library(ggpubr) library(lme4) library(lmerTest) library(emmeans) library(dplyr) #-----------------------# ## linear correlations ## #-----------------------# #Linear correlations between the number of flowers visited and the time spent on flowers within a single whorl and on the whole plant behav <- read.table("bumblebee_visits.txt", header=T, sep="\t") behav$sub_sex <- as.factor(behav$sub_sex) behav_cuckoo <- subset(behav, subgenus == "C") behav_trueM <- subset(behav, sub_sex == "mT") behav_trueW <- subset(behav, sub_sex == "wT") #whorl_tot <- cor.test(behav$n_flowers_per_whorl, behav$timevisit_whorl, method=c("pearson")) #plant_tot <- cor.test(behav$n_flowers_total, behav$timevisit_plant, method=c("pearson")) whorl_cuckoo <- cor.test(behav_cuckoo$n_flowers_per_whorl, behav_cuckoo$timevisit_whorl, method=c("pearson")) plant_cuckoo <- cor.test(behav_cuckoo$n_flowers_total, behav_cuckoo$timevisit_plant, method=c("pearson")) whorl_trueM <- cor.test(behav_trueM$n_flowers_per_whorl, behav_trueM$timevisit_whorl, method=c("pearson")) plant_trueM <- cor.test(behav_trueM$n_flowers_total, behav_trueM$timevisit_plant, method=c("pearson")) whorl_trueW <- cor.test(behav_trueW$n_flowers_per_whorl, behav_trueW$timevisit_whorl, method=c("pearson")) plant_trueW <- cor.test(behav_trueW$n_flowers_total, behav_trueW$timevisit_plant, method=c("pearson")) ##plots behav$log_whorl <- log(behav$timevisit_whorl)#add log-transformed time visit per whorl behav$log_plant <- log(behav$timevisit_plant)#add log-transformed time visit per plant w <- ggscatter(behav, x = "n_flowers_per_whorl", y = "log_whorl", add = "reg.line", = TRUE, color = "sub_sex", palette = c("#666666", "#1B9E77", "#D95F02"), shape = "sub_sex", size = 3, alpha = 0.6, xlab = "N. of flowers visited", ylab = "log2(time spent within whorl)"); w p <- ggscatter(behav, x = "n_flowers_per_whorl", y = "log_plant", add = "reg.line", = TRUE, color = "sub_sex", palette = c("#666666", "#1B9E77", "#D95F02"), shape = "sub_sex", size = 3, alpha = 0.6, xlab = "N. of flowers visited", ylab = "log2(time spent on plant)"); p ############################################################################################################# #----------# ## MODELS ## #----------# #Linear mixed-effects models (LMM) with data log-transformed (gaussian distribution, link = identity) #Error term coded as 12 data points each consisting of an interval within day within year #The intercept was excluded to obtain the precise values for each variable (i.e. bumblebee type) ##Time spent within each whorl tver <- lmer(log(timevisit_whorl) ~ -1 + sub_sex + (1 | int_tot), behav, REML=F, na.action = na.pass) anova(tver) summary(tver) plot(density(resid(tver))) #plot density of residuals emmeans(tver, pairwise~sub_sex) #pairwise comparisons ##Time spent on plants - without accounting for number of whorls behav_singleID <- behav %>% distinct(insect_ID, .keep_all = TRUE) #exclude multiple IDs (for plant level analyses) tplant <- lmer(log(timevisit_plant) ~ -1 + sub_sex + (1 | int_tot), behav_singleID, REML=F) anova(tplant) summary(tplant) plot(density(resid(tplant))) #plot density of residuals ##Time spent on plants accounting for number of whorls - without interaction ##This is the best model after model selection (see below) tplver_noint <- lmer(log(timevisit_plant) ~ -1 + sub_sex + tot_whorls + (1 | int_tot), behav_singleID, REML=F) anova(tplver_noint) summary(tplver_noint) plot(density(resid(tplver_noint))) #plot density of residuals emmeans(tplver_noint, pairwise~sub_sex) #pairwise comparisons ##Time spent on plants accounting for number of whorls - with interaction between bumblebee type and whorls tplver <- lmer(log(timevisit_plant) ~ -1 + sub_sex + tot_whorls + sub_sex:tot_whorls + (1 | int_tot), behav_singleID, REML=F) anova(tplver) summary(tplver) plot(density(resid(tplver))) #plot density of residuals ##Model selection table based on AICc values library(MuMIn) model.sel(tplant, tplver, tplver_noint) ##Number of flowers visited within whorl flwhorl <- lmer(log(n_flowers_per_whorl) ~ -1 + sub_sex + (1 | int_tot), behav, REML=F) anova(flwhorl) summary(flwhorl) plot(density(resid(flwhorl))) #plot density of residuals emmeans(flwhorl, pairwise~sub_sex) ##Number of flowers visited per plant flplant <- lmer(log(n_flowers_total) ~ -1 + sub_sex + (1 | int_tot), behav_singleID, REML=F) anova(flplant) summary(flplant) plot(density(resid(flplant))) #plot density of residuals emmeans(flplant, pairwise~sub_sex) ############################################################################################################# #----------------# ## VIOLIN PLOTS ## #----------------# #Significance symbols above the plots were changed from those automatically generated #to be coherent with the results obtained from the LMMs behav$log_timevisit_whorl <- log(behav$timevisit_whorl) #add log_visit column behav_singleID$log_timevisit_plant <- log(behav_singleID$timevisit_plant) #add log_visit column my_comparisons_sex <- list( c("mC", "mT"), c("mT", "wT"), c("mC", "wT") ) #add significance levels comparing groups ##Time spent within each whorl ggviolin(behav, x = "sub_sex", y = "log_timevisit_whorl", fill = "sub_sex", palette = c("#666666", "#1B9E77", "#D95F02"), alpha = .5, add = "boxplot", add.params = list(fill = "white")) + labs(x = "\nBumblebee type", y= "log2(time spent within whorl)\n") + scale_x_discrete(labels=c("mC" = "Cuckoo males", "mT" = "True males", "wT" = "True workers")) + theme(legend.position = "none") + stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons_sex, label = "p.signif") ##Time spent on plant ggviolin(behav_singleID, x = "sub_sex", y = "log_timevisit_plant", fill = "sub_sex", palette = c("#666666", "#1B9E77", "#D95F02"), alpha = .5, add = "boxplot", add.params = list(fill = "white")) + labs(x = "\nBumblebee type", y= "log2(time spent on plants)\n") + scale_x_discrete(labels=c("mC" = "Cuckoo males", "mT" = "True males", "wT" = "True workers")) + theme(legend.position = "none") + stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons_sex, label = "p.signif") ##Number of flowers visited within each whorl ggviolin(behav, x = "sub_sex", y = "n_flowers_per_whorl", fill = "sub_sex", palette = c("#666666", "#1B9E77", "#D95F02"), alpha = .5, add = "boxplot", add.params = list(fill = "white")) + labs(x = "\nBumblebee type", y= "N. of flowers visited per whorl\n") + scale_x_discrete(labels=c("mC" = "Cuckoo males", "mT" = "True males", "wT" = "True workers")) + theme(legend.position = "none") + stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons_sex, label = "p.signif") ##Number of flowers visited on plant ggviolin(behav_singleID, x = "sub_sex", y = "n_flowers_total", fill = "sub_sex", palette = c("#666666", "#1B9E77", "#D95F02"), alpha = .5, add = "boxplot", add.params = list(fill = "white")) + labs(x = "\nBumblebee type", y= "N. of flowers visited per plant\n") + scale_x_discrete(labels=c("mC" = "Cuckoo males", "mT" = "True males", "wT" = "True workers")) + theme(legend.position = "none") + stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons_sex, label = "p.signif")