher than the national median 2016. Conclusion: The type of hospitalisation has a high impact on the cost, a.o. primarily due to the length of hospital stay, with accommodation accounting for a large proportion of the costs. It is important to benchmark individual hospital data with (inter)national data to evaluate its own cost management in the context of continuous improvement.;Taylor & Francis;figshare.ars;2020;"c(""IsSupplementTo"", ""IsIdenticalTo"") ; c(""10.1080/15563650.2019.1651856"", ""10.6084/m9.figshare.12053946"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Descamps, Anne-Marie / Paepe, Peter De / Buylaert, Walter / Mostin, Martine / Vandijck, Dominique;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.6084/m9.figshare.7937354;;This dataset contains individual metrics (demographics, running habits and our variables of interest) and time series (axial peak tibial acceleration, steps per minute) of 10 runners before and at the end of a gait retraining intervention. Subjects with elevated axial peak tibial acceleration performed a single running gait retraining session on an indoor running track at 3.2 ± 0.2 m/s in self-selected footwear. Data are from an experimental protocol approved by the Ethics Committee of Ghent University. This dataset has been used to investigate if at risk runners are capable to reduce their uni-directional tibial shock when running over-ground with a music-based biofeedback system.;figshare;figshare.ars;2019;no_identifier;Berghe, Pieter Van Den;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.6084/m9.figshare.7937354.v1;;This dataset contains individual metrics (demographics, running habits and our variables of interest) and time series (axial peak tibial acceleration, steps per minute) of 10 runners before and at the end of a gait retraining intervention. Subjects with elevated axial peak tibial acceleration performed a single running gait retraining session on an indoor running track at 3.2 ± 0.2 m/s in self-selected footwear. Data are from an experimental protocol approved by the Ethics Committee of Ghent University. This dataset has been used to investigate if at risk runners are capable to reduce their uni-directional tibial shock when running over-ground with a music-based biofeedback system.;figshare;figshare.ars;2019;"IsIdenticalTo ; 10.6084/m9.figshare.7937354 ; DOI";Berghe, Pieter Van Den;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/11sajz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;Tim Haesebrouck (Ghent University);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/11sajz/hcojeb;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;Tim Haesebrouck (Ghent University);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/11sajz/sqosr6;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;Tim Haesebrouck (Ghent University);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/bdulsl;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Eder, Andreas (University Of Würzburg); Rothermund, Klaus (University Of Jena); De Houwer, Jan (Ghent University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary;related publication on Harvard website yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/bdulsl/5ipqhk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Eder, Andreas (University Of Würzburg); Rothermund, Klaus (University Of Jena); De Houwer, Jan (Ghent University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/bdulsl/fc8zly;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Eder, Andreas (University Of Würzburg); Rothermund, Klaus (University Of Jena); De Houwer, Jan (Ghent University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/bdulsl/omcxzs;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Eder, Andreas (University Of Würzburg); Rothermund, Klaus (University Of Jena); De Houwer, Jan (Ghent University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/bdulsl/ywmeom;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Eder, Andreas (University Of Würzburg); Rothermund, Klaus (University Of Jena); De Houwer, Jan (Ghent University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/ccjldx;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Eder, Andreas (University Of Würzburg); Rothermund, Klaus (University Of Jena); De Houwer, Jan (Ghent University); Hommel, Bernhard (Leiden University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/ccjldx/76mofe;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Eder, Andreas (University Of Würzburg); Rothermund, Klaus (University Of Jena); De Houwer, Jan (Ghent University); Hommel, Bernhard (Leiden University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/ccjldx/bi1h1g;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Eder, Andreas (University Of Würzburg); Rothermund, Klaus (University Of Jena); De Houwer, Jan (Ghent University); Hommel, Bernhard (Leiden University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/ccjldx/fsqbuz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Eder, Andreas (University Of Würzburg); Rothermund, Klaus (University Of Jena); De Houwer, Jan (Ghent University); Hommel, Bernhard (Leiden University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/ccjldx/lsnxxy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Eder, Andreas (University Of Würzburg); Rothermund, Klaus (University Of Jena); De Houwer, Jan (Ghent University); Hommel, Bernhard (Leiden University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/ccjldx/qrnuyw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Eder, Andreas (University Of Würzburg); Rothermund, Klaus (University Of Jena); De Houwer, Jan (Ghent University); Hommel, Bernhard (Leiden University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/ccjldx/veya4c;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Eder, Andreas (University Of Würzburg); Rothermund, Klaus (University Of Jena); De Houwer, Jan (Ghent University); Hommel, Bernhard (Leiden University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/dbafzy;;This is a processed dataset of approximately 20,000 near-surface remote sensing images acquired using inexpensive smartphones within the context of a picture-based insurance (PBI) initiative of 1,685 smallholder farmers elds in northwest India. Monitoring crop growth and disturbances is critical in strengthening farmers’ ability to manage production risks. The data presented monitors winter wheat growth and includes meta-data, either manually or automatically derived, to quantify 5 crop greenness, phenology and damage events as well as management practices. Our dataset offers granular visual eld data, with processed images and detailed meta-data that provide information on the timing of key developmental phases of winter wheat and crop growth disturbances which are not registered by common satellite remote sensing vegetation indices or national crop cut surveys. The purpose of this high-resolution dataset is to provide a rich source of inputs in supporting of crop modeling and production risk assessment in support of food security in smallholder agricultural systems. We, therefore, foresee that these data will nd applications in crop modeling, remote sensing validation and machine learning-based crop assessment.;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2020;"c(""HasPart"", ""HasPart"", ""HasPart"", ""HasPart"", ""HasPart"") ; c(""10.7910/dvn/dbafzy/js706v"", ""10.7910/dvn/dbafzy/pvpxmu"", ""10.7910/dvn/dbafzy/0r6nwy"", ""10.7910/dvn/dbafzy/qexu2b"", ""10.7910/dvn/dbafzy/o10p3b"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"")";International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) / Ghent University / University Of Manchester;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary;related publication on Harvard website yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/dbafzy/0r6nwy;;:unav;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2020;"IsPartOf ; 10.7910/dvn/dbafzy ; DOI";International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) / Ghent University / University Of Manchester;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/dbafzy/js706v;;:unav;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2020;"IsPartOf ; 10.7910/dvn/dbafzy ; DOI";International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) / Ghent University / University Of Manchester;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/dbafzy/o10p3b;;:unav;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2020;"IsPartOf ; 10.7910/dvn/dbafzy ; DOI";International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) / Ghent University / University Of Manchester;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/dbafzy/pvpxmu;;:unav;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2020;"IsPartOf ; 10.7910/dvn/dbafzy ; DOI";International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) / Ghent University / University Of Manchester;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/dbafzy/qexu2b;;:unav;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2020;"IsPartOf ; 10.7910/dvn/dbafzy ; DOI";International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) / Ghent University / University Of Manchester;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/nygqai;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;Eloot, Olivier (Ghent University);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Ghent AND University AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.7910/dvn/nygqai/iuenih;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;Eloot, Olivier (Ghent University);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.15468/puckbk;;Présentation de la collection de bananier du Centre de Ressources Biologiques Plantes tropicales. La collection de Bananiers est hébergée au Cirad de Guadeloupe. Elle constitue aujourd'hui l'une des collections les plus riches du monde, à la fois par la diversité qu'elle recouvre ainsi que grâce aux informations associées.Les variétés sauvages et ancestrales sont issues de prospections effectuées de longue date dans le centre d'origine des Bananiers, le Sud-Est asiatique. Les variétés cultivées recouvrent la grande majorité des types rencontrés en culture d'intérêt économique à travers le monde, qu'il s'agisse de l'approvisionnement des marché locaux ou bien des cultures d'exportation. La collection est aujourd'hui reconnue en tant que collection de référence par Bioversity. Aujourd'hui l'alimentation de la collection en nouvelles accessions est réalisée en relation avec l'International Transit Center, collection in vitro de référence maintenue par l'International Transit Centre dans les locaux de la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven en Belgique. La collection du Cirad comprend 462 accessions dont 80 variétés sauvages , et 130 variétés ancestrales, principalement diploïdes acuminata.;INRA Antilles-Guyane;gbif.gbif;2014;no_identifier;4bce8f23-20a5-48a7-B25a-83700caad2db;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-27g-q72x;;Nobility, Heraldry, Armorial Units of observation: Family Coats of Arms.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Prof.Dr P.J. Janssens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centrum Voor Fiscale Geschiedenis (EHSAL);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-2b9-d6ac;;Opinions and attitudes of the Belgian population towards politics in general in 1995. Individualism / anomie / voting behaviour / political clientalism / political issues / memberships political parties / ideological trends / conventional and unconventional political participation / political party preference / political cleavages: respondent's position on scales/ perception of party's position on scales / materialism - post-materialism / economic and cultural conservatism / abortion and euthanasia / emancipation of women / authoritarianism / satisfaction with democracy / political efficacy / attention to election campaigns / feelings about politics / political corruption / women and politics / ethnocentrism / political knowledge / group affiliations / life satisfaction / environment / trust in institutions Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion. Fieldwork dates: Panel Survey: October 1995 / Cross-sectional Survey: May 1996 / last interviews: February 1997.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Billiet, J., Swyngedouw, M., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven * Leuven, Belgie (Primary Investigator);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-2bd-zbda;;Taxes, Public Money, Social Stratification.Units of observation: Taxpayers, Individuals.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Prof.Dr P.J. Janssens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centrum Voor Fiscale Geschiedenis (EHSAL);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-2za-cvds;;Systematic analysis of change in political opinions and behaviour of the Belgium electorate. Individualism / feelings of loneliness and emptiness, social contacts / social leadership / placement of political parties on left-right scale / reasons for ( not ) casting vote for party in last elections for Chamber of Representatives / list or name vote / voted for same party for Senate and Chamber/ reasons for different party choice / 4 most important issues in party choice / called upon services of politicians in the last 4 years/ party of involved politician / did respondent vote for this particular politician / membership of health insurance organization / active membership of ( religious, political ) organizations / respondent considers himself as a follower of one or more parties / ranking of parties on best-worse dimension / political participation and action / viewpoints of respondent himself and of parties on environment, immigrants, free enterprise, privacy, economic growth, public order, Flanders-Wallonia, autonomy of Brussels / materialism-postmaterialism / economic and cultural conservatism / emancipation of women / authoritarianism / influence on politics / ethnocentrism / party membership of well-known politicians / cultural community identification/ Flemish-Walloons culture / environmental involvement / influence of election campaign on vote / language of questionnaire / date of interview / atmosphere of interview. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durables/ organizational membership;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Billiet, J., Swyngedouw, M., Carton, A., Beerten, R., Franckx, M., Frognier, A.P., Aish-Van Vaerenbergh, A.M., Diest, S. Van, Rihoux, B., Winter, L. De, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven * Leuven, Belgie, Departement Sociologie, ISPO (Primary Investigator);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-x2w-k8jk;;Topic: taxes. Units of observation: iconographical sources.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Prof.Dr P.J. Janssens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centrum Voor Fiscale Geschiedenis (EHSAL);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-x65-5mm4;;Music and the life of music in the Low Countries.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Dr E. Schreurs, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Alamire Foundation;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-x72-u9ft;;no_description;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Prof.Dr P.J. Janssens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centrum Voor Fiscale Geschiedenis (EHSAL);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-x8v-hdse;;Formation of capital in the housing stock in Belgium in the 19th century (1800-1890). Social and spatial origin owners. Units of observation: changes in real estate.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;V. Duchêne, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-xbm-y2g3;;Units of observation: titles and names of authors Other disciplines: Historical demography, Political history, Prosopography, Economic history, Local history, Archaeology, History of arts, Literature;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2009;no_identifier;Drs H.F.I. Verstrepen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-xxr-8tp3;;"Taxes; Poll/Head Tax; Units of observation: Individuals.";Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Prof.Dr P.J. Janssens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centrum Voor Fiscale Geschiedenis (EHSAL);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-z3t-sgwn;;P0830b14 A large scale cross-national and continuous survey of moral, religious, political and social values in Western Europe. Religious attitudes, beliefs, practice, affiliation. Moral outlook. Political interest, inclination, participation. Attitudes towards reform, civic institution, means of production. Other political values indicators. Personal values, attitudes towards the family, marriage, divorce, sex. Work values. Perception of the future. Satisfaction ratings, indicators of psychological well-being, health. Range of socio-demographic variables: sex, age, housing tenure and type, terminal education age, household size and composition, marital status, employment status, occupational code for respondent and chief wage earner, workplace details, trade union membership, regional codes, area types, income on a scale. Additional data include: leisure activities, voluntary work, attitudes towards science, war, terrorism, index of internationalism, attitudes towards a shorter working week. Measurement by: personal values scale, moral justification scale, work values scale, work orientation scale, left-right ( political ) scale, political protest scale, materialist-post-materialist scale, greeley spiritual experience battery Constructed variables in P0830B: C81_1 to C81_51 are constructs which can be used to make comparisons with the same constructs in P1217 named C90_1 to C90_51. Topics of constructs: religiosity, church involvement, moral values, conservatism-progressiveness, confidence in institutions, intolerance, materialism-postmaterialism, political involvement, Bradburn's affect balance scale, marriage, family, abortion, education, work. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ income/capital assets/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;1989;no_identifier;Moor, R.A. De, Katholieke Universiteit Brabant * Tilburg, Harding, S.D., Nene College, Dept. Of Psychology * England, Kerkhofs, J., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven * Leuven, Belgium (Primary Investigator);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-zur-bkct;;Nobility. Units of observation: Individuals.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Prof.Dr P.J. Janssens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Centrum Voor Fiscale Geschiedenis (EHSAL);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-zvd-3wxs;;Het project Burgergericht Besturen: Kwaliteit en Vertrouwen in de Overheid, uitgevoerd door het Instituut voor de Overheid, is gesitueerd binnen het Programma Beleidsgericht Onderzoek (PBO 99B/1/14) van het ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Het doel van het project is om in kaart te brengen welke factoren er toe kunnen bijdragen dat het vertrouwen van de burger in de overheid wordt verhoogd, waarbij het accent wordt gelegd op de invloed van overheidsdienstverlening. Algemeen wordt immers aangenomen dat verhoging van de kwaliteit van overheidsdienstverlening leidt tot meer tevredenheid van de burger, en op termijn tot meer vertrouwen van de burger in de overheid. Vragenblokken: socio-demografische variabelen, burger en administratie, burger en politiek, burger een maatschappij.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2002;no_identifier;S. Van De Walle, J.K. Kampen / Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Instituut Voor De Overheid;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Katholieke AND Universiteit AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-zyn-mfbb;;Sociologie van gezin en bevolking;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2011;no_identifier;Prof. Dr. K. Matthijs, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Dept. Sociologie;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.14284/334;;Phytoplankton abundances and cell counts for 11 stations in the Southern Bight of the North Sea sampled in January, June and July 1971.The data are digitized from technical reports in the frame of the 4DEMON project.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2019;"c(""IsPartOf"", ""IsReferencedBy"", ""IsReferencedBy"") ; c("""", """", """") ; c(""URL"", ""URL"", ""URL"")";Robijns, J. / Rabijns, M. / Huys, Lut / Louis, / Laboratorium Voor Algologie/Fytohydrobiologie. KU Leuven, Belgium;no_identifier;KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.14284/335;;Abundance of phytoplankton species and related environmental parameters for 57 stations in the Southern Bight of the North Sea between January 1971 and June 1973. The data were digitized from technical reports in the frame of the 4DEMON project.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2019;"c(""IsPartOf"", ""IsReferencedBy"") ; c("""", """") ; c(""URL"", ""URL"")";Rabijns, M. / Louis, / Laboratorium Voor Fytohydrobiologie. KU Leuven, Belgium;no_identifier;KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.14284/337;;Phytoplankton abundances and cell counts for 45 stations in the Southern Bight of the North Sea between November 1973 and May 1974.The data are digitized from technical reports in the frame of the 4DEMON project.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2019;"c(""IsPartOf"", ""IsReferencedBy"", ""IsReferencedBy"") ; c("""", """", """") ; c(""URL"", ""URL"", ""URL"")";Huys, Lut / Laboratorium Voor Hydro(Bio)Logie, KU Leuven, Belgium;no_identifier;KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.14284/339;;Qualitative study on phytoplankton species found in the western North Sea between 1976 and 1977. The data were digitized from technical reports in the frame of the 4DEMON project.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2019;"c(""IsPartOf"", ""Compiles"", ""IsReferencedBy"") ; c("""", ""10.14284/320"", """") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"", ""URL"")";Vanlangendonck, C. / Louis, / Laboratorium Van Algologie. KU Leuven, Belgium;no_identifier;KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.14284/340;;Abundance of phytoplankton species and related environmental parameters for 8 zones in the Southern North Sea between October 1974 and October 1978. The data were digitized from technical reports in the frame of the 4DEMON project.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2019;"c(""IsPartOf"", ""Compiles"", ""IsReferencedBy"") ; c("""", ""10.14284/320"", """") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"", ""URL"")";Smeets, / Louis, / Laboratorium Voor Hydrobiologie. KU Leuven, Belgium;no_identifier;KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.14284/341;;Abundances and densities of phytoplankton species at Flemish (Negenvaam, Buiten Ratel and Oost Dyck) and Western Coastal Banks (Grote Rede) sampled between 1977 and 1978. The data are digitized from technical reports in the frame of the 4DEMON project.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2019;"c(""IsPartOf"", ""Compiles"", ""IsReferencedBy"") ; c("""", ""10.14284/320"", """") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"", ""URL"")";De Block, Erik / Dekelver, Liliane / De Roover, Frank / Goossens, Alain / Minten, Jaak / Piron, Joelle / Reniers, Brigitte / Symens, Dirk / Louis, / Laboratorium Van Algologie. KU Leuven, Belgium;;KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-z2n-rmw8;;The General Election Study Belgium focuses on general political attitudes and behavior. Data has been collected on political information and knowledge, perceptions of political bodies such as parties, and perceptions of problems and important issues. Other questions deal with party identification, party preferences, feelings of political efficacy, and the nature and extent of political participation. Perceptions of social class and (economic) well-being, authoritarian attitudes, attitudes to immigrant workers, political corruption and the environment are some of the other areas investigated in this study. Extensive demographic data on respondents and their families have also been collected. The General Election Study Belgium has many objectives. First of all, it is intended to show a cross-section of political attitudes and behavior of Belgians after each General Election. Second, in order to study possible developments in political attitudes and behavior, Belgian General Election Study requires a longitudinal character, similar to some other European Election Studies. The third objective is to maximise the relationship with current theoretical research in different scientific disciplines such as political science, sociology, and social psychology. A final objective is to develop comparative research between the different regions and communities of Belgium, as well as with other countries.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2016;no_identifier;KU Leuven-ISPO Interuniversitair Steunpunt Politieke-Opinieonderzoek (ISPO) / UCL (Louvain-La-Neuve)-Point D’appui Interuniversitaire Sur L’Opinion Publique Et La Politique (PIOP);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-z4z-zagc;;Following the first two Belgian National Election Studies, which were held after the General Election of 24 November 1991 and 21 May 1995, a third, similar study was set up in connection with the General Election of 13 June 1999. The Study was supported financially by the Federal Services for Technical, Cultural and Scientific Affairs, under the National Ministry of Science. Similar to the first two General Election Studies, this third study focuses on general political attitudes and behavior. Data has been collected on political information and knowledge, perceptions of political bodies such as parties, and perceptions of problems and important issues. Other questions deal with party identification, party preferences, feelings of political efficacy, and the nature and extent of political participation. Perceptions of social class and (economic) well-being, authoritarian attitudes, attitudes to immigrant workers, political corruption and the environment are some of the other areas investigated in this study. Extensive demographic data on the respondents and their families have also been collected.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Prof.Dr. Marc Swyngedouw, KU Leuven, Departement Sociologie, J. Billiet, KU Leuven, ISPO, A. Frognier, U.C. Louvain, PIOP (Primary Investigator);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-zfu-yy4a;;ADC ArcheoProjecten heeft een opgraving uitgevoerd aan de Hooghuisstraat-Oostwal in Oss. N. Veraa heeft voor het behalen van haar master in de archeologie aan de KU Leuven (academiejaar 2015-2016) de vindplaats uitgewerkt. De masterthesis van mej. Veraa vormt de basis van deze rapportage. De archeologische resten in het onderzoeksgebied dateren van de Vroege/Volle Middeleeuwen tot nu. Er zijn in het onderzoeksgebied niet veel sporen die in de vroegste periode geplaatst kunnen worden. Vermeldenswaardig is de sporencluster ter hoogte van huis 1, waarbij een gedeelte van de paalsporen in de Volle Middeleeuwen wordt gedateerd. Vermoed wordt dat het onderzoeksgebied ook in de Volle Middeleeuwen bewoning kende, door de latere bewoning en de spoorintensiteit in deze zone kan hier echter geen zekerheid over bestaan. Een groot deel van de sporen die zijn aangetroffen in vlakken 2 t/m 3 is waarschijnlijk toe te schrijven aan de Late Middeleeuwen, terwijl het muurwerk (in vlak 1 gelegen) een latere datering heeft. Dit is onder andere af te leiden, enerzijds, uit het feit dat veel van deze sporen onder het muurwerk doorlopen, en anderzijds uit de aardewerkdateringen, waarbij het aardewerk uit de sporen in de onderliggende vlakken ouder is dan dat uit vlak 1. In het onderzoeksgebied is er een gebouwplattegrond gevonden, huis 1, die op basis van het type en het aardewerk gedateerd kan worden in de 13e-14e eeuw. Het aardewerk uit kuil S56, die te midden van de gebouwplattegrond ligt, uit sloot S67 en uit het dierengraf (S116) is in dezelfde periode te dateren. Het aardewerk uit waterput S262 dateert iets later: het meeste aardewerk uit S262 is in de periode 1425-1500 te dateren. Het is verleidelijk de waterput tot hetzelfde erf als de gebouwplattegrond te rekenen, gezien de ligging ervan, op slechts enkele meters er vandaan. De dateringen liggen echter te ver uit elkaar om met zekerheid te stellen dat beide tot hetzelfde erf hebben behoord. In één van de greppels op het terrein, met name S7, zijn aardewerkscherven uit de periode 1450- 1525 ingezameld, een datering die aansluit bij de aardewerkdateringen uit waterput S262. De greppel loopt onder het muurwerk van kelder 2 door. Mogelijk vormen de greppels in het zuiden van het onderzoeksgebied erfscheidingen die zich doorheen de tijd enigszins verplaatst hebben. De sporen die in de Nieuwe tijd dateren en vermeldenswaardig zijn, bestaan voornamelijk uit muurwerk. Als eerste is er kelder 1, wat waarschijnlijk de kelder is van een krukhuisboerderij uit de 18e eeuw. Kelder 2 bestaat in feite uit twee kelders. Beide delen hebben muren met handgevormde stenen, wat ze voor 1850 dateert, maar in het noordelijke deel zijn ijsselstenen gevonden, wat maakt dat de kelders in de Nieuwe tijd te dateren zijn. In het zuidelijke deel zijn herstelfasen zichtbaar met modernere, machinale stenen. Vermoedelijk zijn de kelders in de 17e of 18e eeuw opgericht en vorige eeuw in onbruik geraakt. Verder is er, op wat losse muren hier en daar na, nergens meer iets zichtbaar van de eigenlijke gebouwen. Op de kadastrale minuut uit 1832 is te zien dat er in het zuiden van het plangebied drie kleine huisjes liggen met een oost-west oriëntatie. De twee kelders die aan elkaar liggen, liggen op de locatie waar de bovenste twee van deze drie percelen zich bevinden. Waarschijnlijk horen deze kelders dus bij de twee huizen. Iets ten noorden van deze drie percelen is er een omvangrijker perceel zichtbaar waar een groter huis op afgebeeld staat. De 18e-eeuwse kelder van de krukhuisboerderij zou hier toe kunnen horen. De structuur ten noorden daarvan, S230 en S231, zou eventueel bij de krukhuisboerderij kunnen horen, als basis en vloer van het huis. Ernaast ligt nog een vierkante constructie die aangeduid wordt als een haard (S234). In het noorden van het plangebied liggen nog twee stenen structuren, S217 en S218. Het aardewerk dat is aangetroffen dateert in de 19e en 20e eeuw. Bij geen van beide structuren is er echter een bovengrondse constructie zichtbaar op de kadastrale minuut uit1832. Dit wil zeggen dat deze óf niet belangrijk genoeg geacht werden om op het kadaster te staan óf, wat waarschijnlijker is, dat deze constructies pas na 1832 zijn gebouwd.;ADC;dans.archive;2019;no_identifier;Van Der Veken, B.;no_identifier;ADC ArcheoProjecten;Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-zte-ywex;;This dataset includes two example videos on Daphnia magna populations with each containing 12 individuals and the R-package trackdem. This package automatically counts and tracks moving individuals, and version 0.3.1 of the package is included. See and for more information and the most recent version of the package. The Daphnia were recorded in the lab at KU Leuven (Belgium) in September 2017. The aim of trackdem is to obtain unbiased, automated estimates of population densities and body size distributions, using video material or image sequences as input. It is meant to assist in evolutionary and ecological studies, which often rely on accurate estimates of population size, population structure and/or individual behaviour. The package trackdem includes a set of functions to convert a short video into an image sequence, background detection, particle identification and linking, and the training of an artificial neural network for noise flltering. A tutorial is included, providing a step-by-step introduction on the usage of all functions to analyse image sequences of moving organisms.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2018;no_identifier;Bruijning, M. / Visser, M.D. / Hallmann, C.A. / Jongejans, E.;no_identifier;Radboud University / Radboud University / Radboud University / Radboud University;Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.17632/5fwg7kpg53.1;;This MATLAB code serves as an example for the use of the Doptimal-function to calculate the D-optimal experimental conditions for the identification of a secondary model for the microbial growth rate as a function of the environmental conditions. Authors: Simen Akkermans, Philippe Nimmegeers, Jan Van Impe Affiliation: KU Leuven - BioTeC+ This code is available free of charge FOR NON-COMMERCIAL use on an as is basis. The authors cannot be held liable for any deficiency, fault or inconvenience resulting from its use.;Mendeley;bl.mendeley;2018;no_identifier;Akkermans, Simen;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.17632/fv7szwyj9k.1;;This dataset contains the supplementary data associated with the PhD manuscript of Marijn Van de Broek (KU Leuven, 2018);Mendeley;bl.mendeley;2018;no_identifier;Van De Broek, Marijn;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.25504/fairsharing.b9td4r;;This FAIRsharing record describes: A database system for storing Microscopy data for the KU Leuven Live Science Research group.;FAIRsharing;bl.oxdb;2018;no_identifier;FAIRsharing Team;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.1034819;;This work consisted of controlled heating experiments for the purpose of control-oriented dynamical modelling. The building studied is the LivingLab at NTNU, which is a super-insulated single-family house. The dataset contains full details of the measurements, as well as preprocessed (reduced) data which can be readily used as input for dynamical modelling investigations.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2017;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.1034820 ; DOI";Vogler-Finck, Pierre / Clauß, John / Georges, Laurent;" ;";Neogrid Technologies, AAU / NTNU / NTNU;no_field;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.1034820;;This work consisted of controlled heating experiments for the purpose of control-oriented dynamical modelling. The building studied is the LivingLab at NTNU, which is a super-insulated single-family house. The dataset contains full details of the measurements, as well as preprocessed (reduced) data which can be readily used as input for dynamical modelling investigations.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2017;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.1034819 ; DOI";Vogler-Finck, Pierre / Clauß, John / Georges, Laurent;" ;";Neogrid Technologies, AAU / NTNU / NTNU;no_field;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.1195854;;"This repository contains the development data of task 5 of the DCASE 2018 challenge. The dataset is a derivative of the SINS database.The SINS database contains a continuous recording of one person living in a vacation home over a period of one week. The recordings were manually annotated on daily activity level: ""Cooking"", ""Dishwashing"", ""Eating"", ""Social activity (visit, phone call)"", ""Vacuum cleaning"", ""Watching TV"", ""Working"", ""Presence"" and ""Absence"". More information can be found on (please cite this papers when using the dataset):G. Dekkers, S. Lauwereins, B. Thoen, M. W. Adhana, H. Brouckxon, T. van Waterschoot, B. Vanrumste, M. Verhelst, and P. Karsmakers, “The SINS database for detection of daily activities in a home environment using an acoustic
sensor network,” in Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2017 Workshop (DCASE2017), Munich, Germany, November 2017, pp. 32–36.G. Dekkers, L. Vuegen, T. van Waterschoot, B. Vanrumste, and P. Karsmakers, “DCASE 2018 Challenge - Task 5: Monitoring of domestic activities based on multi-channel acoustics,” KU Leuven, Tech. Rep., July 2018.The derivative of the SINS database, 'DCASE 2018 – Task 5 development dataset' consists of data collected by 4 microphone arrays in the combined living room and kitchen area. The continuous recordings were split into audio segments of 10s. These audio segments are provided as individual files along with the ground truth. In total 72984 segments are made available, leading to approximately 200 hours of data.More information about the challenge and the specific dataset can be found here. Information solely related to the content of the dataset is available in ''.

By accessing or using this database, the user accepts the provided EULA (available in";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2018;"c(""HasVersion"", ""HasVersion"", ""HasVersion"", ""HasVersion"", ""HasVersion"", ""HasVersion"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.1195855"", ""10.5281/zenodo.1209366"", ""10.5281/zenodo.1217452"", ""10.5281/zenodo.1247000"", ""10.5281/zenodo.1247090"", ""10.5281/zenodo.1247102"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Dekkers, Gert / Karsmakers, Peter;no_identifier;KU Leuven / KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.1247102;;"This repository contains the development data of task 5 of the DCASE 2018 challenge. The dataset is a derivative of the SINS database.The SINS database contains a continuous recording of one person living in a vacation home over a period of one week. The recordings were manually annotated on daily activity level: ""Cooking"", ""Dishwashing"", ""Eating"", ""Social activity (visit, phone call)"", ""Vacuum cleaning"", ""Watching TV"", ""Working"", ""Presence"" and ""Absence"". More information can be found on (please cite this papers when using the dataset):G. Dekkers, S. Lauwereins, B. Thoen, M. W. Adhana, H. Brouckxon, T. van Waterschoot, B. Vanrumste, M. Verhelst, and P. Karsmakers, “The SINS database for detection of daily activities in a home environment using an acoustic
sensor network,” in Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2017 Workshop (DCASE2017), Munich, Germany, November 2017, pp. 32–36.G. Dekkers, L. Vuegen, T. van Waterschoot, B. Vanrumste, and P. Karsmakers, “DCASE 2018 Challenge - Task 5: Monitoring of domestic activities based on multi-channel acoustics,” KU Leuven, Tech. Rep., July 2018.The derivative of the SINS database, 'DCASE 2018 – Task 5 development dataset' consists of data collected by 4 microphone arrays in the combined living room and kitchen area. The continuous recordings were split into audio segments of 10s. These audio segments are provided as individual files along with the ground truth. In total 72984 segments are made available, leading to approximately 200 hours of data.More information about the challenge and the specific dataset can be found here. Information solely related to the content of the dataset is available in ''.

