Data to the following article: Authors: Schomaker, J., & Wittmann, B.C. (accepted:2021). Title: Effects of Active Exploration on Novelty-Related Declaritive Memory Enhancement. Journal: Neurobiology of Learning & Memory Headers: Subject_number : Numbers used from 11-53 (note that 15 and 37 were not used, as these were no-shows) Inclusion : 1 = included; 0 = excluded. Exclusion reasons include history of mental illness/intake psychotropic medication/incompleted tasks/outliers > 2 std of the mean Age : in years Gender : 1=male;2=female; Bilingual : 1=no;2=yes ActivePassive : 1=active; 2=passive WordList_day1 : there were two word lists; 1=list 1; 2=list 2 WordList_day2 : there were two word lists; 1=list 1; 2=list 2 Environment_day1 : there were two virtual environments (VEs); 1=VE 1; 2=VE 2 Environment_day2 : there were two virtual environments (VEs); 1=VE 1; 2=VE 2 DayFamiliar : which day did participants explore the novel/familiar environment? Either day 2 or day 3 Recall_day2 : proportion of recalled words Recall_day3 : proportion of recalled words RecallFam : proportion of recalled words RecallNew : proportion of recalled words MotivationFamiliar : rating on 5-point Likert scale MotivationNovel : rating on 5-point Likert scale TirednessFam : rating on 5-point Likert scale TirednessNovel : rating on 5-point Likert scale SadnessFamiliar : rating on 5-point Likert scale SadnessNovel : rating on 5-point Likert scale ArousalFamiliar : rating on 5-point Likert scale ArousalNovel : rating on 5-point Likert scale BoredomFamiliar : rating on 5-point Likert scale BoredomNovel : rating on 5-point Likert scale AttentionFamiliar : rating on 5-point Likert scale AttentionNovel : rating on 5-point Likert scale HappinessFam : rating on 5-point Likert scale HappinessNovel : rating on 5-point Likert scale IPQ_day1 : Igroup Presence Questionnaire: : sum over subscales IPQ_day2 : Igroup Presence Questionnaire: : sum over subscales IPQ_day3 : Igroup Presence Questionnaire: : sum over subscales familiarizationIPQ : Igroup Presence Questionnaire: : sum over subscales novelIPQ : Igroup Presence Questionnaire: : sum over subscales familiarIPQ : Igroup Presence Questionnaire: : sum over subscales NS : Novelty Seeking scale: mean proportion of ones over subscales (after rescoring) filter_$