Troglocharinus mercedesi (Zariquiey, 1922) comb. nov.

Speonomus mercedesi Zariquiey, 1922: 161

Type locality. “Bofia de S. Jaume” (Zariquiey 1922a).

Differential diagnosis. Bathyscioid species of Troglocharinus with well-developed mesoventral keel, vertex hook-like; first male protarsomere slightly wider than apex of tibia, as long as 2nd–3rd together, heart-shaped. elon-gated. Median lobe of aedeagus regularly curved in lateral view, apex elongated and weakly sinuate. Endophallus with thin, long and narrow NCs, base wider than apex; upper node of the FVM with a notch and oriented towards apex; PF2 very wide. Spiculum of the female urite viii very short and narrow.

Description of the species. Body length 2.9–3.0 mm. Body shape oval. Body surface finely punctated on pronotum, with transverse striolas on elytra. With fine, yellowish, recumbent conspicuous pubescence.

Antennomere length as in Table 3. Pronotum transverse, lateral margins regularly arched, slightly narrower than elytra, with maximum width at base (maximum width = 1.4 x length = 0.9 mm.).

Elytra elongated, regularly tapering towards apex, maximum width on anterior third.

Mesoventral keel well developed, with hook-like vertex.

Legs very long and slender, in particular the posterior legs. Mesotibia weakly arched, first protrarsomere (Fig. 10) slightly wider than apex of tibiae, as long as 2nd–3rd tarsomeres together, heart-shaped, elongated.

Median lobe of aedeagus with subparallel margins in dorsal view (Fig. 23), with apex apparently truncated; regularly curved in lateral view (Fig. 18); apex elongated, sinuous and pointed.

Lateral stylus of the tegmen sinuate, somewhat shorter than median lobe and with three long, curved setae on apex, two inserted laterally; third noticeably shorter, thinner, straight and inserted on the opposed side. Membranous lamina very long, with a long and dense tuff of setae (“penicillum”) inserted in the apical region, including the membranous lamina.

Intersal sac of the aedeagus (Figs 33, 34) with narrow elongated NCs, with base wider than apex; NFVM elongated, apex bifurcated, with the larger branch orientated towards apical region; PF2 very wide.

Female. Elytra markedly convex, wider than pronotum. Protarsi not dilated, filiform. Spiculum of the urite viii short and narrow (Fig. 61). Spermatheca thin and very long, median part elongated; with lobes slightly bend with respect to the median region, basal lobe thicker than median region, apical lobe hemispherical (Fig. 50). Spermaduct very long, 70–80 times longer than spermatheca.

Comparative notes. See Comparative notes of T. mengeli above for differences between the two species.

Distribution (Fig. 71).

1. Spain, Barcelona, Avià, Montmajor, Bòfia de Sant Jaume, 11-7-1922, Zariquiey leg., 24 exx., type series of S. mercedesi (MZB) and col. Biospeologica (MNHNP) (Zariquiey 1922a, b; Jeannel 1924); in the “boîte 70” of the general collection of the MNHNP there are three specimens labelled: 1 ex.: 1. (i) CATALUÑA / (ms) Bofia S. Jaume / (i) Zariquiey; 2. (ms, r): TIPO; 3. (i, red letters): COTYPE; 4. (i): Muséum Paris / Coll. R. Jeannel 1931; 2 exx.: 1. (i) CATALUÑA / (ms) Bofia S. Jaume / (i) Zariquiey; 2. (ms, r): TIPO; 3. (i): Muséum Paris / Coll. R. Jeannel 1931; Español (1956, 1961); Bellés (1978b); Escolà (1986); Fresneda (1998); 1963, 1968, 1971 & 1973, Subils, Villegas, Escolà & Graells leg. (MZB); 8-4-1966, Barruel leg., 6 exx. (CFL); 2-6-1974, Rubio leg., 4 exx. (CFL); 25-5-1978, Rovira leg., 9 exx. (CFL); 25-5-1978, Rovira leg., 1 ϐ & 1 ♀ (CFL).

