------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document lists the primary data information on the experiments for publication: Fiedler, S., and Putrasahan, D.: How does the North Atlantic SST pattern respond to anthropogenic aerosols in the 1970s and 2000s? Geophysical Research Letters, accepted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We provide processed data shown in our manuscript as netCDF files, freely accessible and citable via zenodo. These are listed in the following. Content File name ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mean difference in sea-surface. SST_change_SP-75_minus_PI.nc temperatures associated with the change in the anthropogenic aerosol pattern between 1850 and 1975 from 200-years of model output of MPI-ESM1.2 (Figure 1c, Fiedler and Putrasahan, 2021) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mean difference in sea-surface SST_change_SP-05_minus_SP-75.nc temperatures associated with the change in the anthropogenic aerosol pattern between 1975 and 2005 from 200-years of model output of MPI-ESM1.2 (Figure 1d, Fiedler and Putrasahan, 2021) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mean difference in zonal 10m-wind UWIND_change_SP-75-ATF_minus_PI.nc component associated with the change in the anthropogenic aerosol pattern between 1850 and 1975 (enhanced anthropogenic aerosol optical depth) from 200-years of model output of MPI-ESM1.2 (Figure 1e, Fiedler and Putrasahan, 2021) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mean difference in the mean sea-level MSLP_change_SP-75-ATF_minus_PI.nc pressure associated with the change in the anthropogenic aerosol pattern between 1850 and 1975 (enhanced anthropogenic aerosol optical depth) from 200-years of model output of MPI-ESM1.2 (Figure 1f, Fiedler and Putrasahan, 2021) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mean North Atlantic overturning circulation AMOC_*.nc at 1000 m below the sea surface in the (*) experiments with MPI-ESM1.2 (Figure 2a-b, Fiedler and Putrasahan, 2021) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mean total northward Atlantic heat transport NAHT_total_*.nc in the experiments with MPI-ESM1.2 (Figure 2c-e, Fiedler and Putrasahan, 2021) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gyre component of the mean northward Atlantic NAHT_gyre_*.nc heat transport in the experiments with MPI-ESM1.2 (Figure 2c-e, Fiedler and Putrasahan, 2021) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overturning component of the mean northward NAHT_moc_*.nc Atlantic heat transport in the experiments with MPI-ESM1.2 (Figure 2c-e, Fiedler and Putrasahan, 2021) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Primary data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The primary data of the publication Fiedler and Putrasahan (2021) is documented in compliance with the MPI-M policy on good scientific practise, accessible online (version: November, 21 2019): https://mpimet.mpg.de/fileadmin/publikationen/Volltexte_diverse/Good_Scientific_Practice.pdf Our article describes the procedure for creating the model data. We here list additional administrative and technical information that might be helpful to repeat the experiments, i.e., how to gain access to the model code of the revision used, the code changes made for our study, and the information for the run scripts of our model experiments. As secondary information, we further list where original model output has been stored in the archive of the DKRZ and which software was used for analysing the data and creating the manuscript. 1. Model source code of MPI-ESM1.2 ------------------------------ model version: mpiesm-1.2.01 code revision: 9152 svn name: mpiesm-1.2.01-rc2_r9152 project account: mh0730 supercomputer: mistral of DKRZ The model code of MPI-ESM1.2 is accessible and free for scientific use after accepting the license agreement via the MPI-ESM user forum. Please visit: https://mpimet.mpg.de/en/science/models/availability-licenses for further information on code licenses of the institute, and https://mpimet.mpg.de/en/science/models/mpi-esm/mpi-esm-users-forum for the registration in the MPI-ESM user forum. The history of the model source code of MPI-ESM1.2 is fully traceable via the forum. Information on using mistral of DKRZ is available on: https://www.dkrz.de/up/systems. 2. Model setup ------------------------------ Compiler and input data used in the study follow the standard for MPI-ESM1.2 experiments on the supercomputer mistral at DKRZ. These settings are documented in the RECIPE file for running MPI-ESM1.2 experiments and the namelist of the experiments in the run scripts as part of the MPI-ESM1.2 code. We state the changes made to the standard setup for our experiments in the following. Run script change for all experiment: iaero = 9 Further changes for our experiments: ------------------------------------------------------------ 1850: ---------------------------------- Run script change: fix_yr = 1850 ---------------------------------- 2005: ---------------------------------- Run script change: fix_yr = 2005 ---------------------------------- 1975: ---------------------------------- Run script change: fix_yr = 1975 ---------------------------------- 1975-NT: ---------------------------------- Run script change: fix_yr = 1975 Code change from standard setup of revision in mo_simple-plumes.f90: dNovrN(icol) = 1 ---------------------------------- 1975-EA: ---------------------------------- Run script change: fix_yr = 1975 Code change from standard setup of revision in mo_simple-plumes.f90: aod_spmx = aod_spmx * 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secondary information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Analyses ------------ Analyses of the output data were done with ksh scripts and CDO, documented online: https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/projects/cdo/ The graphical display of the results was done with python programs using the standard software module python/2.7-ve0 on mistral/mistralpp. 2. Manuscript production ---------------------- Collections of subfigures and graphical editing was done with Adobe Illustrator on a MAC laptop. The paper was written and compiled with LaTex on overleaf. 3. Model output ---------------------- In addition to the processed data provided on zenodo, more model output is available in the tape archive of the DKRZ: - Atmospheric model output of the experiments are stored in: /hpss/arch/mh0730/m300385/MPI-ESM/NASST/1850_echam6_echam.tar /hpss/arch/mh0730/m300385/MPI-ESM/NASST/2005_echam6_echam.tar /hpss/arch/mh0730/m300385/MPI-ESM/NASST/1975_echam6_echam.tar /hpss/arch/mh0730/m300385/MPI-ESM/NASST/NT1975_echam6_echam.tar /hpss/arch/mh0730/m300385/MPI-ESM/NASST/EA1975_echam6_echam.tar