Trichoclinocera lapponica (Ringdahl)

(Figs 4, 5)

Atalanta lapponica Ringdahl, 1933: 281. Type locality (by lectotype designation): Tjuonjatjakko, Sweden.

Other references: Chvála & Wagner, 1989: 335 (catalogue).

Trichoclinocera lapponica: Sinclair, 1994: 1023 (revision, lectotype designation, redescription).

Material examined. CANADA. Quebec [new records since Sinclair (1994)]: 10 km SW Tasiujaq, trib. of Finger River, 17.viii.1996, B.J. Sinclair (7 ♂, CNC). RUSSIA. Chukotka AO (Wrangel Island): middle flow of Neozhidannaya River, 71°01′N, 179°09′W, BT, YPT, 8–9.vii.2019, OAK (1 ♀, ZIN); Somnitelnaya River, on water, water temperature +5, air temperature +2.5, 3.viii.1971, KBG (10 ♂, 3 ♀, ZIN); same locality, under pebble near water, 3.viii.1971, KBG (2 ♂, 1 ♀, ZIN); SW Sovetskaya Mtn, upper flow of Khrustalnaya River, 3.viii.1971, KBG (2 ♂, 12 ♀, ZIN); same locality, snowfield, on water, air temperature +3, water temperature +7, snowfall, 4.viii.1971, KBG, Chelnokov (1 ♂, 7 ♀, ZIN); environs of Tundrovaya Mtn, 71°17.863′N, 179°47.875′W, BT 2, YPT, 7–11.vii.2019, U. V. Babiy (1 ♀, ZIN); middle flow of Mamontovaya River, N Perkatkun, on emergent stone in river, 29.vii.1972, KBG (3 ♂, 1 ♀, ZIN).

Recognition. Among clinocerines, Trichoclinocera is distinguished by the presence of setae on vein R 1. This species is distinguished readily by its dorsoventrally flattened tarsomeres 4 and 5, convex face and small eyes (Figs 4, 5).

Distribution. Holarctic species known from northern Finland and Sweden as well as it is widespread throughout the arctic region of North America (Sinclair 1994); recorded for the first time from the territory of Russia.

Habitat. On Wrangel Island, this species was collected mainly on pebble floodplains, near water.