2. Spain, Lleida, Llinàrs, Avenc del Xato, 3-5-1964, Subils, Escolà & Senent leg. (MZB) (Español 1965, 1966); Bellés (1978b); Escolà (1980); 11-4-1965, Español & Subils leg. (MZB); 11-5-2013, Bourdeau & Fresneda leg., 9 exx. (CFL) (Fresneda & Salgado 2017).

3. Spain, Lleida, Canalda, Avenc Costa Bòfia, 14-3-1971, Escolà leg. (MZB) (Fresneda & Salgado 2017); 15-12- 2018, Fadrique leg., 25 exx. (CFL).

4. Spain, Lleida, Canalda, Cova del Molinot (= Cova Edes), 18-4-1965, Ubach leg., 1 ex. (MZB) (Español 1966); Bellés (1978b); 16-12-2018 / 24-6-2019, Fadrique leg., 4 exx. (CFL).

5. Spain, Lleida, Guixers, Avenc del Bages, 31N 379301 4665910, 1405 m, 24-9-2017. Pallissé leg., 2 ϐϐ (CFL).

Localities to be revised, probably corresponding to this species; all of them are in the Serra d’Odén, between the Avenc del Xato (westernmost locality) and Bòfia de Sant Jaume (eastern most locality, easter of the Serra d’Oden):

6. Spain, Lleida, Lladurs, Cova del Rabeig (Bellés, 1978b). Probably the material deposited in the col. MZB with data “El Cavall, Avenc Rabeig, 11-10-1965, Escolà leg., 1 ϐ (MZB); 14-5-1967, Escolà leg., 15 exx.” are from the same locality (Fresneda & Salgado 2017). Cova de la Surgencia del Cavall, 14-8-1980, García leg., 1 ♀ (CFL) (Fresneda & Salgado 2017).

7. Spain, Lleida, Canalda, Avenc Montserrat Ubach (= Bòfia de Torremàs), 9-5-1971, Comas & Bellés leg., 1 ex. (Bellés 1973b); Bellés (1978b).

8. Spain, Lleida, Llinàrs, Cova de les Encantades, 3-5-1964, Escolà, Senent & Subils leg. (Español 1965); Pintó, Ubach & Español leg. (Español 1966); Bellés (1978b).

9. Spain, Lleida, Odén, Avenc dels Encantats, 23-9-1963, Senent, Subils & Escolà leg. (MZB) (Español 1965, 1966); 1-7-1981, Lista leg., 2 exx. plus remains of a 3rd (MZB) (Fresneda & Salgado 2017); 3-10-1981, Lista & Escolà leg., 1 ♀ (MZB) (Fresneda & Salgado 2017).

10. Spain, Lleida, Odén, Avenc de la Canaleta (Bellés 1978b).

11. Spain, Lleida, Odén, Avenc de Serra Garriga, 24-7-1968, Ubach & Escolà leg., remains (MZB) (Fresneda & Salgado 2017).

12. Spain, Lleida, Cambrils, Cova de Ca l’Espunyes (Bellés 1978b). Probably the material in the col. MZB from Avenc de Ca l’Espunyes is from the same locality as no. 11 above: 28-8-1966, Ubach leg., 4 ϐϐ & 1 ♀ (Fresne- da & Salgado 2017).

13. Spain, Lleida, Odén, Avenc de Coll Alsina, 22-9-1963, Escolà, Subils & Senent leg. (MZB) (Español 1965, 1966); 12-3-1967, Ubach & Escolà leg. (MZB) (Fresneda & Salgado 2017).

14. Spain, Lleida, Llinàrs, Avenc 2 de les Torres, 2-5-1964, Escolà leg., 2 exx. (MZB) (Fresneda & Salgado 2017).

15. Spain, Lleida, Navés, Bòfia Esglevades, 8-10-1978, Escolà leg., 2 ϐϐ & 3 ♀♀ (MZB) (Fresneda & Salgado 2017).