Marma pipa sp. nov.

Figures 25–28, 57C, 58E

Etymology. The specific epithet is a noun in apposition taken from type locality.

Diagnosis. Males of M. pipa sp. nov. are most similar to those of M. nigritarsis, both of which have a thick embolic disc with a straight prolateral edge and curved retrolateral edge (Figs 25C, 27A, 36C, 37A, 57C, E). However, they differ by having a shorter process on the embolic disc and a shorter embolus (Figs 57C, E). Also, the base of the embolus shaft is larger in M. pipa sp. nov. (Figs 27E, 28A, 37G, 40C). The general pattern of the epigynal structures among M. pipa sp. nov. and M. nigritarsis are similar, with both having copulatory ducts that encircle the primary spermathecae (Figs 26 C–D, 27G, 58E, G). However, females of M. pipa sp. nov. can be distinguished by having the primary spermathecae with different widths (being dilated at their basal portion and thinner at their distal end; Figs 26 C–D, 27G, 58E), whereas in M. nigritarsis the primary spermathecae is evenly wide throughout their length (Figs 35 H–I, 37I, 58G).

Description. Male (Holotype, MPEG 34352). Total length: 3.14. Carapace 2.05 long, 1.47 wide, 0.98 high. Ocular quadrangle 0.92 long. Anterior eye row 1.25 wide, posterior 1.02 wide. Legs 1432. Length of legs: I 4.52 (1.38 + 1.76 + 1.38); II 3.52 (1.11 + 1.27 + 1.14); III 4.10 (1.36 + 1.43 + 1.31); IV 4.14 (1.24 + 1.36 + 1.54).

Leg macrosetae: Femur I d1-1-1, p1di, r0; II–IV d1-1-1, p1di, r1di. Patella I–II 0; III–IV p0, r1. Tibia I p0-1-0, r0, v2-2-2; II p0-1-0 (or p1-1-0), r0-1-0, v1r-2-2 (or v1r-1r-2); III–IV p0-1-1-0, r1-1-1-0, v1p-0-0-2. Metatarsus I p1-1, r0, v2-2; II p1-1, r1di, v2-2; III d1p-0-0, p1-0-2, r1-0-2, v2-0-2 (or v1p-0-2); IV p-1-1-2, r1-1-2, v1p-0-2.

Color in alcohol (Figs 25 A–B): carapace with triangle of scales pointing backwards; areas around triangle with dense concentration of scales; abdomen ventrally with three longitudinal dark stripes, almost fused, and pale edge; legs: femur I with prolateral surface with dark stripe and distal region with a dark retrolateral spot, II distal region with prolateral and retrolateral dark spot, III with dark distal ring and proximal region with dark prolateral spot, IV with dark distal ring; tibia I–II with dark proximal ring, III–IV with proximal and distal dark ring; tarsus I almost black, II without dark marks; III–IV with dark proximal spot.

Palp: RTA finger-shaped (Figs 25D, 27B); embolic disc thick, with straight prolateral edge and curved retrolateral edge (Figs 25C, 27A); PED slighty longer than exposed portion of embolic disc, emerging from prodistal part of embolic disc (Figs 27A, E); tip of embolus ending beyond tip of PED (Figs 27A, E).

Female (Paratype , MPEG 34349). Total length: 3.68. Carapace 2.09 long, 1.63 wide, 1.10 high. Ocular quadrangle 1.11 long. Anterior eye row 1.38 wide, posterior 1.22 wide. Legs 4312. Length of legs: I 3.44 (1.09 + 1.33 + 1.02); II 3.37 (1.10 + 1.22 + 1.05); III 4.38 (1.42 + 1.52 + 1.44); IV 4.45 (1.26 + 1.51 + 1.68).

Leg macrosetae: Femur I d1-1-1, p1di, r0; II–IV d1-1-1, p1di, r1di. Patella I–II 0; III–IV p0, r1. Tibia I p0-1-0, r0, v1r-1-2; II p0-1-0, r0-1-0, v1r-2-2; III p0-1-1-0, r1-1-1-0, v1p-0-0-2; IV p0-0-1-0 (or p0-1-1-0), r1-1-1-0, v2di (or v1p-0-0-2). Metatarsus I–II p1-1, r1di, v2-2; III d1p-0-0, p1-0-2, r1-0-2, v2-0-2 (or v1p-0-2); IV d1p-0-0, p1-0-2 (or p1-1-2), r1-0-2 (or r1-1-2), v0-1p-2.

Color in alcohol (Figs 26 A–B): carapace as in male; legs: femur I prolateral surface with dark stripe and distal region with dark retrodorsal spot, II distal region with dark dorsal spot and proximal region with dark prolateral spot, III distal region with dark dorsal spot and proximal region with dark proventral spot, IV with dark distal ring and proximal region with prolateral and retrolateral dark spot; tibia I–II with dark proximal ring and distal region with prolateral and retrolateral dark spot, III–IV with proximal and distal dark ring; tarsus I–II without dark marks, III–IV with dark proximal ring.

Epigyne (Figs 26 C–D, 27F–G, 28E–F): copulatory openings very close to each other and placed more anteriorly than primary spermathecae; copulatory ducts longer and encircling primary spermathecae; proximal copulatory ducts approximately with same length as distal section; primary spermathecae with dilated initial portion, tapering towards the fertilization ducts; primary spermathecae anteriorly projected.

Type material. Holotype ♁: BRAZIL: Rio Grande do Norte: Tibau do Sul, Pipa, 06°13’42.5”S, 35°02’55.5”W, leg. G.R.S Ruiz, IV.2017 (MPEG 34352).

Paratype: Same data as holotype, 1♀ (MPEG 34349).

Other material examined. Same data as holotype, 1♁ 1♀ (MPEG 37129).

Distribution. Known only from the type locality (Fig. 59B).