Ernst, AndrejWyse Jackson, Patrick N.Aretz, Markus2015FIG. 3 in Bryozoan fauna from the Mississippian (Visean) of Roque Redonde (Montagne Noire, southern France)10.5281/zenodo.4535002FIG. 3. — Some important measurements made on the trepostome and cystoporate bryozoans. Abbreviations: ADB, aperture spacing; AW, autozooecial aperture width; LuL, lunarium length; LuW, lunarium width; LuT, lunarium thickness; VsSp, vesicle spacing); WB, branch width; EndW, endozone width; ExW, exozone width; AcD, acanthostyle diameter; MD, meso-/exilazooecia diameter.BATransverseLongitudinalsectionTangentialsectionsectiontangentialEndWsectionWBADBExWAutozooeciumMesozooeciumAcDLuLAWlongitudinaltangentialMDAWLuWsectionsectionADBLuTVsSp