Amplaria cervus, new species

Figs. 38–40, 56

Types: Male holotype from Wrigley Road along the North Fork of the Elk River, 6 mi NE of Loleta, 40.6991°, -124.1168°, 80’ asl, Humboldt Co., California, collected 21 December 1977 by A. K. Johnson. Parts of the male holotype are mounted on SEM stub WAS34-14.

Diagnosis: Very similar to the following species, A. mendocino n. sp., but distinct in some details of the gonopods and in the coxae of the fourth and fifth legpair of males not having a ventral depression and lacking dense, fine setae. The first legs have long, needle-like setae, which are absent in A. mendocino.

Etymology: The species name is a noun in apposition, the Latin name of the genus to which the American elk (Cervus americanus) belongs, recognizing the type locality along the North Fork of the Elk River.

Description: Male holotype. Length, about 11 mm, width 1.0 mm. Fourteen ommatidia in triangular patch. Labrum with long, slightly sinuous hooks at each angle. Mandibles not modified. Legpair 1 larger than legpair 2, with long needle-like setae. Legpairs 2–7 with telopodites of similar size, with flattened podomeres. Second trochanters with moderate posteriorventral processes, bearing specialized setae (Fig. 40). Legs 3 with coxal flasks of moderate length, divergent, with dense setae anterioapically, telopodites not reduced. Pleurotergal bars of ring 3 narrow, just touching in midline. Coxae of legpairs 4, 5, not distally depressed, without fine, dense setae. Crests moderate. Pygidium short. Color uniform pale tan.

Gonopods (Figs. 38, 56) anterior angiocoxites large, slightly curved, distally sharply bent posteriorly from acute anterior edge, with subapical lateral process. Posterior angiocoxites also large, sharply curved anteriorly from narrow base, widening abruptly, with two distal processes curved, convergent, sheathing 2–4 long flagellocoxites. Posterior lobes of colpocoxites prominent, poorly sclerotized, with many small cuticular scales. Ninth legpair (Fig. 39) with flattened coxae, very small, acute mesal coxal process.

Females not collected.

Distribution: Known only from the type locality.