By accessing or using this database, the user accepts the provided EULA (available in";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2018;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.1195854 ; DOI";Dekkers, Gert / Karsmakers, Peter;no_identifier;KU Leuven / KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.1291759;;"The dataset is a derivative of the SINS dataset and is meant to be used as an evaluation set for the DCASE2018 Task 5 challenge. The development set to be used can be found here. The dataset is a derivative of the SINS database.The SINS database contains a continuous recording of one person living in a vacation home over a period of one week. The recordings were manually annotated on daily activity level: ""Cooking"", ""Dishwashing"", ""Eating"", ""Social activity (visit, phone call)"", ""Vacuum cleaning"", ""Watching TV"", ""Working"", ""Presence"" and ""Absence"". More information can be found on (please cite this papers when using the dataset):G. Dekkers, S. Lauwereins, B. Thoen, M. W. Adhana, H. Brouckxon, T. van Waterschoot, B. Vanrumste, M. Verhelst, and P. Karsmakers, “The SINS database for detection of daily activities in a home environment using an acoustic
sensor network,” in Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2017 Workshop (DCASE2017), Munich, Germany, November 2017, pp. 32–36.G. Dekkers, L. Vuegen, T. van Waterschoot, B. Vanrumste, and P. Karsmakers, “DCASE 2018 Challenge - Task 5: Monitoring of domestic activities based on multi-channel acoustics,” KU Leuven, Tech. Rep., July 2018.The derivative of the SINS database, 'DCASE 2018 – Task 5 evaluation dataset' consists of data collected by 7 microphone arrays in the combined living room and kitchen area. The continuous recordings were split into audio segments of 10s. These audio segments are provided as individual files. In total 72972 segments are made available, leading to approximately 200 hours of data with annotations.More information about the challenge and the specific dataset can be found here. Information solely related to the content of the dataset is available in ''.By accessing or using this database, the user accepts the provided EULA (available in";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2018;"c(""HasVersion"", ""HasVersion"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.1291760"", ""10.5281/zenodo.1964758"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Dekkers, Gert / Karsmakers, Peter;no_identifier;KU Leuven / KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.1418675;;AWESCO Wind Field DatasetsThe present datasets contain time-resolved three-dimensional wind field data computed by means of large-eddy simulations. The atmospheric boundary layer is modelled as pressure driven boundary layer (PDBL) and the computations are performed using the software SPWind developed at KU Leuven. Wind field data is provided for three different roughness classes corresponding to offshore
and onshore conditions. For each roughness class, 45 minutes of wind data, sampled every second, is available and stored in HDF5 format for time series of 15 minutes. The file size is approximately 10GB. The data can be accessed using processing scripts provided for both Python and MATLAB. For more information, please read the provided documentation.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.1418676"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Haas, Thomas / Meyers, Johan;" ;";KU Leuven / KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.1418676;;AWESCO Wind Field DatasetsThe present datasets contain time-resolved three-dimensional wind field data computed by means of large-eddy simulations. The atmospheric boundary layer is modelled as pressure driven boundary layer (PDBL) and the computations are performed using the software SPWind developed at KU Leuven. Wind field data is provided for three different roughness classes corresponding to offshore
and onshore conditions. For each roughness class, 45 minutes of wind data, sampled every second, is available and stored in HDF5 format for time series of 15 minutes. The file size is approximately 10GB. The data can be accessed using processing scripts provided for both Python and MATLAB. For more information, please read the provided documentation.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.1418675"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Haas, Thomas / Meyers, Johan;" ;";KU Leuven / KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.1494189;;"Container orchestration frameworks provide support for management of complex distributed applications. Different frameworks have emerged only recently, and they are in constant evolution as new features are being introduced.This reality makes it difficult for practitioners and researchers to maintain a clear view on the technology space, and hinders selecting the most appropriate framework, assessing the maturity and the lock-in risks for each framework.We present an descriptive feature comparison study of the five most prominent orchestration solutions: Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Mesos, combined with Marathon or Aurora, and DC/OS. This study aims at (i) identifying the common and unique features of all frameworks, (ii) comparing these frameworks qualitatively ánd quantitatively with respect to: (ii.a) genericity in terms of supported features and (ii.b) vendor lock-in, (iii) investigating the maturity and stability of the frameworks as well as the pioneering nature of each framework by studying the historical evolution of the frameworks on GitHubThe study methodology involves feature variability and commonality analysis, mapping features to common use cases and development history on GitHub, and card sorting for defining a taxonomy of features which is divided into 9 functional aspects and 27 sub-aspects.The result is a comprehensive feature-based overview of the current state of container orchestration frameworks. The published data set contains the data used for answering all research questions (i), (ii) and (iii). This data has been processed both qualitatively as quantitatively. The scientific approach and reproducible methodology allows for continued assessment of container orchestration frameworks.The document format is Microsoft Office Word and is associated with an extended Office template that contains macro's for processing these links automatically (checkLinks creates a simple bibliography, openLinks opens all references in a selected range, deleteLinks delete Links). To activate these Macro's, save the file Normal.dotm in your local user directory that by default contains all Microsoft templates for your user account. For example in Windows, this directory is located in the c:\users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsofttemplates";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2018;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.1494190 ; DOI";Truyen, Eddy / Van Landuyt, Dimitri;" ;";imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven / imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.1494190;;"Container orchestration frameworks provide support for management of complex distributed applications. Different frameworks have emerged only recently, and they are in constant evolution as new features are being introduced.This reality makes it difficult for practitioners and researchers to maintain a clear view on the technology space, and hinders selecting the most appropriate framework, assessing the maturity and the lock-in risks for each framework.We present an descriptive feature comparison study of the five most prominent orchestration solutions: Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Mesos, combined with Marathon or Aurora, and DC/OS. This study aims at (i) identifying the common and unique features of all frameworks, (ii) comparing these frameworks qualitatively ánd quantitatively with respect to: (ii.a) genericity in terms of supported features and (ii.b) vendor lock-in, (iii) investigating the maturity and stability of the frameworks as well as the pioneering nature of each framework by studying the historical evolution of the frameworks on GitHubThe study methodology involves feature variability and commonality analysis, mapping features to common use cases and development history on GitHub, and card sorting for defining a taxonomy of features which is divided into 9 functional aspects and 27 sub-aspects.The result is a comprehensive feature-based overview of the current state of container orchestration frameworks. The published data set contains the data used for answering all research questions (i), (ii) and (iii). This data has been processed both qualitatively as quantitatively. The scientific approach and reproducible methodology allows for continued assessment of container orchestration frameworks.The document format is Microsoft Office Word and is associated with an extended Office template that contains macro's for processing these links automatically (checkLinks creates a simple bibliography, openLinks opens all references in a selected range, deleteLinks delete Links). To activate these Macro's, save the file Normal.dotm in your local user directory that by default contains all Microsoft templates for your user account. For example in Windows, this directory is located in the c:\users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsofttemplates";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2018;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.1494189 ; DOI";Truyen, Eddy / Van Landuyt, Dimitri;" ;";imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven / imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.1964758;;"The dataset is a derivative of the SINS dataset and is meant to be used as an evaluation set for the DCASE2018 Task 5 challenge. The development set to be used can be found here. The dataset is a derivative of the SINS database.The SINS database contains a continuous recording of one person living in a vacation home over a period of one week. The recordings were manually annotated on daily activity level: ""Cooking"", ""Dishwashing"", ""Eating"", ""Social activity (visit, phone call)"", ""Vacuum cleaning"", ""Watching TV"", ""Working"", ""Presence"" and ""Absence"". More information can be found on (please cite this papers when using the dataset):G. Dekkers, S. Lauwereins, B. Thoen, M. W. Adhana, H. Brouckxon, T. van Waterschoot, B. Vanrumste, M. Verhelst, and P. Karsmakers, “The SINS database for detection of daily activities in a home environment using an acoustic
sensor network,” in Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2017 Workshop (DCASE2017), Munich, Germany, November 2017, pp. 32–36.G. Dekkers, L. Vuegen, T. van Waterschoot, B. Vanrumste, and P. Karsmakers, “DCASE 2018 Challenge - Task 5: Monitoring of domestic activities based on multi-channel acoustics,” KU Leuven, Tech. Rep., July 2018.The derivative of the SINS database, 'DCASE 2018 – Task 5 evaluation dataset' consists of data collected by 7 microphone arrays in the combined living room and kitchen area. The continuous recordings were split into audio segments of 10s. These audio segments are provided as individual files. In total 72972 segments are made available, leading to approximately 200 hours of data with annotations.More information about the challenge and the specific dataset can be found here. Information solely related to the content of the dataset is available in ''.By accessing or using this database, the user accepts the provided EULA (available in";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2018;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.1291759 ; DOI";Dekkers, Gert / Karsmakers, Peter;no_identifier;KU Leuven / KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3333318;;"xml treebank Annotated by Toon Van Hal, with student contributions by Mathieu Cuijpers; Sanderijn Gijbels; Yoran Joosten; Yordi Lenaerts; Eva Uffing; Chiara Van der Hasselt; Lisa Vanhee and Jolien Volders (KU Leuven Bachelor 3, 2018-2019). Based on a preparsed text by Alek Keersmaekers. Controlled by Toon Van Hal, Sanderijn Gijbels and Yoran Joosten.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.3333319 ; DOI";Van Hal, Toon / Keersmaekers, Alek / Gijbels, Sanderijn / Joosten, Yoran;;University of Leuven / University of Leuven / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3333319;;"xml treebank Annotated by Toon Van Hal, with student contributions by Mathieu Cuijpers; Sanderijn Gijbels; Yoran Joosten; Yordi Lenaerts; Eva Uffing; Chiara Van der Hasselt; Lisa Vanhee and Jolien Volders (KU Leuven Bachelor 3, 2018-2019). Based on a preparsed text by Alek Keersmaekers. Controlled by Toon Van Hal, Sanderijn Gijbels and Yoran Joosten.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.3333318 ; DOI";Van Hal, Toon / Keersmaekers, Alek / Gijbels, Sanderijn / Joosten, Yoran;;University of Leuven / University of Leuven / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3349904;;This repository includes the data associated to the numerical examples in the 'Applications of an isogeometric indirect boundary element method and the importance of accurate geometrical representation in acoustic problems' article submitted to the Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements Elsevier journal. The data comprise of the CAD models, NURBS models to be solved by the isogeometric boundary element method (IGiBEM) with the proposed method in the article, meshes to be solved indirect boundary element method (iBEM) with LMS Virtual.Lab 13.7v, and the results of the numerical examples: 1) vibrating cube, 2) car hood and 3) loudspeaker. The IGiBEM software is under private license of KU Leuven and Siemens Industry Software NV, therefore, it is not shared in this repository.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3349905"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Inci, Emin Oguz / Coox, Laurens / Atak, Onur / Deckers, Elke / Desmet, Wim;;Katholieke Universiteit Te Leuven, DMMS Lab Flanders Make / Katholieke Universiteit Te Leuven, DMMS Lab Flanders Make / Siemens Industry Software NV / Katholieke Universiteit Te Leuven, DMMS Flanders Makel / Katholieke Universiteit Te Leuven, DMMS Lab Flanders Make;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3349905;;This repository includes the data associated to the numerical examples in the 'Applications of an isogeometric indirect boundary element method and the importance of accurate geometrical representation in acoustic problems' article submitted to the Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements Elsevier journal. The data comprise of the CAD models, NURBS models to be solved by the isogeometric boundary element method (IGiBEM) with the proposed method in the article, meshes to be solved indirect boundary element method (iBEM) with LMS Virtual.Lab 13.7v, and the results of the numerical examples: 1) vibrating cube, 2) car hood and 3) loudspeaker. The IGiBEM software is under private license of KU Leuven and Siemens Industry Software NV, therefore, it is not shared in this repository.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3349904"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Inci, Emin Oguz / Coox, Laurens / Atak, Onur / Deckers, Elke / Desmet, Wim;;Katholieke Universiteit Te Leuven, DMMS Lab Flanders Make / Katholieke Universiteit Te Leuven, DMMS Lab Flanders Make / Siemens Industry Software NV / Katholieke Universiteit Te Leuven, DMMS Flanders Makel / Katholieke Universiteit Te Leuven, DMMS Lab Flanders Make;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3370728;;Full dataset from the Portraits Collection offered as open data for digital humanities research and other creative engagement;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsSupplementTo"", ""HasVersion"", ""HasVersion"") ; c("""", ""10.5281/zenodo.3370729"", ""10.5281/zenodo.3460785"") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"")";KU Leuven Libraries, Digitisation Department;no_identifier;KU Leuven Libraries;Affiliations_data_creators+Identifiers_related_outputs+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3370729;;Full dataset from the Portraits Collection offered as open data for digital humanities research and other creative engagement;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsSupplementTo"", ""IsVersionOf"") ; c("""", ""10.5281/zenodo.3370728"") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"")";KU Leuven Libraries, Digitisation Department;no_identifier;KU Leuven Libraries;Affiliations_data_creators+Identifiers_related_outputs+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3404784;;"ENGLISH
======= The digital recordings, 13 metal objects from the Kemmelberg (K) excavations (Belgium), present visually their physical condition in August 2019: 1. captures with the Phase One IQ3 100MP camera, with a Schneider-Kreuznach Macro LS 120 mm f/4.0 lens
2. meets the FADGI 4 stars en Metamorfoze (Full) standards (i.e. Color Encoding (E1976), Total Noise, Illuminance Uniformity)
3. processed with Capture One software (version
4. all are 1500 dpi; verifiable on the color-scale target included on each image
5. written in JPEG sRGB IEC61966-2.1 color space (consultation copy) and in TIFF eciRGB v2 color space (preservation copy) 6. recordings by Hendrik Hameeuw
7. recorded at ""Imaging Lab, KU Leuven Libraries"" Recordings made for V.O.B.o.W. vzw. When used in publications (offline and/or online and/or projection), please refer to the lab (7) and photographer (8), and when possible also the technical info of (1) and (2).
========== De digitale opnames, 13 metalen objecten van de opgravingen Kemmelberk (K) (België), geven visueel hun fisieke conditie in augustus 2019: 1. gemaakt met de camera Phase One IQ3 100MP, en met de Schneider-Kreuznach Macro LS 120 mm f/4.0 lens
2. voldoen aan de FADGI 4 sterren en Metamorfoze (Full) standaarden (i.e. Color Encoding (E1976), Total Noise, Illuminance Uniformity)
3. verwerkt door Capture One software (versie
4. allen aan 1500 dpi; steeds verifieerbaar met het bijgefotografeerde kleur-schaal target
5. in JPEG sRGB IEC61966-2.1 kleurenruimte en TIFF eciRGB v2 kleurenruimte geschreven 6. Opname door Hendrik Hameeuw
7. Opname te ""Digitaal Labo (Imaging Lab), KU Leuven Bibliotheken"" Opnames voor V.O.B.o.W. vzw. Bij gebruik in publicaties (offline en/of online en/of projectie), gelieve naam van labo (7) en fotograaf (8) te vermelden, en zo ver als mogelijk de technische info onder (1) en (2) te vermelden.
";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.3404785 ; DOI";Hameeuw, Hendrik;;KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3404785;;"ENGLISH
======= The digital recordings, 13 metal objects from the Kemmelberg (K) excavations (Belgium), present visually their physical condition in August 2019: 1. captures with the Phase One IQ3 100MP camera, with a Schneider-Kreuznach Macro LS 120 mm f/4.0 lens
2. meets the FADGI 4 stars en Metamorfoze (Full) standards (i.e. Color Encoding (E1976), Total Noise, Illuminance Uniformity)
3. processed with Capture One software (version
4. all are 1500 dpi; verifiable on the color-scale target included on each image
5. written in JPEG sRGB IEC61966-2.1 color space (consultation copy) and in TIFF eciRGB v2 color space (preservation copy) 6. recordings by Hendrik Hameeuw
7. recorded at ""Imaging Lab, KU Leuven Libraries"" Recordings made for V.O.B.o.W. vzw. When used in publications (offline and/or online and/or projection), please refer to the lab (7) and photographer (8), and when possible also the technical info of (1) and (2).
========== De digitale opnames, 13 metalen objecten van de opgravingen Kemmelberk (K) (België), geven visueel hun fisieke conditie in augustus 2019: 1. gemaakt met de camera Phase One IQ3 100MP, en met de Schneider-Kreuznach Macro LS 120 mm f/4.0 lens
2. voldoen aan de FADGI 4 sterren en Metamorfoze (Full) standaarden (i.e. Color Encoding (E1976), Total Noise, Illuminance Uniformity)
3. verwerkt door Capture One software (versie
4. allen aan 1500 dpi; steeds verifieerbaar met het bijgefotografeerde kleur-schaal target
5. in JPEG sRGB IEC61966-2.1 kleurenruimte en TIFF eciRGB v2 kleurenruimte geschreven 6. Opname door Hendrik Hameeuw
7. Opname te ""Digitaal Labo (Imaging Lab), KU Leuven Bibliotheken"" Opnames voor V.O.B.o.W. vzw. Bij gebruik in publicaties (offline en/of online en/of projectie), gelieve naam van labo (7) en fotograaf (8) te vermelden, en zo ver als mogelijk de technische info onder (1) en (2) te vermelden.
";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.3404784 ; DOI";Hameeuw, Hendrik;;KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3460785;;Full dataset from the Portraits Collection offered as open data for digital humanities research and other creative engagement;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsSupplementTo"", ""IsVersionOf"") ; c("""", ""10.5281/zenodo.3370728"") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"")";KU Leuven Libraries, Digitisation Department;no_identifier;KU Leuven Libraries;Affiliations_data_creators+Identifiers_related_outputs+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3742135;;"Detail of a fragment of an Egyptian coffin – Theban, end 22nd or early 25th Dynasty (©Archaeological Collections Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven, Belgium): study of reflection, luminescence and surface orientation characteristics of pigments (Egyptian Blue). a. General representation, multispectral capture with VIS filter (iso100, ss1/125, f9); b. MS-VIL trial capture with 715nm IR Longpass filter (iso100, ss20s, f9), insufficient for luminescence phenomenon of Egyptian blue; c. MS-VIL capture with 830nm IR Longpass filter (iso100, ss20s, f9), clear luminescence phenomenon of Egyptian Blue; d. MS PLD false colour capture (combining the IR, Red and Green datasets) without filters (exposure 150ms, f11), Egyptian Blue turns purple, black pigments are differentiated from the reds, e. MS PLD capture with 830nm IR Longpass filter (exposure 850ms, f8) and with an excitation source wavelength in the Red: 623nm, almost exclusive and very strong luminescence phenomenon of Egyptian Blue; f. MS PLD capture with 830nm IR Longpass filter (exposure 850ms, f8) and with an excitation source wavelength in the Green: 523nm, a weaker luminescence phenomenon of Egyptian Blue; g. MS PLD capture (exposure 150ms, f11): normal map based on PS algorithms with 623nm excitation source, estimation of all surface orientations; h. MS PLD capture with 830nm IR Longpass filter (exposure 850ms, f8): normal map based on PS algorithms with 623nm excitation source, almost exclusive estimation of Egyptian blue surface orientations only.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.3742136 ; DOI";Hameeuw, Hendrik;;KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3742136;;"Detail of a fragment of an Egyptian coffin – Theban, end 22nd or early 25th Dynasty (©Archaeological Collections Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven, Belgium): study of reflection, luminescence and surface orientation characteristics of pigments (Egyptian Blue). a. General representation, multispectral capture with VIS filter (iso100, ss1/125, f9); b. MS-VIL trial capture with 715nm IR Longpass filter (iso100, ss20s, f9), insufficient for luminescence phenomenon of Egyptian blue; c. MS-VIL capture with 830nm IR Longpass filter (iso100, ss20s, f9), clear luminescence phenomenon of Egyptian Blue; d. MS PLD false colour capture (combining the IR, Red and Green datasets) without filters (exposure 150ms, f11), Egyptian Blue turns purple, black pigments are differentiated from the reds, e. MS PLD capture with 830nm IR Longpass filter (exposure 850ms, f8) and with an excitation source wavelength in the Red: 623nm, almost exclusive and very strong luminescence phenomenon of Egyptian Blue; f. MS PLD capture with 830nm IR Longpass filter (exposure 850ms, f8) and with an excitation source wavelength in the Green: 523nm, a weaker luminescence phenomenon of Egyptian Blue; g. MS PLD capture (exposure 150ms, f11): normal map based on PS algorithms with 623nm excitation source, estimation of all surface orientations; h. MS PLD capture with 830nm IR Longpass filter (exposure 850ms, f8): normal map based on PS algorithms with 623nm excitation source, almost exclusive estimation of Egyptian blue surface orientations only.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.3742135 ; DOI";Hameeuw, Hendrik;;KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3889875;;Measurement data from a field study on a test building at KU Leuven, studying the hygrothermal performance of hydrophobised walls, provided with vapor tight or capillary active internal insulation. As a reference, also non-hydrophobized and non-insulated walls are analysed. The dataset also includes photo documentation of construction and installation of measurement sensors. Further details to be found in RIBuild deliverable D2.3. Overview of data files to be found in 'RIBuild data_WP2 KUL Vliet' as part of this dataset.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3889876"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Roels, S.;;KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3889876;;Measurement data from a field study on a test building at KU Leuven, studying the hygrothermal performance of hydrophobised walls, provided with vapor tight or capillary active internal insulation. As a reference, also non-hydrophobized and non-insulated walls are analysed. The dataset also includes photo documentation of construction and installation of measurement sensors. Further details to be found in RIBuild deliverable D2.3. Overview of data files to be found in 'RIBuild data_WP2 KUL Vliet' as part of this dataset.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3889875"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Roels, S.;;KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3890049;;This dataset contains measurement from a hotbox coldbox experiment involving a solid wall wooden beam end connection at KU Leuven. The focus of this study has been on the impact of an air gap between finishing and beam end, involving different internal insulation systems. Further, it includes photo documentation of construction and installation of sensors. Further details to be found in RIBuild deliverable D3.1. Overview of data files to be found in 'RIBuild data WP3_KUL Test stand' as part of this dataset. Further data on hotbox coldbox experiments can be found in the dataset 'RIBuild: Hotbox coldbox experiment with solid wall in combination with wooden beam ends at TU Dresden' ( Data from measurements on solid wall wooden beam end connections at an outdoor test unit can be found in the dataset 'RIBuild: Outdoor test stand with solid wall in combination with wooden beam ends at DTU' (;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsSupplementedBy"", ""IsSupplementedBy"", ""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c("""", """", ""10.5281/zenodo.3890050"", """") ; c(""URL"", ""URL"", ""DOI"", ""URL"")";Roels, S.;;KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3890050;;This dataset contains measurement from a hotbox coldbox experiment involving a solid wall wooden beam end connection at KU Leuven. The focus of this study has been on the impact of an air gap between finishing and beam end, involving different internal insulation systems. Further, it includes photo documentation of construction and installation of sensors. Further details to be found in RIBuild deliverable D3.1. Overview of data files to be found in 'RIBuild data WP3_KUL Test stand' as part of this dataset. Further data on hotbox coldbox experiments can be found in the dataset 'RIBuild: Hotbox coldbox experiment with solid wall in combination with wooden beam ends at TU Dresden' ( Data from measurements on solid wall wooden beam end connections at an outdoor test unit can be found in the dataset 'RIBuild: Outdoor test stand with solid wall in combination with wooden beam ends at DTU' (;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsSupplementedBy"", ""IsSupplementedBy"", ""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c("""", """", ""10.5281/zenodo.3890049"", """") ; c(""URL"", ""URL"", ""DOI"", ""URL"")";Roels, S.;;KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; no;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3903523;;The dataset consists of (1) measurement data from an outdoor test stand involving a number of different internal insulation systems and surface treatments. The placement outdoor makes it possible to take into consideration the wind driven rain on the behaviour of the different systems and treatments (2) files with risk prediction of fungal growth (3) test results from Mycometer tests and pH-measurements (4) Photo documentation for identification of fungal growth (5) Delphin 6 models and results of Delphin simulations (6) Appendics with background information for Delphin simulations Overview of data files to be found in ’RIBuild data WP3_DTU Outdoor test unit' as part of this dataset. Further details to be found in Jensen, N.F., Odgaard, T.R., Bjarløv, S.P., Andersen, B., Rode, C., Møller, E.B. (2020). Hygrothermal assessment of diffusion open insulation systems for interior retrofitting of solid masonry walls. Building and Environment (In Review) Data on hot box cold box experiments with a solid wall wooden beam end combination is to be found in the data sets 'RIBuild: Hotbox coldbox experiment with solid wall in combination with wooden beam ends at KU Leuven' ( and 'RIBuild: Hotbox coldbox experiment with solid wall in combination with wooden beam ends at TU Dresden' (;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsSupplementedBy"", ""IsSupplementedBy"", ""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c("""", """", ""10.5281/zenodo.3903524"", """") ; c(""Dataset"", ""Dataset"", NA, NA) ; c(""URL"", ""URL"", ""DOI"", ""URL"")";Jensen, N.F. / Odgaard, T.R. / Bjarløv, S.P. / Andersen, B. / Rode, C. / Møller, E.B.;" ; ; ; ; ;";DTU - Technical University of Denmark / Former DTU / Retired from DTU / DTU / DTU / DTU;Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3903524;;The dataset consists of (1) measurement data from an outdoor test stand involving a number of different internal insulation systems and surface treatments. The placement outdoor makes it possible to take into consideration the wind driven rain on the behaviour of the different systems and treatments (2) files with risk prediction of fungal growth (3) test results from Mycometer tests and pH-measurements (4) Photo documentation for identification of fungal growth (5) Delphin 6 models and results of Delphin simulations (6) Appendics with background information for Delphin simulations Overview of data files to be found in ’RIBuild data WP3_DTU Outdoor test unit' as part of this dataset. Further details to be found in Jensen, N.F., Odgaard, T.R., Bjarløv, S.P., Andersen, B., Rode, C., Møller, E.B. (2020). Hygrothermal assessment of diffusion open insulation systems for interior retrofitting of solid masonry walls. Building and Environment (In Review) Data on hot box cold box experiments with a solid wall wooden beam end combination is to be found in the data sets 'RIBuild: Hotbox coldbox experiment with solid wall in combination with wooden beam ends at KU Leuven' ( and 'RIBuild: Hotbox coldbox experiment with solid wall in combination with wooden beam ends at TU Dresden' (;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsSupplementedBy"", ""IsSupplementedBy"", ""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c("""", """", ""10.5281/zenodo.3903523"", """") ; c(""Dataset"", ""Dataset"", NA, NA) ; c(""URL"", ""URL"", ""DOI"", ""URL"")";Jensen, N.F. / Odgaard, T.R. / Bjarløv, S.P. / Andersen, B. / Rode, C. / Møller, E.B.;" ; ; ; ; ;";DTU - Technical University of Denmark / Former DTU / Retired from DTU / DTU / DTU / DTU;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3991667;;First release of the Views of Leuven Collection Dataset. Full dataset of the Views of Leuven Collection which includes images and maps of Leuven from the 16th-20th centuries.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsSupplementTo"", ""HasVersion"") ; c("""", ""10.5281/zenodo.3991668"") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"")";KU Leuven Libraries;no_identifier;KU Leuven Libraries - Digitisation Department;Affiliations_data_creators+Description+Identifiers_related_outputs+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3991668;;First release of the Views of Leuven Collection Dataset. Full dataset of the Views of Leuven Collection which includes images and maps of Leuven from the 16th-20th centuries.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsSupplementTo"", ""IsVersionOf"") ; c("""", ""10.5281/zenodo.3991667"") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"")";KU Leuven Libraries;no_identifier;KU Leuven Libraries - Digitisation Department;Affiliations_data_creators+Description+Identifiers_related_outputs+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.4282447;;Registration of serial sections: An evaluation method based on distortions of the ground truths This is the supplemental data for our paper on how to benchmark registrations of serial sections with ground truths. The files are named as follows: *_challenge.7z: local distortions and global rigid transformations applied, the input for the benchmark we used. Use this to test your rigid and non-rigid methods. *_local-only.7z: only local distortions applied. *_local-DIST.7z: the distortion maps for local distortions. *_SURF-rigid.7z: local distortions and global rigid transformations applied, rigid transformations undone with SURF-based rigid-only method. Local distortions remain. Use this if your method does not cope well with large rigid transformations. _*vis.7z: visualizations of distortions. _rigid_ground.7z: the real rigid transformations used in the global phase. *_ground.7z: the ground truth. All data fit each other, no distortions. Use this to compare your registration result to it. There are three main modalities and one further, as a reference: CT_*: µCT data, a rabbit lung, 600 images. (In ground truth, and local distortions, and global transformations we supply more images that went into the benchmark, 50 more from both beginning and end.) EM_*: an EM serial block-face (SBF-SEM) data set of adult mouse lung, 1000 images. (EM ground truth is individually normalized, see paper.) LS_*: a lung from the light sheet microscopy from a male 24 week-old rat, 300 images. (LS ground truth is individually normalized, too.) REAL_*: a region from real serial sections from a rabbit lung, 2 images. We also supply elastix parameter files. A preprint has been uploaded to arXiv. The source code of the distorter is available from GitHub.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsSupplementTo"", ""IsCompiledBy"", ""HasVersion"") ; c("""", """", ""10.5281/zenodo.4282448"") ; c(""Text"", ""Software"", NA) ; c(""URL"", ""URL"", ""DOI"")";Lobachev, Oleg / Pfaffenroth, Alexander / Wrede, Christoph / Haberthür, David / Hlushchuk, Ruslan / Salaets, Thomas / Toelen, Jaan;" ; ;";Leibniz-Fachhochschule / Hannover Medical School / Hannover Medical School / University of Bern / University of Bern / KU Leuven / KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.4282448;;Registration of serial sections: An evaluation method based on distortions of the ground truths This is the supplemental data for our paper on how to benchmark registrations of serial sections with ground truths. The files are named as follows: *_challenge.7z: local distortions and global rigid transformations applied, the input for the benchmark we used. Use this to test your rigid and non-rigid methods. *_local-only.7z: only local distortions applied. *_local-DIST.7z: the distortion maps for local distortions. *_SURF-rigid.7z: local distortions and global rigid transformations applied, rigid transformations undone with SURF-based rigid-only method. Local distortions remain. Use this if your method does not cope well with large rigid transformations. _*vis.7z: visualizations of distortions. _rigid_ground.7z: the real rigid transformations used in the global phase. *_ground.7z: the ground truth. All data fit each other, no distortions. Use this to compare your registration result to it. There are three main modalities and one further, as a reference: CT_*: µCT data, a rabbit lung, 600 images. (In ground truth, and local distortions, and global transformations we supply more images that went into the benchmark, 50 more from both beginning and end.) EM_*: an EM serial block-face (SBF-SEM) data set of adult mouse lung, 1000 images. (EM ground truth is individually normalized, see paper.) LS_*: a lung from the light sheet microscopy from a male 24 week-old rat, 300 images. (LS ground truth is individually normalized, too.) REAL_*: a region from real serial sections from a rabbit lung, 2 images. We also supply elastix parameter files. A preprint has been uploaded to arXiv. The source code of the distorter is available from GitHub.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsSupplementTo"", ""IsCompiledBy"", ""IsVersionOf"") ; c("""", """", ""10.5281/zenodo.4282447"") ; c(""Text"", ""Software"", NA) ; c(""URL"", ""URL"", ""DOI"")";Lobachev, Oleg / Pfaffenroth, Alexander / Wrede, Christoph / Haberthür, David / Hlushchuk, Ruslan / Salaets, Thomas / Toelen, Jaan;" ; ;";Leibniz-Fachhochschule / Hannover Medical School / Hannover Medical School / University of Bern / University of Bern / KU Leuven / KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.583965;;"This dataset contains all raw signals (complex float I/Q samples) used in the LoRa fingerprinting experiments of the paper entitled ""Physical-Layer Fingerprinting of LoRa devices using Supervised and Zero-Shot Learning"". There are 4 databases included: lora1msps, lora2msps, lora5msps, and lora10msps. Each document in the databases is a symbol extracted from a 4-byte random payload LoRa frame, transmitted by a RN2483 radio and received by a USRP B210 sampling at a rate corresponding to the database name. A total of 22 different transmitters were used. For more information, please consult the paper. The document structure is as follows: _id: Unique MongoDB document ID chirp: Base 64 encoded binary float complex I/Q data field: Symbol location inside a LoRa frame tag: Name of the device that sent the frame date: Time and date of reception fn: Frame number rand: Random number for sortingHow to importExtract the tar archive. Inside the directory, run the following command to import the lora2msps database:mongorestore --gzip -d lora2msps ./lora2mspsThis process can be repeated for each dataset. Alternatively, all datasets can be imported automatically by executing:mongorestore --gzip . How to useAfter the data has been imported, an experiment can be run by simply providing the corresponding config file to tf_train (see, e.g.:./ train conf/experiment_lora2msps_mlp.conf";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2017;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.601485 ; DOI";Robyns, Pieter / Marin, Eduard / Lamotte, Wim / Quax, Peter / Singelée, Dave / Preneel, Bart;no_identifier;UHasselt - tUL - imec / imec - COSIC KU Leuven / UHasselt - tUL - imec / UHasselt - tUL - imec / imec - COSIC KU Leuven / imec - COSIC KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.601485;;"This dataset contains all raw signals (complex float I/Q samples) used in the LoRa fingerprinting experiments of the paper entitled ""Physical-Layer Fingerprinting of LoRa devices using Supervised and Zero-Shot Learning"". There are 4 databases included: lora1msps, lora2msps, lora5msps, and lora10msps. Each document in the databases is a symbol extracted from a 4-byte random payload LoRa frame, transmitted by a RN2483 radio and received by a USRP B210 sampling at a rate corresponding to the database name. A total of 22 different transmitters were used. For more information, please consult the paper. The document structure is as follows: _id: Unique MongoDB document ID chirp: Base 64 encoded binary float complex I/Q data field: Symbol location inside a LoRa frame tag: Name of the device that sent the frame date: Time and date of reception fn: Frame number rand: Random number for sortingHow to importExtract the tar archive. Inside the directory, run the following command to import the lora2msps database:mongorestore --gzip -d lora2msps ./lora2mspsThis process can be repeated for each dataset. Alternatively, all datasets can be imported automatically by executing:mongorestore --gzip . How to useAfter the data has been imported, an experiment can be run by simply providing the corresponding config file to tf_train (see, e.g.:./ train conf/experiment_lora2msps_mlp.conf";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2017;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.583965 ; DOI";Robyns, Pieter / Marin, Eduard / Lamotte, Wim / Quax, Peter / Singelée, Dave / Preneel, Bart;no_identifier;UHasselt - tUL - imec / imec - COSIC KU Leuven / UHasselt - tUL - imec / UHasselt - tUL - imec / imec - COSIC KU Leuven / imec - COSIC KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.6084/m9.figshare.6951608;;"Python code generated in the context of the dissertation 'Improving the semantic quality of conceptual models through text mining. A proof of concept' (Postgraduate studies Big Data & Analytics for Business and Management, KU Leuven Faculty of Economics and Business, 2018)";figshare;figshare.ars;2018;no_identifier;Willaert, Tom;;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.6084/m9.figshare.6951608.v1;;"Python code generated in the context of the dissertation 'Improving the semantic quality of conceptual models through text mining. A proof of concept' (Postgraduate studies Big Data & Analytics for Business and Management, KU Leuven Faculty of Economics and Business, 2018)";figshare;figshare.ars;2018;"IsIdenticalTo ; 10.6084/m9.figshare.6951608 ; DOI";Willaert, Tom;;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.6084/m9.figshare.7471124;;This dataset was used to acquire normative data for a Flemish version of the Buschke selective reminding test (SRT). Data was obtained in 3257 neurologically healthy adults (age range: 18-94 years old). The influences of age, sex and educational level on SRT performance were analysed using robust regression. This study gained ethical approval from the Social and Societal Ethics Committee of the KU Leuven (reference number: G-2018 11 1388).;figshare;figshare.ars;2018;no_identifier;Thielen, Hella / Verleysen, Gregory / Huybrechts, Sophie / Lafosse, Christophe / Gillebert, Céline R.;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.6084/m9.figshare.7471124.v1;;This dataset was used to acquire normative data for a Flemish version of the Buschke selective reminding test (SRT). Data was obtained in 3257 neurologically healthy adults (age range: 18-94 years old). The influences of age, sex and educational level on SRT performance were analysed using robust regression. This study gained ethical approval from the Social and Societal Ethics Committee of the KU Leuven (reference number: G-2018 11 1388).;figshare;figshare.ars;2018;"IsIdenticalTo ; 10.6084/m9.figshare.7471124 ; DOI";Thielen, Hella / Verleysen, Gregory / Huybrechts, Sophie / Lafosse, Christophe / Gillebert, Céline R.;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/22932/49in7k;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2013;no_identifier;"Takalo, Tuomas (Bank Of Finland); Tanayama, Tanja (National Audit Office, Finland); Toivanen, Otto (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/22932/ecl2cq;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2013;no_identifier;"Takalo, Tuomas (Bank Of Finland); Tanayama, Tanja (National Audit Office, Finland); Toivanen, Otto (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27184/1rgxir;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Vanormelingen, Stijn (KU Leuven); Konings, Jozef (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27184/3be42h;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Vanormelingen, Stijn (KU Leuven); Konings, Jozef (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27184/7l3szj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Vanormelingen, Stijn (KU Leuven); Konings, Jozef (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27184/jdxq74;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Vanormelingen, Stijn (KU Leuven); Konings, Jozef (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27184/jspgun;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Vanormelingen, Stijn (KU Leuven); Konings, Jozef (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27184/pzxy6i;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Vanormelingen, Stijn (KU Leuven); Konings, Jozef (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27184/womrlz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Vanormelingen, Stijn (KU Leuven); Konings, Jozef (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27184/xt6xll;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Vanormelingen, Stijn (KU Leuven); Konings, Jozef (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27184/z1dezh;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Vanormelingen, Stijn (KU Leuven); Konings, Jozef (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27184/znvtru;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Vanormelingen, Stijn (KU Leuven); Konings, Jozef (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/diygex;;This dataverse contains the data and supporting documents for the CCES 2016 KU Leuven. This project was supported by the National Science Foundation, Grant Number SES-1559125.;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2019;no_identifier;Hooghe, Marc;no_identifier;(PI);Description;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/ep3v0k;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Orsini, Francesco (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/ep3v0k/gml0jq;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;Orsini, Francesco (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/hpuq1y;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Grow, André (KU Leuven); Van Bavel, Jan (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary;related publication on Harvard website yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/hpuq1y/arhumf;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Grow, André (KU Leuven); Van Bavel, Jan (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/lkrgnh;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Vorkov, Vitalii (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary;related publication on Harvard website yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/lkrgnh/zcnnqf;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Vorkov, Vitalii (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/p7xkvv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Vorkov, Vitalii (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary;related publication on Harvard website yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/p7xkvv/rvq8y8;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Vorkov, Vitalii (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary;related publication on Harvard website yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/1ipxop;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/2dprky;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/azryn4;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/cobogk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/gva3lp;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/hoaloh;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/iaeepo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/idgpjh;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/jndzju;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/l081uh;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/pgpwak;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/rsta91;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/wfz2ur;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/qjeukr/zvht2b;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;Frandi, Emanuele (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/v7ib2y;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Vorkov, Vitalii (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/v7ib2y/9s7stt;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Vorkov, Vitalii (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/v7ib2y/izcyba;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Vorkov, Vitalii (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/v7ib2y/mq5fi3;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Vorkov, Vitalii (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/wjgdur;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Vorkov, Vitalii (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/wjgdur/htoayf;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Vorkov, Vitalii (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/wjgdur/wlyn7g;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Vorkov, Vitalii (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/xhh4tn;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Vorkov, Vitalii (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/xhh4tn/z6dkfa;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Vorkov, Vitalii (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/0jx6jw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/0ptfxo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/1arbwi;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/1pmpsv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/1r0wp8;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/3oj1da;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/4kpe5s;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/4nokqn;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/4rrcpe;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/4xrsow;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/5etlhv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/5rwa9g;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/6zhsap;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/7xldjq;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/8afdul;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/8dtsno;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/8r2sr5;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/98qw2y;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/9fsyaa;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/9thnhw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/9w6vlj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/a60vg2;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/acspqe;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/adxw7w;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/aegnvw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/aomayg;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/aqjny4;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/b1okuf;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/bczb2u;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/bmlzoh;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/bpth4b;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/cc1q2g;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/cc7ajk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/cjqnex;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/conzui;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/cxcc15;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/dd5kxd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/dgarln;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/dgdow9;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/dtuhpl;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/dwntft;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/e3szei;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/e6rjze;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/edkzy2;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/efl5lx;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/enbx1l;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/eoxyg0;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/eu26jr;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/fefssv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/fexscw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/ffbb1g;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/fgjjna;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/fqgbw0;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/frw0df;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/fxgs7k;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/fygnk5;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/g3rij1;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/g6fldv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/ggoln5;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/gi5lji;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/gjfcjz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/gktbif;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/go5mel;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/h1azxl;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/h3n4g7;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/haylk4;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/hiy1mn;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/hnrino;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/hscamw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/hsitur;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/hviuyj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/ifezhr;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/ikxtv2;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/ivojxy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/jk7vsa;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/k3le8x;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/kdsnzd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/knzgta;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/kq8mpg;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/kui4ai;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/kv38n3;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/kx22ko;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/lfu0f4;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/lojwtw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/lzjwiw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/m1kdkl;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/mcr4rw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/mhktbd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/mqgara;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/mt9jx3;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/mypase;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/n3vhsj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/n6utf2;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/n9vezl;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/na6lut;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/nec9ls;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/ngb54e;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/nja578;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/nn0kpf;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/nrv9jb;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/nv3vdk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/nzf7ii;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/nzwnlj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/o7p3p1;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/oilp4a;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/osaur2;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/pa5ozd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/peaqbm;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/pf6agj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/pgtjrj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/pjgvjl;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/pnvqjj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/pr2o8r;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/pwjpnf;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/px9zos;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/qakhrw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/qe7rce;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/qgpkzu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/rihpea;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/rpbi7g;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/stqeba;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/swbyfy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/syty1h;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/te6x9c;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/tejsqx;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/tmp5wb;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/tqhddv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/twcsyj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/tyorbw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/u44bsh;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/udpr7q;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/ufo8ql;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/uhkduk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/ulcpvd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/upg8zw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/vaism0;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/vnld6d;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/vnlfsj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/vsfd9s;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/w3vibz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/w6hjkd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/w7qzsc;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/wat1hv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/wdgbwe;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/whepwh;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/whzkz2;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/womp6k;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/wz1ouq;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/x6tzab;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/x7gngf;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/x7zsyy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/xem6pv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/xpo50n;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/xxgayv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/ygjbmp;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/ysm80i;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/z41qgl;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/zcsmqq;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/zgtvds;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/zoilgy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/zrpvik;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KU AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/zkdwd2/zsukmx;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;De Wildt, Lars (KU Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KULeuven;10.14284/308;;no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2017;no_identifier;Komijani, Homayoon / Monbaliu, Jaak / Hydraulics Laboratory-KULeuven, Belgium;no_identifier;Hydraulics laboratory - KULeuven, Belgium / Hydraulics laboratory - KULeuven, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KULeuven;10.14284/325;;This data is the core script of COHERENS-SWAN coupled set. It contains the scripts needed to create the COHERENS-SWAN set. The resulting set can be used to study wave-current interaction in coastal area. The code changes are made to the original code of SWAN version 40.91 and COHERENS version 2.4.1. Therefore, the code changes are ONLY compatible with the SWAN version 40.91 and the COHERENS version 2.4.1.SWAN is a program to simulate spectral wave in nearshore areas. The COHERENS is a program to simulate hydrodynamic system. The resulting coupled set is intended for academic use only.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2018;"IsNewVersionOf ; 10.14284/308 ; DOI";Komijani, Homayoon / Monbaliu, Jaak / Hydraulics Laboratory-KULeuven, Belgium;;Hydraulics laboratory - KULeuven, Belgium / Hydraulics laboratory - KULeuven, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KULeuven;10.14284/332;;Phytoplankton abundances and cell counts for 10 stations in the Scheldt estuary on March, 19 in 1974. The data are digitized from technical reports in the frame of the LifeWatch project.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2019;"c(""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"", ""IsReferencedBy"") ; c("""", """", """") ; c(""URL"", ""URL"", ""URL"")";Huys, Lut / Laboratorium Voor Hydrologie. KULeuven, Belgium;no_identifier;KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KULeuven;10.14284/372;;Quantitative and qualitative analysis of phytoplankton species found between 1968-1970 in the North Sea and Northeast Atlantic Ocean. The data were digitized in the frame of the 4DEMON project and LifeWatch.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2019;"c(""IsPartOf"", ""Compiles"", ""IsReferencedBy"", ""IsReferencedBy"") ; c("""", ""10.14284/320"", """", """") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"", ""URL"", ""URL"")";Clarysse, R. / Louis, A. / Laboratorium Van Algologie. KULeuven, Belgium;no_identifier;KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / KU Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KULeuven;10.5281/zenodo.3377910;;"This work was done at ExpORL, Dept. Neurosciences, KULeuven and Dept. Electrical Engineering (ESAT), KULeuven. This dataset contains EEG data collected from 16 normal-hearing subjects. EEG recordings were made in a soundproof, electromagnetically shielded room at ExpORL, KULeuven. The BioSemi ActiveTwo system was used to record 64-channel EEG signals at 8196 Hz sample rate. The audio signals, low pass filtered at 4 kHz, were administered to each subject at 60 dBA through a pair of insert phones (Etymotic ER3A). The experiments were conducted using the APEX 3 program developed at ExpORL [1]. Four Dutch short stories [2], narrated by different male speakers, were used as stimuli. All silences longer than 500 ms in the audio files were truncated to 500 ms. Each story was divided into two parts of approximately 6 minutes each. During a presentation, the subjects were presented with the six-minutes part of two (out of four) stories played simultaneously. There were two stimulus conditions, i.e., `HRTF' or `dry' (dichotic). An experiment here is defined as a sequence of 4 presentations, 2 for each stimulus condition and ear of stimulation, with questions asked to the subject after each presentation. All subjects sat through three experiments within a single recording session. An example for the design of an experiment is shown in Table 1 in [3]. The first two experiments included four presentations each. During a presentation, the subjects were instructed to listen to the story in one ear, while ignoring the story in the other ear. After each presentation, the subjects were presented with a set of multiple-choice questions about the story they were listening to in order to help them stay motivated to focus on the task. In the next presentation, the subjects were presented with the next part of the two stories. This time they were instructed to attend to their other ear. In this manner, one experiment involved four presentations in which the subjects listened to a total of two stories, switching attended ear between presentations. The second experiment had the same design but with two other stories. Note that the Table was different for each subject or recording session, i.e., each of the elements in the table were permuted between different recording sessions to ensure that the different conditions (stimulus condition and the attended ear) were equally distributed over the four presentations. Finally, the third experiment included a set of presentations where the first two minutes of the story parts from the first experiment, i.e. a total of four shorter presentations, were repeated three times, to build a set of recordings of repetitions. Thus, a total of approximately 72 minutes of EEG was recorded per subject. We refer to EEG recorded from each presentation as a trial. For each subject, we recorded 20 trials - 4 from the first experiment, 4 from the second experiment, and 12 from the third experiment (first 2 minutes of the 4 presentations from experiment 1 X 3 repetitions). The EEG data is stored in subject specific mat files of the format 'Sx', 'x' referring to the subject number. The audio data is stored as wav files in the folder 'stimuli'. Please note that the stories were not of equal lengths, and the subjects were allowed to finish listening to a story, even in cases where the competing story was over. Therefore, for each trial, we suggest referring to the length of the EEG recordings to truncate the ends of the corresponding audio data. This will ensure that the processed data (EEG and audio) contains only competing talker scenarios. Each trial was high-pass filtered (0.5 Hz cut off) and downsampled from the recorded sampling rate of 8192 Hz to 128 Hz. Each trial (trial*.mat) contains the following information: RawData.Channels: channel numbers (1 to 64).
