Gahrliepia elbeli Traub and Morrow, 1955

Gahrliepia (Gahrliepia) elbeli Traub and Morrow, 1955: 18, figs. 43–50; Audy 1957: 272; Vercammen-Grandjean 1968b: 115; Lakshana 1973: 22; Goff 1989: 106; Chau et al. 2007: 156, fig. 74.

Gahrliepia elbeli: Chaisiri et al. 2016: 333.

Type deposition. USNM.

Type data. Ex Menetes berdmorei, Thailand, Nan Province, Muang District, Pang Nam Un.

Hosts. RODENTIA: Bandicota indica, B. savilei, Berylmys berdmorei, Maxomys surifer, Menetes berdmorei, Niviventer niviventer, Rattus rattus, R. tanezumi, Rhizomys pruinosus; SORICOMORPHA: Crocidura horsfieldi; CARNIVORA: Herpestes javanicus; ERINACEOMORPHA: Hylomys suillus; SCANDENTIA: Tupaia glis.

Distribution. Thailand, Vietnam.