2. Morellia (M.) aenescens Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

(Figs 7–12)

Morellia aenescens Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 406. Type locality: FRANCE, Saint-Sauveur. Syntypes, formerly in Robineau- Desvoidy collection, now destroyed (not MNHN; see Evenhuis et al. 2010).

Muscina concolor Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 408. [Junior secondary homonym, preoccupied in Morellia by Morellia concolor Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830.] Type locality: FRANCE, Saint-Sauveur. Syntypes: ♀♀, formerly in Robineau-Desvoidy collection, now destroyed (not MNHN; see Evenhuis et al. 2010).

Curtonevra curvipes Macquart, 1834a: 12; 1834b: 148. Type locality: FRANCE, Lille district. Type location: Lectotype ♂, MHNL (des. Pont 2012: 57; seen).

Cyrtoneura valga Wahlberg in Zetterstedt, 1845: 1348. Type locality: SWEDEN, Lule Lappmark, Kvikkjokk. Syntypes: ƋƋ, probably in NHRS but not recognised (Pont 2011: 63).

Camilla fuscana Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863: 642. Type locality: FRANCE, Paris district. Holotype/syntypes Ƌ, formerly in Robineau-Desvoidy collection, now destroyed (not MNHN; see Evenhuis et al. 2010).

Camilla vivida Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863: 642. Type locality: FRANCE, Paris district. Holotype/syntypes Ƌ, formerly in Robineau-Desvoidy collection, now destroyed (not MNHN; see Evenhuis et al. 2010).

Cyrtoneura aculeata Egger, 1865: 291. Type locality: AUSTRIA, in the high mountains. Syntypes: ƋƋ, not located and presumed lost (not in NHMW; see Brauer & Bergenstamm 1891: 421).

Redescription. Colour. Black, with grey pruinosity. Frontal vitta and upper half of fronto-orbital plate black, lower half of fronto-orbital plate and parafacial black, with silver pruinosity; face, gena and antenna black with grey pruinosity; palpus black; mesonotum metallic black with one silver-dusted central vitta along line of presutural acrostichals, grey along anterior half of postsutural acrostichals, and grey dusted on posterior half between acrostichals and dorsocentrals; postpronotal lobe, notopleuron and anepisternum silver pruinose; pleura silver pruinose; scutellum dusted with grey pruinosity; legs black; haltere yellow with a brown stalk and yellow knob; calypters whitish, lower calypter white to yellow; upper calypter on outer half white and opaque; wing without dark markings; abdomen with a shifting tessellated pattern, last tergite and ventrally with silver pruinosity.

Male. Body length: 6.0 mm; wing length: 5.0–6.0 mm.

Head. Eye bare, separated at level of anterior ocellus by about 0.28–0.29 of head width; frons divergent towards lunule; ocellar triangle with a pair of setae and few long setulae; 14–19 pairs of frontal setae, the uppermost 2 or 3 weaker; postpedicel about 1.4–1.8 times the length of pedicel; pedicel with 2 setae and few setulae; arista plumose, with 14 cilia, bare apicad, and with some secondary plumes as far as level of 2nd to 4th cilia; vibrissa as long as arista; 1 strong supravibrissal seta, half as long as vibrissa, and many other setulae that extend to level of basal fourth of postpedicel; 4–5 subvibrissal setae followed by 6–9 genal setae.