RawData.EegData: EEG data (samples X channels).
FileHeader.SampleRate: sampling frequency of the saved data.
TrialID: a number between 1 to 20, showing the trial number.
attended_ear: the direction of attention of the subject. 'L' for left, 'R' for right.
stimuli: cell array with stimuli{1} and stimuli{2} indicating the name of audio files presented in the left ear and the right ear of the subject respectively.
condition: stimulus presentation condition. 'HRTF' - stimuli were filtered with HRTF functions to simulate audio from 90 degrees to the left and 90 degrees to the right of the speaker, 'dry' - a dichotic presentation in which there was one story track each presented separately via the left and the right earphones.
experiment: the number of the experiment (1, 2, or 3).
part: part of the story track being presented (can be 1 to 4 for experiments 1 and 2, and 1 to 12 for experiment 3).
attended_track: the attended story track. '1' for track 1 and '2' for track 2. Each track maintains continuity of the story. In Experiment 1, attention is always to track 1, and in Experiment 2, attention is always to track 2.
repetition: binary variable indicating where the trial is a repetition (of presented stimuli) or not.
subject: subject id of the format 'Sx', 'x' being the subject number. The 'stimuli' folder contains .wav-files of the format: part{part number}_track{track number}_{condition}.wav. Although the folder contains stimuli with HRTF filtering as well, for the analysis, we have assumed knowledge of the original clean stimuli (i.e. stimuli presented under the 'dry' condition), and hence envelopes were extracted only from part{part number}_track{tracknumber}_dry.wav files. The MATLAB file 'preprocess_data.m' gives an example of how the synchronization and preprocessing of the EEG and audio data can be done as described in [14]. Dependency: AMToolbox. This dataset has been used in [3, 5-16]. [1] Francart, T., Van Wieringen, A., & Wouters, J. (2008). APEX 3: a multi-purpose test platform for auditory psychophysical experiments. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 172(2), 283-293.
[2] Radioboeken voor kinderen,, 2007 (Accessed: 30 March 2015)
[3] Das, N., Biesmans, W., Bertrand, A., & Francart, T. (2016). The effect of head-related filtering and ear-specific decoding bias on auditory attention detection. Journal of Neural Engineering, 13(5), 056014.
[4] Somers, B., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2018). A generic EEG artifact removal algorithm based on the multi-channel Wiener filter. Journal of Neural Engineering, 15(3), 036007.
[5] Das, N., Vanthornhout, J., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2019). Stimulus-aware spatial filtering for single-trial neural response and temporal response function estimation in high-density EEG with applications in auditory research. NeuroImage 204 (2020)
[6] Biesmans, W., Das, N., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2016). Auditory-inspired speech envelope extraction methods for improved EEG-based auditory attention detection in a cocktail party scenario. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 25(5), 402-412.
[7] Das, N., Van Eyndhoven, S., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2016). Adaptive attention-driven speech enhancement for EEG-informed hearing prostheses. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 77-80.
[8] Van Eyndhoven, S., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2016). EEG-informed attended speaker extraction from recorded speech mixtures with application in neuro-steered hearing prostheses. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 64(5), 1045-1056.
[9] Das, N., Van Eyndhoven, S., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2017). EEG-based Attention-Driven Speech Enhancement For Noisy Speech Mixtures Using N-fold Multi-Channel Wiener Filters. In Proceedings of the 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1660-1664.
[10] Narayanan, A. M., & Bertrand, A. (2018). The effect of miniaturization and galvanic separation of EEG sensor devices in an auditory attention detection task. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 77-80.
[11] Vandecappelle , S., Deckers, L., Das, N., Ansari, A. H., Bertrand, A., & Francart, T. (2020). EEG-based detection of the locus of auditory attention with convolutional neural networks. bioRxiv 475673; doi:
[12] Narayanan, A. M., & Bertrand, A. (2019). Analysis of Miniaturization Effects and Channel Selection Strategies for EEG Sensor Networks With Application to Auditory Attention Detection. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 67(1), 234-244.
[13] Geirnaert, S., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2019). A New Metric to Evaluate Auditory Attention Detection Performance Based on a Markov Chain. In Proceedings of the 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1-5.
[14] Geirnaert, S., Francart,T., & Bertrand, A. (2020). An Interpretable Performance Metric for Auditory Attention Decoding Algorithms in a Context of Neuro-Steered Gain Control. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 28(1), 307-317.
[15] Geirnaert, S., Francart,T., & Bertrand, A. (2020). Fast EEG-based decoding of the directional focus of auditory attention using common spatial patterns. bioRxiv 2020.06.16.154450; doi:
[16] Geirnaert, S., Vandecappelle, S., Alickovic, E., de Cheveigné, A., Lalor, E., Meyer, B.T., Miran, S., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2020). Neuro-Steered Hearing Devices: Decoding Auditory Attention From the Brain. arXiv 2008.04569; doi: arXiv:2008.04569.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""HasVersion"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3377911"", ""10.5281/zenodo.3997352"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Das, Neetha / Francart, Tom / Bertrand, Alexander;" ; ;";KU Leuven / KU Leuven / KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;KULeuven;10.5281/zenodo.3377911;;"********************************* Disclaimer Another version, version 1.1.0, of this data set is available here, which contains the original data (+ details on the data set). The version published on the current page contains EEG data that has been pre-processed with a data-driven artifact removal procedure on a trial-by-trial basis. This can introduce slight differences across trials that can possibly be exploited by classifiers. Therefore, for proper benchmarking of auditory attention decoding algorithms that can learn to use such cues, it is recommended to NOT use this pre-processed data set, and instead use the unprocessed version 1.1.0 (the original data). ********************************* This version of the data set was used in Das, N., Vanthornhout, J., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. “Stimulus-aware spatial filtering for single-trial neural response and temporal response function estimation in high-density EEG with applications in auditory research.” NeuroImage, Volume 204, 116211, Jan. 2020 The results and conclusions in the paper are not affected by the trial-by-trial application of the artifact removal procedure.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.3377910 ; DOI";Das, Neetha / Francart, Tom / Bertrand, Alexander;" ; ;";KU Leuven / KU Leuven / KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;KULeuven;10.5281/zenodo.3997352;;"This work was done at ExpORL, Dept. Neurosciences, KULeuven and Dept. Electrical Engineering (ESAT), KULeuven. This dataset contains EEG data collected from 16 normal-hearing subjects. EEG recordings were made in a soundproof, electromagnetically shielded room at ExpORL, KULeuven. The BioSemi ActiveTwo system was used to record 64-channel EEG signals at 8196 Hz sample rate. The audio signals, low pass filtered at 4 kHz, were administered to each subject at 60 dBA through a pair of insert phones (Etymotic ER3A). The experiments were conducted using the APEX 3 program developed at ExpORL [1]. Four Dutch short stories [2], narrated by different male speakers, were used as stimuli. All silences longer than 500 ms in the audio files were truncated to 500 ms. Each story was divided into two parts of approximately 6 minutes each. During a presentation, the subjects were presented with the six-minutes part of two (out of four) stories played simultaneously. There were two stimulus conditions, i.e., `HRTF' or `dry' (dichotic). An experiment here is defined as a sequence of 4 presentations, 2 for each stimulus condition and ear of stimulation, with questions asked to the subject after each presentation. All subjects sat through three experiments within a single recording session. An example for the design of an experiment is shown in Table 1 in [3]. The first two experiments included four presentations each. During a presentation, the subjects were instructed to listen to the story in one ear, while ignoring the story in the other ear. After each presentation, the subjects were presented with a set of multiple-choice questions about the story they were listening to in order to help them stay motivated to focus on the task. In the next presentation, the subjects were presented with the next part of the two stories. This time they were instructed to attend to their other ear. In this manner, one experiment involved four presentations in which the subjects listened to a total of two stories, switching attended ear between presentations. The second experiment had the same design but with two other stories. Note that the Table was different for each subject or recording session, i.e., each of the elements in the table were permuted between different recording sessions to ensure that the different conditions (stimulus condition and the attended ear) were equally distributed over the four presentations. Finally, the third experiment included a set of presentations where the first two minutes of the story parts from the first experiment, i.e. a total of four shorter presentations, were repeated three times, to build a set of recordings of repetitions. Thus, a total of approximately 72 minutes of EEG was recorded per subject. We refer to EEG recorded from each presentation as a trial. For each subject, we recorded 20 trials - 4 from the first experiment, 4 from the second experiment, and 12 from the third experiment (first 2 minutes of the 4 presentations from experiment 1 X 3 repetitions). The EEG data is stored in subject specific mat files of the format 'Sx', 'x' referring to the subject number. The audio data is stored as wav files in the folder 'stimuli'. Please note that the stories were not of equal lengths, and the subjects were allowed to finish listening to a story, even in cases where the competing story was over. Therefore, for each trial, we suggest referring to the length of the EEG recordings to truncate the ends of the corresponding audio data. This will ensure that the processed data (EEG and audio) contains only competing talker scenarios. Each trial was high-pass filtered (0.5 Hz cut off) and downsampled from the recorded sampling rate of 8192 Hz to 128 Hz. Each trial (trial*.mat) contains the following information: RawData.Channels: channel numbers (1 to 64).
RawData.EegData: EEG data (samples X channels).
FileHeader.SampleRate: sampling frequency of the saved data.
TrialID: a number between 1 to 20, showing the trial number.
attended_ear: the direction of attention of the subject. 'L' for left, 'R' for right.
stimuli: cell array with stimuli{1} and stimuli{2} indicating the name of audio files presented in the left ear and the right ear of the subject respectively.
condition: stimulus presentation condition. 'HRTF' - stimuli were filtered with HRTF functions to simulate audio from 90 degrees to the left and 90 degrees to the right of the speaker, 'dry' - a dichotic presentation in which there was one story track each presented separately via the left and the right earphones.
experiment: the number of the experiment (1, 2, or 3).
part: part of the story track being presented (can be 1 to 4 for experiments 1 and 2, and 1 to 12 for experiment 3).
attended_track: the attended story track. '1' for track 1 and '2' for track 2. Each track maintains continuity of the story. In Experiment 1, attention is always to track 1, and in Experiment 2, attention is always to track 2.
repetition: binary variable indicating where the trial is a repetition (of presented stimuli) or not.
subject: subject id of the format 'Sx', 'x' being the subject number. The 'stimuli' folder contains .wav-files of the format: part{part number}_track{track number}_{condition}.wav. Although the folder contains stimuli with HRTF filtering as well, for the analysis, we have assumed knowledge of the original clean stimuli (i.e. stimuli presented under the 'dry' condition), and hence envelopes were extracted only from part{part number}_track{tracknumber}_dry.wav files. The MATLAB file 'preprocess_data.m' gives an example of how the synchronization and preprocessing of the EEG and audio data can be done as described in [14]. Dependency: AMToolbox. This dataset has been used in [3, 5-16]. [1] Francart, T., Van Wieringen, A., & Wouters, J. (2008). APEX 3: a multi-purpose test platform for auditory psychophysical experiments. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 172(2), 283-293.
[2] Radioboeken voor kinderen,, 2007 (Accessed: 30 March 2015)
[3] Das, N., Biesmans, W., Bertrand, A., & Francart, T. (2016). The effect of head-related filtering and ear-specific decoding bias on auditory attention detection. Journal of Neural Engineering, 13(5), 056014.
[4] Somers, B., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2018). A generic EEG artifact removal algorithm based on the multi-channel Wiener filter. Journal of Neural Engineering, 15(3), 036007.
[5] Das, N., Vanthornhout, J., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2019). Stimulus-aware spatial filtering for single-trial neural response and temporal response function estimation in high-density EEG with applications in auditory research. NeuroImage 204 (2020)
[6] Biesmans, W., Das, N., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2016). Auditory-inspired speech envelope extraction methods for improved EEG-based auditory attention detection in a cocktail party scenario. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 25(5), 402-412.
[7] Das, N., Van Eyndhoven, S., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2016). Adaptive attention-driven speech enhancement for EEG-informed hearing prostheses. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 77-80.
[8] Van Eyndhoven, S., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2016). EEG-informed attended speaker extraction from recorded speech mixtures with application in neuro-steered hearing prostheses. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 64(5), 1045-1056.
[9] Das, N., Van Eyndhoven, S., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2017). EEG-based Attention-Driven Speech Enhancement For Noisy Speech Mixtures Using N-fold Multi-Channel Wiener Filters. In Proceedings of the 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1660-1664.
[10] Narayanan, A. M., & Bertrand, A. (2018). The effect of miniaturization and galvanic separation of EEG sensor devices in an auditory attention detection task. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 77-80.
[11] Vandecappelle , S., Deckers, L., Das, N., Ansari, A. H., Bertrand, A., & Francart, T. (2020). EEG-based detection of the locus of auditory attention with convolutional neural networks. bioRxiv 475673; doi:
[12] Narayanan, A. M., & Bertrand, A. (2019). Analysis of Miniaturization Effects and Channel Selection Strategies for EEG Sensor Networks With Application to Auditory Attention Detection. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 67(1), 234-244.
[13] Geirnaert, S., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2019). A New Metric to Evaluate Auditory Attention Detection Performance Based on a Markov Chain. In Proceedings of the 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1-5.
[14] Geirnaert, S., Francart,T., & Bertrand, A. (2020). An Interpretable Performance Metric for Auditory Attention Decoding Algorithms in a Context of Neuro-Steered Gain Control. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 28(1), 307-317.
[15] Geirnaert, S., Francart,T., & Bertrand, A. (2020). Fast EEG-based decoding of the directional focus of auditory attention using common spatial patterns. bioRxiv 2020.06.16.154450; doi:
[16] Geirnaert, S., Vandecappelle, S., Alickovic, E., de Cheveigné, A., Lalor, E., Meyer, B.T., Miran, S., Francart, T., & Bertrand, A. (2020). Neuro-Steered Hearing Devices: Decoding Auditory Attention From the Brain. arXiv 2008.04569; doi: arXiv:2008.04569.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.3377910 ; DOI";Das, Neetha / Francart, Tom / Bertrand, Alexander;" ; ;";KU Leuven / KU Leuven / KU Leuven;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;KULeuven;10.7910/dvn/q0esws;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Van Wesemael, J. (KULeuven); Zorrilla-Fontanesi, Y (KULeuven); Carpentier, S (Bioversity International)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary;related publication on Harvard website yes;KULeuven;10.7910/dvn/q0esws/4mtbtr;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Van Wesemael, J. (KULeuven); Zorrilla-Fontanesi, Y (KULeuven); Carpentier, S (Bioversity International)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/1;;no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2014;no_identifier;Braeckman, U. / Marine Biology Research Group-Ugent, Belgium.;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/105;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Demeulenaere, Bruno / Vincx, Magda / Fundamental And Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program-VUB / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program - VUB / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/108;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Geerinckx, Tom / Vincx, Magda / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/113;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Van Waeyenberge, Jeroen / Mees, Jan / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/116;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Obade, Paul Thomas / De Wulf, Robert / Tack, Jurgen / Ecological Marine Management Programme (ECOMAMA). VUB / Laboratory Of Forest Management And Spatial Information Techniques; Faculty Of Agricultural And Applied Biological Sciences. Ugent, Belgium / Laboratory Of Ecology And Systematics; Faculty Of Science. VUB, Belgium";no_identifier;Ecological Marine Management Programme - VUB / Laboratory of Forest management and spatial information techniques - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory of Ecology and Systematics - VUB, Belgium / character(0) / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/143;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Camargo, De / Vincx, Magda / Fundamental And Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program-VUB / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program - VUB / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/144;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Vanhove, Sandra / Coomans, August / Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Ugent, Belgium";no_identifier;Biology Department - UGent, Belgium / Biology Department - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/145;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Schrijvers, Jan / Coomans, August / Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Ugent, Belgium";no_identifier;Biology Department - UGent, Belgium / Biology Department - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/155;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Pratiwi, Rianta / Vincx, Magda / Fundamental And Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program-VUB / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program - VUB / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/174;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Uppabullung, Arnon / Mees, Jan / Faculty Of Sciences; Laboratory For Systematics And Ecology, VUB / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent";no_identifier;Laboratory of Ecology and Systematics - VUB, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/222;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Puturuhu, Louise / Vincx, Magda / Fundamental And Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program-VUB / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program - VUB / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/223;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Tuhumury, Semuel Frederik / Vincx, Magda / Fundamental And Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program-VUB / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program - VUB / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/224;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Makwaia, Esther Shushu / Hamerlynck, Olivier / Fundamental And Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program-VUB / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program - VUB / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/225;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Dankwa, Hederick / Hamerlynck, Olivier / Fundamental And Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program-VUB / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program - VUB / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/228;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Bulayi, Magese Emmanuel / Mees, Jan / Fundamental And Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program-VUB / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program - VUB / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/236;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Jivaluk, Jutamas / Vincx, Magda / Fundamental And Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program-VUB / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program - VUB / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/237;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Huys, Rony / De Smet, Guy / Department Of Zoology, Natural History Museum / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Department of Zoology - NHM, United Kingdom / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/273;;no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2017;no_identifier;Thielemans, Luk / Heip, Carlo / Van Gansbeke, Dirk / Marine Biology Section-UGent, Belgium;no_identifier;Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/274;;no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2017;no_identifier;Heip, Carlo / Herman, Rudy / Bisschop, Gonda / Govaere, Jan / Holvoet, M. / Van Damme, D. / Vanosmael, Clara / Willems, K.A. / De Coninck, Lucien Adolf Pieter / Marine Biology Section-UGent, Belgium;no_identifier;Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/3;;no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2015;no_identifier;De Smet, Bart / Fournier, Jérôme / De Troch, Marleen / Vincx, Magda / Vanaverbeke, Jan / Marine Biology Section-UGent, Belgium.;no_identifier;Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium. / National Natural History Museum Paris (MNHN) , France. / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium. / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium. / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium. / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/300;;no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2017;no_identifier;Deruytter, David / Baert, Jan / Nevejan, Nancy / De Schamphelaere, Karel / Janssen, Colin / Ghent University (UGent), Belgium;no_identifier;Ghent University (UGent), Belgium / Ghent University (UGent), Belgium / Ghent University (UGent), Belgium / Ghent University (UGent), Belgium / Ghent University (UGent), Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/318;;no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2018;no_identifier;Guden, Rodgee Mae / Vafeiadou, Anna-Maria / De Meester, Nele / Derycke, Sofie / Moens, Tom / Marine Biology Research Group-UGent, Belgium;no_identifier;Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/346;;This product offers a global overview of contourite distribution. Contourites are sedimentary units which are deposited or substantially reworked by alongslope bottom currents. They refer to the lithological unit and the terminology reflects the grain size of the sediment. Drifts refer to the same sedimentary unit as a contourite, but the word 'drift' reflects the morphological appearance of the sedimentary unit. The product was elaborated digitizing the information from several hundred published scientific papers.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2019;"c(""Continues"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"") ; 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c(""URL"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""URL"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""URL"", ""DOI"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""Handle"", ""URL"", ""Handle"")";Flanders Marine Institute / Renard Centre Of Marine Geology-UGent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/348;;The datafile consists of raw data including densities of meiofauna groups and measured abiotic parameters that were published in the manuscript of Mevenkamp et al. (2018).;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2018;"IsReferencedBy ; 10.1016/j.marenvres.2017.11.002 ; Handle";Mevenkamp, Lisa / Ong, Ee Zin / Van Colen, Carl / Vanreusel, Ann / Guilini, Katja / Marine Biology Research Group-UGent, Belgium;no_identifier;Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/37;;no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2013;no_identifier;De Smet, Bart / Godet, Laurent / Fournier, Jérôme / Desroy, Nicolas / Jaffré, Michaël / Vincx, Magda / Rabaut, Marijn / Marine Biology Research Group-UGent, Belgium;no_identifier;Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Littoral, Environnement, Télédétection, Géomatique - Université de Nantes, France / National Natural History Museum Paris (MNHN), France / Laboratoire environnement ressources - IFREMER, France / Station Marine de Wimereux - USTL, France / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/389;;Experimental data to test how the behaviour of a key species, Scrobicularia plana, shapes the response of communities to climate change.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2019;"IsReferencedBy ; 10.1038/s41558-019-0679-2 ; Handle";Van Colen, Carl / Ong, Ee Zin / Marine Biology Research Group-UGent, Belgium;no_identifier;Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/392;;"Information about the composition of fatty acids in shrimps Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, 1862), Litopenaeus schmitti (Burkenroad, 1936) and Farfantepenaeus paulensis (Pérez Farfante, 1967). The samples were collected with a trawling fishing in Cananéia (25°04’ S 47°50’ W); Ubatuba (23°27´S and 45°02´W) sea in São Paulo state of Brazil in September and October 2019, respectively.";Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2020;no_identifier;"Gonçalves, Geslaine / De Troch, Marleen / Zoology Department; Institute Of Biosciences Of Botucatu. São Paulo State University (UNESP): Brazil / Marine Biology Research Group-UGent, Belgium";no_identifier;"Zoology Department; Institute of Biosciences of Botucatu. São Paulo State University (UNESP): Brazil / Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0)";Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/400;;The EURHTFAM dataset with values of different fatty acids of Microcystis aeruginosa CAAT 2005-3, isolated from a water body located in the town of Pila, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina (34° 35' S, 58° 22' W) (Rosso et al., 2014). Composition analysis of fatty acids was carried out using a gas chromatograph.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2020;no_identifier;"de la Rosa, Florencia / De Troch, Marleen / Malanga, Gabriela / Hernando, Marcelo Pablo / Instituto De Fisiología Y Neurociencias, Universidad De Morón (CONICET-IFiNe), Argentina / Marine Biology Research Group-UGent, Belgium / Departamento De Química Analítica Y Fisicoquímica (CONICET-UBA); Instituto De Bioquímica Y Medicina Molecular (IBIMOL), Argentina / Departamento Radiobiología, Comisión Nacional De Energía Atómica (CNEA), Argentina";no_identifier;"Instituto de Fisiología y Neurociencias, Universidad de Morón (CONICET-IFiNe), Argentina / Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / Departamento de Química Analítica y Fisicoquímica (CONICET-UBA); Instituto de Bioquímica y Medicina Molecular (IBIMOL), Argentina / Departamento Radiobiología, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA), Argentina / character(0) / character(0) / character(0) / character(0)";Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/409;;Evaluation of receiver contribution to the performance of two Acoustic Positional Telemetry (APT) designs for research on Atlantic cod with seasonally high site fidelity around offshore wind turbines.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2020;no_identifier;van der Knaap, Inge / Slabbekoorn, Hans / Winter, Erwin / Moens, Tom / Reubens, Jan / Institute Of Behavioral Biology-Universiteit Leiden / Wageningen Marine Research-WUR / Marine Biology Research Group-UGent, Belgium / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium;no_identifier;"c(""Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium"", ""Institute of Biology - Universiteit Leiden"") / Institute of Biology - Universiteit Leiden / Wageningen Marine Research - WUR / Marine Biology Research Group - UGent, Belgium / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium / character(0) / character(0) / character(0) / character(0)";Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/414;;Frequency domain electromagnetic, electrical resistivity tomography and continuous resistivity profiling data of the littoral zone of De Westhoek (De Panne).;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2020;"IsReferencedBy ; 10.5194/hess-2019-540 ; Handle";Paepen, Marieke / Hanssens, Daan / De Smedt, Philippe / Walraevens, Kristine / Hermans, Thomas / Faculty Of Sciences, Department Of Geology, Laboratory For Applied Geology And Hydrogeology-UGent, Belgium / Faculty Of Bioscience Engineering, Department Of Environment-UGent, Belgium;;Laboratory for Applied Geology and Hydrogeology - UGent, Belgium / Department of Environment - UGent, Belgium / Department of Environment - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory for Applied Geology and Hydrogeology - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory for Applied Geology and Hydrogeology - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/438;;Effects of a full-scale seismic survey experiment on the movement behaviour of Atlantic cod.;Marine Data Archive;delft.vliz;2020;no_identifier;van der Knaap, Inge / Reubens, Jan / Ainslie, Michael / Thomas, Len / Winter, Erwin / Hubert, Jeroen / Martin, Bruce / Slabbekoorn, Hans / Institute Of Biology-Universiteit Leiden / Wageningen Marine Research-WUR / Marine Biology Research Group-UGent, Belgium / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium / JASCO Applied Sciences / Centre For Research Into Ecological And Environmental Modelling-USTAN, United Kingdom;no_identifier;Institute of Biology - Universiteit Leiden / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium / JASCO applied sciences / Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling - USTAN, United Kingdom / Wageningen Marine Research - WUR / Institute of Biology - Universiteit Leiden / JASCO applied sciences / Institute of Biology - Universiteit Leiden / character(0) / character(0) / character(0) / character(0) / character(0) / character(0);Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/75;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2015;no_identifier;Mwamsojo, G.U.J. / Vincx, Magda / Fundamental And Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program-VUB / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program - VUB / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/78;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2015;no_identifier;"Schrijvers, Jan / Coomans, August / Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Ugent, Belgium";no_identifier;Biology Department - UGent, Belgium / Biology Department - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/79;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Budeba, Luhunga / Mees, Jan / Fundamental And Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program-VUB / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program - VUB / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.14284/80;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Okondo, Julius / Vincx, Magda / Fundamental And Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program-VUB / Marine Biology Section, Zoology Institute. Ugent;no_identifier;Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program - VUB / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.15468/9qkjjr;;no_description;Scratchpads;gbif.gbif;2015;no_identifier;Scratchpads;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.15468/cph3oj;;no_description;Marine Biology Section Ugent;gbif.gbif;2015;no_identifier;Registry-Migration.Gbif.Org;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Publisher;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.15468/m2ccux;;This ongoing collaboration between Ghent University (UGent), Biology Department, Marine Biology Section and Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) aims at integrating historical hyperbenthic data. The data is stored in the IMERS database at VLIZ.;Ocean Biogeographic Information System;gbif.gbif;2015;no_identifier;Registry-Migration.Gbif.Org;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.15468/yzpqiw;;NeMys is a biological online data system developed and maintained at the Marine Biology Section of the Ghent University, Belgium (UGent). The database application was designed in a fully generic way and can be used for any possible taxon. The main marine datasets now running on the system are the Mysida dataset and the Nematoda dataset. The Mysida dataset contains an up-to-date worldlist of the known taxa of this order. Linked to the list a growing number of fully digital literature sources, geographical information, pictorial information, collection information and morphological information are available. The Nematoda dataset focusses on marine free-living Nematodes and data is added according to regions of research interest. Also there basic morphological information, literature and geographical information, pictorial data is entered progressively.;Ocean Biogeographic Information System;gbif.gbif;2018;no_identifier;Registry-Migration.Gbif.Org;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.15468/zwolfw;;ARABEL, the Arachnologia Belgica is a collaborative effort of scientists and spiders amateurs. It gathers information on collection specimens and observations of spiders in Belgium. Participating organisations are: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences(RBINS), Royal Museum for Central Africa(RMCA), University of Ghent(UGent) and the Research Institute for Nature and Forest(INBO).;Belgian Biodiversity Platform;gbif.gbif;2019;no_identifier;Hendrickx, Frederik;no_identifier;Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences;Description;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.1594/ieda/111194;;Major elements and zirconium concentrations of eleven grain-size fractions of sediments from six rivers in Chilean Patagonia. All subsamples were measured by ICP-AES after fusion technique. Data was used for investigating the relations between grain size and sediment geochemistry, further developing a method to predict sediment grain size from geochemistry. This work was funded by the National Geographic Society Committee for Research and Exploration (8379-07), FWO research credit (, and UGent BOF HYDROPROX project (01N02216).;Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA);tib.ldeo;2019;"c(""IsReferencedBy"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"", ""References"") ; c(""10.1029/2018gc008154"", ""IE4170001"", ""IE4170002"", ""IE4170003"", ""IE4170004"", ""IE4170005"", ""IE4170006"", ""IE4170007"", ""IE4170008"", ""IE4170009"", ""IE417000A"", ""IE417000B"", ""IE417000C"", ""IE417000D"", ""IE417000E"", ""IE417000F"", ""IE417000G"", ""IE417000H"", ""IE417000I"", ""IE417000J"", ""IE417000K"", ""IE417000L"", ""IE417000M"", ""IE417000N"", ""IE417000O"", ""IE417000P"", ""IE417000Q"", ""IE417000R"", ""IE417000S"", ""IE417000T"", ""IE417000U"", ""IE417000V"", ""IE417000W"", ""IE417000X"", ""IE417000Y"", ""IE417000Z"", ""IE4170010"", ""IE4170011"", ""IE4170012"", ""IE4170013"", ""IE4170014"", ""IE4170015"", ""IE4170016"", ""IE4170017"", ""IE4170018"", ""IE4170019"", ""IE417001A"", ""IE417001B"", ""IE417001C"", ""IE417001D"", ""IE417001E"", ""IE417001F"", ""IE417001G"", ""IE417001H"", ""IE417001I"", ""IE417001J"", ""IE417001K"", ""IE417001L"", ""IE417001M"", ""IE417001N"", ""IE417001O"", ""IE417001P"", ""IE417001Q"", ""IE417001R"", ""IE417001S"", ""IE417001T"", ""IE417001U"", ""IE417001V"", ""IE417001W"", ""IE417001X"", ""IE417001Y"") ; c(""DOI"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"", ""IGSN"")";Liu, Dawei / Bertrand, Sebastien;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.1594/pangaea.873263;;"This dataset contains sedimentary parameters measured from Multicorer samples (MUC) in disturbed and reference areas of the DISCOL experimental area (Peru Basin), collected onboard RV Sonne during expeditions SO242/1 and SO242/2 in 2015.Sediment parameters include pigment data (chlorophyll a, phaeopigments and total chloroplastic pigment equivalents), grain size distribution and total nitrogen (TN) and organic carbon (TOC). Values are given in their respective units (SI) and have been collected and measured by both the Marine Biology Research Group (UGent; TN/TOC and grain size) and the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (MPI; pigment data).";PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science;pangaea.repository;2017;"c(""References"", ""References"") ; c(""10.3289/geomar_rep_ns_27_2015"", ""10.3289/geomar_rep_ns_26_2015"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Hauquier, Freija / Vanreusel, Ann / Mevenkamp, Lisa / Egho, Great / De Smet, Guy / Janssen, Felix / Boetius, Antje;" ; ; ;";no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.1594/pangaea.873274;;"This dataset contains sedimentary data collected from multicore (MUC) and ROV pushcore (PUC) samples in several license areas of the Clarion Clipperton fracture Zone (northeast Pacific), an area currently being explored in the light of future polymetallic nodule mining. Seafloor samples were collected onboard RV Sonne during expedition SO239 in 2015. Sedimentary parameters have been measured at different license areas (IOM, GSR, IFREMER) and one Area of Particular Environmental Interest (APEI#3). Cores have been analysed in sediment slices of 1 cm down to 5 cm sediment depth, except for some MUC samples that were sliced in 0-1 cm and 1-5 cm resolution. Sediment parameters include pigment data (chlorophyll a, phaeopigments and total chloroplastic pigment equivalents), grain size distribution and total nitrogen (TN), organic carbon (TOC) and organic matter (TOM). Values are given in their respective units (SI) and have been collected and measured by both the Marine Biology Research Group (UGent; TN/TOC/TOM and grain size) and the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (MPI; pigment data).";PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science;pangaea.repository;2017;"c(""References"", ""References"") ; c(""10.5194/bg-16-3475-2019"", ""10.3289/geomar_rep_ns_25_2015"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Hauquier, Freija / Macheriotou, Lara / Vanreusel, Ann / Janssen, Felix / Boetius, Antje;" ; ;";no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.17632/4cf2p3mgpc;;List of medicinal plant species used by traditional healers from the Kongo community in the terroirs of Kisantu and Mbanza-Ngungu in Kongo-Central Province (DR Congo), gathered from June 2017 until February 2018 and from February until April 2019, using ethnobotanical surveys with 188 phytotherapists.;Mendeley;bl.mendeley;2020;"HasVersion ; 10.17632/4cf2p3mgpc.1 ; DOI";Vanhove, Wouter;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.17632/4cf2p3mgpc.1;;List of medicinal plant species used by traditional healers from the Kongo community in the terroirs of Kisantu and Mbanza-Ngungu in Kongo-Central Province (DR Congo), gathered from June 2017 until February 2018 and from February until April 2019, using ethnobotanical surveys with 188 phytotherapists.;Mendeley;bl.mendeley;2020;"IsVersionOf ; 10.17632/4cf2p3mgpc ; DOI";Vanhove, Wouter;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;non_primary;non_primary; yes;UGent;10.24417/;;Missing;Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC);delft.rbins;2016;no_identifier;Laboratorium Voor Protistologie En Aquatische Ecologie, Departement Biologie (UGent) / Animal Sciences Unit, Chemical Monitoring And Product Technology (EV-ILVO) / Royal Belgian Institute For Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.24417/;;Missing;Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC);delft.rbins;2015;no_identifier;Marine Biology Section, Department Biology / Sectie Mariene Biologie, Vakgroep Biologie (Ugent);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; no;UGent;10.5281/zenodo.2555405;;Early Neolithic body sherd (RAMS00419, KER85/58/k.3) excavated in a mixed context containing ceramics and lithic tools ( at the site Kerkhove-Kouter, West-Flanders, Belgium.
