DDI_XPath Required CDC Label Type Repeatable Usage note
/codeBook/@xml:lang Recommended Attribute ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used
/codeBook/@xsi:schemaLocation Mandatory Attribute System-required information - always "ddi:codebook:2_5 codebook.xsd"
/codeBook/docDscr/citation/titlStmt/titl Optional Content element No Title of the CDC XML document - note that the Study Title goes in /codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt/titl
/codeBook/docDscr/citation/titlStmt/titl/@xml:lang Mandatory if 'titl' element is present Attribute ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt/titl Mandatory Study title Content element No Title of the Study. If additional titles are required in other languages, use the parTitl element
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt/titl/@xml:lang Mandatory Attribute Language of the study title. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt/parTitl Optional Study title Content element Yes Title of the Study in additional languages other than the 'titl' element. It is preferable to include this element to hold an English version of the title if the 'titl' element is not in English.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt/parTitl/@xml:lang Mandatory if 'parTitl' element is present Attribute Language of the translated study title. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt/IDNo Mandatory Content element Yes The content of this element serves two purposes. It is used both for the PID and for the study/archival number given by the SP. These two cases have different specifications. IDNo in the sense of study number is optional. PID is mandatory
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt/IDNo/@xml:lang Recommended Attribute Language is recommended when the @agency attribute contains an organisation name, for example, in the context of 'IDNo' being used to display the internal study number
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/titlStmt/IDNo/@agency Mandatory Attribute Agency responsible for the identifier of the study. If you are using IDNo for a Persistent Identifer, value should be one of https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/vocabulary/CessdaPersistentIdentifierTypes i.e. ARK or DOI or Handle or URN
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/holdings/@xml:lang Recommended Attribute Language of the study description page at the SP website (there can be multiple 'holding' elements for study description pages in different languages. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/holdings/@URI Mandatory Attribute This is the document the metadata refers to, i.e. the URL of the study description page at the SP website.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/rspStmt/AuthEnty Recommended Creator Content element Yes Principal investigator Person OR Institution
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/rspStmt/AuthEnty/@xml:lang Recommended Attribute Language of the Organisation name, which may be the contents of the AuthEnty element or the @affiliation attribute of AuthEnty specifies a person. ISO 639-1 codes codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/rspStmt/AuthEnty/@affiliation Optional Attribute If AuthEnty is a person, the organisational affiliation of that person
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/distStmt/distrbtr Mandatory Publisher Content element Yes The element should contain the name of the organisation who has published the metadata for the harvested study description. This is usually the SP.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/distStmt/distrbtr/@xml:lang Mandatory Attribute Language of the organisation name. ISO codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/distStmt/distrbtr/@abbr Optional Attribute Abbreviated form of the Publisher name e.g. 'UKDA' for 'UK Data Archive'
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/distStmt/distDate Optional Year of publication Content element Yes The year or freetext date of when the study description was published. This element may be empty.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/citation/distStmt/distDate/@date Mandatory if 'distDate' element is present Year of publication Attribute Ideally 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ' format, but can accept 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM' or 'YYYY' as date format.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/subject/keyword Recommended Keyword Content element Yes Keyword for the study in the local language.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/subject/keyword/@xml:lang Mandatory if 'keyword' element is present Attribute Language of the keyword. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/subject/keyword/@vocab Recommended if 'keyword' element is present Attribute Source of keywords - ELSST is recommended but other vocabularies can be referenced.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/subject/keyword/@vocabURI Optional Attribute
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/subject/topcClas Recommended Topic Content element Yes Subject classifcation term for the study in the local language. Use descriptive terms from https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/vocabulary/TopicClassification if possible but other vocabularies are permitted.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/subject/topcClas/@xml:lang Mandatory if 'topcClas' element is present Attribute Language of the subject classification term. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/subject/topcClas/@vocab Recommended Attribute name of the vocabulary. If possible, use "CESSDA Topic Classification" (regardless of language) but other vocabularies are permitted.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/subject/topcClas/@vocabURI Recommended Attribute The Canonical URL of the CV version that is being used e.g. https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/v2/vocabularies/TopicClassification/4.0?languageVersion=en-4.0
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/abstract Mandatory Abstract Content element Yes The abstract for the study
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/abstract/@xml:lang Mandatory Attribute Language of the abstract. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/sumDscr/collDate Optional Data collection period Content element Yes This is the free text expression of the collection period. This element may be empty.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/sumDscr/collDate/@event Mandatory if parent is present Data collection period: start date OR Data collection period: End date Attribute Either 'start', 'end' or 'single' to indicate the type of @date Attribute
