Dyschiriodes (Paradyschirius) sabahensis sp. nov.

(Figs. 1, 8, 14)

Type locality. Malaysia, Sabah, 25 km E of Telupid.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: ♁, ‘MALAYSIA: SABAH: / 25 km E Telupid / 17.viii.1983 / at blacklight / G. F. Hevel & W. E. Steiner (leg.)’ (USNM). PARATYPES: MALAYSIA: SABAH: 15 spec. with the same data as HT (USNM, PBCP); 2 spec., ‘MALAYSIA: SABAH: / 20 km E Telupid / 14.viii.1983 / at blacklight / G. F. Hevel & W. E. Steiner’ (USNM, PBPC).

Description. Habitus as in Fig. 1; length 2.90–3.35 mm (mean 3.17 mm, n = 18; HT 3.15 mm). Colour brown fuliginous, surface with slight green-bronze metallic lustre, anterior parts of head and base and apical part of elytra slightly lighter, brownish translucent, legs rusty red, antennae and mouth-parts slightly lighter, yellowish.

Head. Anterior margin of clypeus with distinctly protruding lateral lobes, between them slightly convex; clypeofrontal area with characteristic T-forming carina and with additional fine, irregular carinae/rugosities between longitudinal carina and facial furrows; facial furrows deep, regularly diverged posteriorly; distance between them larger than length of eye. Surface of vertex even, smooth, with very fine and sparse micropunctures. Eyes moderately large, strongly convex. Antennae submoniliform.

Pronotum. Strongly convex; outline regularly and moderately strongly rounded, moderately attenuated anteriorly; 0.97–1.04 (mean 1.00; HT 0.99) times as wide as long, 1.36–1.43 (mean 1.41; HT 1.40) times as wide as head; widest in anterior two thirds. Anterior angles blunt, posterior ones moderately rounded. Anterior transverse impression distinct, with sparse cross striae; median line moderately impressed at sides and much finer, superficial on disc; lateral channel moderately broad, reflexed lateral margin extended slightly beyond posterior setiferous puncture. Surface shiny, mirror-like, with very fine micropunctures.

Elytra. Elongate, very slightly and broadly concave in anterior fifth in lateral view; 1.72–1.83 (mean 1.78; HT 1.78) times as long as wide, 1.10–1.17 (mean 1.14; HT 1.13) times as wide as pronotum; humeri moderately protruded, without humeral teeth; elytral base strongly sloping; outline in basal half slightly broadened on sides, broadest at anterior third, more strongly attenuated towards apex than towards humeri; suture not depressed at base. Base without basal border and tubercles; BSP deeply connected with first stria. Striae characteristic of subgroup: striae 1–7 deep, moderately punctate, punctures disappearing in third fourth, distinctly narrower than width of intervals; stria 8 very fine, recognisable only in middle third, striae 2–3 and 6–7 diminish basally, stria 3 disappearing before anterior DSP; striae 4–5 distinctly deeper and broader behind base; all striae moderately deep apically; intervals slightly vaulted. Three PHSP (only two in two PTs), three DSP (all in stria 3) and two ASP (both in deep apical stria).

Protibia.Apical spine broad and blunt, strongly curved backwards but not inwards, slightly shorter than uncinate apical spur; distal marginal tooth large, moderately sharp, proximal one small, blunt.

Aedeagus. Shape as in Figs. 8 and 14; in HT 0.59 mm long, median lobe moderately bent down, indistinctly bulging in apical third. Apical lamella medium sized, asymmetric rounded, narrowed apically (Fig. 14). Paramere without setae.

Differential diagnosis. Dyschiriodes sabahensis sp. nov. belongs to the D. verticalis subgroup of the D. substriatus group (sensu FEDORENKO 1996, 1997a). It can be distinguished from the most similar D. (Paradyschirius) verticalis (Putzeys, 1878) by a more rounded and anteriorly less attenuated pronotum, different number of setiferous punctures on the elytra (two ASP and 2–3 PHSP in D. sabahensis sp. nov., one ASP and 1–2 PHSP in D. verticalis), finer and distinctly punctate elytral striae, especially more distinctly punctate stria 7, and anteriorly more abbreviated stria 3. From D. (P.) hingstoni (Andrewes, 1929) it differs mainly by a smaller body (2.90–3.35 mm in D. sabahensis sp. nov., 3.60–4.15 mm in D. hingstoni), more rounded and anteriorly less attenuated pronotum and different number of setiferous punctures on the elytra (one ASP and two PHSP in D. hingstoni). Finally, it differs from D. (P.) tenuescens (Andrewes, 1929) by larger body (2.10–2.70 mm in D. tenuescens), different number of setiferous punctures on the elytra (one ASP and one PHSP in D. tenuescens), basally more abbreviated elytral stria 3 and distinctly punctate stria 7. Moreover, D. sabahensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from all these species by the shape of the median lobe of the aedeagus and its apical lamella (see Figs. 8 and 14 versus Figs. 21–25 in FEDORENKO (1997a)).

Etymology. The species epithet is derived from the state in which the species was found.

Distribution. Malaysia (Sabah).