Melanella sp. 2

(Figure 18 A–F)

Material examined. Brazil: Ceará: (03°30′51″S 37°59′28″W, 384 m), RV Natureza, 07/xi/2001: MNRJ 35267 † [1 dd]; Alagoas: (10°06′35″S 35°46′41″W, 720 m), RV Natureza, 16/xii/2001: MNRJ 35206 † [1 dd]; Rio Grande do Sul: Off Solidão (30°46′S 49°07′W, 176 m), coll. RV Prof. Wladimir Besnard, 27/i/1972: MORG 17624 † [1 dd].

Description. Shell conical, slightly curved, reaching about 8.5 mm long, 3.3 mm wide. Larval shell broken. Teleoconch with about 8.0 whorls, slightly convex outline, convexity accentuated in the lower region of each whorl; suture well demarcated, almost straight; subsutural zone indistinct; surface smooth, incremental scars well demarcated, appearing in intervals of about 1.1 whorl at the last two whorls. Last whorl about 50% of the shell length; base slightly truncated. Aperture high, pear shaped, acute posteriorly and rounded anteriorly; outer lip thin, opisthocline, sinuous, straight near the suture and strongly projecting, reaching the maximum projection at the mid of its height; inner lip thick, sinuous, sloping, reflected and well demarcated. Not umbilicate. Shell vitreous, colorless.

Measurements. MNRJ 35206†, 8 whorls (apex broken), SL= 8.5 mm; BWL= 4.5 mm; AL= 2.8 mm; SW= 3.3 mm; AW= 2.0 mm.

Remarks. The protoconch is broken in the three shells examined, but the relatively wide and solid shell, with a wide aperture and thick inner lip are characteristic enough to be worth noting (Figure 18 A–F).

Melanella sp. 2 resembles M. doederleini (Figure 11 A–I) in shape, but has bigger dimensions and a much more elongated aperture. Even with the apex broken, specimens of Melanella sp. 2 reaches 8 whorls and 8.5 mm long, while M. doederleini reaches 10 whorls and 3.6 mm long.

Melanella sp. 2 can also be distinguished from M. anapetes sp. nov. (Figure 16 A–G) by the wider aperture, bigger dimensions, thicker inner lip and the curved spire.

Geographical distribution. Brazil: Ceará, Alagoas, Rio Grande do Sul (present study).

Bathymetric distribution. From 176 m to 720 m.