Hosticus nom. nov. pro Alienus Galileo & Martins, 2010 (nec Handlirsch, 1906; nec Bridwell, 1919)

(Figs. 5–8)

Alienus Galileo & Martins, 2010: 388; Monné, 2012: 26 (cat.); 2020: 406 (cat.).

Type species. Alienus curiosus Galileo & Martins, 2010, by monotypy.

Etymology. Latin, “hosticus”, meaning “hostile”; adjective used here as a noun in the nominative singular. It is a synonym of the Latin adjective “alienus” meaning “alien”, “foreigner.” Masculine gender.

Remarks. Handlirsch (1906: 392) described Alienus, an insect fossil genus currently in Blattinopsidae (Protorthoptera) (Hörnschemeyer & Stapf 2001). Some years later, Bridwell (1919: 117) established a junior homonym, Alienus, as a new genus in Hymenoptera (in the newly established family Alienidae of Proctotrupoidea). Noticing the homonymy, Strand (1929: 25) established Obenbergerella as a new replacement name for Alienus Bridwell (currentely in the family Chrysididae). A third homonym was more recently erected by Galileo & Martins (2010: 388), Alienus, for a genus in Coleoptera (Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Eligmodermini) and their new species Alienus curiosus. Here we are proposing Hosticus as a new replacement name for Alienus Galileo & Martins to resolve the triple homonym with Alienus Handlirsch and Alienus Bridwell.

Alienus curiosus remains known only from the holotype female from Brazil (Espírito Santo), deposited in the MZSP collection. We take the opportunity to better illustrate the holotype (Figs. 5–8).