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/sumDscr/collDate/@date Recommended strongly if 'collDate' element is present. Attribute Ideally YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format, but can accept YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM or YYYY as date attribute. If there are multiple end dates, use the last.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/sumDscr/nation Recommended Country Content element Yes Countries relevant to the study area
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/sumDscr/nation/@xml:lang Mandatory if 'nation' element is present Attribute Language of the country label. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/sumDscr/nation/@abbr Recommended Attribute Use this attribute only if the country in the 'nation' element has an ISO 3166-1 2-letter code.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/sumDscr/anlyUnit Recommended Analysis unit Content element Yes Contains the Analysis Unit CV item in the local language.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/sumDscr/anlyUnit/@xml:lang Mandatory if 'anlyUnit' element is present Attribute Language of the Analysis Unit CV item. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/sumDscr/anlyUnit/concept Recommended Content element No
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/sumDscr/anlyUnit/concept/@vocab Recommended Attribute Use the string "DDI Analysis Unit" regardless of language.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/stdyInfo/sumDscr/anlyUnit/concept/@vocabURI Optional Attribute The Canonical URL of the CV version that is being used e.g. https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/v2/vocabularies/AnalysisUnit/1.0?languageVersion=en-1.0
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/timeMeth Recommended Time dimension Content element Yes Contains the Time Method CV item in the local language
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/timeMeth/@xml:lang Mandatory if 'timeMeth' element is present Attribute Language of the Time Method CV item. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/timeMeth/concept Content element No Time Method Controlled Vocabulary "Code value" that is the same across languages. e.g if the 'timeMeth' element is 'Pitkittäisaineisto' for Finnish, the 'concept' element is 'Longitudinal'. See example at https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.ddi.cv:TimeMethod
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/timeMeth/concept/@vocab Recommended Attribute Use the string "DDI Time Method" regardless of language.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/timeMeth/concept/@vocabURI Optional Attribute The Canonical URL of the CV version that is being used e.g. https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/v2/vocabularies/TimeMethod/1.2?languageVersion=en-1.2
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/sampProc Optional Sampling procedure Content element Yes Contains the Sampling Procedure CV item in the local language and/or a freetext description in the local language
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/sampProc/@xml:lang Mandatory if 'sampProc' element is present Attribute Language of the Sampling Procedure CV item or freetext description. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/sampProc/concept Content element No Sampling Procedure Controlled Vocabulary "Code value" that is the same across languages. e.g if the 'sampProc' element is 'Todennäköisyysotanta' for Finnish, the 'concept' element is 'Probability'. See example at https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.ddi.cv:SamplingProcedure
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/sampProc/concept/@vocab Recommended Attribute Use the string "DDI Sampling Procedure" regardless of language.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/sampProc/concept/@vocabURI Optional Attribute The Canonical URL of the CV version that is being used e.g. https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/v2/vocabularies/SamplingProcedure/1.1?languageVersion=en-1.1
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/collMode Recommended Data collection method Content element Yes Contains the Mode of Collection CV item in the local language.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/collMode/@xml:lang Mandatory if 'collMode' element is present Attribute Language of the Mode of Collection CV item. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/collMode/concept Content element No Mode of Collection Controlled Vocabulary "Code value" that is the same across languages. e.g if the 'collMode' element is 'Haastattelu' for Finnish, the 'concept' element is 'Interview'. See example at https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/urn/urn:ddi:int.ddi.cv:ModeOfCollection
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/collMode/concept/@vocab Recommended Attribute Use the string "DDI Mode of Collection" regardless of language.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/method/dataColl/collMode/concept/@vocabURI Optional Attribute The Canonical URL of the CV version that is being used e.g. https://vocabularies.cessda.eu/v2/vocabularies/ModeOfCollection/3.0?languageVersion=en-3.0
/codeBook/stdyDscr/dataAccs/useStmt/restrctn Recommended Terms of data access Content element Yes Refers to any information relating to the access and use conditions of data that the SP wants to send. SPs need to concatenate the information for 'restrctn' the way they want it to appear in the CDC, if they use data from different elements e.g.specPerm, restrctn, avlStatus etc.
/codeBook/stdyDscr/dataAccs/useStmt/restrctn/@xml:lang Mandatory if 'restrctn' is present Attribute Language of the Access statement. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used.
/codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/fileName Recommended Content element Yes Language-specific name of file
/codeBook/fileDscr/fileTxt/fileName/@xml:lang Recommended Language of data file(s). Attribute Language(s) of data files. The only information necessary for CDC is the language of the files, as this is needed for the filter. The values or content of 'fileName' are not extracted. ISO 639-1 codes are strongly encouraged to be used.