Subgenus Papillacarus (Vepracarus) Aoki, 1965

Type species: Vepracarus ogawai Aoki, 1965

Diagnosis. Notogastral surface never smooth, either with papilli, tubercles or polygonal sculptures. Pygidial setae branched, tree shaped or ciliate, presence of strong pygidial neotrichy (>18 pairs).

Ecology. Natural habitats include litter and soil ecosystems, also found in moss and on epiphytes.

Distribution (Fig. 2). Nearctic, Neotropical, Palaearctic, Afrotropical and Oriental regions. The genus is mostly distributed in the oriental region (15 species) and no representations in Australian and Antarctic realms. P. (V.) hirsutus (Aoki, 1961) has been reported from seven different countries belonging to three geographical realms viz. Neotropical, Palaearctic and Oriental. Nearctic and Afrotropical regions have single representations only.