Whitish fabric tempered with burnt bone. The object forms part of the collections of the Regionaal Archeologisch Museum a/d Schelde, Belgium (RAMS).The original piece was handed over to UGent, Belgium, to perform destructive archaeometrical analyses.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________Scanning coordinated by Hendrik Hameeuw3D model produced by Aurore Mathys (RBINS - RMCA)Methods- SfM Photogrammetry: RBINS setup
- Stuctured light scanning: MechScan White Light 3D Measurement System;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.2555406 ; DOI";Hameeuw, Hendrik;;Regionaal Archeologisch Museum a/d Schelde;Description;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.5281/zenodo.2555406;;Early Neolithic body sherd (RAMS00419, KER85/58/k.3) excavated in a mixed context containing ceramics and lithic tools ( at the site Kerkhove-Kouter, West-Flanders, Belgium.
Whitish fabric tempered with burnt bone. The object forms part of the collections of the Regionaal Archeologisch Museum a/d Schelde, Belgium (RAMS).The original piece was handed over to UGent, Belgium, to perform destructive archaeometrical analyses.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________Scanning coordinated by Hendrik Hameeuw3D model produced by Aurore Mathys (RBINS - RMCA)Methods- SfM Photogrammetry: RBINS setup
- Stuctured light scanning: MechScan White Light 3D Measurement System;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.2555405 ; DOI";Hameeuw, Hendrik;;Regionaal Archeologisch Museum a/d Schelde;Description;non_primary;non_primary; no;UGent;10.5281/zenodo.2555420;;Early Neolithic body sherd (RAMS00421, KER82/46/k.19) excavated in a mixed context containing ceramics and lithic tools ( at the site Kerkhove-Kouter, West-Flanders, Belgium.
Black fabric tempered with silex. The object forms part of the collections of the Regionaal Archeologisch Museum a/d Schelde, Belgium (RAMS).The original piece was handed over to UGent, Belgium, to perform destructive archaeometrical analyses.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________Scanning coordinated by Hendrik Hameeuw3D model produced by Aurore Mathys (RBINS - RMCA)Methods- SfM Photogrammetry: RBINS setup
- Stuctured light scanning: MechScan White Light 3D Measurement System;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.2555421 ; DOI";Hameeuw, Hendrik;;Regionaal Archeologisch Museum a/d Schelde;Description;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.5281/zenodo.2555421;;Early Neolithic body sherd (RAMS00421, KER82/46/k.19) excavated in a mixed context containing ceramics and lithic tools ( at the site Kerkhove-Kouter, West-Flanders, Belgium.
Black fabric tempered with silex. The object forms part of the collections of the Regionaal Archeologisch Museum a/d Schelde, Belgium (RAMS).The original piece was handed over to UGent, Belgium, to perform destructive archaeometrical analyses.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________Scanning coordinated by Hendrik Hameeuw3D model produced by Aurore Mathys (RBINS - RMCA)Methods- SfM Photogrammetry: RBINS setup
- Stuctured light scanning: MechScan White Light 3D Measurement System;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.2555420 ; DOI";Hameeuw, Hendrik;;Regionaal Archeologisch Museum a/d Schelde;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;UGent;10.6084/m9.figshare.7553558;;Simulation data generated from code in:
;figshare;figshare.ars;2019;no_identifier;Hertzog, Lionel;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;UGent;10.6084/m9.figshare.7553558.v1;;Simulation data generated from code in:
;figshare;figshare.ars;2019;"IsIdenticalTo ; 10.6084/m9.figshare.7553558 ; DOI";Hertzog, Lionel;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; no;UGent;10.7910/dvn/endsgs;;"Research question: Why in the presence of high diversity of food sources undernutrition exists at high level in infants and young children in villages of Bopa and Houeyogbe Districts in southern Benin? Objective: To assess the role of local biodiversity in meeting nutritional requirements of infants and young children in rural Southern Benin. Dietary intake data at detailed taxonomic level, collected from Mono department, Bopa and Houéyogbé communes, rural areas. October - December 2013 / May-July 2014. A 24 recall was used to collect data. 2 non-consecutives recalls with 5-7 days separating the recall periods were conducted. This dataset contains only data from the first recall day. Primary care givers, mainly mothers were interviewed. Standardized household units (plate, glasses, spoons, etc) and monetary value for out-of-home meals together with a detailed description of the foods and mode of preparation. During a preceding ethnobotancial study to document all locally available foods from local agrobiodiversity, a botanist from the national herbarium and a local ichthyologist and an expert in the mammals, birds and reptiles assisted in the species identification. Food composition tables used to tranform food intake data into nutrient intakes: Stadlmayr B, et al. (2012) West African Food Composition Table. (Rome), p 148. Barikmo I, Ouattara F, & Oshaug A (2004) Table de composition d'aliments du Mali. in Research series No. 9. (Norway). Oguntona E & Akinyele I (1995) Nutrient Composition of Commonly Eaten Foods in Nigeria - Raw, processed and prepared. in Publication Series 1995 (Ibadan, Nigeria), p 131; software used: Lucille dietary intake software Ugent";Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;"c(""HasPart"", ""HasPart"") ; c(""10.7910/dvn/endsgs/jdw0qt"", ""10.7910/dvn/endsgs/qavce1"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Termote, C. / Ntandou-Bouzitou, D.G.;no_identifier;(Bioversity International) / (Bioversity International);Description;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Antwerpen;10.17026/dans-xdv-tezf;;Structures of property - municipal, social- topography etc.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Dr B.J.M. Blondé, Universiteit Antwerpen (UFSIA), Faculteit Letteren En Wijsbegeerte;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/100;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Verstraete, Herlinde / Van Der Veken, P. / Laboratorium Plantkunde; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/101;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Roels, Tim / Coppejans, Eric / Laboratorium Plantkunde; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/107;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Leuci, Diana / Coppejans, Eric / Laboratorium Plantkunde; Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/117;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"De Wit, Mie / Coppejans, Eric / Laboratorium Plantkunde; Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/119;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"De Schryver, Thomas / Coppejans, Eric / Faculteit Bio-Ingenieurswetenschappen; Universiteit Gent / Laboratorium Plantkunde; Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Faculty of Bioscience Engineering - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/120;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"De Pauw, Katrien / Coppejans, Eric / Faculteit Bio-Ingenieurswetenschappen; Universiteit Gent / Laboratorium Plantkunde; Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Faculty of Bioscience Engineering - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/158;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"De Smet, Ive / Coppejans, Eric / Laboratorium Plantkunde; Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/81;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Van Zele, Marc / Van Der Veken, P. / Laboratorium Plantkunde; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/82;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Verellen, Ann / Van Der Veken, P. / Laboratorium Plantkunde; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/83;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"De Bont, Rinne / Vincx, Magda / Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Biology Department - UGent, Belgium / Biology Department - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/84;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Poppe, Bart / Vincx, Magda / Sectie Mariene Biologie; Vakgroep Morfologie, Systematiek En Ecologie. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/85;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Gurdebeke, Shirley / Vincx, Magda / Sectie Mariene Biologie; Vakgroep Morfologie, Systematiek En Ecologie. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/87;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Cattaert, Stijn / Vincx, Magda / Sectie Mariene Biologie; Vakgroep Morfologie, Systematiek En Ecologie. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/93;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Vermin, Wouter / Coomans, August / Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Biology Department - UGent, Belgium / Biology Department - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/94;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Dethier, Katleen / Mees, Jan / Sectie Mariene Biologie; Vakgroep Morfologie, Systematiek En Ecologie. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/95;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Boone, An / Vincx, Magda / Sectie Mariene Biologie; Vakgroep Morfologie, Systematiek En Ecologie. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / Marine Biology Section - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/96;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"De Smet, Ive / Coppejans, Eric / Laboratorium Plantkunde; Vakgroep Biologie; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/98;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Vackier, Isabelle / Van Der Veken, P. / Laboratorium Plantkunde; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.14284/99;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;"Van Den Heede, Caroline / Coppejans, Eric / Laboratorium Plantkunde; Faculteit Wetenschappen. Universiteit Gent, Belgium";no_identifier;Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / Laboratory of botany - UGent, Belgium / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.17026/dans-227-7x38;;Population statistics, economic statistics, administrative geography. Units of observation: municipalities.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Prof.Dr. E. Vanhaute, Universiteit Gent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.17026/dans-25f-zgfh;;Immatriculation, promotion and career of students originating from the Southern Netherlands at European universities.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Prof. Dr H. De Ridder-Symoens, Universiteit Gent;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.17026/dans-2xn-zytq;;In november 2005 werd in opdracht van de gemeente Sluis archeologisch onderzoek uitgevoerd in Schoondijke (gemeente Sluis) op de locatie Einsteinstraat. Het onderzoek en onderhavig rapport is tot stand gekomen door een samenwerking van ADC ArcheoProjecten en het VNCproject 'Verdwenen cultuurlandschappen in het grensgebied van Vlaanderen en Nederland' van de Universiteit Gent (België) en de Universiteit Wageningen. In het plangebied langs de Einsteinstraat werd een industriezone uitgebreid. Deze bouwplannen zouden de aanwezige archeologische resten vernietigen. Vooronderzoek heeft immers uitgewezen dat zich op deze plaats laatmiddeleeuwse bewoning bevond. Er werd een middeleeuwse omwalde hoeve verwacht. Historisch-geografisch onderzoek kon dit vermoeden reeds voor de start van de opgravingen bevestigen. De site werd geïdentificeerd als een niet bij naam genoemd hof met walgracht, zoals vermeld staat in de ommeloper van de Oude Yevenwatering uit 1550-51. Ook de eigendomgeschiedenis gedurende de 16de eeuw kon in belangrijke mate gereconstrueerd worden. Tijdens het archeologisch onderzoek kwamen resten aan het licht van een omgracht en deels ommuurd opperhof, en een neerhof met stalgebouw. Op het neerhof zijn onder andere een stalgebouw, enkele hooioppers, grachten, kuilen en een drenkput onderzocht. Het stalgebouw dat volledig werd blootgelegd dateert uit de eerste helft of het derde kwart van de 16de eeuw. Vondstmateriaal wees uit dat de site bewoond is geweest tussen de tweede helft 13de of 14de eeuw en de late 16de eeuw. De site, gelegen op enkele honderden meters ten noordwesten van de verdwenen dorpskom van Oud-Schoondijke, werd ontsloten door een netwerk van waterwegen en was gebouwd op de grens van akker- en grasland. Vermoedelijk werd de site onder de oorlogsdruk verlaten in het laatste kwart van de 16de eeuw (Tachtigjarige Oorlog, 1566-1648). Het landschap rond Oud-Schoondijke werd kort nadien door de Zeventien Provincies (Noordelijke Nederlanden) onder water gezet als verdedigingsmaatregel tegen het Spaanse leger onder Alexander Farnese. De jaren erop ontwikkelde het goed georganiseerde middeleeuwse landschap zich in een getijdenlandschap, waardoor de site en het omringende land grotendeels onder sedimentatie verdween. Pas omstreeks 1650 werd de omgeving opnieuw bewoonbaar. Historische gegevens en een greep uit het schaarse vondstmateriaal wijzen erop dat de bewoners van het opperhof tot de hogere lagen van de middeleeuwse samenleving behoorden. Diverse gegevens geven aan dat men zich met ambachtelijke taken, landbouw en veeteelt bezig hield. Of hierbij alleen voor eigen gebruik of ook voor commerciële doeleinden is geproduceerd, is niet duidelijk. De veestapel werd wellicht voornamelijk voor melkproductie gehouden, getuige de vele melkteilen die zijn gevonden. Resten van zaden tonen aan dat in de omgeving vlas en granen werden verbouwd en verwerkt.;ADC ArcheoProjecten;dans.archive;2011;"IsNewVersionOf ; urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-nqh-pto ; URN";ADC ArcheoProjecten / Lehouck, A.J.J. / Vandevelde, J.;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.17026/dans-xku-mx97;;Contemporary music in Flanders.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2007;no_identifier;Prof. Dr M. Leman, Universiteit Gent, Instituut Voor Psychoacustica En Elektronische Muziek;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.17026/dans-xn2-gdy4;;In november 2005 werd in opdracht van de gemeente Sluis archeologisch onderzoek uitgevoerd in Schoondijke (gemeente Sluis) op de locatie Einsteinstraat. Het onderzoek en onderhavig rapport is tot stand gekomen door een samenwerking van ADC ArcheoProjecten en het VNCproject 'Verdwenen cultuurlandschappen in het grensgebied van Vlaanderen en Nederland' van de Universiteit Gent (België) en de Universiteit Wageningen. In het plangebied langs de Einsteinstraat werd een industriezone uitgebreid. Deze bouwplannen zouden de aanwezige archeologische resten vernietigen. Vooronderzoek heeft immers uitgewezen dat zich op deze plaats laatmiddeleeuwse bewoning bevond. Er werd een middeleeuwse omwalde hoeve verwacht. Historisch-geografisch onderzoek kon dit vermoeden reeds voor de start van de opgravingen bevestigen. De site werd geïdentificeerd als een niet bij naam genoemd hof met walgracht, zoals vermeld staat in de ommeloper van de Oude Yevenwatering uit 1550-51. Ook de eigendomgeschiedenis gedurende de 16de eeuw kon in belangrijke mate gereconstrueerd worden. Tijdens het archeologisch onderzoek kwamen resten aan het licht van een omgracht en deels ommuurd opperhof, en een neerhof met stalgebouw. Op het neerhof zijn onder andere een stalgebouw, enkele hooioppers, grachten, kuilen en een drenkput onderzocht. Het stalgebouw dat volledig werd blootgelegd dateert uit de eerste helft of het derde kwart van de 16de eeuw. Vondstmateriaal wees uit dat de site bewoond is geweest tussen de tweede helft 13de of 14de eeuw en de late 16de eeuw. De site, gelegen op enkele honderden meters ten noordwesten van de verdwenen dorpskom van Oud-Schoondijke, werd ontsloten door een netwerk van waterwegen en was gebouwd op de grens van akker- en grasland. Vermoedelijk werd de site onder de oorlogsdruk verlaten in het laatste kwart van de 16de eeuw (Tachtigjarige Oorlog, 1566-1648). Het landschap rond Oud-Schoondijke werd kort nadien door de Zeventien Provincies (Noordelijke Nederlanden) onder water gezet als verdedigingsmaatregel tegen het Spaanse leger onder Alexander Farnese. De jaren erop ontwikkelde het goed georganiseerde middeleeuwse landschap zich in een getijdenlandschap, waardoor de site en het omringende land grotendeels onder sedimentatie verdween. Pas omstreeks 1650 werd de omgeving opnieuw bewoonbaar. Historische gegevens en een greep uit het schaarse vondstmateriaal wijzen erop dat de bewoners van het opperhof tot de hogere lagen van de middeleeuwse samenleving behoorden. Diverse gegevens geven aan dat men zich met ambachtelijke taken, landbouw en veeteelt bezig hield. Of hierbij alleen voor eigen gebruik of ook voor commerciële doeleinden is geproduceerd, is niet duidelijk. De veestapel werd wellicht voornamelijk voor melkproductie gehouden, getuige de vele melkteilen die zijn gevonden. Resten van zaden tonen aan dat in de omgeving vlas en granen werden verbouwd en verwerkt.;ADC ArcheoProjecten;dans.archive;2010;"IsPreviousVersionOf ; urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-dci-gqk ; URN";ADC ArcheoProjecten / Lehouck, A.J.J. / Vandevelde, J.;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;non_primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.17026/dans-xtm-au7y;;De onderzochte gebieden Fort Berchem en Marolleput maken deel uit van de Staats-Spaanse linies. Deze linies dateren uit de periode van de Opstand/ Tachtigjarige Oorlog (1586-1648) en de Spaanse Successieoorlog (1702-1713). Dit is de periode waarin de Noordelijke Nederlanden afgescheiden worden van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden en de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden wordt gevormd. De linies zijn verdedigingswallen met een voorliggende gracht, soms uitgerust met redoutes en/of forten. Het Fort Berchem te Terhofstede is een redoute, gelegen tussen Fort Nassau (Retranchement) en de vestingstad Sluis. De functie van dit fort was de bewaking van de scheepvaart in het Zwin en het fort diende tevens als waarschuwingspost bij landing van de Spaanse troepen. Deze redoute is aangelegd door Staatsen. De Marolleput bevatte de haven en een redoute. De functie van deze redoute was de beveiliging van het Land van Cadzand aan de oostzijde. Door een Inventariserend Onderzoek door middel van Proefsleuven in juni 2008 (door ADC ArcheoProjecten) is de exacte ligging, vorm en fasering van het Fort Berchem bepaald. Volgens dit onderzoek heeft de gracht rondom de redoute twee fasen waarbij de jongste fase de grootste afmetingen kent, namelijk 67 bij 62 meter. De oudste fase is meer vierkant met als afmetingen 54 bij 54 meter. In het centrale gedeelte zijn restanten gevonden van een waterput, maar geen andere aanwijzingen van constructies. In het profi el in het zuidoosten zijn houtresten gevonden, mogelijk behorend tot een brug behorend tot de oudste fase van de gracht. De Marolleput is onderzocht door middel van een booronderzoek (door A. Lehouck, universiteit Gent). Als resultaat is de vermoedelijke locatie van de oude haven aangetroffen. In november, december 2009 en maart 2010 zijn beide locaties archeologisch begeleid met als protocol opgraven. Beide locaties maken deel uit van een herinrichtingsproject waarbij het de bedoeling is de Staats-Spaanse linies meer te accentueren in het landschap, door middel van het herstellen van forten en linies, en het recreatief toegankelijk maken ervan. Het onderzoek te Fort Berchem bracht resten van de tweede fase van de gracht rondom het fort aan het licht. Deze gracht omsloot een terrein van ongeveer 67 bij 62 meter. Bij de aanleg van de Marolleput is onderzoek gedaan naar de oude haven. Er zijn geen sporen aangetroffen die tot een haven behoren, wel zijn sporen gevonden van vlasrootkuilen, moernering en een dijk.;BAAC bv;dans.archive;2016;no_identifier;Coppens, E.;no_identifier;BAAC bv;Description;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.24417/;;Missing;Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC);delft.rbins;2017;no_identifier;Vlaams Instituut Voor De Zee / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) / Laboratorium Van Systematiek En Ekologie (VUB) (Prof. Polk) / Laboratorium Voor Morfologie En Systematiek Der Dieren, Marine Biology Section, Institute Of Zoology (RUG) / Rijksstation Voor Zeevisserij (RVZ, CLO Gent) / Institut De Recherches Chimiques / Instituut Voor Scheikundig Onderzoek, Ministerie Van Landbouw, Tervuren (IRC/ISO) / Rijksstation Voor Sierplantenteelt (RVS) / Laboratorium Voor Ecotoxicologie En Polaire Ecologie / Laboratory For Ecotoxicology And Polar Ecology (VUB) / Mathematical Model Of The North Sea (MUMM) / Beheerseenheid Mathematisch Model Van De Noordzee (BMM) / Unité De Gestion Modèle Mer Du Nord (UGMM) / Instituut Voor Hygiëne En Epidemologie-Mathematical Model Of The North Sea (IHE-MUMM) / Animal Sciences Unit, Chemical Monitoring And Product Technology (EV-ILVO) / Vlaamse Universiteit Brussel (VUB) / Veterinary And Agrochemical Research Centre (CODA-CERVA) / Laboratorium Analytische Scheikunde (VUB) (Prof. Elskens) / Rijksdienst Voor Zeevisserij (RVZ);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.24417/;;Missing;Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC);delft.rbins;2017;no_identifier;Departement Van Analytische Chemie En Toegepaste Spectroscopie, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam / Bureau Voor Biometrische Verwerking / National Bureau Of Standards, Center For Analytic Chemistry / International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea (ICES) / Laboratoire D'Oceanologie (Unite De Chimie)/Laboratory Of Oceanology (Chemistry Unit) (ULg) / Institute For Marine Environmental Research, Seals Research Division / Vlaams Instituut Voor De Zee / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) / Departement Scheikunde, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen (UIA) / Laboratorium Van Systematiek En Ekologie (VUB) (Prof. Polk) / Centre Environnement (ULg) / Rijksstation Voor Zeevisserij (RVZ, CLO Gent) / National Ocean Service / Station De Peche Maritime (Oostende) / BMM / Ministerie Van Landbouw, Centrum Voor Landbouwkundig Onderzoek Gent, Bureau Voor Biometrische Verwerking / Instituut Voor Hygiëne En Epidemologie-Mathematical Model Of The North Sea (IHE-MUMM) / Animal Sciences Unit, Chemical Monitoring And Product Technology (EV-ILVO) / Veterinary And Agrochemical Research Centre (CODA-CERVA) / Royal Belgian Institute For Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature) / Monks Wood Experimental Station, Nature Conservancy / Marine Chemistry Division Physical And Chemical Sciences Branch, Department Of Fisheries And Oceans (Canada) / Institut De Recherches Chimiques / Instituut Voor Scheikundig Onderzoek, Ministerie Van Landbouw, Tervuren (IRC/ISO) / Mathematical Model Of The North Sea (MUMM) / Beheerseenheid Mathematisch Model Van De Noordzee (BMM) / Unité De Gestion Modèle Mer Du Nord (UGMM) / Institut Für Meereskunde Der Universität Hamburg / Royal Belgian Institute For Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Measurement Services Ostend (MSO) / Laboratorium Analytische Scheikunde (VUB) (Prof. Elskens) / Rijksdienst Voor Zeevisserij (RVZ);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.24417/;;Missing;Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC);delft.rbins;2018;no_identifier;Bureau Voor Biometrische Verwerking / Laboratoire D'Oceanologie (Unite De Chimie)/Laboratory Of Oceanology (Chemistry Unit) (ULg) / International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea (ICES) / Instituut Voor Hygiëne En Epidemologie / Institut D'Hygiene Et D'epidemiologie (IHE) / Laboratorium Van Systematiek En Ekologie (VUB) (Prof. Polk) / Université De Liège (ULg) / Rijksstation Voor Zeevisserij (RVZ, CLO Gent) / Laboratoire D'Oceanologie-Unité D'Océanographie Chimique / Chemical Oceanography Unit (ULg) / Royal Belgian Institute For Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Ecosystems Physico-Chemistry (ECOCHEM) / Institut De Recherches Chimiques / Instituut Voor Scheikundig Onderzoek, Ministerie Van Landbouw, Tervuren (IRC/ISO) / Mathematical Model Of The North Sea (MUMM) / Beheerseenheid Mathematisch Model Van De Noordzee (BMM) / Unité De Gestion Modèle Mer Du Nord (UGMM) / BMM / Ministerie Van Landbouw, Centrum Voor Landbouwkundig Onderzoek Gent, Bureau Voor Biometrische Verwerking / Instituut Voor Hygiëne En Epidemologie-Mathematical Model Of The North Sea (IHE-MUMM) / Vlaamse Universiteit Brussel (VUB) / Royal Belgian Institute For Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Measurement Services Ostend (MSO) / Veterinary And Agrochemical Research Centre (CODA-CERVA) / Rijksdienst Voor Zeevisserij (RVZ) / Royal Belgian Institute For Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.24417/;;Missing;Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC);delft.rbins;2018;no_identifier;Departement Van Analytische Chemie En Toegepaste Spectroscopie, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam / Departement Scheikunde, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen (UIA) / Instituut Voor Landbouw- En Visserijonderzoek-Visserij (ILVO) / Rijksstation Voor Zeevisserij (RVZ, CLO Gent) / Royal Belgian Institute For Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Ecosystems Physico-Chemistry (ECOCHEM) / Institut De Recherches Chimiques / Instituut Voor Scheikundig Onderzoek, Ministerie Van Landbouw, Tervuren (IRC/ISO) / Mathematical Model Of The North Sea (MUMM) / Beheerseenheid Mathematisch Model Van De Noordzee (BMM) / Unité De Gestion Modèle Mer Du Nord (UGMM) / Instituut Voor Hygiëne En Epidemologie-Mathematical Model Of The North Sea (IHE-MUMM) / Animal Sciences Unit, Chemical Monitoring And Product Technology (EV-ILVO) / Veterinary And Agrochemical Research Centre (CODA-CERVA) / Rijksdienst Voor Zeevisserij (RVZ) / Royal Belgian Institute For Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.24417/;;Missing;Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC);delft.rbins;2014;no_identifier;"Bureau Voor Biometrische Verwerking / International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea (ICES) / Rijksstation Voor Zeevisserij (RVZ, CLO Gent) / Institut De Recherches Chimiques / Instituut Voor Scheikundig Onderzoek, Ministerie Van Landbouw, Tervuren (IRC/ISO) / Rijksstation Voor Sierplantenteelt (RVS) / Laboratorium Van Sedimentologie (KUL) (Prof. R. Wollast; Gullentops) / Station De Phytopharmacie De L'Etat / Ministerie Van Landbouw, Centrum Voor Landbouwkundig Onderzoek Gent, Bureau Voor Biometrische Verwerking / Laboratoire D'Oceanologie (Unite D' Ecotox)/Laboratory Of Oceanology (Ecotoxicology Unit) (ULg) / Vlaamse Universiteit Brussel (VUB) / Veterinary And Agrochemical Research Centre (CODA-CERVA) / Rijksdienst Voor Zeevisserij (RVZ) / Université Libre De Bruxelles (ULB)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.24417/;;Missing;Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS), Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature), Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC);delft.rbins;2015;no_identifier;"Institut De Recherches Chimiques / Instituut Voor Scheikundig Onderzoek, Ministerie Van Landbouw, Tervuren (IRC/ISO) / Laboratorium Van Sedimentologie (KUL) (Prof. R. Wollast; Gullentops) / Station De Phytopharmacie De L'Etat / International Council For The Exploration Of The Sea (ICES) / Laboratoire D'Oceanologie (Unite D' Ecotox)/Laboratory Of Oceanology (Ecotoxicology Unit) (ULg) / Vlaamse Universiteit Brussel (VUB) / Rijksstation Voor Zeevisserij (RVZ, CLO Gent) / Rijksdienst Voor Zeevisserij (RVZ) / Université Libre De Bruxelles (ULB)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; no;Universiteit AND Gent;10.5281/zenodo.3387007;;"This is a redistribution of the shapefile of the 'Digitale bodemkaart van het Vlaams Gewest: bodemtypes, substraten, fasen en varianten van het moedermateriaal en de profielontwikkeling' (digital soil map of the Flemish Region: soil types, substrates, phases, variants of the parent material, and profile development), originally published by 'Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen’ (Subsurface Database of Flemish Region, DOV) under a CC-BY compatible license. Its shapefile has been redistributed as the soilmap data source, used in reproducible, analytical workflows on Flemish Natura 2000 habitats and regionally important biotopes. These workflows rely on a stable, clean (datafile-only) and uniform representation of each data source version, represented by a Zenodo DOI. The Belgian soil map was drawn up by intensive soil mapping from the 1950s to 1970s (Dudal et al., 2005). The map is based on the Belgian soil classification system. It is a national system that was set up exclusively for Belgian soils. The digital soil map of the Flemish Region is documented by Van Ranst & Sys (2000). Each spatial polygon, accurately digitized from the soil map sheets (published at map scale 1:20000) at scale 1:5000, includes information on soil types, substrates, phases, variants of the parent material and profile development. If available, the general characteristics and photos of a representative soil profile and environment can be obtained for each soil type. Finally, for each location it is possible to call in a scan of the analog soil map sheet, the corresponding explanation booklet and the basic maps on a 1: 5000 scale. The digital soil map was updated in 2017 with information from several military domains, a uniform soil type was generated for the polder area, and several mistakes were corrected. The data source is owned by ‘Vlaams Planbureau voor Omgeving’ (Flemish Planning Bureau for Environment, Department of Environment of the Flemish government).";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsDocumentedBy"", ""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c("""", ""10.5281/zenodo.3387008"", """") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"", ""URL"")";Research Institute For Nature And Forest (INBO);no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.5281/zenodo.3387008;;"This is a redistribution of the shapefile of the 'Digitale bodemkaart van het Vlaams Gewest: bodemtypes, substraten, fasen en varianten van het moedermateriaal en de profielontwikkeling' (digital soil map of the Flemish Region: soil types, substrates, phases, variants of the parent material, and profile development), originally published by 'Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen’ (Subsurface Database of Flemish Region, DOV) under a CC-BY compatible license. Its shapefile has been redistributed as the soilmap data source, used in reproducible, analytical workflows on Flemish Natura 2000 habitats and regionally important biotopes. These workflows rely on a stable, clean (datafile-only) and uniform representation of each data source version, represented by a Zenodo DOI. The Belgian soil map was drawn up by intensive soil mapping from the 1950s to 1970s (Dudal et al., 2005). The map is based on the Belgian soil classification system. It is a national system that was set up exclusively for Belgian soils. The digital soil map of the Flemish Region is documented by Van Ranst & Sys (2000). Each spatial polygon, accurately digitized from the soil map sheets (published at map scale 1:20000) at scale 1:5000, includes information on soil types, substrates, phases, variants of the parent material and profile development. If available, the general characteristics and photos of a representative soil profile and environment can be obtained for each soil type. Finally, for each location it is possible to call in a scan of the analog soil map sheet, the corresponding explanation booklet and the basic maps on a 1: 5000 scale. The digital soil map was updated in 2017 with information from several military domains, a uniform soil type was generated for the polder area, and several mistakes were corrected. The data source is owned by ‘Vlaams Planbureau voor Omgeving’ (Flemish Planning Bureau for Environment, Department of Environment of the Flemish government).";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsDocumentedBy"", ""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c("""", ""10.5281/zenodo.3387007"", """") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"", ""URL"")";Research Institute For Nature And Forest (INBO);no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;non_primary;non_primary; no;Universiteit AND Gent;10.5281/zenodo.3732903;;"The data source soilmap_simple is a simplified and standardized derived form of the 'digital soil map of the Flemish Region' (the shapefile of which we named soilmap, for analytical workflows in R) published by 'Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen’ (DOV). It is a GeoPackage that contains a spatial polygon layersoilmap_simple’ in the Belgian Lambert 72 coordinate reference system (EPSG-code 31370), plus a non-spatial tableexplanations’ with the meaning of category codes that occur in the spatial layer. Further documentation about the digital soil map of the Flemish Region is available in Van Ranst & Sys (2000) and Dudal et al. (2005). This version of soilmap_simple was derived from version 'soilmap_2017-06-20' (Zenodo DOI) as follows: all attribute variables received English names (purpose of standardization), starting with prefix bsm_ (referring to the 'Belgian soil map'); attribute variables were reordered; the values of the morphogenetic substrate, texture and drainage variables (bsm_mo_substr, bsm_mo_tex and bsm_mo_drain + their _explan counterparts) were filled for most features in the 'coastal plain' area. To derive morphogenetic texture and drainage levels from the geomorphological soil types, a conversion table by Bruno De Vos & Carole Ampe was applied (for earlier work on this, see Ampe 2013). Substrate classes were copied over from bsm_ge_substr into bsm_mo_substr (bsm_ge_substr already followed the categories of bsm_mo_substr). These steps coincide with the approach that had been taken to construct the Unitype variable in the soilmap data source; only a minimal number of variables were selected: those that are most useful for analytical work. See R-code in the GitHub repository 'n2khab-preprocessing' at commit b3c6696 for the creation from the soilmap data source. A reading function to return soilmap_simple (this data source) or soilmap in a standardized way into the R environment is provided by the R-package n2khab. The attributes of the spatial polygon layer soilmap_simple can have mo_ in their name to refer to the Belgian Morphogenetic System: bsm_poly_id: unique polygon ID (numeric) bsm_region: name of the region bsm_converted: boolean. Were morphogenetic texture and drainage variables (bsm_mo_tex and bsm_mo_drain) derived from a conversion table (see above)? Value TRUE is largely confined to the 'coastal plain' areas. bsm_mo_soilunitype: code of the soil type (applying morphogenetic codes within the coastal plain areas when possible, just as for the following three variables) bsm_mo_substr: code of the soil substrate bsm_mo_tex: code of the soil texture category bsm_mo_drain: code of the soil drainage category bsm_mo_prof: code of the soil profile category bsm_mo_parentmat: code of a variant regarding the parent material bsm_mo_profvar: code of a variant regarding the soil profile The non-spatial table explanations has following variables: subject: attribute name of the spatial layer: either bsm_mo_substr, bsm_mo_tex, bsm_mo_drain, bsm_mo_prof, bsm_mo_parentmat or bsm_mo_profvar code: category code that occurs as value for the corresponding attribute in the spatial layer name: explanation of the value of code";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3732904"", ""10.5281/zenodo.3747496"", """", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""URL"", ""URL"")";Vanderhaeghe, Floris / De Vos, Bruno / Cools, Nathalie;" ; ;";Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO);no_field;primary;primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.5281/zenodo.3732904;;"The data source soilmap_simple is a simplified and standardized derived form of the 'digital soil map of the Flemish Region' (the shapefile of which we named soilmap, for analytical workflows in R) published by 'Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen’ (DOV). It is a GeoPackage that contains a single spatial polygon layer ‘soilmap_simple’ in the Belgian Lambert 72 coordinate reference system (EPSG-code 31370). Further documentation about the digital soil map of the Flemish Region is available in Van Ranst & Sys (2000) and Dudal et al. (2005). This version of soilmap_simple was derived from version 'soilmap_2017-06-20' (Zenodo DOI) as follows: all attribute variables received English names (purpose of standardization), starting with prefix bsm_ (referring to the 'Belgian soil map'); attribute variables were reordered; the values of the morphogenetic substrate, texture and drainage variables (bsm_mo_substr, bsm_mo_tex and bsm_mo_drain + their _explan counterparts) were filled for most features in the 'coastal plain' area. To derive morphogenetic texture and drainage levels from the geomorphological soil types, a conversion table by Bruno De Vos & Carole Ampe was applied (for earlier work on this, see Ampe 2013). Substrate classes were copied over from bsm_ge_substr into bsm_mo_substr (bsm_ge_substr already followed the categories of bsm_mo_substr). These steps coincide with the approach that had been taken to construct the Unitype variable in the soilmap data source; only a minimal number of variables were selected: those that are most useful for analytical work. See R-code in the GitHub repository 'n2khab-preprocessing' at commit 906fc7a for the creation from the soilmap data source. A reading function to return soilmap_simple (this data source) or soilmap in a standardized way into the R environment will be provided by the R-package n2khab. The attributes of soilmap_simple can have mo_ or ge_ in their name, referring to the Belgian Morphogenetic System or the Belgian Geomorphological System, respectively: bsm_poly_id: unique polygon ID (numeric) bsm_region: name of the region bsm_ge_coastalplain: boolean. Did the original soil type code follow the geomorphological typology? It is TRUE for all polygons inside the coastal plain area, and also for a few soil type codes (starting with letter O) with a wider distribution across Flanders (the latter belong to the soil types for which the typology could not be converted into a morphogenetic one). bsm_mo_soilunitype: code of the soil type (applying morphogenetic codes within the coastal plain areas when possible, just as for the following three variables) bsm_mo_substr: code of the soil substrate bsm_mo_tex: code of the soil texture category bsm_mo_drain: code of the soil drainage category bsm_mo_prof: code of the soil profile category bsm_mo_parentmat: code of a variant regarding the parent material bsm_mo_profvar: code of a variant regarding the soil profile";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3732903"", """", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"", ""URL"")";Vanderhaeghe, Floris / De Vos, Bruno / Cools, Nathalie;" ; ;";Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO);no_field;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Universiteit AND Gent;10.5281/zenodo.3747496;;"The data source soilmap_simple is a simplified and standardized derived form of the 'digital soil map of the Flemish Region' (the shapefile of which we named soilmap, for analytical workflows in R) published by 'Databank Ondergrond Vlaanderen’ (DOV). It is a GeoPackage that contains a spatial polygon layersoilmap_simple’ in the Belgian Lambert 72 coordinate reference system (EPSG-code 31370), plus a non-spatial tableexplanations’ with the meaning of category codes that occur in the spatial layer. Further documentation about the digital soil map of the Flemish Region is available in Van Ranst & Sys (2000) and Dudal et al. (2005). This version of soilmap_simple was derived from version 'soilmap_2017-06-20' (Zenodo DOI) as follows: all attribute variables received English names (purpose of standardization), starting with prefix bsm_ (referring to the 'Belgian soil map'); attribute variables were reordered; the values of the morphogenetic substrate, texture and drainage variables (bsm_mo_substr, bsm_mo_tex and bsm_mo_drain + their _explan counterparts) were filled for most features in the 'coastal plain' area. To derive morphogenetic texture and drainage levels from the geomorphological soil types, a conversion table by Bruno De Vos & Carole Ampe was applied (for earlier work on this, see Ampe 2013). Substrate classes were copied over from bsm_ge_substr into bsm_mo_substr (bsm_ge_substr already followed the categories of bsm_mo_substr). These steps coincide with the approach that had been taken to construct the Unitype variable in the soilmap data source; only a minimal number of variables were selected: those that are most useful for analytical work. See R-code in the GitHub repository 'n2khab-preprocessing' at commit b3c6696 for the creation from the soilmap data source. A reading function to return soilmap_simple (this data source) or soilmap in a standardized way into the R environment is provided by the R-package n2khab. The attributes of the spatial polygon layer soilmap_simple can have mo_ in their name to refer to the Belgian Morphogenetic System: bsm_poly_id: unique polygon ID (numeric) bsm_region: name of the region bsm_converted: boolean. Were morphogenetic texture and drainage variables (bsm_mo_tex and bsm_mo_drain) derived from a conversion table (see above)? Value TRUE is largely confined to the 'coastal plain' areas. bsm_mo_soilunitype: code of the soil type (applying morphogenetic codes within the coastal plain areas when possible, just as for the following three variables) bsm_mo_substr: code of the soil substrate bsm_mo_tex: code of the soil texture category bsm_mo_drain: code of the soil drainage category bsm_mo_prof: code of the soil profile category bsm_mo_parentmat: code of a variant regarding the parent material bsm_mo_profvar: code of a variant regarding the soil profile The non-spatial table explanations has following variables: subject: attribute name of the spatial layer: either bsm_mo_substr, bsm_mo_tex, bsm_mo_drain, bsm_mo_prof, bsm_mo_parentmat or bsm_mo_profvar code: category code that occurs as value for the corresponding attribute in the spatial layer name: explanation of the value of code";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3732903"", """", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"", ""URL"")";Vanderhaeghe, Floris / De Vos, Bruno / Cools, Nathalie;" ; ;";Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO);no_field;non_primary;non_primary; no;Universiteit AND Hasselt;10.17026/dans-26j-4h5h;;Vervolginterview met de Nederlandse kunstenares Lydia Schouten over haar installatie Shattered Ghost Stories (1993) uit de collectie van Museum Arnhem. Het werk is voor het eerst gemaakt in de Rijnzaal van Museum Arnhem voor de tentoonstelling Vrij Spel. Daarna was het te zien in de Frankfurter Kunstverein en het Provinciaal Museum Hasselt in 1994. Sindsdien is het niet meer opgesteld geweest. In 2009 is het door Wanda Reiff geschonken aan Museum Arnhem. De installatie bestaat uit vier kolommen waarin een levensgrote figuur, een hoofd, poppetjes, foto’s en een tekstplaat hangen. Daarnaast zijn licht, audio, rook en een blauwe kleur onderdeel van de