Homolophus nordenskioeldi (L. Koch, 1879a)

Figures 1G, 7, 28–29

Phalangium Nordenskiöldi L. Koch, 1879a: 107–109; L. Koch 1879b: 483; Simon 1888: 461; Simon 1891: 109

Phalangium Nordenskiöldi var. albofasciata Kulczyński, 1901: 320, 351–352

Phalangium nordenskiöldi var. kolensis Strand, 1906: 473

Phalangium nordenskiöldi — Strand 1906: 473

Euphalangium Nordenskiöldi var. kolensis — Roewer 1911: 34; Roewer 1912: 111, 116

Euphalangium nordenskiöldi-kolense — Roewer 1923: 764; Redikorzev 1936: 33

Euphalangium nordenskiöldi-nordenskiöldi — Roewer 1923: 763

Euphalangium Nordenskiöldi — Roewer 1911: 34; Roewer 1912: 111–113, pl. 3, fig. 21

Euphalangium nordenskiöldi — Roewer 1923: 763; Roewer 1929: 1; Redikorzev 1936: 33; Heinäjoki 1944: 19, fig. 23; Roewer 1956: 261

Euphalangium nordenskioeldi — Staręga 1964: 392–397, figs. 5–9; Staręga 1978: 223–224; Gricenko, 1979a: 38, fig. 35

Homolophus nordenskioeldi — Cokendolpher 1987: 92; Tchemeris et al. 1998: 189–192, figs. 1–7; Farzalieva & Esyunin 1999: 193–194, figs. 67–73; Staręga 2003: 96

Phalangium nordenskiöldi var. kolensis Strand 1906: 473 [junior subjective synonym of Phalangium nordenskioeldi L. Koch, 1879a by Staręga (1964)]

Phalangium Nordenskiöldi var. transbaicalica Kulczyński 1901 b: 352 [junior subjective synonym of Phalangium nordenskioeldi L. Koch, 1879a by Staręga (1978)]

Phalangium personatum L. Koch 1879a: 109 [junior subjective synonym of Phalangium nordenskioeldi L. Koch, 1879a by Staręga (1978)]

Euphalangium altaicum Roewer, 1923: 765, fig. 939; Redikorzev 1936: 33; Roewer 1956: 260 [junior subjective synonym of Phalangium nordenskioeldi transbaicalica Kulczyński, 1901 by Staręga (1964); synonymy reaffirmed by Šilhavý (1972 a)]

Diagnosis. The species differs from all other species, including the most closely related, H. gricenkoi Staręga & Snegovaya, 2008 and H. tibetanus (Roewer, 1911), by the following: characteristic features that includes dark body color with white transverse bands along borders of pro- and metapeltidium, and indistinct light-colored strip (about as wide as ocularium) running length of body. Species also has special penis truncus, in dorsoventral aspect, with wide base, then narrows towards middle, again slightly expands towards glans and then slender again at apex.

Type Locality. Siberia.

Distribution. Mongolia (Central, South Khangai, and North Khangai provinces), N. Russia, “Siberia,” and North Korea (Fig. 7).

