Schoengastiella (Audya) nasicola (Vercammen-Grandjean, 1956)

Type material examined — larva holotype (RMCA 82444), No. L:22154/A/1, from nasal cavity of Rattus rattus (L.) (= Rattus rattus frugivorus) (Rodentia: Muridae), DR CONGO, Mbandaka (= Coq’ville), 0°02′52′′N, 18°15′21′′E, 22 Jan. 1954, collected by Ch. Lucasse; larva paratype (RMCA 82448), No. L:22154/A/32, with the same data.

Additional material examined. 5 larvae (3 slides, IRSNB) from nasal cavity of Potamogale velox (Du Chaillu) (Afrosoricida: Tenrecidae), DR CONGO, unknown locality, 1960, collected by W. Verheyen, mites collected by A. Fain.

Remarks — This species was also recorded on P. velox in Angola (Dundo) (Taufflieb 1965a). The specimens from IRSNB constitute third known sample of this species.