installatie. De focus van dit interview zijn de vier hoofden die zijn gemaakt op basis van een mal van het hoofd van de kunstenares zelf. Elk hoofd heeft een huid van natuurrubber en een kern van polyurethaanschuim (PUR schuim). De invalshoek van het interview is de conservering van de installatie Shattered Ghost Stories.;Universiteit van Amsterdam;dans.archive;2020;no_identifier;Janson, S.R. / Stigter, S.;no_identifier;University of Amsterdam / University of Amsterdam;Description;primary;primary; no;Universiteit AND Hasselt;10.17026/dans-xen-v7te;;Vervolginterview met de Nederlandse kunstenares Lydia Schouten over haar installatie Shattered Ghost Stories (1993) uit de collectie van Museum Arnhem. Het werk is voor het eerst gemaakt in de Rijnzaal van Museum Arnhem voor de tentoonstelling Vrij Spel. Daarna was het te zien in de Frankfurter Kunstverein en het Provinciaal Museum Hasselt in 1994. Sindsdien is het niet meer opgesteld geweest. In 2009 is het door Wanda Reiff geschonken aan Museum Arnhem. De installatie bestaat uit vier kolommen waarin een levensgrote figuur, een hoofd, poppetjes, foto’s en een tekstplaat hangen. Daarnaast zijn licht, audio, rook en een blauwe kleur onderdeel van de installatie. De focus van dit interview zijn de vier hoofden die zijn gemaakt op basis van een mal van het hoofd van de kunstenares zelf. Elk hoofd heeft een huid van natuurrubber en een kern van polyurethaanschuim (PUR schuim). De invalshoek van het interview is de conservering van de installatie Shattered Ghost Stories.;Universiteit van Amsterdam;dans.archive;2020;no_identifier;Janson, S.R. / Stigter, S.;no_identifier;University of Amsterdam / University of Amsterdam;Description;primary;primary; no;Universiteit AND Hasselt;10.17026/dans-xwv-n93s;;Interview met de Nederlandse kunstenares Lydia Schouten over haar installatie Shattered Ghost Stories (1993) uit de collectie van Museum Arnhem. Het werk is voor het eerst gemaakt in de Rijnzaal van Museum Arnhem voor de tentoonstelling Vrij Spel. Daarna was het te zien in de Frankfurter Kunstverein en het Provinciaal Museum Hasselt in 1994. Sindsdien is het niet meer opgesteld geweest. In 2009 is het door Wanda Reiff geschonken aan Museum Arnhem. De invalshoek van het interview is de conservering van het werk. Het interview gaat over de verschillende onderdelen, het materiaal en het maakproces, waarbij de kunstenares hulp heeft gehad van verschillende experts, waaronder Arthur Vriens, Ivo van Stiphout en Rein Surich. De verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen de installaties op de verschillende locaties en hoe de onderdelen zijn geplaatst in de ruimte komen ook aan de orde, evenals de identiteit van het werk en hoe deze tot uitdrukking komt.;Universiteit van Amsterdam;dans.archive;2020;no_identifier;Janson, S.R. / Stigter, S.;no_identifier;University of Amsterdam / University of Amsterdam;Description;primary;primary; no;Universiteit AND Hasselt;10.17026/dans-xzj-efy7;;Interview met Mirjam Westen, conservator hedendaagse kunst Museum Arnhem, over de installatie Shattered Ghost Stories (1993) van de Nederlandse kunstenares Lydia Schouten, een werk uit de collectie van Museum Arnhem. Het werk is voor het eerst gemaakt in de Rijnzaal van Museum Arnhem voor de tentoonstelling Vrij Spel, deze tentoonstelling is destijds samengesteld door Westen. Daarna was de installatie te zien in de Frankfurter Kunstverein en het Provinciaal Museum Hasselt in 1994. Sindsdien is het niet meer opgesteld geweest. In 2009 is het door Wanda Reiff geschonken aan Museum Arnhem. De installatie bestaat uit vier kolommen, in elke kolom hangen: een levensgrote figuur, een hoofd, poppetjes, foto’s en een tekstplaat. Daarnaast zijn licht, audio, rook en een blauwe kleur onderdeel van de installatie. De invalshoek van het interview is de conservering van de installatie Shattered Ghost Stories.;Universiteit van Amsterdam;dans.archive;2020;no_identifier;Janson, S.R. / Stigter, S.;no_identifier;University of Amsterdam / University of Amsterdam;Description;primary;primary; no;Universiteit AND Hasselt;10.17026/dans-zeq-j8hu;;Interview met de Nederlandse kunstenares Lydia Schouten over haar installatie Shattered Ghost Stories (1993) uit de collectie van Museum Arnhem. Het werk is voor het eerst gemaakt in de Rijnzaal van Museum Arnhem voor de tentoonstelling Vrij Spel. Daarna was het te zien in de Frankfurter Kunstverein en het Provinciaal Museum Hasselt in 1994. Sindsdien is het niet meer opgesteld geweest. In 2009 is het door Wanda Reiff geschonken aan Museum Arnhem. De invalshoek van het interview is de conservering van het werk. Het interview gaat over de verschillende onderdelen, het materiaal en het maakproces, waarbij de kunstenares hulp heeft gehad van verschillende experts, waaronder Arthur Vriens, Ivo van Stiphout en Rein Surich. De verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen de installaties op de verschillende locaties en hoe de onderdelen zijn geplaatst in de ruimte komen ook aan de orde, evenals de identiteit van het werk en hoe deze tot uitdrukking komt.;Universiteit van Amsterdam;dans.archive;2020;no_identifier;Janson, S.R. / Stigter, S.;no_identifier;University of Amsterdam / University of Amsterdam;Description;primary;primary; no;Universiteit AND Hasselt;10.17026/dans-zze-tqkf;;In januari 1989 trof Jean-Pierre de Warrimont uit Geulle in de löss- en grindgroeve Klinkers een aantal neolithische kuilen aan. Het vondstgebied werd in samenwerking met Mirjam van Ieperen en Dimitri De Loecker opgeschaafd en de sporen ingetekend. Een noordwest-deel van een bandkeramisch huis en drie Michelsbergconcentratie's waren de belangrijkste vondsten. Aangezien het terrein binnen afzienbare termijn afgegraven zou worden, werd er door het instituut van Pre- en protohistorie te Leiden (IPL) een opgravingscampagne opgestart. Van 3 april tot 2 juni 1989 is ongeveer 5800 m2 opgegraven. De groeve Klinkers ligt ten noorden van Maastricht tussen de Belgische grens in Smeermaas en de goederenspoorlijn Maastricht-Hasselt (België).;Faculteit der Archeologie, Universiteit Leiden;dans.archive;2008;no_identifier;Theunissen, L. (Veldwerk, Uitwerking) / Louwe Kooijmans, L.P. (Studiebegeleider);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.14284/157;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Gillikin, David / Tack, Jurgen / Vannini, Marco / De Wachter, Bart / Free University Of Brussels, Belgium / University Of Florence, Italy / University Of Antwerp, Belgium;no_identifier;Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium / Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium / University of Florence, Italy / University of Antwerp (UA), Belgium / character(0) / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.15468/02omly;;Bird tracking - GPS tracking of Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Herring Gulls breeding at the southern North Sea coast is a species occurrence dataset published by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) and described (v5.5) in Stienen et al. 2016 ( The dataset contains close to 8.5 million occurrences (GPS fixes) recorded by GPS trackers mounted on 108 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 37 Herring Gulls breeding at the Belgian and Dutch coast. The trackers are developed by the University of Amsterdam Bird Tracking System (UvA-BiTS, and allow to study the gulls' habitat use and migration behaviour in great detail. Our bird tracking network is operational since 2013 and is maintained and used by the INBO, the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), UvA-BiTS, Ghent University (UGent), and the University of Antwerp (UA). See the dataset metadata for contact information, scope, and methodology. Issues with the dataset can be reported at The following information is not included in the dataset and available upon request: outliers, speed, temperature, barometric pressure, accelerometer data, GPS metadata (fix time, number of satellites used, vertical accuracy), bird biometrics data measured during tagging (bill length, bill depth, tarsus length, wing length, body mass), life history data (day of ringing, age, resightings by volunteers), as well as growth data of chicks. To allow anyone to use this dataset, we have released the data to the public domain under a Creative Commons Zero waiver ( We would appreciate however, if you read and follow these norms for data use ( and provide a link to the original dataset ( whenever possible. If you use these data for a scientific paper, please cite the dataset following the applicable citation norms and/or consider us for co-authorship. We are always interested to know how you have used or visualized the data, or to provide more information, so please contact us via the contact information provided in the metadata, or The bird tracking network used to collect these data is set up and maintained by the INBO and VLIZ as part of the Flemish contribution to LifeWatch.;Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO);gbif.gbif;2017;no_identifier;Stienen, Eric W.M. / Desmet, Peter / Aelterman, Bart / Courtens, Wouter / Feys, Simon / Vanermen, Nicolas / Hilbran Verstraete / Walle, Marc Van De / Deneudt, Klaas / Hernandez, Francisco / Houthoofdt, Robin / Vanhoorne, Bart / Bouten, Willem / Roland-Jan Buijs / Kavelaars, Marwa M. / Wendt Müller / Herman, David / Matheve, Hans / Sotillo, Alejandro / Lens, Luc;" ;";Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) / Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) / Buijs Eco Consult B.V. / Ethology (ETHO) / Ethology (ETHO) / Terrestrial Ecology Unit (TEREC) / Terrestrial Ecology Unit (TEREC) / Terrestrial Ecology Unit (TEREC) / Terrestrial Ecology Unit (TEREC);Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.15468/rbguhj;;Bird tracking - GPS tracking of Western Marsh Harriers breeding near the Belgium-Netherlands border is a species occurrence dataset published by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). The dataset contains over 290.000 occurrences (GPS fixes) recorded between 2013 and 2017 by GPS trackers mounted on 6 Western Marsh Harriers breeding near the Belgium-Netherlands border. The trackers are developed by the University of Amsterdam Bird Tracking System (UvA-BiTS, and allow to study the harriers' habitat use and migration behaviour in great detail. Our bird tracking network is operational since 2013 and is maintained and used by the INBO, the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), UvA-BiTS, Ghent University (UGent), and the University of Antwerp (UA). See the dataset metadata for contact information, scope, and methodology. Issues with the dataset can be reported at The following information is not included in the dataset and available upon request: outliers, speed, temperature, barometric pressure, GPS metadata (fix time, number of satellites used, vertical accuracy), and bird weight measured during tagging. To allow anyone to use this dataset, we have released the data to the public domain under a Creative Commons Zero waiver ( We would appreciate however, if you read and follow these norms for data use ( and provide a link to the original dataset ( whenever possible. If you use these data for a scientific paper, please cite the dataset following the applicable citation norms and/or consider us for co-authorship. We are always interested to know how you have used or visualized the data, or to provide more information, so please contact us via the contact information provided in the metadata, or The bird tracking network used to collect these data is set up and maintained by the INBO and VLIZ as part of the Flemish contribution to LifeWatch.;Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO);gbif.gbif;2017;no_identifier;Anselin, Anny / Desmet, Peter / Janssens, Kjell / Filiep T'Jollyn / Bruyn, Luc De / Hernandez, Francisco / Bouten, Willem / Lens, Luc;" ;";Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) / Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) / Terrestrial Ecology Unit (TEREC);Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.15468/u3fdk4;;"The Ghent University Zoological museum holds a scientific collection of vertebrate and invertebrate specimens and a collection of anatomic preparates. The museum dates from 1817 and the original idea was to curate a didactic collection for educational purposes. Ghent University Zoology Museum curates a vertebrate collection of over 6000 specimen. the vertebrate collection is divided in a ""Comparative anatomy collection"" of about 2000 specimen. A valuable historic collection of Professor Felix. Plateau and several smaller historic collection. Some specimens were bought or donated by the Antwerp Zoo. Some of the specimens belonged to animals living in the Ghent zoo which closed in 1905";Ghent University;gbif.gbif;2019;no_identifier;Verschelde, Dominick;no_identifier;Ugent;Affiliations_data_creators+Description+Publisher;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.15468/yc83vm;;The extensive African Rodentia specimen and tissue collections of the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA), the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS) and the University of Antwerp (UA) provide taxonomical, ecological, geographical and genetic information, as well as measurements and data on parasitic and viral infections. The scientific importance of these collections is that, although numerous African rats and mice have been described over the last 150 years, many species descriptions are based on very few specimens.;Belgian Biodiversity Platform;gbif.gbif;2019;no_identifier;Wendelen, Wim;no_identifier;Royal Museum For Central Africa;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.18140/flx/1440128;;This is the FLUXNET2015 version of the carbon flux data for the site BE-Bra Brasschaat.;"FluxNet; University of Antwerp";doe.lbnl;2016;no_identifier;Neirynck, Johan / Verbeeck, Hans / Carrara, Arnaud / Kowalski, Andrew S. / Ceulemans, Reinhart / Janssens, Ivan A. / Gielen, Bert / Roland, Marilyn;no_identifier;Research Institute for Forest and Nature / University of Ghent / Centre d’Estudis Ambientals del Mediterrani / University of Granada / University of Antwerp / University of Antwerp / University of Antwerp / University of Antwerp;Affiliations_data_creators+Publisher;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.21227/a2fa-km47;;"This dataset provides bibliography on literature anaylzed in the course of a systematic literature review to derive quality factors relevant for simulation modelling in infromation systems research. The dataset connects to the following publication: M. Auf der Landwehr, M. Trott, and C. von Viebahn, ""Computer Simulation as Evaluation Tool of Information Systems: Identifying Quality Factors of Simulation Modeling,"" in IEEE CBI 2020: 22nd International Conference on Business Informatics: University of Antwerp in Antwerp, Belgium,June 22–24, 2020";IEEE DataPort;ieee.dataport;2020;no_identifier;Auf der Landwehr, Marvin;no_identifier;Hochschule Hannover;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.21227/f05q-2y39;;"This dataset provides bibliography on literature anaylzed in the course of a systematic literature review to derive quality factors relevant for simulation modelling in infromation systems research. The dataset connects to the following publication: M. Auf der Landwehr, M. Trott, and C. von Viebahn, ""Computer Simulation as Evaluation Tool of Information Systems: Identifying Quality Factors of Simulation Modeling,"" in IEEE CBI 2020: 22nd International Conference on Business Informatics: University of Antwerp in Antwerp, Belgium,June 22–24, 2020";IEEE DataPort;ieee.dataport;2020;no_identifier;Auf der Landwehr, Marvin;no_identifier;Hochschule Hannover;Description;non_primary;non_primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.24416/uu01-7uc5bl;;This database was compiled as part the EURYI/VIDI research project ‘The Evolution of Financial Markets in Pre-Industrial Europe (1500-1800): A Comparative Analysis’, led by Oscar (O.C.) Gelderblom and Joost (J.P.B.) Jonker. The research project explores why sophisticated capital markets emerge in some economies, but not in others. To explain the divergent development of capital markets in pre-industrial Europe, this project will compare the financial instruments and intermediaries that entrepreneurs in various parts of Europe used to fund their businesses, how often they used them, and what price they paid for them. Then the project will consider five factors that might explain the development of more or less sophisticated financial markets: economic opportunities, migration, legal rules, public finance, and inequality.To demonstrate the benefits of the comparative approach, and measure the relative importance of the different explanations, the project will offer a historical analysis of the financial institutions that developed in the Low Countries – the present day Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg – between 1500 and 1800. Despite the limited size of this area, it offers a unique opportunity to explore long-term changes of financial institutions under very different political and economic circumstances. Indeed, the history of the Low Countries yields a kind of natural experiment within an area that in course of the fifteenth and sixteenth century displayed an ever greater legal, political, and economic unity, until a civil war (the Dutch Revolt) set the northern and southern part of the Netherlands on very different paths of economic and political development.For this dataset we collected, for eight benchmark years (1500, 1540, 1580, 1620, 1660, 1700, 1740 and 1780) both the private annuities and schepenkennissen recorded by the aldermen of six cities: Ghent, Antwerp, Den Bosch, Utrecht, Leyden, and Amsterdam. We only collected private annuities which were functionally equivalent to the schepenkennissen or IOUs in allowing borrowers and lenders to set terms and conditions without any prior constraint. There is a total number of 140.608 recorded transactions with 1.123 alderman/notarissen.For more detailed information on the research project, sources, codebook, etc., please check Description of the Notaries and Aldermen Database.docx;Utrecht University;delft.uu;2017;no_identifier;Gelderblom, Oscar;no_identifier;Utrecht University;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.24416/uu01-j81dsw;;"This database was compiled as part the EURYI/VIDI research project ‘The Evolution of Financial Markets in Pre-Industrial Europe (1500-1800): A Comparative Analysis’, led by Oscar (O.C.) Gelderblom and Joost (J.P.B.) Jonker. This second version contains minor changes to the datafiles. For details see the Wordfile ""Coding Error in the Notaries and Aldermen Data Set (2 October 2019)"" The research project explores why sophisticated capital markets emerge in some economies, but not in others. To explain the divergent development of capital markets in pre-industrial Europe, this project will compare the financial instruments and intermediaries that entrepreneurs in various parts of Europe used to fund their businesses, how often they used them, and what price they paid for them. Then the project will consider five factors that might explain the development of more or less sophisticated financial markets: economic opportunities, migration, legal rules, public finance, and inequality. To demonstrate the benefits of the comparative approach, and measure the relative importance of the different explanations, the project will offer a historical analysis of the financial institutions that developed in the Low Countries – the present day Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxemburg – between 1500 and 1800. Despite the limited size of this area, it offers a unique opportunity to explore long-term changes of financial institutions under very different political and economic circumstances. Indeed, the history of the Low Countries yields a kind of natural experiment within an area that in course of the fifteenth and sixteenth century displayed an ever greater legal, political, and economic unity, until a civil war (the Dutch Revolt) set the northern and southern part of the Netherlands on very different paths of economic and political development. For this dataset we collected, for eight benchmark years (1500, 1540, 1580, 1620, 1660, 1700, 1740 and 1780) both the private annuities and schepenkennissen recorded by the aldermen of six cities: Ghent, Antwerp, Den Bosch, Utrecht, Leyden, and Amsterdam. We only collected private annuities which were functionally equivalent to the schepenkennissen or IOUs in allowing borrowers and lenders to set terms and conditions without any prior constraint. There is a total number of 140.608 recorded transactions with 1.123 alderman/notarissen. For more detailed information on the research project, sources, codebook, etc., please check Description of the Notaries and Aldermen Database.docx";Utrecht University;delft.uu;2019;"IsNewVersionOf ; 10.24416/uu01-7uc5bl ; DOI";Gelderblom, Oscar;no_identifier;Utrecht University;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/chs-m18245;;"Photograph of the painting ""A Reading from Homer"" by Lawrence Tadema, after 1836. A man who is presumably Homer is shown to the right, seated with a scroll unfurled in his lap. Wearing his laurel crown, he recites to the group of listeners that lounges before him to the left: a girl holding a tambourine along the curved marble bench, a young man who holds her hand and a lute at his side, another youth dressed in animal furs laying on his stomach, and a fourth youth with bandaged feet lingering in the left background. According to the picture file card, this group is supposed to represent young Phaon and his friends in B.C. 805.; Tadema was born in West Friesland, Holland in 1836 and showed talent for drawing at five years of age. At 16 he began art study at the Royal Academy at Antwerp, Belgium. At 24 he entered the studio of a famous Belgium painter who the picture file card does not name. Later, he won the gold medal in Paris in 1864 and 1867 (assumedly in painting). The picture file card credits him as having found his love of ""color, finish and detail"" from his ""Dutch ancestors and early teachers"".";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Tadema, Lawerence Alma / Pierce, C.C. (Charles C.), 1861-1946;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/examiner-m7868;;"2 images. Awards at Fort MacArthur, 22 December 1951. James T. McBride (for his son who was killed in action); Elmer D. Van Antwerp (for his son who was killed in action); Jess McCollim (son awarded Silver Star); Mrs. Julia V. Godfrey; Kathleen Godfrey -- 4 years (Silver Star for father who was killed in action); Donna Godfrey; Major General William B. Keane; Charles K. Eiler (Distinguished Service Cross for his son); Rokusuke Otomo (Distinguished Service Cross for his son).; Supplementary material reads: ""Chernus -- Harbor. Captions: Hero awards, Fort MacArthur. Two negs. show L - R: James T. McBride, whose son was killed in action in Korea and who received posthumous silver star for his son; Elmer D. Van Antwerp, whose son awarded posthumously Distinguished service cross; Jess McCollim, whose son was awarded silver star; Mrs. Julia V. Godfrey, with her children Kathleen, 4; and Donna, 8. Major General William B. Keane pins silver star on little Kathleen whose father was killed in action; Charles K. Eiler, awarded distinguished service cross for his son, killed in action; and Rokusuke Otomo, whose son won two awards, the distinguished service cross and bronze star with 'V' device for extraordinary heroism"".";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2013;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/gar-c81-18599;;"Alfred I. Johns (The English-Speaking Union), Trafalgar Buildings, 1 Charing Cross Road, Westminster, London, England, letter, 1922 November 15, to Hamlin Garland, 71 East 92nd Street, New York, New York, USA. ""We have been asked by our Antwerp Branch, which numbers over 150 subscribing members headed by the American and British Ambassadors to Belgium, to secure a special lecturer for Thursday, May 24th, 1923, and I wondered if you would have arrived on this side by that time and could possibly fill the engagement."" -- first line.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2017;no_identifier;Johns, Alfred I. / English-Speaking Union;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-80686;;“De Schoolkolonie van Nieuw Antwerpen. La Colonie scolaire de Nouvelle-Anvers. De schoolkinderen spleen. Les eleves au jeu.” Students are seen outside their school engaged in sport activities. A large number are having a tug of war with a rope, while several play tennis. The name of the publisher (Eigendom van Scheut (Kongo) Propriete de Scheut ) is printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-80687;;“De Schoolkolonie van Nieuw Antwerpen. La Colonie scolaire de Nouvelle-Anvers. Een Joekje der schoolkolonie. Un coin de la colonie.” The grounds and buidings of the New Antwerp Colony School are shown among the palm trees. The name of the publisher (Eigendom van Scheut (Kongo) Propriete de Scheut ) and caption are printed on the back of the postcard. The word “Evelyn” is handwritten on the address line on the back.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-81019;;“Nieuw Antwerpen De missiepost. Nile Anvers La mission. ‘t Binnenste der Kerk. L”intérieur de l’église. The Western style church at New Antwerp is shown during a Mass. The publisher “Eigendom van Scheut . (Kongo ). Propriété de Scheut” and caption are printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83396;;Missions des Pères Capucins: Pundjab [Punjab] (Ind.) Parure. A girl with lots of jewelry on stares off to the side of the camera. She has on a neckalce, many earrings, a large hoop through her nose, and ornaments in her hair. Additional information directs donations to Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83399;;Missions des Pères Capucins: Pundjab [Punjab] (Ind.) Soeurs indigènes. Indigenous Sisters stand in a row with a European Sister sitting in front of them. Additional information directs donations to Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83400;;Missions des Pères Capucins: Pundjab [Punjab] (Ind.) Orphelines. Many orphans sit and stand as they pose for the camera with a few female missionaries. Additional information directs donations to Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83401;;Missions des Pères Capucins: Pundjab [Punjab] (Ind.) Séminaristes indigènes. Indigenous seminarians stand in two rows along each side of a walkway. On the left are arches and on the right are doors. Additional information directs donations to Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83402;;Missions des Pères Capucins: Pundjab [Punjab] (Ind.) Missionarissen. Missionaries pose for the camera with some standing and others sitting in front of them. Most of them have large beards. Additional information directs donations to Antwerp, Belgium. There is a handwritten note on the back of this postcard.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83522;;Suikerbakker. Confiserie. Three men sit cross-legged on the floor, showing off the pastries they have made in front of them. Additional text on the back asks for monetary donations for the missions and indicates that the postcard was printed in Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83523;;Broeder hovenier. Frère jardinier. A monk who is a gardener stands among trees in his garden. Additional text on the back asks for monetary donations for the missions and indicates that the postcard was printed in Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83524;;Hoe men den akker met water voorziet. Irrigation des champs. Two men pose for the camera with a pair of oxen next to a system for irrigating a field. Additional text on the back asks for monetary donations for the missions and indicates that the postcard was printed in Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83525;;Pundjab [Punjab]. Bijkapel. - Chapelle secondaire. A group of people are sitting, with a few standing, outside a secondary chapel. A missionary stands in front of them. Additional text on the back asks for monetary donations for the missions and indicates that the postcard was printed in Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83526;;Op bezoek. En tournée. A missionary sits with some men and women outside a hut built of mud and grass-like materials. He appears to be visiting them. One man stands off to the side by himself. Additional text on the back asks for monetary donations for the missions and indicates that the postcard was printed in Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83527;;Barbier. A barber shaves another man's beard. They are both sitting on the ground. The barber's tools are on the ground beside the two men. Additional text on the back asks for monetary donations for the missions and indicates that the postcard was printed in Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83528;;Door de rivier. Passage à gué. Three women and a man holding a child are crossing a river on foot, wading through the water. One of the women holds a basket on her head. Additional text on the back asks for monetary donations for the missions and indicates that the postcard was printed in Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83529;;Houtdraagster. Porteuse de bois. An elderly woman carries a load of wood on her back. It is quite a large pile of fairly large sticks and causes her to bend over. Additional text on the back asks for monetary donations for the missions and indicates that the postcard was printed in Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83530;;Vroolijke Indiaantjes. Indiens à la joie. In the top image are three girls in hijabs, smiling at the camera. In the bottom image are two boys in formal clothes smiling for the camera. Additional text on the back asks for monetary donations for the missions and indicates that the postcard was printed in Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83531;;Op uitstap. En excursion. Three missionaries on a journey with a man are crossing a river on foot. There is a waterfall behind them. Additional text on the back asks for monetary donations for the missions and indicates that the postcard was printed in Antwerp, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83764;;Missiën der Paters Capucijnen: Pundjab [Punjab] (Ind.). Een vaste Missiepost. At this mission post of the Capuchin Fathers, men, women, and children are gathered outside buildings made of mud. A missionary stands in their midst. Animals are also around them. Information on the back asks that monetary donations be made to a center in Antwerp in the name of MIssions.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-c123-83778;;Missiën der Paters Capucijnen: Pundjab [Punjab] (Ind.). Een Missieschool. Young boys and teenage boys pose outside for the camera with their teacher. They are students in a mission school. Information on the back asks that monetary donations be made to a center in Antwerp in the name of missions.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/impa-m371;;"Studio portrait of Malagasy pastor by commercial photographer. Malagasy text hand written on reverse, possibly a dedication to Rev Huckett.; Part of small set of mounted images. Ramilijaona was a photographer, politician and writer. He began taking photographs in 1894 and eventually ran one of the island's largest studios. He was awarded medals for his photography in Antwerp in 1930 and Paris in 1931.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Ramilijaona 1887-1948;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/usctheses-c3-353342;;To advance and embed sustainability within port organizations, this paper offers an organizational change management guide for port practitioners. A framework from Baumgartner and Ebner (2010) is adapted to evaluate the maturity level of sustainability within six of the world’s top container ports: Shanghai, Ningbo/Zhoushan, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp, and Los Angeles. Port organizations are then classified by a sustainability strategy typology adapted from Baumgartner and Ebner (2010). Through this process and by highlighting the most advanced practices among ports, we are better able to understand the aspects and influences that contribute to the evolution of a mature sustainable port organization. Applying the framework from Mirvis and Googins (2006), an organizational change case study of the Port of Los Angeles offers a look at the triggers, drivers, successes, and remaining challenges of integrating sustainability into the organization’s culture and decision-making processes. This analysis is supplemented by examining inter-organizational learning efforts that endeavor to drive change for sustainability among ports and within the goods movement supply chain. Building on these approaches, the final chapter provides a guide for change agents who want to further advance and institutionalize sustainability within their port organizations and the ports industry.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2015;no_identifier;Green Rebstock, January;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/usctheses-c40-68860;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2015;no_identifier;Van Antwerp, Lesesne;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89237;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89239;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89240;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89241;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89632;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89642;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89643;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89644;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89645;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89646;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89647;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89648;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89649;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89650;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89651;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.25549/wpacards-m89652;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.5255/ukda-sn-850943;;no_description;Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive;bl.ukda;2013;no_identifier;Saunders, Clare;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5281/zenodo.1167972;;This dataset contains the data gathered for the master thesis of Kristof Vermeiren at the University Antwerp. The thesis evaluated the use of Comparative Judgement as assessment method in order to evaluate mathematical reasoning of students in secondary education. Two assignments of students were evaluated by comparing their solution strategies. Assessors were asked to motivate why they choose one solution as more preferred than the other.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2018;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.1167973 ; DOI";De Maeyer, Sven / Vermeiren, Kristof / Coertjens, Liesje;;University Antwerp / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5281/zenodo.1167973;;This dataset contains the data gathered for the master thesis of Kristof Vermeiren at the University Antwerp. The thesis evaluated the use of Comparative Judgement as assessment method in order to evaluate mathematical reasoning of students in secondary education. Two assignments of students were evaluated by comparing their solution strategies. Assessors were asked to motivate why they choose one solution as more preferred than the other.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2018;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.1167972 ; DOI";De Maeyer, Sven / Vermeiren, Kristof / Coertjens, Liesje;;University Antwerp / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5281/zenodo.1210174;;"This is the supplementary material with the article ""A Meta-Analysis on the Reliability of Comparative Judgement"", and ""Chapter 3 Scale Separation Reliability: What does it mean in the context of Comparative Judgment?"" of the dissertation ""Beyond a Mere Rank Order: The Method, the Reliability and the Efficiency of Comparative Judgment"" by San Verhavert (University of Antwerp)";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2018;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.1210173 ; DOI";, Verhavert / Bouwer / Donche / Maeyer, De;;San / character(0) / character(0) / Sven;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5281/zenodo.1493425;;"This is the supplementary material with the article ""A Meta-Analysis on the Reliability of Comparative Judgement"", and ""Chapter 3 Scale Separation Reliability: What does it mean in the context of Comparative Judgment?"" of the dissertation ""Beyond a Mere Rank Order: The Method, the Reliability and the Efficiency of Comparative Judgment"" by San Verhavert (University of Antwerp)";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2018;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.1210173"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";, Verhavert / Bouwer / Donche / Maeyer, De;;San / character(0) / character(0) / Sven;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5281/zenodo.2582975;;This dataset consists of 48.219 Middle Dutch words taken from in total 205 rhymed texts of the Cd-rom Middelnederlands (1998). All of these words have been assigned a syllabification and lexical stress pattern.E.g.: proevede is syllabified as proe-ve-de and has a stress index set at -3, which means that – counting from the rightmost syllable – the third syllable receives stress.This upload contains the following files: The JSON-file (compressed), which was used as input data for a machine learning algorithm trained for the automatic syllabification and stress assignment of Middle Dutch polysyllabic words (for the code of this experiment, see GitHub) An Excel-file, containing the same data as the JSON (for more convenient reference) A split file (compressed), used in the training proces of the above-mentioned experiment A pdf-file with some insightful illustrations about the contents of the datasetThis dataset is part of the research of Wouter Haverals (FWO, University of Antwerp), carried out under the supervision of prof. Mike Kestemont and em. prof. Frank Willaert.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.2582976 ; DOI";Haverals, Wouter;;University of Antwerp;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5281/zenodo.2582976;;This dataset consists of 48.219 Middle Dutch words taken from in total 205 rhymed texts of the Cd-rom Middelnederlands (1998). All of these words have been assigned a syllabification and lexical stress pattern.E.g.: proevede is syllabified as proe-ve-de and has a stress index set at -3, which means that – counting from the rightmost syllable – the third syllable receives stress.This upload contains the following files: The JSON-file (compressed), which was used as input data for a machine learning algorithm trained for the automatic syllabification and stress assignment of Middle Dutch polysyllabic words (for the code of this experiment, see GitHub) An Excel-file, containing the same data as the JSON (for more convenient reference) A split file (compressed), used in the training proces of the above-mentioned experiment A pdf-file with some insightful illustrations about the contents of the datasetThis dataset is part of the research of Wouter Haverals (FWO, University of Antwerp), carried out under the supervision of prof. Mike Kestemont and em. prof. Frank Willaert.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.2582975 ; DOI";Haverals, Wouter;;University of Antwerp;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.5281/zenodo.3550093;;Description MH_ANTWERPEN - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding near Antwerp (Belgium) is a bird tracking dataset published by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). It contains animal tracking data collected by the LifeWatch GPS tracking network for large birds ( for the project/study MH_ANTWERPEN, using trackers developed by the University of Amsterdam Bird Tracking System (UvA-BiTS, The study has been operational since 2018. In total 3 individuals of Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus) have been tagged in their breeding area near the city of Antwerp (Belgium), mainly to study their habitat use and migration behaviour. Data from active or new trackers are periodically uploaded from the UvA-BiTS database to Movebank (see and then Zenodo. See Milotic et al. (2020, for a more detailed description of this dataset. Data in this package are exported from Movebank study MH_ANTWERPEN - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding near Antwerp (Belgium) (Movebank Study ID 938783961), which can be viewed at,path=study938783961. Attributes in the data files are defined in the README.txt, in the NERC Vocabulary Server at and in the Movebank Attribute Dictionary at Files README.txt: information regarding the terms of use and data attributes. MH_ANTWERPEN-reference-data.csv: reference data about the animals, tags and deployments. MH_ANTWERPEN-gps-yyyy.csv: GPS data recorded by the tags, grouped by year. MH_ANTWERPEN-acceleration-yyyy.csv: acceleration data recorded by the tags, grouped by year.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsDerivedFrom"", ""IsDocumentedBy"", ""HasVersion"", ""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c("",path=study938783961"", ""10.3897/zookeys.947.52570"", ""10.5281/zenodo.3550094"", ""10.5281/zenodo.3827918"", """", """", """") ; c(""Dataset"", ""Text"", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA) ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""URL"", ""URL"", ""URL"")";Spanoghe, Geert / Desmet, Peter / Milotic, Tanja / Janssens, Kjell / De Regge, Nico / Vanoverbeke, Joost / Bouten, Willem;" ; ; ;";Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / character(0) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED), University of Amsterdam;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5281/zenodo.3550094;;Description MH_ANTWERPEN - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding near Antwerp (Belgium) is a bird tracking dataset published by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). It contains animal tracking data collected by the LifeWatch GPS tracking network for large birds ( for the project/study MH_ANTWERPEN, using trackers developed by the University of Amsterdam Bird Tracking System (UvA-BiTS, The study has been operational since 2018. In total 3 individuals of Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus) have been tagged in their breeding area near the city of Antwerp (Belgium), mainly to study their habitat use and migration behaviour. Data from active or new trackers are periodically uploaded from the UvA-BiTS database to Movebank (see and then Zenodo. Data in this package are exported from Movebank study MH_ANTWERPEN - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding near Antwerp (Belgium) (Movebank Study ID 938783961), which can be viewed at,path=study938783961. Attributes in the data files are defined in the README.txt, in the NERC Vocabulary Server at and in the Movebank Attribute Dictionary at Files README.txt: information regarding the terms of use and data attributes. MH_ANTWERPEN-reference-data.csv: reference data about the animals, tags and deployments. MH_ANTWERPEN-gps-yyyy.csv: GPS data recorded by the tags, grouped by year. MH_ANTWERPEN-acceleration-yyyy.csv: acceleration data recorded by the tags, grouped by year.