Specimens Examined. CHINA, The southern slope of Chinese Altai, 1899 (1 male, 1 female, ZIN). KAZAKHSTAN, South Kazakhstan region, ~ 15 km north. Talap village, Besaryk riverbank, Karatau ridge, 05– 06.05. 2010, leg. T. K. Tuneva (6 males, 1 female, RCNS); same locality, 05– 06.05. 2010, leg. T. K. Tuneva (3 females, RCNS); Almaty (previously Alma-Ata), Deep gap (Glubokaya schel”), 23.05.1936, leg. V. Shaydurov, field Ñ61- 1937 (1 male, PSU / RCNS). MONGOLIA, Uverkhangay Aymak, Orkhon River, 46°53’42.7”N, 102°23’12.7”E, 1593 m a.s.l.; Western part of Ikh-Bogd, Gobi Altai, 16.08.1926, leg. Formozov (4 males, 2 females, ZIN); Mongolia, summer 1976, leg. Volkhovitch (1 male, IZB); Ulyasutai, Uliastai, Zavkhan Aimag, 19– 20.09.1926, leg. Kirichenko (6 males, 4 females, ZIN); Ulan-Bator (formerly Urga), 14.07.1923, leg. Ya. Byashkov (1 male, ZIN); Gobi, pebbles in valley of Tuin-Gol, 3.09.1924, field # N90-925 (1 male, 1 female, ZIN); Dulan Ula, gorges, 24.09, 1925, field # N469-926 (4 males, 1 female, ZIN); Kobdo Mt. district, 10.08– 5.10.1926, leg. S. Konoplev, field # N141-927 (1 male, 2 females, ZIN) Western foothills of Ihe-Bogdo, Gobi Altai, 16.08.1926, leg. A. Kirichenko, N3-927 (3 males, 6 females, ZIN); steppe zone of Mongolia, August-September 1925, leg. I. Kozlov (1 male, ZIN); Arhangay Aimak, Orkhon River, 46°53’42.7”N, 102°23’12.7”E, 1593 m a.s.l., 18.07.2004, leg. O. Gorbunov (5 males, 5 females, 1 juv., RCNS); Khovd Province, Kobdo Lake (River?) (1 male, 1 female, ZIN). RUSSIA, Altai, East Shore of Lake Dzhuylu-Kol, 10.08.1901, field Ñ 165-901, N25 (18 males, 3 females, ZIN); Altai, shore of Tudin-Kul (Thiodyn-Kul) lake, 26.08.1901, Ñ 165-901 (1 male, ZIN); Altai mountains, Altai Republic, Siberia, Altai expedition of Prof. Sushkina, Chui Steppe, 30.07.1912, Ñ 13-16 (4 males, 2 females, 2 juv., RCNS); Karelia, Distr. Loukhsky, vicinity of Pokonda settlement BBS, supralittoral (spray zone) of White Sea, under stones, 24.08.1992, leg. Makarova O. (3 males, 2 females, RCNS); Altai Republic, Kosh-Agachsky District, Chui steppe, 7 km from Kosh-Agach, under earthy buildings, 30.07.1939, leg. A. Zverev (7 males, 4 females, 5 juv., RCNS); same locality, gathered among the grass on the ground, 30.07.1939 (12 males, 1 female, 2 juv., RCNS); Altai, Choysky district, okr. G. Baltyrgan, forest-tundra, traps, 14.08.2001, leg. N. V. Levina (19 males, 48 females, 7 juv., RCNS); (Ilyinsky District of Perm Krai) Middle Ural, Perm Region, Chermoz, woodpile, under the bark, 10.08.2003, leg. S.L. Esyunin & G.Sh. Farzalieva (1 male, RCNS); same locality, 31.07.2001, leg. N. V. Levina (1 male, 3 females, IZB); Tuva (4 males, IZB); Altay, Kosh-Agach District, Chuy steppe, 7 km from Kosh-Agach, under the clods of earthen buildings, 30.07.1939, leg. A. Zverev (5 males, 1 juv., RCNS); Buryatia, Kyakhta (formerly Troitskosavsk), south central Siberia, 15.09.1929, leg. T. Mikhno (2 males, 6 females, RCNS); Altai Republic, Ukok plateau, 2134 m a.s.l., 1861 (3 males, 2 juv., ZIN); Murmansk Oblast, The White Sea, North Gulf, Ryazhkov Island, in house, 10.08.1964, leg. Chassankaw (1 male, 1 female, 1 juv., AMNH); Ryazhkov Island, in house, 5.08.1964, leg. Chassankaw (1 male, AMNH); Kandalaksha pze serv [preserve?], Ryazhkov Island, littoral, west bank, 7.08.1951, leg. Voldensky, 20 Aug 1964, (1 female, 3 juv., AMNH); Murmansk region, Kandalaksha, on the wall of a house, 20 Aug 1964, (2 males, AMNH); Amisimov Island, White Sea, in house 20.08.1964 (1 female, AMNH).

Description. Large harvestmen, male body rectangular (almost square), with rounded corners; heavily-sclerotized body cuticle, slender, 1.87 times longer than wide; length 8.4 mm, width 4.5 mm. Body colored shades of brown and black, with longitudinal, indistinct light-colored strip (about as wide as ocularium) running length of body; with whitish-cream colored transverse bands across edges of pro- and metapeltidium, and extreme lateral edges of tergite I. Integuments usually thickly sclerotized. On dorsal side, with distinct rows of denticles along borders of tergites. Ocularium low, round, not large, 2.2 times its length from anterior margin of cephalothorax, with 5–6 denticles on each side. There are few larger denticles on leading edge of cephalothorax and other slightly smaller denticles scattered in front and to sides of ocularium. Legs long, cylindrical in cross-section, I and III pairs thickened. Segments of legs densely covered with longitudinal rows of large denticles. Leg lengths (mm): I 6.0 + 2.0 + 3.5 + 6.5 + 9.5 = 27.5, II 11.6 + 3.0 + 9.5 + 8.4 + 21.8 = 54.3, III 6.0 + 2.0 + 4.6 + 6.6 + 10.0 = 29.2, IV 8.0 + 2.0 + 6.0 + 10.5 + 12.4 = 38.9. Pedipalp segment lengths (mm): 2.1 + 1.0 + 1.5 + 2.3 = 6.9. Pedipalp thickened and noticeably armed, Fe dorsally and ventrally, Pa dorsally, Ti and Ta ventrally with large denticles. Chelicerae medium to large (sexually dimorphic) with some tabby marks, basal and distal parts with several smaller denticles. Cheliceral basal segment ventrally smooth with some bulge, length 2.4 mm, distal segment length 2.7 mm. Penis medium-sized, truncus dorsoventrally flattened, bowed, recurved in lateral view; in dorsoventral aspect, with wide base, then narrows towards middle, again slightly expands towards glans and then slender again at apex. The musculature of a penis in rest is presented in Fig. 1G. Penis length (mm): truncus 3.3, glans 0.4, stylus 0.15.

Female differs from male in larger size, more rounded body shape, less developed armaments on appendages. Female body length 9.5 mm, width 4.5 mm. Leg lengths (mm): I 2.6 + 1.2 + 2.4 + 3.0 + 5.6 = 14.8, II 4.0 + 1.6 + 4.4 + 4.0 + 11.0 = 25.0, III 3.0 + 1.5 + 2.6 + 3.5 + 5.6 = 16.2, IV 4.5 + 1.8 + 3.4 + 5.6 + 8.2 = 23.5. Pedipalp segment lengths (mm): 1.8 + 0.8 + 0.9 + 1.7 (5.2). Cheliceral basal segment length 1.8 mm, distal segment length 2.1 mm.