Thorax. Acrostichals 0+2; dorsocentrals 3+4; intra-alars 1+1; presutural 1; prealar 1; supra-alars 2; postpronotals 3; notopleuron with 2 long, subequal setae and covered with ground setulae; postalars 2; intrapostalar 1; scutellum with 1 basal, 1 latero-discal and 1 apical pairs of setae, and latero-ventrally with few setae, the basalmost ones downcurved; postalar wall bare; suprasquamal ridge with short pile; proepisternal depression bare; proepimeron with about 8–9 long setae and many setulae; prosternum broad and bare; anepisternum covered with long setulae, posterior row with about 9 setae and many setulae, and 2 weak upper-anterior setae; katepisternals 1+2; anepimeron setulose medially and on subalar ridge; katepimeron bare; anatergite bare; katatergite setulose. Legs: fore femur with an anteroventral row of short setae on basal half, a posterodorsal row of setae on apical twothirds becoming shorter basad, and a complete posteroventral row of setae; fore tibia with an anterodorsal row of short and strong setae, 1 long posteroventral seta on mid third, many setulae on ventral surface, and 1 anterodorsal, 1 dorsal and 1 posteroventral apical setae; fore tarsomere 1 with some long setae; mid femur without a tubercle, with 1 spinose and long ventral seta on basal third, 2–3 posterodorsal preapical setae and no posteroventral setae; mid tibia curved with an anterodorsal comb-like ctenidium of very short setae, 3 strong posterior setae on apical half, no preapical setae, and 1 anteroventral, 1 posteroventral and 2 ventral apical setae; hind femur with an anteroventral row of setae, strongest on apical third, an anterodorsal row of setae, 2 posterodorsal preapical setae, a group of posterior setulae at base, and a few posteroventral setulae on apical fourth; hind tibia curved with 2 long anteroventral setae that are curled at tips on apical fourth, an anterodorsal row of short setae, the 2 median ones longer, a long and strong posterodorsal seta on apical third, 1–2 posteroventral setae like those on anteroventral surface, 1 dorsal and 1 anterodorsal preapical seta, and 1 ventral apical, a few posteroventral apical setulae, and a posterior brush-like ctenidium; hind tarsus with long setae on basal segment and laterally at apex of others segments. Wing with a uniform covering of microtrichia; dm-cu sinuous; stem-vein bare on dorsal surface, and ventrally with about 2–4 short setulae before humeral cross-vein and bare after humeral cross-vein; R2+3 bare on dorsal and ventral surfaces; R4+5 setulose from base to midway to r-m on dorsal surface and at base on ventral surface; 5–6 strong setae on basicosta.

Abdomen. Syntergite 1+2 with a lateral tuft of setulae; tergites 3–5 with setae laterally; tergites 4 and 5 with marginal setae; tergite 5 with few discal setae; sternite 1 setulose; sternite 5 with long setae, posterior margin slightly concave and bare (Fig. 7).

Terminalia. Cercal plate and surstyli as in Fig. 8; surstylus with four setae on apical half (Fig. 9); aedeagal apodeme narrowed apically; basiphallus long; aedeagus bare; gonopod with two long and strong setae; paramere with many setae on apical half and narrowed apically (Fig. 10).

Female. Body length: 6.0 mm; wing length: 5.0 mm.

Similar to male, differing as follows: eyes separated at level of anterior ocellus by about 0.41–0.47 of head width; fronto-orbital plate with 2 proclinate setae, 4 proclinate setulae and no reclinate setulae; proepimeron with about 3–4 long setae and few setulae; mid femur without the strong and long ventral seta on basal third but with a ventral row of weak setae on basal half; mid tibia with a posterior row of 4–5 strong setae on basal two-thirds; hind tibia slightly curved, with 3 anteroventral setae on apical half and without long anteroventral and posteroventral setae.

Ovipositor. Tergite 7 golf club-like, with 2 plates with setae, tergite 8 broadly rod-like, anteriorly broadened with 2 plates with spines; sternites 6 and 7 broadly rod-like, a little broader at base with 1 plate with setae, tergite 8 narrowly rod-like with 2 plates with 3 spines; epiproct with 4 setae, hypoproct with many setae; cercus cylindrical and long (Figs 11–12).

Material examined. FRANCE: Lille district, no further data, lectotype Ƌ of Curtonevra curvipes Macquart (MHNL); AUSTRIA: Matrei in Osttirol, 16.viii.1967, A.C. Pont, 1 Ƌ (BMNH); Tyrol, Obergurgl, 14.viii.1969, A.C. Pont & B. Pont, 1 Ƌ (BMNH); GEORGIA: Caucasus Mts, Kazbegi, 5.vii.1983, A.C. Pont, 1 ♀ (BMNH); SWEDEN: Skåne, Rovarekulan, 2.viii.1980, A.C. Pont, 1 ♀ (BMNH).

Distribution. PALAEARCTIC: throughout the Palaearctic Region from Spain to Fennoscandia, east through Russia and Central Asia to China and Japan (Hokkaîdo).