Mitrocomella frigida (Browne, 1910)

Synonyms in the area: Cosmetira frigida Browne, 1910; Vanhöffen 1912 [medusa].

Remarks: the records of the species for Uruguay and Argentina (Ramírez & Zamponi 1980; Zamponi 1983a, 1985; Zamponi & Suarez 1991; Zamponi & Genzano 1994) are doubtful and have to be confirmed.

Distribution in South America: medusa—Pacific Ocean, Chile, from 53°S to 55.84°S in interior waters (Pagès & Orejas 1999); Atlantic Ocean, Argentina, from 40°S to 42.25°S, from 53°S to 53.42°S, at Strait of Magellan, at Antarctic sea (Browne 1910; Vanhöffen 1912; Kramp 1957, 1959a; Genzano et al. 2008a; Guerrero et al. 2013).

Habitat: medusa –in antarctic and subantarctic waters (Kramp 1959a).