21. Morellia (M.) micans (Macquart, 1855)

(Figs 77–82)

Cyrtoneura micans Macquart, 1855a: 136; 1855b: 116. Type locality: U.S.A., Maryland, Baltimore. Lectotype ♀, BMNH (des. Pont 2012: 73 –74; seen).

Cyrtoneura recurva Thomson, 1869: 548. Type locality: U.S.A., California, San Francisco district (see Persson 1972: 169). Holotype Ƌ, NHRS (seen).

Redescription. Colour. Black, with grey pruinosity. Frontal vitta and fronto-orbital plate black; lower third of fronto-orbital plate with silver pruinosity; face and parafacial black with silver pruinosity; gena with grey pruinosity; antenna black with grey pruinosity; palpus black; mesonotum metallic black with one silver dusted central vitta in front of the acrostichals and a grey dusted central vitta along presutural acrostichals; postpronotal lobe and notopleuron silver pruinose; other pleura faint grey pruinose; legs black; haltere with a brown stalk and yellow knob; lower calypter brownish; upper calypter white and on outer half white and opaque; wing without dark markings; abdomen with weak grey pruinosity but last tergite with silver pruinosity.

Male. Body length: 6.0–8.0 mm; wing length: 5.0–6.0 mm.

Head. Eyes bare but with the usual minute and scattered hairs, separated at level of anterior ocellus by 0.16– 0.20 of head width; frons divergent towards lunule; ocellar triangle with 6 pairs of setae; 20–21 pairs of frontal setae; postpedicel 1.3–1.8 times the length of pedicel; pedicel with 2–3 setae and a few setulae; arista plumose, with 15–16 cilia, bare apicad, and with some secondary plumes as far as level of 5th or 6th cilia; vibrissa as long as arista; 1 strong supravibrissal seta, half as long as vibrissa, and a few setulae that extend to level of basal fourth of postpedicel; 3–4 subvibrissal setae followed by 5–8 genal setae.

Thorax. Acrostichals 0+1; dorsocentrals 3 (the anterior weak) + 4; intra-alars 1+1; presutural 1; prealar 1, half the length of first supra-alar; supra-alars 2; postpronotals 3; notopleuron with 2 long subequal setae and covered with ground-setulae; postalars 2; intrapostalar 1; scutellum with 1 basal, 2 discal and 1 apical pairs of setae, and latero-ventrally with many setae, the basalmost ones downcurved; postalar wall bare; suprasquamal ridge bare; proepisternal depression bare; proepimeron with about 5 long setae and many setulae; prosternum broad and bare; anepisternum with a posterior row of about 10 setae, with 3 weak setae upcurved on upper-anterior corner, and covered with long setulae; katepisternals 1+2; anepimeron setulose medially and on subalar ridge; katepimeron bare; anatergite bare; katatergite setulose. Legs: fore femur with a posterodorsal row of setae on apical two-thirds becoming shorter basad, a complete posteroventral row of setae, and a group of long and weak ventral setae at base; fore tibia with many rows of posteroventral to ventral setae, longer in lower half, a posterodorsal row of short and strong setae, 1 dorsal, 1 posterodorsal, 1 anteroventral and 1 posterior preapical setae, and anterior surface with a ctenidium of golden setulae; mid femur with a tubercle on anterior and posterior surfaces, 1–2 anterior setae on middle third, and a group of long setae with curved tips on basal third of anteroventral to posteroventral surfaces that continues as a row of short setae on these surfaces; mid tibia with one anterodorsal and one anteroventral comb-like rows of short setae ending with an anterior brush, with a group of short anterior setae at base, a posteroventral row of 4–5 strong setae on basal two-thirds, the lower 2 longer, 2 anterodorsal and 1 dorsal preapical setae and 1 anteroventral, 1 posteroventral, 1 posterior and 2 ventral apical setae; hind femur with an anteroventral row of setae, strongest on apical third, an anterodorsal row of setae, a group of posterior setulae at base, 3 posterodorsal preapical setae, and few posteroventral setulae on apical fourth; hind tibia with 6 short and subequal anteroventral setae on apical two-thirds, an anterodorsal row of 7 short setae on basal half, the lowermost longer, 1 long posterodorsal seta on apical third and 3 weak posteroventral setae on middle third, 1 anterodorsal and 1 dorsal preapical seta and no apical setae; hind tarsus with long setae ventrally. Wing with a uniform covering of microtrichia; dm-cu almost sinuous; stem-vein bare on dorsal surface, and ventrally with about 3 short setulae before humeral cross-vein and bare after humeral cross-vein; R2+3 bare on dorsal and ventral surfaces; R4+5 setulose from base to midway to r-m on dorsal surface and as far as r-m on ventral surface; 5–6 strong setae on basicosta.

Abdomen. With lateral tufts of setulae; all tergites with many setae; sternite 1 setulose; posterior margin of sternite 5 concave and with some setae on membrane (Fig. 77).

Terminalia. Cercal plate ventrally with 1 strong spine; surstylus with some setae apically (Figs 78–79); aedeagus with many spicules on anterior membrane of distiphallus; gonopod with 2 long and strong setae on basal third; paramere with some setulae apically (Fig. 80).

Female. Body length: 6.0–7.0 mm; wing length: 6.0 mm.

Similar to male, differing as follows: the pruinosity is more intense and tergite 5 is covered with golden pruinosity; calypters whitish; eyes separated at level of anterior ocellus by 0.34–0.37 of head width; fronto-orbital plate with 4 proclinate setae, the upper 2 weaker, and 1 reclinate setula; ocellar triangle with 1 pair of strong setae and 3 pairs of weaker setae; about 11–12 frontal setae; fore femur with a small group of short and weak ventral setae at base; fore tibia with a golden and brush-like ctenidium on ventral surface; mid femur without a tubercle or an excavation at apex of dorsal surface, without a group of long setae with curved tips on basal third of anteroventral to posteroventral surfaces; mid tibia with 5 posterior setae instead of posteroventrals; hind tibia with a row of 5–6 setae; hind tarsus without modifications in shape or bristling.

Ovipositor. Tergite 6 like 2 golf-club-shaped rods, posteriorly with some setulae; tergite 7 as 2 rods, posteriorly with some setulae; tergite 8 as 2 rods, posteriorly with few setae; sternite 6 as 1 small rod, anteriorly enlarged, posteriorly with 4 small plates with setae; sternite 7 as 1 rod, anteriorly enlarged, posteriorly with 2 small plates with small setae; sternite 8 as 2 rods posteriorly with 2 narrow plates with small spines; epiproct small with 4 small setae; hypoproct with many setae; cercus cylindrical (Figs 81–82).

Material examined. CANADA: Quebec, Gatineau County, Lake Duncan near Masham, Malaise trap, 4– 8.viii.1979, A. C. Pont, 1 Ƌ (BMNH); Quebec, Lake Duncan, swamp, 6.vii.1991, A.C. Pont, 1 Ƌ and 1 ♀ (BMNH); Quebec, Lake Duncan, 1.5 miles north, 30.vi.1991, A.C. Pont, 1 ♀ (BMNH); U.S. A.: Maryland, Baltimore, lectotype ♀ of Cyrtoneura micans Macquart (BMNH); California, San Francisco district (see Persson 1972: 169), holotype Ƌ of Cyrtoneura recurva Thomson (NHRS).

Distribution. NEARCTIC: U.S. A. and Canada, from Alaska east to Newfoundland, south to California, Oklahoma, Illinois and Georgia.