Published February 25, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

EOSC-Life Review of EOSC-Life training activities, their impact and potential adaptations

  • 1. EATRIS
  • 2. EMBL-EBI
  • 3. Uni Cambridge
  • 4. UGent


This document will outline the training activities that have been completed since the beginning of the grant, their impact and potential adaptations. The EOSC-Life training programme is built on the training needs analysis, which was presented in D9.1 Final report of analysis of the training needs of different EOSC-Life users in month 12. EOSC-Life training is aimed at two target communities that have distinct needs and different roles towards establishing a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): (i) the BMS Research Infrastructures (data) staff and (ii) the end-user of the (data) services offered.

The deliverable gives an overview on the wide range of training offers completed, which highlight that EOSC-Life managed extremely well to adapt the training to remote offers as a response to the pandemic restrictions and to ensure cross WP involvement.

Training in EOSC-Life has been organised in a top-down as well as bottom-up approach, top-down training activities have been organised by the technical work packages in EOSC-Life as well as the training work package, while the Training Open Call process allows for training activities organised by the EOSC-Life community to receive EOSC-Life support. All training activities relate to the needs analysis. Two separate rounds of the Training Open Call have been completed, in total we received 15 applications and 8 proposals received funding. In this document we explain the procedure of the Training Open Call and any modifications that have been made based on the experience of the first two rounds.

This deliverable describes what makes a successful training event for EOSC-Life and how Quality and Impact is defined and measured in this context. We outline the process to enable data capture and reporting for training providers, training work-package leads and EOSC-Life leads.

In conclusion, the document describes future work along the main strands of EOSC-Life training activities.


EOSC-Life_D9.2_Review of EOSC-Life training activities_February 2021.pdf

Additional details


EOSC-Life – Providing an open collaborative space for digital biology in Europe 824087
European Commission