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsDerivedFrom"", ""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c("",path=study938783961"", ""10.5281/zenodo.3550093"", """", """", """") ; c(""Dataset"", NA, NA, NA, NA) ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"", ""URL"", ""URL"", ""URL"")";Spanoghe, Geert / Desmet, Peter / Milotic, Tanja / Janssens, Kjell / De Regge, Nico / Vanoverbeke, Joost / Bouten, Willem;" ; ; ;";Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / character(0) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED), University of Amsterdam;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5281/zenodo.3738213;;This dataset includes 101 pictures that belong to the Open Linguistic Picture Database.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.3738214 ; DOI";Paesen, Lise / Meulemans, Catherine;" ;";University of Antwerp / University of Antwerp;Affiliations_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5281/zenodo.3738214;;This dataset includes 101 pictures that belong to the Open Linguistic Picture Database.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.3738213 ; DOI";Paesen, Lise / Meulemans, Catherine;" ;";University of Antwerp / University of Antwerp;Affiliations_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5281/zenodo.3827918;;Description MH_ANTWERPEN - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding near Antwerp (Belgium) is a bird tracking dataset published by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). It contains animal tracking data collected by the LifeWatch GPS tracking network for large birds ( for the project/study MH_ANTWERPEN, using trackers developed by the University of Amsterdam Bird Tracking System (UvA-BiTS, The study has been operational since 2018. In total 3 individuals of Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus) have been tagged in their breeding area near the city of Antwerp (Belgium), mainly to study their habitat use and migration behaviour. Data from active or new trackers are periodically uploaded from the UvA-BiTS database to Movebank (see and then Zenodo. See Milotic et al. (2020, for a more detailed description of this dataset. Data in this package are exported from Movebank study MH_ANTWERPEN - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding near Antwerp (Belgium) (Movebank Study ID 938783961), which can be viewed at,path=study938783961. Attributes in the data files are defined in the README.txt, in the NERC Vocabulary Server at and in the Movebank Attribute Dictionary at Files README.txt: information regarding the terms of use and data attributes. MH_ANTWERPEN-reference-data.csv: reference data about the animals, tags and deployments. MH_ANTWERPEN-gps-yyyy.csv: GPS data recorded by the tags, grouped by year. MH_ANTWERPEN-acceleration-yyyy.csv: acceleration data recorded by the tags, grouped by year.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsDerivedFrom"", ""IsDocumentedBy"", ""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c("",path=study938783961"", ""10.3897/zookeys.947.52570"", ""10.5281/zenodo.3550093"", """", """", """") ; c(""Dataset"", ""Text"", NA, NA, NA, NA) ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""URL"", ""URL"", ""URL"")";Spanoghe, Geert / Desmet, Peter / Milotic, Tanja / Janssens, Kjell / De Regge, Nico / Vanoverbeke, Joost / Bouten, Willem;" ; ; ;";Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / character(0) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) / Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED), University of Amsterdam;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5281/zenodo.4275524;;"This text file contains the minimal dataset necessary to reproduce the results and analyses in the paper: Cardon E et al., ""Systematic review and meta-analysis of late auditory evoked potentials as a candidate biomarker in the assessment of tinnitus"". Plos One;2020.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.4275525"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Cardon, Emilie;;University of Antwerp;Affiliations_data_creators+Identifiers_related_outputs;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5281/zenodo.4275525;;"This text file contains the minimal dataset necessary to reproduce the results and analyses in the paper: Cardon E et al., ""Systematic review and meta-analysis of late auditory evoked potentials as a candidate biomarker in the assessment of tinnitus"". Plos One;2020.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.4275524"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Cardon, Emilie;;University of Antwerp;Affiliations_data_creators+Identifiers_related_outputs;non_primary;non_primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.5287/bodleiandgd3.1;;Autographs of refugees from Antwerp, who may have stayed with the family in York.;Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford;bl.oxdb;2011;no_identifier;First World War Poetry Digital Archive, University Of Oxford;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5287/bodleiandon8.2;;Autographs of refugees from Antwerp, who may have stayed with the family in York.;Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford;bl.oxdb;2011;no_identifier;First World War Poetry Digital Archive, University Of Oxford;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.5287/bodleianjatw.2;;Autographs of refugees from Antwerp, who may have stayed with the family in York.;Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford;bl.oxdb;2011;no_identifier;First World War Poetry Digital Archive, University Of Oxford;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; no;University AND Antwerp;10.6084/m9.figshare.10252877;;- Patients with septic shock (= 18 years) admitted to the ICU of the Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc, Nijmegen, the Netherlands).(Sepsis-2 criteria). Samples were available at 4 time points (days 1, 3, 5 and 7 after diagnosis). Collection of;figshare;figshare.ars;2020;no_identifier;Vliegen, Gwendolyn / Kehoe, Kaat / Bracke, An / Hert, Emilie De / Verkerk, Robert / Fransen, Erik / Bart 'S Jongers / Peters, Esther / Lambeir, Anne-Marie / Kumar-Singh, Samir / Pickkers, Peter / Jorens, Philippe G. / Meester, Ingrid De;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.6084/m9.figshare.10252877.v1;;- Patients with septic shock (= 18 years) admitted to the ICU of the Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc, Nijmegen, the Netherlands).(Sepsis-2 criteria). Samples were available at 4 time points (days 1, 3, 5 and 7 after diagnosis). Collection of;figshare;figshare.ars;2020;"IsPreviousVersionOf ; 10.6084/m9.figshare.10252877 ; DOI";Vliegen, Gwendolyn / Kehoe, Kaat / Bracke, An / Hert, Emilie De / Verkerk, Robert / Fransen, Erik / Bart 'S Jongers / Peters, Esther / Lambeir, Anne-Marie / Kumar-Singh, Samir / Pickkers, Peter / Jorens, Philippe G. / Meester, Ingrid De;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.6084/m9.figshare.10252877.v2;;- Patients with septic shock (= 18 years) admitted to the ICU of the Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc, Nijmegen, the Netherlands).(Sepsis-2 criteria). Samples were available at 4 time points (days 1, 3, 5 and 7 after diagnosis). Collection of;figshare;figshare.ars;2020;"IsIdenticalTo ; 10.6084/m9.figshare.10252877 ; DOI";Vliegen, Gwendolyn / Kehoe, Kaat / Bracke, An / Hert, Emilie De / Verkerk, Robert / Fransen, Erik / Bart 'S Jongers / Peters, Esther / Lambeir, Anne-Marie / Kumar-Singh, Samir / Pickkers, Peter / Jorens, Philippe G. / Meester, Ingrid De;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/23833/b0vzjs;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Nyo Me Htwe (IRRI-CESD; Department Of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University; Plant Protection Division, Department Of Agriculture); Grant R. Singleton (IRRI-CESD); Lyn A. Hinds (CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences); Catherine R. Propper (Department Of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University); Vincent Sluydts (Evolutionary Ecology Group, University Of Antwerp)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/29473/3cuvti;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Sevenans, Julie (University Of Antwerp); Walgrave, Stefaan (University Of Antwerp); Vos, Debby (University Of Antwerp)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/7uwpdi;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;Beyers, Jan (University Of Antwerp);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/7uwpdi/eev9uo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;Beyers, Jan (University Of Antwerp);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/7uwpdi/lfjjp8;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;Beyers, Jan (University Of Antwerp);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/7uwpdi/p5isiz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;Beyers, Jan (University Of Antwerp);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/b3yh3t;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Sevenans, Julie (University Of Antwerp);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/b3yh3t/aoskcd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Sevenans, Julie (University Of Antwerp);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/b3yh3t/dlasrs;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Sevenans, Julie (University Of Antwerp);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/xzerld;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Dos Santos Lima, Joao Antonio (University Of Antwerp);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/xzerld/39iiuv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Dos Santos Lima, Joao Antonio (University Of Antwerp);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/xzerld/cm7kwu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Dos Santos Lima, Joao Antonio (University Of Antwerp);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/xzerld/ep5big;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Dos Santos Lima, Joao Antonio (University Of Antwerp);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Antwerp;10.7910/dvn/xzerld/fltuij;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;Dos Santos Lima, Joao Antonio (University Of Antwerp);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Hasselt AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.15468/9c1x0i;;A database was developed at the Research Group Biodiversity, Phylogeny of the University Hasselt, in close cooperation with the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ). The end goal of this database is to cover all Rhabditophoran flatworms, providing figures of habitus and important details of the anatomy, literature data and information on distribution. At the moment, only suborders Eukalyptorhynchia and Proseriata are completed and made accessible. Data contributed to the Catalogue of Life via World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), hosted by VLIZ.;The Catalogue of Life Partnership;gbif.gbif;2017;no_identifier;Crawler.Gbif.Org;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Hasselt AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3415222;;"Social contact data for Russia. Dataset prepared by Thang Hoang (University of Hasselt); original dataset available at this link.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""HasVersion"", ""HasVersion"", ""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3415223"", ""10.5281/zenodo.3874653"", ""10.5281/zenodo.3874674"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""URL"")";Litvinova, Maria / Liu, Quan-Hui / Kulikov, Evgeny / Ajelli, Marco;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Hasselt AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3415223;;"Social contact data for Russia. Dataset prepared by Thang Hoang (University of Hasselt); original dataset available at this link.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3415222"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Litvinova, Maria / Liu, Quan-Hui / Kulikov, Evgeny / Ajelli, Marco;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;non_primary; no;University AND Hasselt AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3570699;;"Dataset Description This dataset contains all the deployment data using low cost sensors during the iSCAPE project. The dataset is divided in a series of deployments, each of them described on a yaml file with the test name. Each csv file contains time series data of each experiment, and the yaml files contain the lists of devices used in each test. The tests are described in the comment of the yaml file, and are meant to be self explanatory. Two different types of tests are herein presented: Intervention monitoring tests (Guildford and Surrey). Two intervention monitoring results were conducted in the sites of Surrey (UoS) Living Lab and Hasselt (UH) Living Lab. The intervention in Surrey aimed at characterising the behaviour of green infrastructure and the effect on the pollutants dispersion next to traffic conditions. Two different sets of two stations were delivered and deployed, one set in the vicinity of Stoke Park, and the other in the vicinity of Sutherland Memorial Park (both in Guildford - UK). In the case of Hasselt, two Living Lab Stations were deployed. The first one was used to assess pollutant concentrations in the Bassischool Kuringen in Hasselt. The other station was deployed near the University of Hasselt. Sensor Calibration tests (CSIC, Dublin and Bologna). The tests conducted in Bologna (by UNIBO, 2018), Dublin (by UCD, 2019) and Barcelona (by IAAC, 2019) were intended as an assessment of the sensor technology in an outdoor environment scenario, by co-locating the iSCAPE LLSs with reference instrumentation. A complete description of these datasets and the result of their analysis is shown in D7.8 of iSCAPE which can be found in this url: Sensors The sensors used are herein referred as Citizen Kits or Smart Citizen Kits, and the Living Lab Station or Smart Citizen Station. These are a set of modular hardware components that feature a selection of low cost sensors for environmental monitoring listed below. The Smart Citizen Station is meant to expand the capabilities of the Smart Citizen Kit, aiming to measure pollutants with more advanced sensors. The hardware is licensed under CERN Open Hardware License V1.2 and is fully described in the HardwareX Open Access publication: The sensor documentation can be found at and with this DOI at Zenodo: In the list below, the different sensors for the Citizen Kits are detailed, and their [CHANNELS] in the csv files above linked. Air temperature (ºC): Sensirion SHT-31 [TEMP] Relative Humidity (%rh): Sensirion SHT-31 [HUM] Noise level (dBA): Invensense ICS-434342 [NOISE_A] Ambient light (lux): Rohm BH1721FVC [LIGHT] Barometric pressure (kPa): NXP MPL3115A26 [PRESS] Particulate Matter PM 1 / 2.5 / 10 (µg/m3) Planttower PMS 5003 [EXT_PM_1,EXT_PM_25,EXT_PM_10] In the list below, the different sensors for the Citizen Kits are detailed, and their [CHANNELS] in the csv files above linked. Air Temperature (ºC) Sensirion SHT-31 [TEMP] Relative Humidity (% REL) Sensirion SHT-31 [HUM] Noise Level (dBA) Invensense ICS-434342 [NOISE_A] Ambient Light (Lux) Rohm BH1721FVC [LIGHT] Barometric pressure and AMSL (Pa and Meters) NXP MPL3115A26 [PRESS] Carbon Monoxide (µg/m3 (Periodic Baseline Calibration Required) SGX MICS-4514 [NA] Nitrogen Dioxide (µg/m3 (Periodic Baseline Calibration Required) SGX MICS-4514 [NA] Carbon Monoxide (ppm) Alphasense CO-B4 [GB_1W, GB_1A, final calculated valueCO_DELTAS_OVL_X-XX-XX - all the same] Nitrogen Dioxide (ppb) Alphasense NO2-B43F [GB_2W, GB_2A, final calculated value NO2_DELTAS_OVL_0-30-50 or NO2_DELTAS_OVL_0-5-50] Ozone (ppb) Alphasense OX-B431 [GB_3W, GB_3A, final value O3_DELTAS_OVL_0-30-50 or O3_DELTAS_OVL_0-5-50] Gases Board Temperature (ºC) Sensirion SHT-31 [GB_TEMP] or [EXT_TEMP] Gases Board Rel. Humidity (% REL) Sensirion SHT-31 [GB_HUM] or [EXT_HUM] PM 1 (µg/m3) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PM_1] or [EXT_PM_A_1], [EXT_PM_B_1] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PM 2.5 (µg/m3) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PM_25] or [EXT_PM_A_25], [EXT_PM_B_25] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PM 10 (µg/m3) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PM_10] or [EXT_PM_A_10], [EXT_PM_B_10] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PN between 0.3um<0.5um particle size (#/l) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PN_03] or [EXT_PN_A_03], [EXT_PN_B_03] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PN between 0.5um<1um particle size (#/l) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PN_05] or [EXT_PN_A_05], [EXT_PN_B_05] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PN between 1m<2.5um particle size (#/l) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PN_1] or [EXT_PN_A_1], [EXT_PN_B_1] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PN between 2.5m<5um particle size (#/l) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PN_25] or [EXT_PN_A_25], [EXT_PN_B_25] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PN between 5m<10um particle size (#/l) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PN_5] or [EXT_PN_A_5], [EXT_PN_B_5] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PN between >10um particle size (#/l) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PN_10] or [EXT_PN_A_10], [EXT_PN_B_10] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station The files with the _processed suffix, are processed files which: 1. Resample the data using pandas resampling with mean() - reference here 2. Clean NaN and wrong readings. 3. Add calculations for electrochemical sensors based on this methodology How to find the data Each yaml file contains the description of a test. Each test is comprised of recordings of several devices in the same location and during the same period. Each yaml file is comprised of the following fields: author: who has been in charge of performing the test (internal reference - not relevant) comment: describing in general terms what was done in the test, and with what purpose commit: the firmware commit (in the case of Smart Citizen devices) with which the test was performed, for development purposes only devices: a descriptor containing different fields for traceability (below) id: the test name project: within the test was performed, in this case it is always iscape report: if there is any report analysing the test type_test: indoor, oudoor test or other. Description of devices entry For each device that was used in the test, two generic types are used: low cost sensors (type: STATION or KIT) high end sensors (type: REFERENCE) For low cost Smart Citizen sensors, the fields are: alphasense: electrochemical sensors device ids, by pollutant (for manufacturer calibration) and slots in which they were placed device_id: device id in Smartcitizen API fileNameInfo: not used fileNameProc: (only if source = csv is specified) 2019-03_EXT_UCD_URBAN_BACKGROUND_API_CITY_COUNCIL_REF.csv fileNameRaw: (only if source = csv is used) raw file name frequency: original recording frequency location: for timezone correction only, not accurate max_date: last recording date min_date: first recording date name: self-explanatory pm_sensor: if there was a pm sensor connected (all of them are PMS5003 if no sensor is specified) source: api or csv type: STATION (KIT + Alphasense + PM board with two PMS5003) or KIT version: smartcitizen hardware version For high end sensors, the fields are: channels: which channels the device was recording for internal convertion names: which are the columns in the csv file pollutants: which pollutants do they respectively refer to units: the units of these pollutants equipment: the brand of the analyser fileNameProc: same as above fileNameRaw: same as above index: format in which the timeindex is done, for parsing purposes format: (example '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') frequency: frequency at which the device was recorded name: column name location: same as above name: name of the device type: REFERENCE (always for these devices) source: csv iSCAPE Dataset Reference Numbers: The datasets here presented are related to the following iSCAPE dataset reference numbers: DS_TS_049 DS_TS_050 DS_TS_051 DS_TS_052 DS_TS_053 DS_TS_055 DS_TS_056 DS_TS_057 DS_TS_058";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3570700"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";González, Óscar / Barberán, Víctor / Camprodon, Guillem / Gharbia, Salem / Pilla, Francesco / Ottosen, Thor-Bjørn / Kumar, Prashant / Kalaiarasan, Gopinath / Barwise, Yendle / Di Nicola, Francesca / Di Sabatino, Francesca / Brattich, Erika;" ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;";IAAC-Fablab BCN / IAAC-Fablab BCN / IAAC-Fablab BCN / University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin / University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin / University of Surrey / University of Surrey / University of Surrey / University of Surrey / Università di Bologna / Università di Bologna / Università di Bologna;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Hasselt AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3570700;;"Dataset Description This dataset contains all the deployment data using low cost sensors during the iSCAPE project. The dataset is divided in a series of deployments, each of them described on a yaml file with the test name. Each csv file contains time series data of each experiment, and the yaml files contain the lists of devices used in each test. The tests are described in the comment of the yaml file, and are meant to be self explanatory. Two different types of tests are herein presented: Intervention monitoring tests (Guildford and Surrey). Two intervention monitoring results were conducted in the sites of Surrey (UoS) Living Lab and Hasselt (UH) Living Lab. The intervention in Surrey aimed at characterising the behaviour of green infrastructure and the effect on the pollutants dispersion next to traffic conditions. Two different sets of two stations were delivered and deployed, one set in the vicinity of Stoke Park, and the other in the vicinity of Sutherland Memorial Park (both in Guildford - UK). In the case of Hasselt, two Living Lab Stations were deployed. The first one was used to assess pollutant concentrations in the Bassischool Kuringen in Hasselt. The other station was deployed near the University of Hasselt. Sensor Calibration tests (CSIC, Dublin and Bologna). The tests conducted in Bologna (by UNIBO, 2018), Dublin (by UCD, 2019) and Barcelona (by IAAC, 2019) were intended as an assessment of the sensor technology in an outdoor environment scenario, by co-locating the iSCAPE LLSs with reference instrumentation. A complete description of these datasets and the result of their analysis is shown in D7.8 of iSCAPE which can be found in this url: Sensors The sensors used are herein referred as Citizen Kits or Smart Citizen Kits, and the Living Lab Station or Smart Citizen Station. These are a set of modular hardware components that feature a selection of low cost sensors for environmental monitoring listed below. The Smart Citizen Station is meant to expand the capabilities of the Smart Citizen Kit, aiming to measure pollutants with more advanced sensors. The hardware is licensed under CERN Open Hardware License V1.2 and is fully described in the HardwareX Open Access publication: The sensor documentation can be found at and with this DOI at Zenodo: In the list below, the different sensors for the Citizen Kits are detailed, and their [CHANNELS] in the csv files above linked. Air temperature (ºC): Sensirion SHT-31 [TEMP] Relative Humidity (%rh): Sensirion SHT-31 [HUM] Noise level (dBA): Invensense ICS-434342 [NOISE_A] Ambient light (lux): Rohm BH1721FVC [LIGHT] Barometric pressure (kPa): NXP MPL3115A26 [PRESS] Particulate Matter PM 1 / 2.5 / 10 (µg/m3) Planttower PMS 5003 [EXT_PM_1,EXT_PM_25,EXT_PM_10] In the list below, the different sensors for the Citizen Kits are detailed, and their [CHANNELS] in the csv files above linked. Air Temperature (ºC) Sensirion SHT-31 [TEMP] Relative Humidity (% REL) Sensirion SHT-31 [HUM] Noise Level (dBA) Invensense ICS-434342 [NOISE_A] Ambient Light (Lux) Rohm BH1721FVC [LIGHT] Barometric pressure and AMSL (Pa and Meters) NXP MPL3115A26 [PRESS] Carbon Monoxide (µg/m3 (Periodic Baseline Calibration Required) SGX MICS-4514 [NA] Nitrogen Dioxide (µg/m3 (Periodic Baseline Calibration Required) SGX MICS-4514 [NA] Carbon Monoxide (ppm) Alphasense CO-B4 [GB_1W, GB_1A, final calculated valueCO_DELTAS_OVL_X-XX-XX - all the same] Nitrogen Dioxide (ppb) Alphasense NO2-B43F [GB_2W, GB_2A, final calculated value NO2_DELTAS_OVL_0-30-50 or NO2_DELTAS_OVL_0-5-50] Ozone (ppb) Alphasense OX-B431 [GB_3W, GB_3A, final value O3_DELTAS_OVL_0-30-50 or O3_DELTAS_OVL_0-5-50] Gases Board Temperature (ºC) Sensirion SHT-31 [GB_TEMP] or [EXT_TEMP] Gases Board Rel. Humidity (% REL) Sensirion SHT-31 [GB_HUM] or [EXT_HUM] PM 1 (µg/m3) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PM_1] or [EXT_PM_A_1], [EXT_PM_B_1] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PM 2.5 (µg/m3) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PM_25] or [EXT_PM_A_25], [EXT_PM_B_25] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PM 10 (µg/m3) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PM_10] or [EXT_PM_A_10], [EXT_PM_B_10] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PN between 0.3um<0.5um particle size (#/l) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PN_03] or [EXT_PN_A_03], [EXT_PN_B_03] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PN between 0.5um<1um particle size (#/l) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PN_05] or [EXT_PN_A_05], [EXT_PN_B_05] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PN between 1m<2.5um particle size (#/l) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PN_1] or [EXT_PN_A_1], [EXT_PN_B_1] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PN between 2.5m<5um particle size (#/l) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PN_25] or [EXT_PN_A_25], [EXT_PN_B_25] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PN between 5m<10um particle size (#/l) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PN_5] or [EXT_PN_A_5], [EXT_PN_B_5] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station PN between >10um particle size (#/l) Plantower PMS5003 [EXT_PN_10] or [EXT_PN_A_10], [EXT_PN_B_10] for each PM sensor in the case of the Living Lab Station The files with the _processed suffix, are processed files which: 1. Resample the data using pandas resampling with mean() - reference here 2. Clean NaN and wrong readings. 3. Add calculations for electrochemical sensors based on this methodology How to find the data Each yaml file contains the description of a test. Each test is comprised of recordings of several devices in the same location and during the same period. Each yaml file is comprised of the following fields: author: who has been in charge of performing the test (internal reference - not relevant) comment: describing in general terms what was done in the test, and with what purpose commit: the firmware commit (in the case of Smart Citizen devices) with which the test was performed, for development purposes only devices: a descriptor containing different fields for traceability (below) id: the test name project: within the test was performed, in this case it is always iscape report: if there is any report analysing the test type_test: indoor, oudoor test or other. Description of devices entry For each device that was used in the test, two generic types are used: low cost sensors (type: STATION or KIT) high end sensors (type: REFERENCE) For low cost Smart Citizen sensors, the fields are: alphasense: electrochemical sensors device ids, by pollutant (for manufacturer calibration) and slots in which they were placed device_id: device id in Smartcitizen API fileNameInfo: not used fileNameProc: (only if source = csv is specified) 2019-03_EXT_UCD_URBAN_BACKGROUND_API_CITY_COUNCIL_REF.csv fileNameRaw: (only if source = csv is used) raw file name frequency: original recording frequency location: for timezone correction only, not accurate max_date: last recording date min_date: first recording date name: self-explanatory pm_sensor: if there was a pm sensor connected (all of them are PMS5003 if no sensor is specified) source: api or csv type: STATION (KIT + Alphasense + PM board with two PMS5003) or KIT version: smartcitizen hardware version For high end sensors, the fields are: channels: which channels the device was recording for internal convertion names: which are the columns in the csv file pollutants: which pollutants do they respectively refer to units: the units of these pollutants equipment: the brand of the analyser fileNameProc: same as above fileNameRaw: same as above index: format in which the timeindex is done, for parsing purposes format: (example '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') frequency: frequency at which the device was recorded name: column name location: same as above name: name of the device type: REFERENCE (always for these devices) source: csv iSCAPE Dataset Reference Numbers: The datasets here presented are related to the following iSCAPE dataset reference numbers: DS_TS_049 DS_TS_050 DS_TS_051 DS_TS_052 DS_TS_053 DS_TS_055 DS_TS_056 DS_TS_057 DS_TS_058";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2019;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3570699"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";González, Óscar / Barberán, Víctor / Camprodon, Guillem / Gharbia, Salem / Pilla, Francesco / Ottosen, Thor-Bjørn / Kumar, Prashant / Kalaiarasan, Gopinath / Barwise, Yendle / Di Nicola, Francesca / Di Sabatino, Francesca / Brattich, Erika;" ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;";IAAC-Fablab BCN / IAAC-Fablab BCN / IAAC-Fablab BCN / University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin / University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin / University of Surrey / University of Surrey / University of Surrey / University of Surrey / Università di Bologna / Università di Bologna / Università di Bologna;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Hasselt AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3874653;;"Social contact data for Russia. Dataset prepared by Thang Hoang (University of Hasselt); original dataset available at this link.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3415222"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Litvinova, Maria / Liu, Quan-Hui / Kulikov, Evgeny / Ajelli, Marco;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Hasselt AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.5281/zenodo.3874674;;"Social contact data for Russia. Dataset prepared by Thang Hoang (University of Hasselt); original dataset available at this link.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.5281/zenodo.3415222"", """") ; c(""DOI"", ""URL"")";Litvinova, Maria / Liu, Quan-Hui / Kulikov, Evgeny / Ajelli, Marco;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Hasselt AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.6084/m9.figshare.7770626;;"Title: Personal Black Carbon (BC) measurements
Size: 45 Mb Year: 2013 Content: This dataset contains raw readouts from portable BC monitors (microaethalometers AE51, Aethlabs) that were carried by 59 volunteers (4 male, 55 female) in the vicinity of two cities in the north of Belgium (Antwerp coded UZA, and Genk coded ZOL). The campaign was set-up by Tijs Louwies, Luc Int Panis and Patrick De Boever (Hasselt University Belgium and Flemish Institute for Technological research, both in Belgium). Structure: The data for each location (UZA, ZOL) are in different folders. There are subfolders for each of the 59 volunteers. There were 23 volunteers in UZA (7 in the first period, 4 in the second period and 12 in the third period) and 36 in ZOL, 12 in each period). Each volunteer carried a device for a week in three different periods in the year 2013. Both the raw data (*.dat files) and the Microsoft Excel-version are provided for each period in a different subfolder. Before and after each period, all devices were co-located so compare their reading and derive correction factors for technical biases. Each sheet in the Microsoft Excel file contains a header including: Device ID = AE51-xx-xxx-xxxx Application version = Flow = xx mlpm (flow rate of the air inlet in milliliter per minute) TimeBase = xx in seconds (rate at which data was recorded) The data contains columns for: Date(yyyy/MM/dd) Time (hh:mm:ss) Ref Sen ATN (attenuation) Flow (air flow rate in milliliter per minute) Temp (temperature in centigrade) Status Battery BC (black carbon concentration in nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m³) This data was used in peer-reviewed publications: Louwies et al. DNA hypomethylation in association with internal and external markers of traffic exposure in a panel of healthy adults, April 2018, Air Quality Atmosphere & Health. DOI: 10.1007/s11869-018-0574-4";figshare;figshare.ars;2019;no_identifier;Panis, Luc Int / Louwies, Tijs / Boever, Patrick De / Nawrot, Tim S;;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Hasselt AND NOT (Global AND Biodiversity AND Information AND Facility);10.6084/m9.figshare.7770626.v1;;"Title: Personal Black Carbon (BC) measurements
Size: 45 Mb Year: 2013 Content: This dataset contains raw readouts from portable BC monitors (microaethalometers AE51, Aethlabs) that were carried by 59 volunteers (4 male, 55 female) in the vicinity of two cities in the north of Belgium (Antwerp coded UZA, and Genk coded ZOL). The campaign was set-up by Tijs Louwies, Luc Int Panis and Patrick De Boever (Hasselt University Belgium and Flemish Institute for Technological research, both in Belgium). Structure: The data for each location (UZA, ZOL) are in different folders. There are subfolders for each of the 59 volunteers. There were 23 volunteers in UZA (7 in the first period, 4 in the second period and 12 in the third period) and 36 in ZOL, 12 in each period). Each volunteer carried a device for a week in three different periods in the year 2013. Both the raw data (*.dat files) and the Microsoft Excel-version are provided for each period in a different subfolder. Before and after each period, all devices were co-located so compare their reading and derive correction factors for technical biases. Each sheet in the Microsoft Excel file contains a header including: Device ID = AE51-xx-xxx-xxxx Application version = Flow = xx mlpm (flow rate of the air inlet in milliliter per minute) TimeBase = xx in seconds (rate at which data was recorded) The data contains columns for: Date(yyyy/MM/dd) Time (hh:mm:ss) Ref Sen ATN (attenuation) Flow (air flow rate in milliliter per minute) Temp (temperature in centigrade) Status Battery BC (black carbon concentration in nanograms per cubic meter (ng/m³) This data was used in peer-reviewed publications: Louwies et al. DNA hypomethylation in association with internal and external markers of traffic exposure in a panel of healthy adults, April 2018, Air Quality Atmosphere & Health. DOI: 10.1007/s11869-018-0574-4";figshare;figshare.ars;2019;"IsIdenticalTo ; 10.6084/m9.figshare.7770626 ; DOI";Panis, Luc Int / Louwies, Tijs / Boever, Patrick De / Nawrot, Tim S;;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.17026/dans-z2x-hfdx;;Post-electoral Belgium General Election Study 2003. A random probability sample of voters of both communities (Francophone and Flemish Belgian) has been interviewed face to face in the months following up the federal elections of May 18, 2003. Sample size: 1213 in Flanders / 777 in Francophone Belgium with RR1 response rate of 64.5% Following the first three Belgium National Election Studies, which were held after the General Election of November 24th, 1991, May 21st, 1995 and June 13th 1999, a fourth,and similar study was set up in connection with the General Election of May 18th, 2003.The Study was supported financially by the Belgium Federal Science Policy Office, under the National Ministry of Science. The Flemish part of the survey was conducted by the Institute of Social and Political Opinion Research at the Department of Sociology,Catholic University of Leuven. PIOP, Point d'appui Interuniversitaire sur l'Opinion Publique et la Politique at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Louvain-La-Neuve, was responsible for the Francophone part of the study.Both research centres are supervised by a Steering Committee consisting of professors from the political research units of various Belgium universities.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2012;no_identifier;Swyngedouw, Prof. Dr. M. (Institute Of Social And Political Opinion Research ISPO-KU Leuven;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.17632/285d6jhdg9.1;;"The dataset represents learning outcomes related to the discipline of domain modelling, data modelling in particular. These learning outcomes were identified in the following educational resources: Books: Van Lamsweerde, A. (2009). Requirements engineering: From system goals to UML models to software (Vol. 10). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons. (Chapter 10) Blaha, M., Premerlani, W.: Object-Oriented Modeling and Design for Database Applications. Prentice Hall, 1998 (Chapters 2-3, 8) Olivé, A. (2007). Conceptual Modeling of Information Systems. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York (Chapters 2-7) Navathe, S. B., & Elmasri, R. (2011). Fundamentals of Database Systems. 6th edition. (Chapters 7-10) MOOCs: UML Class Diagrams for Software Engineering (KU Leuven – EdX) Modelling object-oriented software – an introduction (Open University – self-hosted) DB9 Unified Modeling Language (Stanford University – self-hosted) University courses: Snoeck, M.: Architecture and Modelling of Management Information Systems - KU Leuven Poelmans, S.: Design of a Business Information System - KU Leuven Kolp, M., Pirotte, A.: UCL/IAG/ISYS - Unité de Systèmes d’Information (ISYS) - UCL Heymans, P.: Analyse et modélisation des systèmes d’information - Université de Namur Faulkner, S.: Bases de données - Université de Namur The learning outcomes were derived from the tasks provided in the abovementioned educational resources.";Mendeley;bl.mendeley;2017;no_identifier;Bogdanova, Daria;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.18462/iir.cryo.2019.0037;;In Europe the issue of regulation of safety and quality of tissue grafts was first discussed at the EATB meeting in Leuven in 1995. In the years 2004 and 2006 the pertinent Directives of the European Parliament and Council and of the European Commission were issued. In the Czech Republic the harmonized national legal norms were issued in 2008 and the State Institute for Drug Control was authorized to grant licences for activities of Tissue (TE) and Procurement (PE) Establishments. The TE of the University Hospital Hradec Kralove was granted this licence in 2011.The harmonization process lasted 22 years and was completed in 2017, when theTE was put on the list of the EU Tissue Establishments (EUTE). The TE was given three EUTE identification codes: CZ 000425 for reproductive tissues, CZ 000426 for haematopoietic tissues and CZ 000427 for other tissues, such as vascular tissues, bones, ligaments, tendons or amnia.;International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR);inist.iif;2019;no_identifier;MERICKA, P. / STRAKOVA, H. / HONEGROVA, B. / Et Al.;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.24416/uu01-czv56m;;This data set contains supplementary material and the raw data for the Esurf paper Weisscher et al (2020). The supplementary material includes four supplementary figures to the paper and a movie for visual comparison between measured and modelled flow. In addition, there is a supplementary manual that explains how to remodel the hydrodynamics of scale experiments (i.e., the iRIC manual). The raw data of the meandering and braided river scale experiments was collected by Van Dijk et al (2013a). The raw data include for each river type both a DEM file (CSV format) and a .mat data file for that contains the measured and analysed data as presented in Van Dijk et al (2013a). Consult the iRIC manual on how to use the CSV files to remodel the results in Weisscher et al (2020). The raw data of the estuary scale experiments was collected by Leuven et al (2018). The raw data include a DEM file (CSV format), a hydrograph file (CSV format), and a .mat data file that contains the flow velocity components in the x and y direction for 16 equally spaced moments over 1 tidal cycle. Consult the iRIC manual and the online manuals on on how to upload the CSV files in the iRIC environment to remodel the results as presented in Weisscher et al (2020). Finally, the raw data also contains 16 images in the Lab colour space (at equal phases as the flow velocity component measurements). The blueness in these images is indicative of water depth. Consult Leuven et al (2018) and Weisscher et al (2020) to estimate water depths from these blueness values. For contact, please mail to: or;Utrecht University;delft.uu;2020;"c(""IsSupplementTo"", ""References"", ""References"") ; c(""10.5194/esurf-8-955-2020"", ""10.1002/esp.3400"", ""10.1029/2018jf004718"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Weisscher, Steven Alexander Hubertus;;Utrecht University;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/examiner-m12777;;"20 images. Un-American activities hearing (Federal Building), 6 December 1956. Mrs. Delpnine Murphy Smith; Attorney William B. Burish; Stephen Wareb; Harold Velde (congressman); Richard Arens (council); Clyde Doyle (congressman); Gordon Scherer (Congressman); John W. Porter (attorney); Carl Brant; John W. Porter (attorney); Carl Brant; John Uhrin; Attorney Edward Maddox; Rank Whitley; Attorney Nathan Schoichet; Sanford Goldner; Janet Stevenson; Josephine Yanez Van Leuven; Mrs. Anita Schneider; Attorney Robert Brock; Harry Carlisle; Attorney Anthony V. Randalls; David Hyun.; Caption slip reads: ""Photographer: Wyman. Date: 1956-12-06. Reporter: Hartt. Assignment: Un-American hearing. 57: L/R: Attorney Edward C. Maddox; Frank Whitley (both Negroes); 58: L/R: Attorney Nathan Schoichet; Sanford Goldner. 41: Janet Stevenson. 42: Josephine Yanez Van Leuven. 19: Mrs. Anita Schneider points to Attorney John Porter as a Commie. Josephine Van Leuven is at right. 43-44: Attorney Robert L. Brock; Harry Carlisle (mustache). 39: L/R: Attorney Anthony V. Randalls; Attorney John W. Porter (rear); David Hyun, witness (Korean)"".; Additional caption slip reads: ""Photographer: Wyman. Date: 1956-12-06. Reporter: Hartt. Assignment: Un-American Hearing. Federal Building. 41-42-43: Crowd shots -- 8 minutes. 44: Delphine Murphy Smith; Attorney William B. Murish (behind her). 19: L/R: Delphine Smith and Attorney Murish (natural light -- soup 8 minutes). 20: L/R: Delphine Smith and Attorney Murish; Stephen Ward. 77: Delphine Smith and Attorney Murish. Rear: Stephen Wareb. 31/78: L/R -- Congressman Harold Velde; Council Richard Arens (standing); Congressman Clyde Doyle; Congressman Gordon Scherer...""; Additional caption slip continues: ""...32: Attorney John W. Porter (check suit); Carl Brant swearing in. 39: L/R: Attorney John Porter; Carl Brant. 