Dicyphus globulifer (Fallén, 1829)

Figures 2, 8, 10

Capsus globulifer Fallén, 1829: 124.

Material examined. AZERBAIJAN: Balakan Distr., Kovakhchel [Kabakhcholi], 2♂ 30 V 1930, Satunin. BELARUS: Gomel Prov., Pripet. Scrygalowo [Skrygalov], 1♀ 1♂ 1 IX 1930, Gittermann. CRIMEA: 1♂ 2 VII 1900, 1♀ 19-23 VII 1900, Ageenko. Alushta, 1♀ 5 VI 1907, 1♀ 7 VIII 1908, Kiritshenko. Near Mukhalatka [Oliva] 1♀ 19-23 VII 1900, 2♀ 23 VI 1900, Ageenko. Yaltinskiy Uezd, Taushan-Bazar [Privolnoe], 1♀ 2♂ 8 VI 1907, 2♀ 1♂ 15 VI 1907, 6♂ 6 VI 1907, 5♀ 6♂, 29 VI 1907, 6♀ 3♂ 4 VII 1907, 7♀ 1♂ 9 VII 1907, W. Pliginsky. Bijuk-Lambat [Malyy Mayak], 1♀ 10 V 1907, Kiritshenko. Korbecli [Izobilnoye], 1♀ 24 V 1907, Kiritshenko. Kikineiz [Opolznevoye], 1♀ 22 VIII 1926, A. Kiritshenko. Taushan-Bazar [Privolnoe], 1♂ 4 VII 1907, B. Grigoriev. Ak-Chokrak [Bakhchysarai], 2♀ 29 VI 1911, A. and D.M. Diakonov. Mts. range Babugan [Babugan-yayla], 1♀ 19 VI 1911, A. and D.M. Dyakonov. Korbekly [Izobilnoye], 1♂ 19 VI 1907, Grigoriev. GEORGIA: Lagodekhi, 1♀ 20 VI 1913, A. Mlokossiewich. Svaneti, Tsena, 1♀ 25 VII 1957, Akramovskaya. ESTONIA: Sillamyagi [Sillamäe], 3♀ 25 VI 1900, 2♀ 1♂ 29 VI 1900, 1♀ 28 VI 1901, Bianchi. RUSSIA: Bashkortostan Rep.: Beloretsky distr, South Ural Nature Reserve, near Revet, N54°11′ E57°36′ 1 ♂ 10 VII 2015, A.N. Zinovyeva. Ingushetia Rep.: Egochkal [Egikhal] near Dzheyrakh, 1♂ 1♀ 9 VIII 1927, Kiritshenko. Kabardino-Balkaria Rep.: Nalchik, 1♀ 2♂ 14 VII 1914, 1♂ 1 VIII 1914, E. Golovleva. Elbrussky distr., Gundelen [Kondelen], 1♂ 24 VII 1926, Berg. Krasnodar Terr.: Krasnaya Polyana, 4♀ 2♂ V 1907, 1♀ 10 VI 1907, Kiritshenko. Nebug, 2♂ 16 VIII 1924, Gitterman. Seversky distr., near Ilsky, 2♀ 25 V 2002, V. V. Neimorovets. Mostovskoy distr., 25 km N of Psebay, foot of Mt. Range Bugunzha, Mt. Polkovaya, 800 m a.s.l., 1♀ 1♂ 14 VI 2002, V. V. Neimorovets. Caucasus Nature Reserve, near cordon «Chernorechye», 800 m a.s.l., 1♂ 4 VI 2002, V. V. Neimorovets. North Ossetia Rep.: Vladikavkaz, 1♀ 4 VIII 1906, S. Vinogradov. Orenburg Prov.: Buzuluksky Bor National Park, 1♀ 4 VIII 1941, Chistovsky. Ryazan Prov.: Miloslavsky District, Gremyachka, 1♀ 31 V 1908, 1♀ 2 VI 1908, A. Semenov. Stavropol Terr.: Mt Beshtau near Piatygorsk, 1♀ 1♂ 15 VI 2010, D. Gapon. Sverdlovsk Prov.: Denezhkin Kamen Nature Reserve, cordon «Sharp», 1♀ 28 V 1999, A.I. Ermakov. Voronezh Prov.: Ternovka, Savalskoe forestry, 1♀ 12 VII 1950, 1♀ 25 VII 1950, Stark. Ternovka, Savalskoe forestry, Balash River, 1♀ 2 V 1954, 1♂ 3 V 1954, Stark. Kamennaya Steppe, 11 km N of Talovaya, 1♀ 27 VII 1935, V. Stark. UKRAINE: Khmelnitsky Prov., Bagovitsa, 1♀ 14 VI 1906, Signog. Kirovohrad Province, Elisavetgrad [Kropyvnytskyi], 1♀ 21 VI, Yacentkovsky. Luhansk Prov., Provalye, 1♀ 20 IV 1930, Talitsky, 1♀ 21 IX 1947, Medvedev.

Diagnosis. Recognized by the following combination of characters: total length male 3.5–3.8, female 3.3–3.9; head dark brown, vertex with two ivory, apically narrowing stripes along eyes; antennal segment II entirely dark brown; anterior part of pronotum dark brown, with contrasting yellowish midline between calli, pronotum behind calli dirty yellow to brown, distinctly rugose, with deep irregular punctures; scutellum dark brown, with apically narrowing ivory stripes at sides; tibial spines dark brown, without spots at bases (Fig. 2); spatulate apex of left paramere strongly curved, with large, posteriorly pointed dorsal crest running on apical two-thirds of apical process (Fig. 10). Refer to diagnosis of D. geniculatus for discussion of distinctive features.

Distribution. This species has a relatively wide Palearctic distribution, known from almost entire Europe and reaching East Siberia (Kerzhner & Josifov 1999). In European Russia it spans north to Karelia and Komi Rep., and also known from both northern and southern slopes of the Greater Caucasian Ridge from Black to Caspian seas. Particularly, D. globulifer is reported from numerous localities in all countries of the South Caucasus, viz. Abkhazia (Kiritshenko 1939), Georgia (Zaitseva 1998), Armenia (Akramovskaya, 1959, 1972), and Azerbaijan (Gidayatov, 1970). Within the North Caucasus, the species remains formally unknown from Karachay-Cherkessia and Chechnya which could be result of limited sampling efforts.

Host and habitat. Dicyphus globulifer is most frequently found on herbaceous plants such as Melandrium and Lychnis spp. (Caryophyllaceae) and inhabits gardens, Caucasian lowlands and midland forests (Kerzhner 1964; Akramovskaya 1972). However, it was also sampled under annual Chenopodiaceae in saline semidesert near Aygerlich Lake, Armenia (Akramovskaya 1959). This species overwinters as adults in the UK (Southwood & Leston 1959).