Phlogiellus quanyui sp. nov.

(Figs 1 A–C, 2A–G, 3A–G)

Type material. CHINA: Holotype: ³ (IZCAS-Ar40360), Hainan: Qiongzhong, Mt. Limu, Xiaosanxia, N19.1812°, E109.7554°, elevation 637 m, 01.XII.2015, Xiaoqing Zhang & Zhigang Chen leg. Paratypes 2³ (IZCAS-Ar40361, Ar40362), same data as holotype; 1³ 3♀ (IZCAS-Ar40363–40366), same data as holotype, 06.I.2020, Quanyu Ji leg.

Etymology. The species is named after Mr. Quanyu Ji, who collected some specimens designated as paratypes; noun (name) in genitive case.

Diagnosis. Phlogiellus quanyui sp. nov. males are similar to those of P. daweiensis, P. pelidnus, P. watasei and P. xinping by having the same angle of the embolus relative to the bulb, and females of the new species are similar to the others by having one pair of spermathecae. P. quanyui sp. nov. can be separated from P. xinping and P. pelidnus by the lack of lyra setae on the maxillae. Males of P. quanyui sp. nov. can be distinguished from P. daweiensis, P. watasei and P. xinping by the long white setae absent on tibia and metatarsus in leg I and leg II dorsally (vs. present in P. daweiensis), length ratio of the embolus to the bulb, which is almost 1: 1 in P. quanyui sp. nov. (vs. 2:1, 0.8:1 and 1.3: 1 in the latter three species, respectively). Females can be differentiated from P. watasei by the bulbous, straight spermathecae (vs. curved in P. watasei), the middle contraction (vs. contraction unobvious in P. watasei and P. xinping; in P. pelidnus, the contraction in one third of the spermathecae), the ratio of the length of the spermathecae to the distance between the spermathecae is almost 1:1 (vs. 1: 0.5 in P. pelidnus and P. xinping and 1: 0.25 in P. watasei) and the terminal wrinkle absent in P. quanyui sp. nov. (vs. present in P. daweiensis).

Description. Male (holotype, IZCAS-Ar41616) (Figs 1, 2, 3 D–E). Total length (without chelicerae) 12.18, carapace 6.35 long, 5.58 wide, dark brown with long setae. Opisthosoma 6.28 long, 4.04 wide, oval, brown, hirsute. Eye group 1.13 long, 0.59 wide (Fig. 2F). MOA 0.54 long, anterior width 0.63, posterior width 0.82. Eye sizes and interdistances: ALE 0.35, AME 0.30, PLE 0.28, PME 0.23; ALE–AME 0.03, AME–AME 0.11, PLE–PME 0.03, PME–PME 0.45. Fovea transverse, recurved. Chelicerae dark brown, with row of 9 promarginal teeth. Labium wider than long, with ca. 309 cuspules. Sternum yellow-brown with 3 pairs of sigilla. Legs with long and short setae. Tarsi I–III with 2 claws without denticles, tarsus IV with 3 claws, no denticles on paired claws. Leg measurements: I 19.52 (5.83 + 7.87 + 3.52 + 2.30), II 16.50 (4.80 + 6.54 + 2.96 + 2.20), III 14.08 (3.96 + 4.80 + 3.19 + 2.13), IV 20.36 (5.77 + 6.79 + 5.05 + 2.75). Leg formula: 4123.

Male palp (Figs 1, 2 A–B, G). Maxillae without lyra setae, with ca. 260 cuspules ventrally. Tibia with many setae laterally swollen at base. Bulb nearly globose, embolus curved, sickle-shaped, with vertical ridge.

Female (paratype, IZCAS-Ar41619) (Fig. 3 A–C, F–G). Total length (without chelicerae) 14.90, carapace 5.38 long, 4.50 wide, similar to male. Opisthosoma 8.30 long, 5.00 wide, oval, gray, hirsute. Eye group 1.05 long, 0.52 wide. MOA 0.41 long, anterior width 0.56, posterior width 0.72. Eye sizes and interdistances: ALE 0.25, AME 0.19, PLE 0.26, PME 0.12; ALE–AME 0.07, AME–AME 0.16, PLE–PME 0.05, PME–PME 0.50. Chelicerae with row of 9 promarginal teeth. Labium with ca. 239 cuspules. Leg measurements: I 12.27 (3.80 + 5.00 + 1.83 + 1.64), II 10.66 (1.66 + 1.72 + 3.88 + 3.40), III 8.75 (1.74 + 1.82 + 2.81 + 2.38), IV 12.27 (1.80 + 2.69 + 4.50 + 3.28). Leg formula: 4123.

Female genitalia (Fig. 3 A–C) simple. Two separate spermathecae, swollen distally, without wrinkles.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality.