Rhamphomyia (Pararhamphomyia) ursinella Melander

(Fig. 48)

Rhamphomyia ursina Malloch, 1919: 46. Type-locality: Bernard Harbour, Nunavut, Canada.

Rhamphomyia ursinella Melander, 1928: 209 (replacement name for ursina Malloch, preoccupied by Oldenberg, 1915: 91). Other references: Sinclair et al., 2019: 71 (type material, redescription, full list of references).

Material examined. RUSSIA. Yakutia (New Siberian Islands): centre of Kotelny Island, upper flow of river Balykhtakh near mouth of river Tuguttakh, arctic desert on flowers, 15.vii.1973, KBG (20 ♂, 20 ♀, ZIN).

Recognition. Mid-sized (wing length 3.6–4.5 mm) blackish flies. Male (Fig. 48) holoptic; anepisternum with shiny spot; scutum with 2 narrow shiny median vittae (sometimes with less distinct subshiny vitta on supra-alar space); thorax black setose, presutural dc long, fine, 2–3-serial, acr similar to dc, biserial, 10–12 sctl; legs dark brown, hind basitarsus thickened apically, all tibiae and basitarsi clothed in dense long fine setae, hind tibia covered with these setae over entire dorsal face; wing infuscate, CuA+CuP incomplete, halter brown; abdomen very faintly pruinescent, almost shiny, with black setae; epandrium elongate, slightly constricted at middle; cercus elongate, about 2/3 length of epandrium, slightly constricted medially; phallus well exposed, filamentous, long, gently curved slightly beyond epandrium. Female with darker wing, short setose slender legs without pennate setae.

Distribution. Holarctic; R. ursinella is widespread across the low to high arctic region of North America, east of Hudson Bay (Sinclair et al. 2019). In Eurasia, this species was found only from New Siberian Islands of Arctic Russia.