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Published February 5, 2021 | Version v1
Report Open

Alignment of EOSC Strategic Implementation Plan with US NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science

  • 1. Andalusian Health Service - Institute of Biomedicine of Seville


The NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science describes NIH’s Overarching Goals, Strategic Objectives, and Implementation Tactics for modernizing the NIH-funded biomedical dataresource ecosystem.

Adherence to FAIR principles is key to this strategy. In this respect, this plan has important similarities with the European Union's EOSC Strategy.

The NIH Plan develops eight strategic objectives. The idea is to identify the similarities and differences between the different levels of this Plan (Overarching Goals, Strategic Objectives, and Implementation Tactics) and the EOSC Strategic Implementation Plan.

Once the similarities and differences have been identified, the details of these will be explained, and a set of actions will be proposed for collaboration and strengthening of the plans.

The alignment in time is fundamental since both plans are being developed close in time, but with differences, therefore the proposed actions have to be viable throughout the year 2020 since even in the very short term there will be difficulties for the synchronization of the actions in the temporal logic of each plan.

Notes has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Programme call H2020-INFRAEOSC-05-2018-2019, grant Agreement number 831644.


0063_Alignment of NIH & EOSC Strategic Final Implementation_Report.pdf

Files (577.7 kB)

Additional details

Funding – 831644
European Commission