Published February 26, 2021 | Version v1
Poster Open

Confirming the "Lobster" Diagram: Unresolved Companions in K+K Wide Binaries with TESS and Kepler

  • 1. Georgia State University
  • 2. Lowell Observatory




We present an analysis of TESS and Kepler light curves for 4,947 K+K wide binaries from the SUPERWIDE Catalog. We use these systems to examine the usefulness of the “Lobster” diagram, a plot which allows for the identification of over-luminous components in wide binaries using Gaia data alone.  These over-luminous components are believed to be unresolved binaries, making the wide binaries a triple (or even quadruple) system.  To confirm this, we search through the high cadence light curves from TESS, Kepler and K2 and the data products produced from the MIT Quick Lookup Pipeline for signals from eclipses and from rotational modulation in spotted fast-rotating stars.  We identify 64 eclipsing systems and 115 systems showing signs of fast rotation.   We highlight the systems containing eclipsing binaries, fast rotators (P<5 days) and rotators (P>5 days) on the “Lobster” diagram.  Eclipsing binaries are overwhelmingly found to be in areas that show a component is over-luminous.  Fast rotators are also more likely to be found in these areas while stars showing rotation with periods > 5 days are more likely to be found where true wide binaries are believed to be located.



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  • Hartman, Z. & Lépine S., 2020, ApJS, 247, 66.
  • Huang C. X., Vanderburg A., Pál, A., et al. 2020, RNAAS, 2, 204
  • Lightkurve Collaboration, 2018,ASCL, 1812.013
  • Simonian, G. V. A., Pinsonneault M. H., Terndrup D. M., 2019, ApJ, 871, 174