1. Lamtoana flavoscuta (Naudé, 1926)

(Figs 18, 27 a–d)

Erythroneura flavoscuta Naudé, 1926: 102

Lamtoana flavoscuta: Theron, 1988: 199, Figs 105–116

Material examined. 3♂, REPUBLIC OF CONGO, Dept. Pool, Iboubikro site, Lesio-Loun Pk, 340m, 03°16.196'S, 015°28.267'E, 29.viii.2008, coll. Braet & Sharkey; 2♂, same data except 25.viii.2008; 1♂, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, Prefecture Sangha-Mbaéré, Parc National de Dzanga-Ndoki, 38.6km, 173º S Lidjombo, 2º21.60'N, 16º03.20'E, 350m, 22–23.v.2001, Malaise trap, Lowland rainforest, coll. S. van Noort (IMC).

Distribution. Republic of Congo; Central African Republic.

Remarks. This is a new record for Republic of Congo.