Autoserica diversipes Moser, 1915b: 346.

Maladera diversipes: Ahrens 2006b: 236, 2007b: 22.

Type material examined. Lectotype (diversipes, here desiganted): ♂ “ China coll. Chevr. / Thery/ unicum B./ N° 250/ coll. Brenske / Autoserica diversipes Type Moser/ diversipes ” (ZMHB). Paratypes (Serica levis Frey): 1 ♂ “Kuatun (2300 m) 27,40 n.Br. 117,40 ö. L. J. Klapperich 5.4.1938 (Fukien)/ Paratype Serica levis G. Frey 1972 ” (CF), 1 ♀ “Kuatun (2300 m) 27,40 n.Br. 117,40 ö. L. J. Klapperich 12.6.1938 (Fukien)/ Paratype Serica levis G. Frey 1972 ” (CF).

Additional material examined. 1 ♂ “ Ti’enmushan, 22.IV.1937, leg. O. Piel, Musee Heude ” (IZAS), 1 ♂ “ Aotou, Huangkeng, Jianyang, Fujian, 2.V. 1960, 950m, leg. Zhang Yiran ” (IZAS), 1 ♂ “ Mt. Fengyangshan, Longquan, 14.VI.1980, leg. Tong Xuesong ” (IZAS), 1 ♂ “ Mt. Lushan, Jiangxi, 10.V.1977, leg. Zhang Youwei ” (IZAS), 1 ♂ “ Luoyang Gongshe, Ruyuan, 26.V.1974, leg. Zhang Wenlan ” (LSSYU), 1 ♂ “ China, cent. Zheijang, 15.V.-21.VI. N of Jinhua Dapanshan 1100m, 29°13’N 119°39’E Jaroslav Turna leg., 2011” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “C-China, Shaanxi, Qinling Shan, 6km E of Xunyangba 1000-1300m, 23.V.-13.VI. leg. C. Holzschuh 2000” (CP), 1 ♂ “ China: Zhejiang Prov. Qingliangfeng Mt. Longtangshan 30°06’N, 118°53’E / alt. 500m 21-V-2012 Chen, Ma & Zhao leg.” (SNUC), 1 ♂ “ China: Zhejiang Province Anji City Longwang Shan 30°24’28’’N, 119°26’37’’E alt. 1050m 15.v. 2013 Weng-Rong Li & Dan-Lin Zheng” (SNUC), 2 ♂♂ “ China: Hubei; Dahongshan 1700m, Shuizhou VI-2003 leg. Ying et al. ” (ZFMK), 1 ♂ “ China: Hunan; Mupu Mt. 1600M, Pingjiang VIII-2003, leg. Li et al. ” (ZFMK).

Redescription. Length: 9.5 mm, length of elytra: 6.9 mm, width: 5.5 mm. Body oval, dark to dark reddish brown, antenna yellow, labroclypeus shiny, remainder of dorsal surface dull, glabrous, except for a few small setae on the head and elytra.

Labroclypeus subtrapezoidal, distinctly wider than long, widest at base, lateral margins weakly convex and convergent to moderately rounded anterior angles, lateral border and ocular canthus producing a distinct blunt angle, margins weakly reflexed, anterior margin very shallowly emarginate medially; surface weakly convex medially, shiny, coarsely punctate, with a few short, erect setae anteriorly; frontoclypeal suture feebly impressed and weakly curved medially; smooth area in front of eye approximately twice as wide as long; ocular canthus short and moderately wide, finely punctate, with a single short terminal seta. Frons with fine, moderately dense punctures, glabrous except for a few setae beside eyes. Eyes small, ratio of diameter/ interocular width: 0.57. Antenna yellow, with ten antennomeres; club with three antennomeres, as long as remaining antennomeres together. Mentum anteriorly elevated and flattened.

Pronotum widest at base, lateral margins weakly and evenly convex and convergent anteriorly, anterior angles distinctly produced and sharp, anterior marginal line widely interrupted medially, margin weakly and convexly produced medially; surface moderately densely and finely punctate, with minute setae in punctures only; anterior and lateral borders setose. Scutellum wide, triangular, with fine and moderately dense punctures, each bearing a single very minute seta.

Elytra oblong, widest at middle, striae distinctly impressed, finely and densely punctate, intervals moderately convex, with fine, moderately dense punctures, penultimate lateral interval with a few fine, erect, long setae, other punctures with minute setae only; epipleural margin robust, ending at the weakly convex external apical angle of elytra, epipleura densely setose, apical border membraneous, with a very narrow rim short microtrichomes.

Ventral surface dull, thorax and metacoxa with large dense punctures, sparsely setose, metacoxa glabrous except for a few long setae laterally; each abdominal sternite, in addition to generally distributed fine and moderately dense punctures, with a distinct transverse row of coarse punctures each bearing a short and robust seta, some punctures with microscopic setae, penultimate sternite apically with a shiny smooth chitinous border, which is one third as long as sternite. Mesosternum between mesocoxae as wide as mesofemur. Ratio of length of metepisternum/ metacoxa: 1/ 1.53. Pygidium strongly convex, finely and densely punctate, without smooth midline, punctures with microscopic setae and with numerous long setae along apical margin.

Legs moderately broad; femora with two longitudinal rows of setae, finely and moderately densely punctate; metafemur dull, anterior margin acute, lacking an adjacent serrated line, posterior ventral margin medially straight, weakly widened in apical half and not serrate, dorsally not serrated, finely setose. Metatibia moderately broad and long, widest at apex, ratio width/ length: 1/ 3.2, dorsally sharply carinate, with two groups of spines, basal shortly before middle, apical one at four fifths of metatibial length, basally with a few punctures, each bearing short robust single spines; lateral face longitudinally convex, with sparse and fine punctures in basal half ad on sides, glabrous; ventral margin serrate, with three strong spines equidistant from each other, medial face not punctate, apex interiorly near tarsal articulation shallowly concave. Tarsomeres very sparsely and finely punctate dorsally, ventrally with sparse, short setae; metatarsomeres ventrally with a strongly serrated ridge, beside which is a strong longitudinal carina, first metatarsomere a little shorter than the two following segments combined and a little longer than the upper tibial spur. Protibia short, bidentate. All claws symmetrical, feebly curved and long, with normally developed basal tooth.

Aedeagus: Fig. 12 I–K. Habitus: Fig. 12L.

Variation. Female: Eyes, ratio diameter/ interocular width: 0.54. Antennal club little shorter than remaining antennomeres combined.

Distribution. See map (Fig. 90) and Table 1.