Each .mat file contains 1 x 28 cells, representing GPS data from 28 flights of Gyrfalcons chasing an aerial target (Roprey) Data = Gyrfalcon position (bird_pos_all{:}) Gyrfalcon speed (bird_speed_all{:}) Ropey position (lure_pos_all{:}) Roprey speed (robird_speed_all{:}) 1) "position_data_unaligned_all_28_flights.mat" = GPS data with no endpoint correction 2) "position_data_aligned_all_28_flights.mat" = GPS data with endpoint correction (aligning to end position of Roprey at intercept, to remove expected GPS drift) Each .m file contains Matlab scripts to run the 3 guidance models: fitPN.m and goodnessOfFitPN.m = proportional navigation model fitPNP.m and goodnessOfFitPNP.m = proportional navigation + proportional pursuit model fitPP.m and goodnessOfFitPP.m = proportional pursuit model