40: John Uhrin, swearing in (mustache). 11: L/R: Attorney Porter and John Uhrin examine a document. 12: Same with book of pictures on Communist slaying of Hungarians"".";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2013;no_identifier;Wyman [Photographer];no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-80727;;"“ Kanunnikessen – Missionarissen van den M. Augustinus, Heverlee-bij-Leuven. Chanoinesses – Missionnaires de Saint-Augustin, Heverle lez-Louvain.” An African family, dressed in the Western style, poses for their portrait. The name of the publisher ""Ern. Thill, Bruxelles"",the caption and “Kongo Congo” are printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-80781;;“Mission des Pères Rédemptoristes au Congo. Préfecture Apostolique de Matadi, Poste de Louvain St-Joseph (Kimpese). Kongo-missie der Paters Redemptoristen Apostolische Prefektuur van Matadi Missiepost: Leuven St-Jozef (Kimpese).” People at the Mission des Peres Redemptoristes, Poste de Louvain St-Joseph, pose for a group photo. The caption is printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-80900;;“Congo Belge. Pesage hebdomadairc des bébé congolais. Belgische Congo. Wekelijksch wegen der negerkinderen.” Two missionary sister doctors or nurses stand at a table with scales for the weekly weighing of the babies. Two mothers are smoking pipes. The caption and following information are printed on the back of the postcard: “Maison des Chanoinesses de S. Augustin en Belgique. Noviciat: 80 rue du Canal, Louvain. Postulat: N.D. de la Paix, Eyseringen. Maison du Sacré-Cœr, chaussée de Menin. Roulers. Huizen der Kanonikessen van den H. Aguustinus in Belgïe. Noviciaat: 88 Vaartstratat, Leuven. Postulaat: O.L.V. van Vrede, Eyseringen. Huis van het H. Hart, Meenensdhesteenweg, Roeselare.” There is no handwriting on the back.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-80901;;“Congo Belge. Quelques chimbecks de l’hôpital de Kangu. Belgische Congo. Hutten van hospitaal te Kangu.” Several small, thatched roofed buildings line a steep street with deep ditches on each side at the hospital at Kangu. Missionary sister doctors or nurses stand with their patients. The caption and following information are printed on the back of the postcard: “Maison des Chanoinesses de S. Augustin en Belgique. Noviciat: 80 rue du Canal, Louvain. Postulat: N.D. de la Paix, Eyseringen. Maison du Sacré-Cœr, chaussée de Menin. Roulers. Huizen der Kanonikessen van den H. Aguustinus in Belgïe. Noviciaat: 88 Vaartstratat, Leuven. Postulaat: O.L.V. van Vrede, Eyseringen. Huis van het H. Hart, Meenensdhesteenweg, Roeselare.” There is no handwriting on the back.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-80902;;Men wearing tribal dress and carrying spears prepare for a ceremony. Most are wearing elaborate feathered headdresses. The name of the publisher “Ern. Thill, Bruxelles and the following information are printed on the back of the postcard: Kanunnikessen-Missionarissen van den H. Augustinus. Heverlee-bij-Leuven. Kongo Congo. Chanoinesses – Missionnaires de Saint Augustin Héverlé-lez-Louvain.” A handwritten signature and address are on the back.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-80903;;“Congo Belge. Nos jeunes tailleuses. Belgische Congo. Onze jonge naalsters. Three girls sit at treadle sewing machines working on their sewing projects while the missionary sister teacher instructs. The caption and following information are printed on the back of the postcard: “Maison des Chanoinesses de S. Augustin en Belgique. Noviciat: 80 rue du Canal, Louvain. Postulat: N.D. de la Paix, Eyseringen. Maison du Sacré-Cœr, chaussée de Menin. Roulers. Huizen der Kanonikessen van den H. Aguustinus in Belgïe. Noviciaat: 88 Vaartstratat, Leuven. Postulaat: O.L.V. van Vrede, Eyseringen. Huis van het H. Hart, Meenensdhesteenweg, Roeselare.” There is no handwriting on the back.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-80904;;Congo Belge. Premiers enfants de Nkolo, Belgische Congo. Erst negerkinderen. Klooster der H. Famillie Nkolo. A missionary sister holding an infant and twelve to fifteen girls of various ages pose for their photo. A rooster and hen are in the yard with the children and long thatched roofed building, possibly a barn, stands in the background. The caption and following information are printed on the back of the postcard: “Maison des Chanoinesses de S. Augustin en Belgique. Noviciat: 80 rue du Canal, Louvain. Postulat: N.D. de la Paix, Eyseringen. Maison du Sacré-Cœr, chaussée de Menin. Roulers. Huizen der Kanonikessen van den H. Aguustinus in Belgïe. Noviciaat: 88 Vaartstratat, Leuven. Postulaat: O.L.V. van Vrede, Eyseringen. Huis van het H. Hart, Meenensdhesteenweg, Roeselare.” There is no handwriting on the back.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-80951;;“Postulat de Sœurs Missionnaires de N.-D. d’Afrique, Sœurs Blanches, Hérent-lez-Louvain, Maison des missionaires de N.D. d’Afrique Sœurs Blanches à Kasongo (Haut Congo). Postulaat der Zusters Missionarissen van O. L., van Afrika . Witte Zusters, Herent-bij-Leuven. Woonhuis der Witte Zusters te Kasongo (Opper Congo).” The residence of the missionary sisters at Kasongo is surrounded by native flowers, plants and small trees. A low brick wall that surrounds the moderate size building and the overhang of the thatched roof creates a porch. An animal, possibly a llama, stands between two women near the house. The caption is printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-80965;;“Postulat des Sœurs Missionnaires de N.-D. d’Afrique, (Sœurs Blanches), Hérent-lez-Louvain. Interieur de la cathédrale de Baudouinville (Haut Congo). Postulaten der Zusters Missionarissen van O. L.V., van Afrika . (Witte Zusters) Herent-bij-Leuven. Plechtige dienst in de kerk van Boudenwijnstad (Opper Congo).” The cathedral at Baudouinville [Virungu] is a large Western style church with a high, vaulted ceiling and large altar. The caption is printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the card.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-80983;;“Kanunnikessen – Missionarissen van den H. Augustinus. Heverlee-bij-Leuven. China Chine. Chanoinesses Missionnaires de Saint-Augustin. Héverlé-lez-Louvain.” Chinese Christian men, women and children pose in long coats and wear decorated fur hats. The name of the publisher “Ern. Thill, Bruxelles.” and caption are printed on the back of the postcard. Handwriting in Dutch covers the back.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83407;;Gelukkige huismoeder. A woman carries a baby and is accompanied by three young children. They are outside. Additional information directs donations to Leuven, Netherlands.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83408;;Miriam Topno, een Indische vrouw door Pater Lievens gedoopt, biddend op zijn graf te Heverlee-bij-Leuven. Pater Lievens werd begraven in het gemeenschappelijk Jezuïeten-graf van Heverlee-kerkhof. Miriam Topno, an Indian woman baptized by Father Lievens, prays by his grave. She is kneeling and her hands are clasped in prayer. Additional information directs donations to Leuven, Netherlands.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83416;;De Lievens-hoeve te Moorslede. Constant Lievens werd geboren te Moorslede den 11den April 1856, het 7de van 11 kinderen. The Lievens family stands outside their farm house. There is a well in front of them. Additional information directs donations to Leuven, Netherlands.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83418;;"De Wonderklas"" van Roeselaere [Roeselare]. Constant Lievens (1) eindigde zijn humaniora aan het Kl. Sem. Van Roeselaere in 1876, ais klasgenoot van Albr. Rodenbach, (2) onder leiding van Hugo Verriest (3)."" Men of the ""Wonder Class"" of Roeselare pose for a class photo. Additional information directs donations to Leuven, Netherlands.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83423;;Het noviciaat der Paters Jezuïten te Drongen-bij-Gent. Na zijn noviciaat, op den dag zelve zijner Eerste Geloften, vertrok Pater Lievens naar de missie van Calcutta in Engelsch-Indië (22 Oct. 1880). The building of the novitiate of the Jesuit Fathers between Drongen and Gent stands across from a river. Additional information directs donations for Indian mission work to Leuven, Netherlands.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83429;;Constant Lievens als seminarist te Brugge (1877-1878), als novice-Jezuïet te Drongen (1878-1880). Constant Lievens is pictured at two different stages of his life. One as a seminarian in Bruges and another as a Jesuit novice in Drongen. Additional information directs donations to Leuven, Netherlands.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83452;;De missiepost Torpa, gesticht door P. Lievens (Nov. 1885). Priester gewijd den 14den Januari 1883, werd Pater Lievens jaar later missionaris in Chota Nagpore [Nagpur], waar hij zich vestigde te Torpa. Missionaries, men, women, and children are standing outside the Torpa mission building. One of the missionaries is on a horse. Oxen are pulling a cart and a dog is sitting in the middle of the scene. Additional information directs donations to Leuven, Netherlands.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83708;;"Two young children are standing in front of a wall. Additional information reads, ""Kanunnikessen - Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus. Heverlle-bij-Leuven.""";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83709;;"A family of five children and a mother is pictured with a missionary. Additional information reads, ""Kanunnikessen - Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus. Heverlle-bij-Leuven.""";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83716;;"Knunnikessen - Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus."" Missionary sisters of the Augustinian order with indigenous men, women, and children in front of thatched-roof buildings. Additional information on the back, indicating that the postcard was printed in Belgium, reads ""Heverlee-bij-Leuven"" and ""Ern. Thill, Brussel.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83718;;Klein-Seminaristen van Ranchi. Beschermelingen van den Llevenspenning. Indische Missie der P.P. Jezuieten. Young seminarians pose with their older teachers in front of a Jesuit Indian Mission building. Additional information indicates that the postcard was printed in Leuven, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83746;;"Kanunnikessen - Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus. Chanoinesses - Missionnaires de Saint-Augustin."" A missionary of St. Augustine bandages a girl's ankle in front of a wooden house. Additional information on the back, indicating that the postcard was printed in Belgium, reads ""Heverlee-bij-Leuven"" and ""Ern. Thill, Brussel.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83825;;La Bonne Nouvelle arrive aux confins de la Mission. A missionary stands among many people who are sitting down outside. He appears to be preaching to them. This postcard was printed in Leuven, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-83827;;Le châtiment du 'man-eater'. Six men hold three poles, to which a tiger is tied. The animal appears to be dead. A man riding an elephant supervises the carrying of the tiger. This postcard was printed in Leuven, Belgium.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-84332;;"Congo. A woman in colorful native dress is shown on the mission grounds. A missionary sister is seen in the background. ""Kanunnikessen – Missionarissen van de H. Augustinus. Heverlee-bij-Leuven. Chanoinesses – Missionnaires de Saint-Augustin. Héverlé-lez-Louvain. Kongo. "" is printed on the back of the postcard. Handwriting in Dutch closely covers the back of the card.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-84333;;Kanunnikessen – Missionarissen van de H. Augustinus. Heverlee-bij-Leuven. Chanoinesses – Missionnaires de Saint-Augustin. Héverlé-lez-Louvain. Kongo. Congo. The young women of the religious community are shown dressed in white, at desks working on various stitching projects. The caption is printed on the back of the postcard. There is no handwriting on the back.;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-84388;;" Congo Belge. – Nos premiers bébés. Belgische Congo. – Onze eerste negerkindjes. A missionary sister is shown holding the first two Congolese infants residing at the mission. The caption and following information are printed on the back of the postcard: ""Maisons des Chanoinesses de S. Augustin en Belgique Noviciat: 88, rue du canal, Louvain. Postulat: N.D. de la Paix, Eyseringen. Maison du Sacré-Cœur, chaussée de Menin, Roulers. Huizen der Kanonikessen van den H. Augustinus in België. Novicaat: 88, Vaarstraat, Leuven. Postulaat: O.L.V. van Vrede, Eyseringen. Huis van het H. Hart, nenschesteenweg, Roeselaere."" There is no handwriting on the back.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-84620;;"Engelsch Indië – 3. In het hopsitaal van Palamcottah. Patients are shown on their cots in a spacious mission hospital room. Two missionary sister nurses or doctors attend them. The following information is printed on the back of the card: Huizen der Kanunnikkessen Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus in België. Noviciaat: Vaartstraat, 88. Leuven. Postulaat: O.L.V. van Vrede, Eyseringen. Huis van het H. Hart. Meenschesten weg, Roeselaere."" There are a handwritten address and signature in Dutch on the back.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-84646;;"Pater Lievens geknakt. Missionary father Lievens is depicted in a cassock with a knit scarf around his neck. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: ""Uitg.: ‘Lievenspenning voor Indische Priesters’. 11, Minderbroedersstraat, Leuven, Postrek. 116834. Met wankelenden tred, steunend op een stok, kuchend en hoestend, steeple zich de ‘apostel van Chota Nagpore’ nog een tijdje voort."" There is no handwriting on the back.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-84662;;"A missionary sister doctor or nurse is shown bandaging the hand of an older village woman while three young women sit nearby. A thatched roof hut is seen in the background. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: ""Kanunnikessen Missiezusters van de H. Augustinus. Heverlee-bij-Leuven. Chanoinesses Missionaires de Saint-Augustin. Héverlé-lez-Louvain. Ern. Thill, Brussel."" There are several lines of handwriting in Dutch on the back.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-c123-84663;;"A missionary sister doctor or nurse is shown taking notes on the men, women and children waiting for treatment at the mission clinic. An emaciated man appears to have leprosy. The following information is printed on the back of the postcard: ""Kanunnikessen Missiezusters van de H. Augustinus. Heverlee-bij-Leuven. Chanoinesses Missionaires de Saint-Augustin. Héverlé-lez-Louvain. Ern. Thill, Brussel."" There is no handwriting on the back.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2014;no_identifier;Unknown;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m14633;;"An exterior view of the Soeurs Blanches mission in Kasongo. There are two girls standing by the thatched roof mission house, holding bowls and jugs on their heads.; The back of the postcard is blank and contains the caption: ""Maison des Soeurs Blanches a Kasongo (Haut-Congo)- Woonhuis der Witte Zusters te Kasongo (Opper-Congo)"" the back also contains information about the Catholic mission agency: ""Postulat d-s Soeurs Missionnaires de N D. d'Afrique Herent-lez-Louvain - Postulaat der Zusters Missionarissen van O.L. V. van Afrika ""Witte Zusters"", Herent-bij-Leuven""";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m58514;;"Puinen van de oude Kerk en van 't Klooster der Kapucijnen, te San Salvador, in Kongo. ""Ruines de l'ancienne eglise et du couvent des Capucins, a San Salvador, Congo [now Angola]"". A drawing is provided of a few fragments of brick wall overgrown with bracken. The ruins are presented as the remains of a Capuchin monastery.; The back of the postcard has a handwritten message. Printed above the correspondence section is ""P. REMY Vice-Postulator, 75 Bankstraat, Leuven. - Postch. 1687,90. Voor mededeeling van verkregen gunsten en gilten. ""CENTRALE JORIS VAN GEEL"", klooster der P. Kapucijnen Herenthals, (Antwerpen) Postch 431904. Voor bestelling PRINTJES POSTKAART-BOEKJES, LEVENSSCHETS, LEVENS-BESCHRIJVING."", with the printing repeated in French below.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m60640;;"Congo."" Two children lean out from behind thick brush. They wear dark shirts.; The back of the postcard has no handwriting. Printed in the margin of the correspondence section is ""Kanunnikessen - Missiezusters van den H, Augustinus. Heverlee-bij-Leuven."" ""Chanoinesses - Missionnaires de Saint-Augustin. Heverle-lez-Louvain";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m67919;;"Engelsch indie - 5. St. Michielsschool, Asaripallam."" A large group of school children are gathered before a building. On the back is printed ""Huizen der Kanunnikkessen Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus in Belgie"" ""Noviciaat : Vartstraat, 88, Leuven"" ""Postulaat: O. L. V. van Vrede, Eyseringen"" ""Huis van het H. Hart, Meenschesteenweg, Roeselaere.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m67939;;"De Aartsbisschop van Calcutta op reis door de Lievensmissie."" The Archbishop of Calcutta is show being carried in a palanquin up the side of a forested hill. Fields are visible in the lowlands below. The back of the card is printed with ""Lievenspenning Voor Indische Priesters. 11, Minderbroedersafraat, Leuven."" ""Indische Missie der P. P. Jezuiten.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m67948;;"De Welvaart in Chotanagpore."" A herd of cows graze in an open field. On the back of the postcard is a stamp and postmark and several lines of handwriting. Printed on it is ""Lievenspenning voor indische priesters. 11, Minderbroederstraat, Leuven."" ""Indische Missie der P. P. Jezuiten.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m67998;;"Oeraonsche vrouw te Heverlee bij het graf van Pater Lievens, die haar zes-en-dertig jaar vroeger had gedoopt."" A woman kneels beside a large tombstone. The back of the postcard is printed with ""Lievenspenning voor indische priesters. 11, Minderbroederstraat, Leuven. Indische Missie der P. P. Jezuieten.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m68075;;"Engelsch Indie - 10. De 422 leerlingen van Mulagamudu voor de lagere school."" A large crowd of white-clad students are shown standing in rows outside a tile-roofed school building. The back of the postcard has printed on it ""Huizen der Kanunnikkessen Missieszusters van den H. Augustinus in Belgie. Noviciaat: Vaartstraat, 88, Leuven. Postulaat: O. L. V. van Vrede, Eyseringen. Huis van het H. Hart, Meenschesteenweg, Roeselaere.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m68076;;"Engelsch Indie - 7. De oudjes van het toevluchstoord van Malagamudu."" A Catholic missionary sister stands with a group of people arranged for a group photograph outdoors. The back of the postcard has printed on it ""Huizen der Kanunnikkessen Missieszusters van den H. Augustinus in Belgie. Noviciaat: Vaartstraat, 88, Leuven. Postulaat: O. L. V. van Vrede, Eyseringen. Huis van het H. Hart, Meenschesteenweg, Roeselaere.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m68077;;"Engelsch Indie - 2. De jonste weesjes van Malagamudu."" A Catholic missionary sister stands on stone steps before a brick building entrance. Several rows of small children stand beside her. The back of the postcard has printed on it ""Huizen der Kanunnikkessen Missieszusters van den H. Augustinus in Belgie. Noviciaat: Vaartstraat, 88, Leuven. Postulaat: O. L. V. van Vrede, Eyseringen. Huis van het H. Hart, Meenschesteenweg, Roeselaere.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m68078;;"Mulagamuda - Travencore - 1. Bezoek bij een indische zieke.."" A Catholic missionary sister stands holding the hand of a reclining man. Others sit around the man, and a thatched roof overhangs the small group. The back of the postcard has printed on it ""Huizen der Kanunnikkessen Missieszusters van den H. Augustinus in Belgie. Noviciaat: Vaartstraat, 88, Leuven. Postulaat: O. L. V. van Vrede, Eyseringen. Huis van het H. Hart, Meenschesteenweg, Roeselaere.";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m68119;;"A group of native seminarians is shown standing before a number of brick arches. Five Catholic missionary fathers are seated before them. On the back of the postcard is printed ""Leerlingen van 't groot Seminarie (Ranchi)"" ""Lievenspenning Voor Den Indischen Priester 11, Mindersbroederstraat, Leuven""";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m68853;;"Several young children are shown seated indoors by an arrangement of logs and a clay jar. ""Congo"" On the back of the postcard is printed ""Kanunnikessen -Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus. Heverlee-bij-Leuven."" ""Chanoinesses - Missionnaires de Saint-Augustin. Heverele-lez-Louvain.""";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m68855;;"A river pours over a steep, rocky fall. ""Congo"" On the back of the postcard is printed ""Kanunnikessen -Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus. Heverlee-bij-Leuven."" ""Chanoinesses - Missionnaires de Saint-Augustin. Heverele-lez-Louvain.""";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/impa-m68857;;"A number of people stand outside of a thatched mission building. On the back of the postcard is printed ""Kanunnikessen -Missiezusters van den H. Augustinus. Heverlee-bij-Leuven."" ""Chanoinesses - Missionnaires de Saint-Augustin. Heverele-lez-Louvain.""";University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2012;no_identifier;Unidentified;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.25549/usctheses-c30-407584;;Abstract;University of Southern California Digital Library (USC.DL);usc.dl;2015;no_identifier;Van Leuven, Fred Arthur;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.34934/dvn/pwi0kr;;This database contains information about every person who was registered in the lists of registered individuals (matriculi) of the old University of Leuven (1425-1797). We used the edition by Schillings and we checked the original records when necessary.;Social Sciences and (Digital) Humanities Archive – SODHA;sab.sab;2020;no_identifier;Carnier, Marc / Jannis, Suzanne / Rijksarchief Leuven;no_identifier;(State Archives of Belgium) / (State Archives Leuven) / (State Archives of Belgium);Affiliations_data_creators+Description+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.4232/1.8150;;"MEMDB (Medieval and Early Modern Data Bank) ist eine Informationsdatenbank, die Daten zur mittelalterlichen und früh-neuzeitlichen Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Europa von ca. 1200-1800 enthält. Die Erfassung und Bereitstellung der Daten erfolgte in Kooperation mit drei Forschungsschwerpunkten in Europa, die angesiedelt waren an den Universitäten Leiden (Prof. W.P. Blockmans) und Leuven (Prof. E. van Cauwenberghe) sowie am Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung in Köln (ZA-ZHSF, Prof. R. Metz). MEMDB besteht aus vier großen (voneinander unabhängigen) Datensätzen, die zu einem gemeinsamen „Master Data Set“ kombiniert werden können. Inhalte: - Währungs- und Geldkurse (´Currency Exchange Quotations´) von Peter Spufford: „Handbook of Medieval Exchange“, 1986. - Verschiedene Preisreihen von N.W. Posthumus: „Inquiry into History of Prices in Holland, Vol.1”, 1946. - Getreide- und Brotpreise in Köln von Dietrich Ebeling; Franz Irsigler: „Getreideumsatz, Getreide- und Brotpreise in Köln 1368-1797“, 1976/77 (2 Bände). - Münzkurse, Rechengeldwerte und Gold/Silberverhältnisse in Europa von Rainer Metz: „Geld, Währung und Preisentwicklung: Der Niederrheinraum im europäischen Vergleich 1350-1800“, Frankfurt/M. 1990. Zeitreihen zu Preisen, Währungs- und Geldkursen in verschiedenen europäischen Regionen: - Münzgewichte, Münzkurse und Rechengeldwerte verschiedener rheinischer und deutscher Städte; - Rechengeldsysteme deutscher und europäischer Städte. Soweit Angaben zu Gold- und Silbermünzen vorliegen, wurde für jedes Währungssystem auch das Gold/Silberverhältnis ausgewiesen; - Getreidepreise als Wochenpreise (mittlerer Marktpreis der Woche) und Wochenmengen auf dem Kölner Getreidemarkt zu den Getreidearten. Berechnete Monats- und Jahreswerte der Getreide- und Brotpreise. Damit wird mit dieser Datenbank ein inhaltliches Konzept umgesetzt, das es ermöglicht, kategorial vergleichbare (historische) Daten forschungsrelevant zu kombinieren, um so einer bestimmten Fragestellung nachgehen zu können.";GESIS Data Archive;gesis.gesis;2006;no_identifier;Bell, Rudolph M. / Howell, Martha C. / Metz, Rainer;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.5061/dryad.95x69p8g9;;"1. Sensory systems perform fitness-relevant functions, and specialized sensory structures allow organisms to accomplish challenging tasks. However, broad comparative analyses of sensory morphologies and their performance are lacking for diverse mammalian radiations. 2. Neotropical leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae) are one of the most ecologically diverse mammal groups; including a wide range of diets and foraging behaviors, and extreme morphological variation in external sensory structures used in echolocation (nose leaf and pinnae). 3. We coupled 3D geometric morphometrics and acoustic field recordings under a phylogenetic framework to investigate the mechanisms underlying the diversification of external sensory morphologies in phyllostomids, and explored the potential implications of sensory morphological diversity to functional outputs and dietary ecology. 4. We found that the nose leaf consists of two evolutionary modules, spear and horseshoe, suggesting that modularity enabled morphological and functional diversification of this structure. 5. We found a significant association between some aspects of nose leaf shape and maximum frequency and bandwidth of echolocation calls, but not between pinnae shape and echolocation call parameters. This may be explained by the use of multiple sensory modes across phyllostomids and plasticity of some echolocation call parameters. 6. Species with different diets significantly differed in nose leaf shape, specifically in spear breadth, presence of a midrib, and cupping and anterior rotation of the horseshoe. This may relate to different levels of prey type specificity within each diet. Pinnae shape significantly differed between species that consume non-mobile, non-evasive prey (broad rounded, cupped pinnae) and mobile, evasive prey (flattened pinnae with a sharp tapering apex). This may reflect the use of different sound cues to detect prey. 7. Our results give insight into the morphological evolution of external sensory structures in bats, and highlight new links between morphological diversity and ecology.";Dryad;dryad.dryad;2020;no_identifier;Leiser-Miller, Leith / Santana, Sharlene;" ;";University of Washington / University of Washington;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.5061/dryad.qrfj6q5d2;;We describe the small chondrichthyan Ferromirum oukherbouchi n.gen. et sp. from the Famennian (Late Devonian) of the Maïder region in Morocco. This chondrichthyan is exceptionally well preserved and displays not only mineralized soft tissues but also undeformed cartilages of the head, gills, and shoulder girdle. A reconstruction of the head using 3D-prints revealed a previously unknown kind of jaw articulation. Here, we make the original cropped image stack and PLY-files of the single cartilaginous elements accessible. Additionally, a nexus-file with the character matrix used for the cladogram shown in the article is included.;Dryad;dryad.dryad;2020;no_identifier;Frey, Linda / Coates, Michael I. / Tietjen, Kristen / Rücklin, Martin / Klug, Christian;no_identifier;University of Zurich / University of Chicago / University of Kansas / Naturalis Biodiversity Center / University of Zurich;no_field;primary;primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.5258/soton/d1477;;"Data supports the PhD thesis entitled ""Microphone array processing for sparse equivalent source representations of tyre noise"", awarded to A Papaioanou, 2020 by the University of Southampton. The data in this file are the raw and post-processed measured data which form the basis of the PhD thesis and were obtained by performing a number of measurements at the Southampton University Signal Processing and Control Lab, the semi-anechoic chamber in Applus IDIADA, Barcelona, Spain and the anechoic chamber in Siemens Digital Industries Software, Leuven, Belgium. To view and use the data, you will need the Matlab Software.";University of Southampton;bl.soton;2020;no_identifier;Papaioannou, Athanasios;;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3841180;;The datasets reports baseline and outcome data from the 'Geriatric CO-mAnagement for Cardiology patients in the Hospital (G-COACH)' experimental study. The study evaluated the effectiveness of a geriatric co-management programme on the cardiac care units of the University Hospitals Leuven. Sample included patients aged 75 years or older. Measurements included: demographic, functional status, cognitive status, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, quality of life, physical performance, readmission rates, survival. Please see Word document for more information. Please see protocols for more information:;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""Cites"", ""HasVersion"") ; c(""10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023593"", ""10.5281/zenodo.3841181"") ; c(""Text"", NA) ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Grootven, Bastiaan Van / Flamaing, Johan / Milisen, Koen / Deschodt, Mieke;;"Research Foundation Flanders; KU Leuven / University Hospitals Leuven; KU Leuven / KU Leuven / KU Leuven; University of Basel";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3841181;;The datasets reports baseline and outcome data from the 'Geriatric CO-mAnagement for Cardiology patients in the Hospital (G-COACH)' experimental study. The study evaluated the effectiveness of a geriatric co-management programme on the cardiac care units of the University Hospitals Leuven. Sample included patients aged 75 years or older. Measurements included: demographic, functional status, cognitive status, depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, quality of life, physical performance, readmission rates, survival. Please see Word document for more information. Please see protocols for more information:;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""Cites"", ""IsVersionOf"") ; c(""10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023593"", ""10.5281/zenodo.3841180"") ; c(""Text"", NA) ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";Grootven, Bastiaan Van / Flamaing, Johan / Milisen, Koen / Deschodt, Mieke;;"Research Foundation Flanders; KU Leuven / University Hospitals Leuven; KU Leuven / KU Leuven / KU Leuven; University of Basel";Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3865634;;"This data is the result of a collaboration of scientists working on the development of self-healing concrete within the framework of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action “Self-healing as preventive repair of concrete structures” SARCOS CA15202. In the framework of SARCOS 6 inter-laboratory testing programs are being executed to investigate possible standard test methods for self-healing concrete, each of the testing programs focusing on a different self-healing technique:
(1) Concrete with mineral additions,
(2) Concrete with the addition of magnesium oxide,
(3) Concrete enhanced with crystalline admixtures,
(4) High performance fibre reinforced concrete enhanced with crystalline admixtures,
(5) Concrete with preplaced macrocapsules containing polymeric healing agent, and
(6) Concrete with encapsulated bacteria. The data which can be found here have been obtained in the inter-laboratory testing program 5 ""Concrete with preplaced macrocapsules containing polymeric healing agent"". In total 6 labs participated in this testing program: Ghent University, Politecnico di Torino, Riga Technical University, Cracow University of Technology, Cambridge University, and KU Leuven (Ghent Technology Campus). All specimens were cast at Ghent University and were then distributed to the different labs, where they were tested. The testing program consisted of tests on both concrete and mortar specimens. The reinforced concrete specimens were cracked in a displacement-controlled three-point bending setup. Subsequently, they were subjected to two capillary water absorption tests, each with a different waterproofing technique. The mortar specimens were not reinforced, instead they were provided with a Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) laminate at the top. They were cracked in a force-controlled three-point bending setup, and immediately an active crack width control technique was applied to restrain the crack width of the specimens to a desired crack width range. After measuring of the crack width, the water permeability of the mortar specimens was accessed in a water flow test. In the end, the specimens were cracked open to assess the spread of the polyurethane healing agent.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsDerivedFrom"", ""HasVersion"", ""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.1080/14686996.2020.1814117"", ""10.5281/zenodo.3865635"", """", """") ; c(""Text"", NA, NA, NA) ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""URL"", ""URL"")";Van Mullem, Tim / Anglani, Giovanni / Dudek, Marta / Vanoutrive, Hanne / Bumanis, Girts / Litina, Chrysoula / Kwiecien, Arkadiusz / Al-Tabbaa, Abir / Bajare, Diana / Stryszewska, Teresa / Caspeele, Robby / Van Tittelboom, Kim / Tulliani, Jean Marc / Gruyaert, Elke / Antonaci, Paola / De Belie, Nele;" ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;";Ghent Univeristy / Politecnico di Torino / Cracow University of Technology / KU Leuven / Riga Technical University / University of Cambridge / Cracow University of Technology / University of Cambridge / Riga Technical University / Cracow University of Technology / Ghent Univeristy / Ghent Univeristy / Politecnico di Torino / KU Leuven / Politecnico di Torino / Ghent Univeristy;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3865635;;"This data is the result of a collaboration of scientists working on the development of self-healing concrete within the framework of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action “Self-healing as preventive repair of concrete structures” SARCOS CA15202. In the framework of SARCOS 6 inter-laboratory testing programs are being executed to investigate possible standard test methods for self-healing concrete, each of the testing programs focusing on a different self-healing technique:
(1) Concrete with mineral additions,
(2) Concrete with the addition of magnesium oxide,
(3) Concrete enhanced with crystalline admixtures,
(4) High performance fibre reinforced concrete enhanced with crystalline admixtures,
(5) Concrete with preplaced macrocapsules containing polymeric healing agent, and
(6) Concrete with encapsulated bacteria. The data which can be found here have been obtained in the inter-laboratory testing program 5 ""Concrete with preplaced macrocapsules containing polymeric healing agent"". In total 6 labs participated in this testing program: Ghent University, Politecnico di Torino, Riga Technical University, Cracow University of Technology, Cambridge University, and KU Leuven (Ghent Technology Campus). All specimens were cast at Ghent University and were then distributed to the different labs, where they were tested. The testing program consisted of tests on both concrete and mortar specimens. The reinforced concrete specimens were cracked in a displacement-controlled three-point bending setup. Subsequently, they were subjected to two capillary water absorption tests, each with a different waterproofing technique. The mortar specimens were not reinforced, instead they were provided with a Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) laminate at the top. They were cracked in a force-controlled three-point bending setup, and immediately an active crack width control technique was applied to restrain the crack width of the specimens to a desired crack width range. After measuring of the crack width, the water permeability of the mortar specimens was accessed in a water flow test. In the end, the specimens were cracked open to assess the spread of the polyurethane healing agent.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsDerivedFrom"", ""IsVersionOf"", ""IsPartOf"", ""IsPartOf"") ; c(""10.1080/14686996.2020.1814117"", ""10.5281/zenodo.3865634"", """", """") ; c(""Text"", NA, NA, NA) ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"", ""URL"", ""URL"")";Van Mullem, Tim / Anglani, Giovanni / Dudek, Marta / Vanoutrive, Hanne / Bumanis, Girts / Litina, Chrysoula / Kwiecien, Arkadiusz / Al-Tabbaa, Abir / Bajare, Diana / Stryszewska, Teresa / Caspeele, Robby / Van Tittelboom, Kim / Tulliani, Jean Marc / Gruyaert, Elke / Antonaci, Paola / De Belie, Nele;" ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;";Ghent Univeristy / Politecnico di Torino / Cracow University of Technology / KU Leuven / Riga Technical University / University of Cambridge / Cracow University of Technology / University of Cambridge / Riga Technical University / Cracow University of Technology / Ghent Univeristy / Ghent Univeristy / Politecnico di Torino / KU Leuven / Politecnico di Torino / Ghent Univeristy;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3973115;;First release of the full Magister Dixit Collection Dataset (August 2020). Metadata from the Magister Dixit Collection (handwritten lecture notes of the Old University of Leuven) offered as open data for digital humanities and other creative engagement.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsSupplementTo"", ""HasVersion"") ; c("""", ""10.5281/zenodo.3973116"") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"")";KU Leuven Libraries;no_identifier;KU Leuven Libraries - Digitisation Department;Affiliations_data_creators+Description+Identifiers_related_outputs+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.5281/zenodo.3973116;;First release of the full Magister Dixit Collection Dataset (August 2020). Metadata from the Magister Dixit Collection (handwritten lecture notes of the Old University of Leuven) offered as open data for digital humanities and other creative engagement.;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"c(""IsSupplementTo"", ""IsVersionOf"") ; c("""", ""10.5281/zenodo.3973115"") ; c(""URL"", ""DOI"")";KU Leuven Libraries;no_identifier;KU Leuven Libraries - Digitisation Department;Affiliations_data_creators+Description+Identifiers_related_outputs+Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.6084/m9.figshare.1570346;;Objectives: Systemic diseases form a rare heterogeneous group of diseases, with important morbidity caused by disease evolution and/or treatment. We describe the clinical features and outcome of patients with these diseases admitted to a referral hospital intensive care unit (ICU). Method: We conducted a retrospective case review of all patients with systemic diseases (n = 86) admitted to the medical ICU of Leuven University Hospital between May 2007 and September 2012. Results: The most frequent diagnoses were systemic vasculitis (n = 31), sarcoidosis (n = 15), systemic sclerosis (n = 9), and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (n = 7). The main reason for admission was infection (60%), followed by disease-related organ failure (48%). Respiratory failure was the most common organ dysfunction. The mean APACHE II (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II) score was 28 ± 10. Mortality was 19% during ICU admission, 39% during hospital stay, and 58% at the end of follow-up. Death was caused by infection in the majority of cases (56%), and by evolution of the underlying disease in 32%. Only age and APACHE II score were associated with mortality. Conclusions: The mortality of patients with systemic diseases admitted to an ICU is high, both during their stay in the ICU and afterwards. Age and APACHE II score, but not infection or immunosuppressive therapy, were associated with mortality.;Taylor & Francis;figshare.ars;2016;"IsSupplementTo ; 10.3109/03009742.2015.1067329 ; DOI";T Heijnen / A Wilmer / D Blockmans / L Henckaerts;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.6084/m9.figshare.1570346.v1;;Objectives: Systemic diseases form a rare heterogeneous group of diseases, with important morbidity caused by disease evolution and/or treatment. We describe the clinical features and outcome of patients with these diseases admitted to a referral hospital intensive care unit (ICU). Method: We conducted a retrospective case review of all patients with systemic diseases (n = 86) admitted to the medical ICU of Leuven University Hospital between May 2007 and September 2012. Results: The most frequent diagnoses were systemic vasculitis (n = 31), sarcoidosis (n = 15), systemic sclerosis (n = 9), and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (n = 7). The main reason for admission was infection (60%), followed by disease-related organ failure (48%). Respiratory failure was the most common organ dysfunction. The mean APACHE II (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II) score was 28 ± 10. Mortality was 19% during ICU admission, 39% during hospital stay, and 58% at the end of follow-up. Death was caused by infection in the majority of cases (56%), and by evolution of the underlying disease in 32%. Only age and APACHE II score were associated with mortality. Conclusions: The mortality of patients with systemic diseases admitted to an ICU is high, both during their stay in the ICU and afterwards. Age and APACHE II score, but not infection or immunosuppressive therapy, were associated with mortality.;Taylor & Francis;figshare.ars;2015;"c(""IsSupplementTo"", ""IsIdenticalTo"") ; c(""10.3109/03009742.2015.1067329"", ""10.6084/m9.figshare.1570346"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";T Heijnen / A Wilmer / D Blockmans / L Henckaerts;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.6084/m9.figshare.6148721;;"The data results from a study on multiple choice assessments and more specifically the comparison of negative marking and elimination testing on guessing and test anxiety. Data collection is as described by Vanderoost J. et al (Vanderoost J., Janssen R., Eggermont J., Callens R., and De Laet T.; Elimination testing with adapted scoring reduces guessing and anxiety in multiple-choice assessments, but does not increase grade average with respect to traditional negative marking; data results from a study at the KU Leuven, Flanders, Belgium. The students are 1st and 2nd year students in the master of Medicine. All students had prior experience with multiple-choice exams, which were scored using negative marking (NM).
Thanks to the exam test design the following data is available for each student: master level (1st or 2nd master), examination moment for PED and GO, exam scores for PED and GO, and for each question: score, answering pattern, and knowledge level.
