Obelia austrogeorgiae Jäderholm, 1904a

Synonyms in the area: Obelia austro-georgiae Jäderholm, 1904a; Obelia bicuspidata —Stepanjants 1979 [polyp].

Remarks: Cornelius (1975, 1982) was not certain of the validity of Obelia austrogeorgiae Jäderholm, 1904a, but Calder (1991) considered it valid and assigned Stepanjants’ (1979) record of O. bicuspidata to O. austrogeorgiae. Here we follow Calder (1991) and consider this species valid until more detailed study is done to elucidate its status.

Distribution in South America: polyp—Atlantic Ocean, Patagonia Shelf (no specific record) and South Georgia Island (Jäderholm 1904a, 1905; Nutting 1915; Stepanjants 1979).

Habitat: polyp—from 1.8 to 140m depth (Nutting 1915; Stepanjants 1979).