Published January 1, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Deliverable 7.2 Website and Social Media


  • 1. University College Dublin


This Deliverable D7.2 namely “Website and Social Media” presents the strategy, roadmap, and timeline for the activities and tasks related to promoting the ARETE Project branding. These activities include designing and introducing project logo and PowerPoint templates of professional quality. This also includes the overall plan and timeline associated with ARETE Website including its i) design, ii) implementation and iii) maintenance. Project related Social media accounts (i.e. Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), dissemination materials (project leaflets, videos (YouTube channel) and mobile app) to promote the project are also introduced. Materials will be adapted for the targeted channels.

Activities also include the use of collaborative and communications tools (e.g. blogs, etc.), as well as communications on traditional channels, social channels and networks. According to the plan and activities introduced, all consortium partners will utilize outreach opportunities to demonstrate the project results and promote for outreach opportunities.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 856533.



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