Additionally, as both gender and ability could influence the exam score, the answering patterns, and the knowledge levels, gender, and grade point average (GPA) of each student was retrieved from the university data base. This study uses GPA of the entire academic year (without resits) as a measure for student ability

";figshare;figshare.ars;2018;no_identifier;Laet, Tinne De / Vanderoost, Jef;;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.6084/m9.figshare.6148721.v1;;"The data results from a study on multiple choice assessments and more specifically the comparison of negative marking and elimination testing on guessing and test anxiety. Data collection is as described by Vanderoost J. et al (Vanderoost J., Janssen R., Eggermont J., Callens R., and De Laet T.; Elimination testing with adapted scoring reduces guessing and anxiety in multiple-choice assessments, but does not increase grade average with respect to traditional negative marking; data results from a study at the KU Leuven, Flanders, Belgium. The students are 1st and 2nd year students in the master of Medicine. All students had prior experience with multiple-choice exams, which were scored using negative marking (NM).
Thanks to the exam test design the following data is available for each student: master level (1st or 2nd master), examination moment for PED and GO, exam scores for PED and GO, and for each question: score, answering pattern, and knowledge level.
Additionally, as both gender and ability could influence the exam score, the answering patterns, and the knowledge levels, gender, and grade point average (GPA) of each student was retrieved from the university data base. This study uses GPA of the entire academic year (without resits) as a measure for student ability

";figshare;figshare.ars;2018;"IsIdenticalTo ; 10.6084/m9.figshare.6148721 ; DOI";Laet, Tinne De / Vanderoost, Jef;;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.6084/m9.figshare.9114722;;"These files accompany the article entitled ""Are spasticity, weakness, selectivity, and passive range of motion related to gait deviations in children with spastic cerebral palsy? A statistical parametric mapping study"" with DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0223363. They contain retrospective data, acquired through the Clinical Motion Analysis Laboratory of the University Hospitals Leuven (Medical Ethical Committee of University Hospitals Leuven - s56036). This research project provided permission to use retrospective patient data that have been acquired during standard medical care, under the condition that all data would have been anonymized a priori, unless the patients had specifically asked to not be included in any study. Two different datasets are included from: a) children with unilateral cerebral palsy (uCP - n=167) and b) bilateral cerebral palsy (bCP - n=200). These datasets contain clinical impairment scores of spasticity, weakness, selectivity and passive range of motion measured at the level of the hip, knee and ankle joints for muscles acting in the sagittal plane, as well as the sagittal plane kinematic curves of these patients (i.e. pelvis, hip, knee and ankle joint motions). The impairment scores were inspected at a total level (i.e. composite scores, as sum of all individual impairments) or at a joint level. Statistical non-parametric mapping was used to assess: a) the relationships between the composite impairment scores and the vector of the four joints, as well as the individual joint motions and b) the relationships between the joint impairment scores and the individual joint motions. All analyses were performed separately for children with uCP and bCP.
";figshare;figshare.ars;2019;no_identifier;Papageorgiou, Eirini / Simon-Martinez, Cristina / Molenaers, Guy / Ortibus, Els / Campenhout, Anja Van / Desloovere, Kaat;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.6084/m9.figshare.9114722.v1;;"These files accompany the article entitled ""Are spasticity, weakness, selectivity, and passive range of motion related to gait deviations in children with spastic cerebral palsy? A statistical parametric mapping study"" with DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0223363. They contain retrospective data, acquired through the Clinical Motion Analysis Laboratory of the University Hospitals Leuven (Medical Ethical Committee of University Hospitals Leuven - s56036). This research project provided permission to use retrospective patient data that have been acquired during standard medical care, under the condition that all data would have been anonymized a priori, unless the patients had specifically asked to not be included in any study. Two different datasets are included from: a) children with unilateral cerebral palsy (uCP - n=167) and b) bilateral cerebral palsy (bCP - n=200). These datasets contain clinical impairment scores of spasticity, weakness, selectivity and passive range of motion measured at the level of the hip, knee and ankle joints for muscles acting in the sagittal plane, as well as the sagittal plane kinematic curves of these patients (i.e. pelvis, hip, knee and ankle joint motions). The impairment scores were inspected at a total level (i.e. composite scores, as sum of all individual impairments) or at a joint level. Statistical non-parametric mapping was used to assess: a) the relationships between the composite impairment scores and the vector of the four joints, as well as the individual joint motions and b) the relationships between the joint impairment scores and the individual joint motions. All analyses were performed separately for children with uCP and bCP.
";figshare;figshare.ars;2019;"IsIdenticalTo ; 10.6084/m9.figshare.9114722 ; DOI";Papageorgiou, Eirini / Simon-Martinez, Cristina / Molenaers, Guy / Ortibus, Els / Campenhout, Anja Van / Desloovere, Kaat;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/0cjxma;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Otieno, James R. (KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi Kenya); Agoti, Charles N. (KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi Kenya); Cotten, Matthew (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton UK); Lemey, Philippe (Department Of Microbiology And Immunology, KU Leuven- University Of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium); Nokes, D. James (KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi Kenya)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary;related publication on Harvard website yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/0cjxma/clpjta;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Otieno, James R. (KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi Kenya); Agoti, Charles N. (KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi Kenya); Cotten, Matthew (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton UK); Lemey, Philippe (Department Of Microbiology And Immunology, KU Leuven- University Of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium); Nokes, D. James (KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi Kenya)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/0cjxma/lr1kjs;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Otieno, James R. (KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi Kenya); Agoti, Charles N. (KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi Kenya); Cotten, Matthew (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton UK); Lemey, Philippe (Department Of Microbiology And Immunology, KU Leuven- University Of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium); Nokes, D. James (KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi Kenya)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/0ferhu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/0gggmi;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/15vezv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/1be98b;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/1iopqy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/1lavgk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/1nnrcf;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/1wcxy9;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/1z2mak;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/2bjryp;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/2eskwk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/2faljb;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/2j4cur;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/2lkjx6;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/2pzwem;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/2qhbwf;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/2todvw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/38l6c6;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/3ftorw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/3mioji;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/4efw2m;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/4kfi9j;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/4ppczi;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/57y2og;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/5mkjhd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/5rmjgv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/5v5bkm;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/65otog;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/6diabj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/6dlsw4;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/7gdmca;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/80zzap;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/89xlxe;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/8wzo2z;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/8zppxv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/9baiyp;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/9cg6oa;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/9hdnh3;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/9nvcwb;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/9vgx67;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/aj3wdd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ajqdhl;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/alk4m4;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/amxazv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/axb3ru;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/az3fxa;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/b5n770;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/bboshg;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/bfj2km;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/bhpcss;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/bogagr;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/btqb5z;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/bzyeiu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/c1ogdu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ckhsfg;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/czmajj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/d0jdri;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/d3nuzt;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/dbklkm;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/de91wk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/dxlvm5;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/dynn5w;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ebp7ys;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/elpdiq;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ewb7oy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/f0rm78;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/fgxqck;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/fk5gft;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/fn2cyz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/fnwcq4;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/fq8fwo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/fwgyld;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/fzyszo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/g6x7wj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ghqvf7;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/gjqhlb;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/h0gxsb;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/h0qkjy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/h4ckcu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/hcs6nw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/i5es0b;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/i8b1tt;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ibfe3a;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ibun5b;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/idp5s1;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/iebu0c;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/iigzw6;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ijcff9;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ipyzgn;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ir9iu4;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/j1e6ra;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/jjfjzs;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/jobubz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/jp8hqb;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/jqmgm3;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/jtot7e;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/jzbyb8;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/k7ccml;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/kayi9n;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/khlofh;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ksovot;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/kutl8w;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/lbegsu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/lgxgbq;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/lkhai6;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/lrbdry;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/lvo5q1;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/lyx3lc;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/mdpoyo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/me6jum;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/mherq4;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/motrh4;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/mv1zmp;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/nuq2il;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/nz4fhv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/onghyu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/osxwpy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/oycbn7;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ozzuo7;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/p7hukd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/pvux2n;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/pyowew;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/q1snia;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/q5yxsk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/q9e40g;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/qdb26v;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/qjrbpp;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/qlvlv2;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/qowjgi;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/qxlcva;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/r1vblv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/r1zb85;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/rg0vge;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/rp7hei;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/rwoplx;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/rzeiwa;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/sg9wfs;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/sgbaxb;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/shc3hl;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/slhwt3;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/snmpnq;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/snxb9s;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/st8gl8;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/t2zud0;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/t8higb;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/tsojvh;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/twida0;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/uf3ovi;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ujdmlo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/uo7sls;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/uoxdly;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/us3lh9;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/v5hyld;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/vemydr;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/vytosn;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/w9ger3;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/wsbhdq;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/x9cmk9;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/xcjcoo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/xeqxu9;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/xgnxtx;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/xr8bwq;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/xrl8gj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/xss4za;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/xzspf5;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/xzzsvr;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/ygxpgv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/yzajvo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/zh0j2f;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/zidv98;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/zmo58g;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/zo1gis;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/zuu7ed;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/zxqhuh;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/26800/zzp4lk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Grigolon, Laura (McMaster University); Verboven, Frank (University Of Leuven And C.E.P.R. (London))";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27065/dpt5lm;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Hashmi, Aamir Rafique (National University Of Singapore); Van Biesebroeck, Johannes (KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27159/19repg;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Schaumans, Catherine (Tilburg University); Verboven, Frank (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven And C.E.P.R.)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27159/1oas1v;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Schaumans, Catherine (Tilburg University); Verboven, Frank (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven And C.E.P.R.)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27159/1ppkyu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Schaumans, Catherine (Tilburg University); Verboven, Frank (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven And C.E.P.R.)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27159/3x2ruk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Schaumans, Catherine (Tilburg University); Verboven, Frank (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven And C.E.P.R.)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27159/a70b37;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Schaumans, Catherine (Tilburg University); Verboven, Frank (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven And C.E.P.R.)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27159/cqpvsn;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Schaumans, Catherine (Tilburg University); Verboven, Frank (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven And C.E.P.R.)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27159/hdadlk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Schaumans, Catherine (Tilburg University); Verboven, Frank (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven And C.E.P.R.)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27159/ltuggp;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Schaumans, Catherine (Tilburg University); Verboven, Frank (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven And C.E.P.R.)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27159/vi2j3j;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Schaumans, Catherine (Tilburg University); Verboven, Frank (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven And C.E.P.R.)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/27159/wf0c31;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2014;no_identifier;"Schaumans, Catherine (Tilburg University); Verboven, Frank (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven And C.E.P.R.)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/3csfyo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/5xoz3x;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/9dsxk2;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/am2oal;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/b77gmq;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/bslfpv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/c0uhsf;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/c1wc2i;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/chjndr;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/codxz7;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/ctfaau;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/dqeqxl;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/dxvgb7;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/e8wrli;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/eetkcj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/ezvbuo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/fc0dab;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/fljs35;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/fzz6mp;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/gtzdmu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/gxtdjc;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/hfftn3;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/hxjuzx;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/i4a0le;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/idteeo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/ihauax;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/j8zi1l;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/jh7cic;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/lh5be6;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/lidekn;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/lvl5sm;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/mynpyu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/nhtuob;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/onabs1;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/qobdox;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/qwfj3i;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/r9zlgw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/s2wtz5;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/sefouq;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/sjbob6;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/t13vla;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/tibjtc;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/tjwojv;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/uis14n;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/unqsfm;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/uuipaw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/v7xfpw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/vrufyr;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/vziczc;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/xadkaa;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/ygzc5n;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/ylh3nd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/ys9jjg;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/z9zekl;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/28592/zosfnh;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Duso, Tomaso (Duesseldorf Institute For Competition Economics, Heinrich-Heine University); Roeller, Lars-Hendrik (European School Of Management And Technology); Seldeslachts, Jo (University Of Amsterdam And KU Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/4b5ad1;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Shomer, Yael (Tel-Aviv University); Put, Gert-Jan (University Of Leuven); Gedalya-Lavy, Einat (Tel-Aviv University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/4b5ad1/25engf;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Shomer, Yael (Tel-Aviv University); Put, Gert-Jan (University Of Leuven); Gedalya-Lavy, Einat (Tel-Aviv University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/4b5ad1/3y8zs7;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Shomer, Yael (Tel-Aviv University); Put, Gert-Jan (University Of Leuven); Gedalya-Lavy, Einat (Tel-Aviv University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/4b5ad1/hj6d66;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Shomer, Yael (Tel-Aviv University); Put, Gert-Jan (University Of Leuven); Gedalya-Lavy, Einat (Tel-Aviv University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/4b5ad1/hmncrp;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Shomer, Yael (Tel-Aviv University); Put, Gert-Jan (University Of Leuven); Gedalya-Lavy, Einat (Tel-Aviv University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/4b5ad1/iffdu4;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Shomer, Yael (Tel-Aviv University); Put, Gert-Jan (University Of Leuven); Gedalya-Lavy, Einat (Tel-Aviv University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/4b5ad1/lxqzfd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Shomer, Yael (Tel-Aviv University); Put, Gert-Jan (University Of Leuven); Gedalya-Lavy, Einat (Tel-Aviv University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/4b5ad1/pl2ads;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Shomer, Yael (Tel-Aviv University); Put, Gert-Jan (University Of Leuven); Gedalya-Lavy, Einat (Tel-Aviv University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/4b5ad1/z8ntas;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2015;no_identifier;"Shomer, Yael (Tel-Aviv University); Put, Gert-Jan (University Of Leuven); Gedalya-Lavy, Einat (Tel-Aviv University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/11onkd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/34gze7;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/4f1pqy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/7dhbp3;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/acxz99;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/azknah;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/bemm4b;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/bsmzy4;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/cbwmrd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/cdn0qs;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/cxvaz8;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/e0kpk7;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/fz2jpm;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/gshcdz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/gzacdu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/hxqorw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/imibjl;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/kbsxq5;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/mpxb88;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/nj2cvn;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/nttfse;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/o2xpdx;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/p3pg6o;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/u07r0t;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/ubbepw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/v1onst;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/v7fb4m;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/viqgjc;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/59f366/yzobjs;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"Dassonneville, Ruth (Université De Montréal); Feitosa, Fernando (Université De Montréal); Hooghe, Marc (University Of Leuven); Lau, Richard (Rutgers University); Stiers, Dieter (University Of Leuven)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/8u3xhy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Stoop, Nik (Centre For Institutions And Economic Performance-University Of Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/8u3xhy/4pbyq3;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Stoop, Nik (Centre For Institutions And Economic Performance-University Of Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/8u3xhy/6a8ftb;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Stoop, Nik (Centre For Institutions And Economic Performance-University Of Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/8u3xhy/c33atc;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Stoop, Nik (Centre For Institutions And Economic Performance-University Of Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/8u3xhy/cxpqzr;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Stoop, Nik (Centre For Institutions And Economic Performance-University Of Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/8u3xhy/ksaqon;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Stoop, Nik (Centre For Institutions And Economic Performance-University Of Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/8u3xhy/wjg9hz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Stoop, Nik (Centre For Institutions And Economic Performance-University Of Leuven);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/deuqry;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Hooghe, Marc (Leuven University); Oser, Jennifer (Ben-Gurion University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary;related publication on Harvard website yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/deuqry/j7uvvh;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Hooghe, Marc (Leuven University); Oser, Jennifer (Ben-Gurion University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/djhppe;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Jilke, Sebastian (School Of Public Affairs And Administration, Rutgers University-Newark); Petrovsky, Nicolai (Martin School Of Public Policy & Administration, University Of Kentucky); Meuleman, Bart (Centre For Sociological Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); James, Oliver (College Of Social Sciences And International Studies, University Of Exeter)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary;related publication on Harvard website yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/djhppe/2rih8y;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Jilke, Sebastian (School Of Public Affairs And Administration, Rutgers University-Newark); Petrovsky, Nicolai (Martin School Of Public Policy & Administration, University Of Kentucky); Meuleman, Bart (Centre For Sociological Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); James, Oliver (College Of Social Sciences And International Studies, University Of Exeter)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/djhppe/3pmqcn;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Jilke, Sebastian (School Of Public Affairs And Administration, Rutgers University-Newark); Petrovsky, Nicolai (Martin School Of Public Policy & Administration, University Of Kentucky); Meuleman, Bart (Centre For Sociological Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); James, Oliver (College Of Social Sciences And International Studies, University Of Exeter)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/djhppe/5d6vkm;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Jilke, Sebastian (School Of Public Affairs And Administration, Rutgers University-Newark); Petrovsky, Nicolai (Martin School Of Public Policy & Administration, University Of Kentucky); Meuleman, Bart (Centre For Sociological Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); James, Oliver (College Of Social Sciences And International Studies, University Of Exeter)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/djhppe/9qafyy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Jilke, Sebastian (School Of Public Affairs And Administration, Rutgers University-Newark); Petrovsky, Nicolai (Martin School Of Public Policy & Administration, University Of Kentucky); Meuleman, Bart (Centre For Sociological Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); James, Oliver (College Of Social Sciences And International Studies, University Of Exeter)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/djhppe/aq6brz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Jilke, Sebastian (School Of Public Affairs And Administration, Rutgers University-Newark); Petrovsky, Nicolai (Martin School Of Public Policy & Administration, University Of Kentucky); Meuleman, Bart (Centre For Sociological Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); James, Oliver (College Of Social Sciences And International Studies, University Of Exeter)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/djhppe/b2okkp;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Jilke, Sebastian (School Of Public Affairs And Administration, Rutgers University-Newark); Petrovsky, Nicolai (Martin School Of Public Policy & Administration, University Of Kentucky); Meuleman, Bart (Centre For Sociological Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); James, Oliver (College Of Social Sciences And International Studies, University Of Exeter)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/djhppe/fpats9;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Jilke, Sebastian (School Of Public Affairs And Administration, Rutgers University-Newark); Petrovsky, Nicolai (Martin School Of Public Policy & Administration, University Of Kentucky); Meuleman, Bart (Centre For Sociological Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); James, Oliver (College Of Social Sciences And International Studies, University Of Exeter)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/djhppe/li0e7g;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Jilke, Sebastian (School Of Public Affairs And Administration, Rutgers University-Newark); Petrovsky, Nicolai (Martin School Of Public Policy & Administration, University Of Kentucky); Meuleman, Bart (Centre For Sociological Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); James, Oliver (College Of Social Sciences And International Studies, University Of Exeter)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/djhppe/m7j46e;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Jilke, Sebastian (School Of Public Affairs And Administration, Rutgers University-Newark); Petrovsky, Nicolai (Martin School Of Public Policy & Administration, University Of Kentucky); Meuleman, Bart (Centre For Sociological Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); James, Oliver (College Of Social Sciences And International Studies, University Of Exeter)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/djhppe/x5guij;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Jilke, Sebastian (School Of Public Affairs And Administration, Rutgers University-Newark); Petrovsky, Nicolai (Martin School Of Public Policy & Administration, University Of Kentucky); Meuleman, Bart (Centre For Sociological Research, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); James, Oliver (College Of Social Sciences And International Studies, University Of Exeter)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary;related publication on Harvard website yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz/0yfw16;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz/1gdf3c;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz/3dhdsi;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz/eaymyp;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz/fer9en;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz/iniixj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz/kqlf6a;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz/ml8qdr;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz/n6bzzc;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz/p3mn6a;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz/rao2i0;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz/rr1p8n;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/jo2dqz/zc2ogj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Arts, Sam (KU Leuven); Cassiman, Bruno (IESE Business School And KU Leuven); Gomez, Juan Carlos (University Of Guanajuato)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/ubapzl;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Van Gruisen, Philippe (KU Leuven); Vangerven, Pieterjan (KU Leuven); Crombez, Christophe (KU Leuven, Stanford University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/ubapzl/77ggqc;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Van Gruisen, Philippe (KU Leuven); Vangerven, Pieterjan (KU Leuven); Crombez, Christophe (KU Leuven, Stanford University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/ubapzl/aarohk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Van Gruisen, Philippe (KU Leuven); Vangerven, Pieterjan (KU Leuven); Crombez, Christophe (KU Leuven, Stanford University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/ubapzl/fzd8hy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Van Gruisen, Philippe (KU Leuven); Vangerven, Pieterjan (KU Leuven); Crombez, Christophe (KU Leuven, Stanford University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/ubapzl/q0ta54;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Van Gruisen, Philippe (KU Leuven); Vangerven, Pieterjan (KU Leuven); Crombez, Christophe (KU Leuven, Stanford University)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/xsypo2;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Toivanen, Otto (Aalto University School Of Business, KU Leuven & CEPR); Väänänen, Lotta";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/xsypo2/6jcedq;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Toivanen, Otto (Aalto University School Of Business, KU Leuven & CEPR); Väänänen, Lotta";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/xsypo2/k1anqy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Toivanen, Otto (Aalto University School Of Business, KU Leuven & CEPR); Väänänen, Lotta";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/xsypo2/rajflp;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Toivanen, Otto (Aalto University School Of Business, KU Leuven & CEPR); Väänänen, Lotta";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;University AND Leuven;10.7910/dvn/xsypo2/wmbfdw;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Toivanen, Otto (Aalto University School Of Business, KU Leuven & CEPR); Väänänen, Lotta";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; no;University AND Leuven;10.7925/drs1.ivrla_50000;;This collections comprises of two publications: (1) 'The Beckett Country: Samuel Beckett's Ireland', by Eoin O'Brien, written to celebrate Samuel Beckett's eightieth birthday in 1986. (2) The catalogue to 'The Beckett Country' exhibition, first held in The Library, University of Reading, in May 1986.;UCD Library, University College Dublin;ucdco.jjl;1986;"c(""HasPart"", ""HasPart"") ; c(""10.7925/drs1.ivrla_50001"", ""10.7925/drs1.ivrla_50002"") ; c(""DOI"", ""DOI"")";O'Brien, Eoin, 1939- / Davison, David;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.11577/1255980;;Abstract;"Coherent X-ray Imaging Data Bank (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory); The Scripps Research Institute, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Medical School, University of Hamburg, CFEL, Arizona State University, Clinical Research Institute of Montreal, SLAC";doe.lbnl;2016;no_identifier;Fenalti, G.;no_identifier;no_affiliation;Publisher;primary;primary; no;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.13140/rg.2.2.24172.80002;;no_description;Unpublished;rg.rg;2020;no_identifier;Brandt, Koen De;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.14284/190;"";no_description;VLIZ;delft.vliz;2016;no_identifier;Jouk, Philippe / Schockaert, Ernest / Polk, Philip / Faculteit Wetenschappen. Limburgs Universitair Centrum (LUC) / Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium;no_identifier;Limburgs Universitair Centrum (LUC), Belgium / Limburgs Universitair Centrum (LUC), Belgium / Laboratory of Ecology and Systematics - VUB, Belgium / character(0) / character(0);Affiliations_data_creators+Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.1594/pangaea.911400;;"The Late Devonian envelops one of Earth's big five mass extinction events at the Frasnian-Famennian boundary, corresponding to the lower and upper Kellwasser black shales. The data of Magnetic susceptibility, Carbon isotopes and LogTi are used to build a cyclostratigraphic time scale. Logarithmic Titanium values were measured using a Bruker M4 Tornado (Vrije Universiteit, Brussels, Belgium), used for the µXRF measurements and operated under near-vacuum conditions (20 mbar). The conditions used were: a 30 W Rh anode metal-ceramic X-ray tube and a 30 mm2 SSD with a resolution of 145 eV (Mn–Ka). The X-ray beam was focused by a poly-capillary lens on a spot with a diameter of 25 mm (Mo–Ka). An integration time of 60 s per point was chosen, satisfying the conditions for reaching the Time of Stable Accuracy and Time of Stable Reproducibility and providing the ideal compromise between high analytical accuracy and precision and high sample throughput.The carbon (d13C) stable isotope ratios of bulk powered carbonate material were also determined at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, using a NuPerspective isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) interfaced with a NuCarb automated carbonate device. Acidification of the samples took place at a temperature of 70 °C. All values are expressed relative to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (‰VPDB) standard. Calibration was carried out using an in-house Marbella limestone (MAR) standard (+ 3.41 ‰VPDB) calibrated against the international NBS-19 standard30. On the basis of replicated measurements of the MAR standard, reproducibility errors on d13C are < 0.05 ‰ (1 s).Magnetic susceptibility was measured 3 times on each sample, witha KLY-3 AGICO Kappabridge device from Liege University (Belgium), averaged and weighted to produce mass-specific (m3/kg) data.";PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science;pangaea.repository;2020;"IsSupplementTo ; 10.1038/s41598-020-69097-6 ; DOI";Da Silva, Anne-Christine;;no_affiliation;Description;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.17026/dans-xe8-7t78;;This data deposit contains two surveys, organised by the FWO/FNRS Excellence of Science Consortium RepResent (Representation and Democratic Resentment) in the context of the 2019 general elections in Belgium. The RepResent project aims to understand how three forms of representations - substantive, procedural and symbolic - affect democratic resentment amongst the public. It brings together scholars from five Belgian universities, including University of Antwerp, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, KU Leuven, UCLouvain, and Université Libre de Bruxelles. For more information on the project, visit The first dataset is the longitudinal dataset which contains survey data from a CAWI survey amongst representative samples of Flemish, Walloon and Brussels citizens. Respondents in this survey were surveyed twice, once before the elections, and once again immediately after the elections. In total, the wave 1 sample comprises N=7,351 respondents (3,298 in Flanders, 3,025 in Wallonia, and 1,028 in Brussels), whereas the wave 2 sample comprises N=3,917 respondents (1,978 in Flanders, 1,429 in Wallonia, and 510 in Brussels). The second dataset is a cross sectional CAWI survey amongst Flemish (N=1,012) and Walloon (N=1,024) citizens that was organised immediately after the elections. The deposit contains STATA and SPSS versions of each dataset, as well as accompanying codebooks that outline the field work, samples, and full questionnaires.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2020;no_identifier;Walgrave, S. / Van Erkel, P. / Jennart, I. / Celis, K. / Deschouwer, K. / Marien, S. / Pilet, J.B. / Rihoux, B. / Van Haute, E. / Van Ingelgom, V. / Baudewyns, P. / Kern, A. / Lefevere, J.;no_identifier;University of Antwerp / University of Antwerp / character(0) / Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Vrije Universiteit Brussel / KU Leuven / Université Libre de Bruxelles / Université catholique de Louvain / Université Libre de Bruxelles / Université catholique de Louvain / Université catholique de Louvain / University of Ghent / Vrije Universiteit Brussel;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; no;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.17026/dans-xnp-39e5;;De geïnterviewde was zoon van een accountant uit Utrecht. Tijdens de bezetting was hij fiscus bij Utrechtse studentenvereniging Unitas. Hij kwam te werken voor het centraal distributiekantoor en kon hierdoor, vele mensen gedurende de oorlog van bonnen, stamkaarten en persoonsbewijzen voorzien. Hij vertelt uitvoerig hoe dit in zijn werk ging. Hij had tevens een joodse vriendin waarmee hij samen opgepakt werd. The interviewee was the son of an accountant in Utrecht. During the occupation he was treasurer of the Utrecht student fraternity Unitas. He was employed by the Central Distribution Office and was therefore able to provide many people with distribution coupons, ration cards and identity cards. He gives a detailed report of how this was worked out. He also had a Jewish girlfriend, together with whom he was once arrested.;Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS);dans.archive;2010;no_identifier;Vrije Universiteit / United States Holocaust Memorial Museum;no_identifier;no_affiliation;no_field;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.5281/zenodo.3600552;;"This data set reports on the methodologies and results of geochemical analysis carried out on samples of magmatic rock, calcite and sedimentary rocks of Hovedoya Island, Oslo fjord, Norway, in the framework of the publication by Poppe et al. (2020; Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems; The major and trace element bulk sample geochemical analysis was carried at the Laboratoire G-Time, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels (V. Debaille), the micro-XRF mapping and line scanning, was carried out at the laboratory of the Analytical and Environmental Geo-Chemistry (AMGC) group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels (N.J. de Winter, S. Poppe) and the stable isotope composition analysis was carried out as well at the AMGC laboratory (S. Poppe, S. Goderis), supervised by P. Claeys and M. Kervyn, in collaboration with P. Boulvias. Data sheets are provided in .csv or .xlsx format and compressed folders containing .TIF images of µXRF elemental maps are attached. This data set also contains the complete data sets obtained for the construction of calibration curves for µXRF line scan analysis of rock samples of magmatic composition at the AMGC laboratory at VUB.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.3600553 ; DOI";Poppe, Sam / Galland, Olivier / de Winter, Niels J. / Goderis, Steven / Claeys, Philippe / Debaille, Vincianne / Boulvais, Philippe / Kervyn, Matthieu;;Physical Geography, Department of Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium / Physics of Geological Processes, the Njord Center, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway / Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium / Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium / Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium / Laboratoire G-Time, Department of Geoscience, Environment and Society, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium / Géosciences Rennes, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes Cedex, France / Physical Geography, Department of Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.5281/zenodo.3600553;;"This data set reports on the methodologies and results of geochemical analysis carried out on samples of magmatic rock, calcite and sedimentary rocks of Hovedoya Island, Oslo fjord, Norway, in the framework of the publication by Poppe et al. (2020; Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems; The major and trace element bulk sample geochemical analysis was carried at the Laboratoire G-Time, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels (V. Debaille), the micro-XRF mapping and line scanning, was carried out at the laboratory of the Analytical and Environmental Geo-Chemistry (AMGC) group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels (N.J. de Winter, S. Poppe) and the stable isotope composition analysis was carried out as well at the AMGC laboratory (S. Poppe, S. Goderis), supervised by P. Claeys and M. Kervyn, in collaboration with P. Boulvias. Data sheets are provided in .csv or .xlsx format and compressed folders containing .TIF images of µXRF elemental maps are attached. This data set also contains the complete data sets obtained for the construction of calibration curves for µXRF line scan analysis of rock samples of magmatic composition at the AMGC laboratory at VUB.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.3600552 ; DOI";Poppe, Sam / Galland, Olivier / de Winter, Niels J. / Goderis, Steven / Claeys, Philippe / Debaille, Vincianne / Boulvais, Philippe / Kervyn, Matthieu;;Physical Geography, Department of Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium / Physics of Geological Processes, the Njord Center, Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway / Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium / Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium / Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium / Laboratoire G-Time, Department of Geoscience, Environment and Society, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium / Géosciences Rennes, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes Cedex, France / Physical Geography, Department of Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.5281/zenodo.3710187;;"This data set is the supplementary material to Grosse et al. (2020) 'Volcano growth versus deformation by strike-slip faults: morphometric characterization through analogue modelling', published in Tectonophysics ( The data set consists of (1) 249 digital elevation models (DEMs) of each step of the the analogue experiments carried out, in standard ENVI format, zipped; and (2) an Excel file containing the DEM-derived morphometric parameters for each of the analogue models. Experiments were carried out at the analogue modelling lab of the Department of Geography at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). A granular mixture of fine-grained quartz sand and kaolin clay was used as analogue material. Experiments were conducted on a fixed table, on which a basal layer of granular material was placed. A basal plate attached to a step-motor was used to simulate pure strike-slip displacements of the basal layer. Volcano growth was simulated by depositing loads of granular material on top of the basal layer from a point source. The analogue models were photographed at regular time intervals during the experiments using four digital cameras. The photographs were used to generate synthetic digital elevation models (DEMs) with 0.2 mm spatial resolution of each step of the analogue models by applying the MICMAC digital stereo-photogrammetry software. The ENVI software was used to re-sample the DEMs to a 0.5 mm spatial resolution and apply the noise-reduction Lee filter. Morphometric data were then extracted from the DEMs by applying two IDL-language algorithms: NETVOLC, used to automatically calculate the volcano edifice basal outline, and MORVOLC, used to extract a set of morphometric parameters.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.3710188 ; DOI";Grosse, Pablo / Poppe, Sam / Delcamp, Audray / van Wyk de Vries, Benjamin / Kervyn, Matthieu;no_identifier;CONICET and Fundación Miguel Lillo, Argentina / Department of Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium / Department of Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium / Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, IRD, OPGC, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Clermont-Ferrand, France / Department of Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.5281/zenodo.3710188;;"This data set is the supplementary material to Grosse et al. (2020) 'Volcano growth versus deformation by strike-slip faults: morphometric characterization through analogue modelling', published in Tectonophysics ( The data set consists of (1) 249 digital elevation models (DEMs) of each step of the the analogue experiments carried out, in standard ENVI format, zipped; and (2) an Excel file containing the DEM-derived morphometric parameters for each of the analogue models. Experiments were carried out at the analogue modelling lab of the Department of Geography at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium). A granular mixture of fine-grained quartz sand and kaolin clay was used as analogue material. Experiments were conducted on a fixed table, on which a basal layer of granular material was placed. A basal plate attached to a step-motor was used to simulate pure strike-slip displacements of the basal layer. Volcano growth was simulated by depositing loads of granular material on top of the basal layer from a point source. The analogue models were photographed at regular time intervals during the experiments using four digital cameras. The photographs were used to generate synthetic digital elevation models (DEMs) with 0.2 mm spatial resolution of each step of the analogue models by applying the MICMAC digital stereo-photogrammetry software. The ENVI software was used to re-sample the DEMs to a 0.5 mm spatial resolution and apply the noise-reduction Lee filter. Morphometric data were then extracted from the DEMs by applying two IDL-language algorithms: NETVOLC, used to automatically calculate the volcano edifice basal outline, and MORVOLC, used to extract a set of morphometric parameters.";Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.3710187 ; DOI";Grosse, Pablo / Poppe, Sam / Delcamp, Audray / van Wyk de Vries, Benjamin / Kervyn, Matthieu;no_identifier;CONICET and Fundación Miguel Lillo, Argentina / Department of Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium / Department of Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium / Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, IRD, OPGC, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Clermont-Ferrand, France / Department of Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium;Affiliations_data_creators+Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.5281/zenodo.3979152;;Supporting Information for Charge Interactions in a Highly Charge-depleted Protein Stefan Hervø-Hansena,b,1, Casper Højgaarda,1, Kristoffer Enøe Johanssona, Yong Wanga, Khadija Wahnic,d,e, David Youngc,d,e,§, Joris Messensc,d,e, Kaare Teiluma, Kresten Lindorff-Larsena**, and Jakob Rahr Winthera* aLinderstrøm-Lang Centre of Protein Science, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark, bDivision of Theoretical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Lund University, SE 221 00 Lund, Sweden, cVIB-VUB Center for Structural Biology, Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium, dBrussels Center for Redox Biology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium, eStructural Biology Brussels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium *To whom correspondence may be addressed **Co-corresponding author, 1 These authors contributed equally to this work. Preprint available on BioRXiv;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"HasVersion ; 10.5281/zenodo.3979153 ; DOI";Winther, Jakob R. / Højgaard, Casper / Teilum, Kaare;" ;";University of Copenhagen / University of Copenhagen / character(0);Description;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.5281/zenodo.3979153;;Supporting Information for Charge Interactions in a Highly Charge-depleted Protein Stefan Hervø-Hansena,b,1, Casper Højgaarda,1, Kristoffer Enøe Johanssona, Yong Wanga, Khadija Wahnic,d,e, David Youngc,d,e,§, Joris Messensc,d,e, Kaare Teiluma, Kresten Lindorff-Larsena**, and Jakob Rahr Winthera* aLinderstrøm-Lang Centre of Protein Science, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark, bDivision of Theoretical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Lund University, SE 221 00 Lund, Sweden, cVIB-VUB Center for Structural Biology, Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium, dBrussels Center for Redox Biology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium, eStructural Biology Brussels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium *To whom correspondence may be addressed **Co-corresponding author, 1 These authors contributed equally to this work. Preprint available on BioRXiv;Zenodo;cern.zenodo;2020;"IsVersionOf ; 10.5281/zenodo.3979152 ; DOI";Winther, Jakob R. / Højgaard, Casper / Teilum, Kaare;" ;";University of Copenhagen / University of Copenhagen / character(0);Description;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/20ir0p;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"Russo, Luana (Maastricht University); Riera, Pedro (University Carlos III Of Madrid); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel )";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/20ir0p/lwl6o4;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Russo, Luana (Maastricht University); Riera, Pedro (University Carlos III Of Madrid); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel )";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/20ir0p/tst2hu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Russo, Luana (Maastricht University); Riera, Pedro (University Carlos III Of Madrid); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel )";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it/1edw9j;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it/7tykyz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it/ahiqi1;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it/bqybhz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it/dyjx4e;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it/ggi0af;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it/h1ytyy;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it/jskxe0;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it/mi0zeo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it/n6bipu;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it/nq1cwj;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it/oikewa;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/7ga3it/tobh97;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2017;no_identifier;"Bol, Damien (King's College London); Beyens, Stefanie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Deschouwer, Chris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Pilet, Jean-Benoit (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Verthé, Tom (Vrije Universiteit Brussel); Stephenson, Laura (University Of Western Ontario); Blais, André (University Of Montreal)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/edejnd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;"André, Audrey (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Depauw, Sam (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/edejnd/7fbz5a;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"André, Audrey (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Depauw, Sam (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/edejnd/xioerc;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;"André, Audrey (Université Libre De Bruxelles); Depauw, Sam (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)";no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2016;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/3ghyfz;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;primary;primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/59ri0v;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/d9jly5;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/dqlzbk;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/ehm99a;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/h7roqi;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/hyqmdo;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/ipac6j;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/krdqpe;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/laxm6b;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/miiq07;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/pipvip;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/swsvim;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/tzssdd;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/ugbvug;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary; yes;Vrije AND Universiteit AND Brussel;10.7910/dvn/q8b8rn/xzjgjs;;no_description;Harvard Dataverse;gdcc.harvard-dv;2018;no_identifier;Gielen, Jeroen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel);no_identifier;no_affiliation;Names_data_creators;non_primary;non_primary;