Brujita chapulapa n. gen., n. sp.

(Figs 1-5) 8303BC47-4F38-4414-86D1-6B50FBA1D792

TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype. Mexico • ♂; Oaxaca: San Francisco Chapulapa, J2 cave; 17°54’12.8”N, 96°45’54.2”W; 01.V.2009; M. Pugliese leg.; CNAN-T01342.

Paratype. Mexico • ♂; same locality as for holotype; 10.IV.2006; V. Siegel leg.; CNAN-T01343.

DIAGNOSIS. — As for the genus.

ETYMOLOGY. — Noun in apposition referring to the type locality.

DESCRIPTION Measurement Scutum length = 2.6 mm; scutum width at mid-bulge level = 1.9 mm; scutum width at posterior margin = 2.2 mm; cheliceral hand length = 2.2 mm.

Body (Figs 1; 2)

Scutum type zeta (ζ) with constriction 1 shallow, constriction 2 not marked, posterior margin wider than mid-bulge area. Ocularium at the frontal margin of scutum, base cylindrical, apically rounded, with no eyes. With lateral clear areas teardrop-shaped, at level of mesotergal area II. Dorsum smooth, with few and very small tubercles in the middle of each mesotergal areas. Sulcus I well marked, sulci II-IV shallow. Free tergites without ornamentation. Coxae I-IV similar in size ventrally, ornated with long spiniform setiferous tubercles, larger on coxae I and II. Stigmatic area triangular, spiracles hidden between coxae IV and stigmatic area. Free sternites without ornamentation.

Chelicera (Fig. 3A, B)

Basichelicerite elongated, with bulla well marked and ornated with spiniform tubercles dorsally and ventrally.Cheliceral hand swollen, covered with many setae. Fixed cheliceral finger with five teeth, the second bifid. Movable finger with four teeth, the basalmost blunt and larger than the others.

Pedipalp (Fig. 3C, D)

Trochanter with a long basal setiferous spiniform tubercle; femur with a ventral row of six spiniform setiferous tubercles, the second the largest, and with long setiferous tubercle on mesal side; patella with a subapical spiniform setiferous tubercle on mesal side; tibia with IIi (1 =2>3) and iiII (3 =4>1 =2) on mesal and ectal margins, respectively, SST 1-3 indicated on the figure.Tarsus with III SST (1>2>3) on both margins; tarsal claw as large as tarsus.

Legs (Table 2)

All legs slender and long, without armature, only with few setae, trochanter III rounded. Tarsal count: 6(3):27(3):6:7, first tarsomere of all legs very large, about one third of the length of the tarsus.

Penis (Fig. 4)

Flimsy lamina of penis spoon-shaped, with a dorsal depression with the follis inserted on it; follis six times longer than wide, with stylus smooth and apical small bristles; with a dorsal lobe on the base of stylus; MS A+ B, C and D very long, MS C and D apically pointed, MS A + B apically spatulate, both groups set together and impossible to separate; two pairs of both MS C and D at the same level, laterally to follis; four pairs of MS A + B forming a row at the base of pars distalis, a pair of small MS E in the middle of ventral face of flimsy lamina, at the same level of MS C.

