Prostheceraeus moseleyi Lang, 1884

Figs 1A, 7C

Material examined

AZORES • 1 spec.; São Miguel Island; 37°44′59.23″ N, 25°37′12.12″ W (Fig. 1A 1); 22 Jul. 2001; Leopoldo Moro leg.; RCCN.


Tyrrhenian Sea (Lang 1884); Ria de Arosa, Spain (Noreña et al. 2015). This species has also been cited by DORIS (Données d’Observations pour la Reconnaissance et l’Identification de la faune et la flore Subaquatiques) for the English Channel and the North Sea, from the south of the United Kingdom to the Bay of Biscay (Spain) (

New record

S„o Miguel Island, Azores.


The specimen collected in the Azores presents similar coloration to the specimen photographed by Wirtz & Debelius (2003) and determined as Euryleptidae sp.

Family Anonymidae Lang, 1884

Genus Anonymus Lang, 1884