Cladaster analogus Fisher, 1940

(Fig. 2G, H)

Cladaster analogus Fisher, 1940: 123, fig. D, pl. 4, figs 1-3. — Bernasconi 1963: 14. — Clark & Downey 1992: 239. — Clark 1993: 251.

MATERIAL EXAMINED. — South Atlantic. Scotia Sea, 53°20’S, 42°42’W, 417-514 m, 29.XI.1986, 1 dry spec., R = 3.5 cm, r = 1.9 cm (NMNH E38569). — Heard Island (near Kerguelen) on rocks, 49°58’75’S, 73°42’04’E, 930 m, III.1983, 1 dry spec., R = 4.2 cm, r = 2.3 cm (MNHN EcAs 11737).

DISTRIBUTION. — The South Atlantic off the Falkland Islands, extending to the Scotia Sea and to Heard Island, near Kerguelen. 147- 930 m.

DIAGNOSIS. — R/r ≈ 2.0-2.6. Abactinal plates polygonal, ordered. Abactinal, marginal, and actinal plate surfaces covered with enlarged, well-spaced granules. Enlarged granules also forming border around plates. Less than 30 marginal plates from arm tip to arm tip at R = 3.5 cm. Superomarginals abutted at arm tip. Furrow spines two to three, elongate, blunt, round in cross-section.Subambulacral spine blunt, enlarged. Paddle-like pedicellariae present.

APOMORPHY LIST. — Nodes 24 to Cladaster analogus: 1.4, granules enlarged; 1.6, granules, enlarged, pointy; 2.3, SM abutted over midline; 3.2, actinal granules enlarged, pointy; 4.2, abradial to furrow spines.