Dryad Repository for: Ledford, J.M., Derkarabetian, S., Ribera, C., Starrett, J., Bond, J., Griswold, C., and Hedin, M. (2021). Phylogenomics and biogeography of leptonetid spiders (Araneae: Leptonetidae). Invertebrate Systematics. https://doi.org/10.1071/IS20065 Contents: 1. Supplementary tables including locality information for exemplars 2. Data Matrix 3. Tree files for loci excluded due to paralogy 4. RAxML results with loose GBlocks settings 5. RAxML results with strict GBlocks settings 6. SVD Quartets results with loose GBlocks settings 7. SVD Quartets results with strict GBlocks settings 8. gcf_scf values with loose GBlocks settings 9. gcf_scf values with strict GBlocks settings 10. MCMCTree Chronogram