Mylabris (Eumylabris) calida (Pallas, 1782)

Meloe calida Pallas, 1782: 85. Type locality: “Rossiae Sibiriaeqve” (= Siberia, Russia). Type depository: destroyed by fire.

Mylabris maculata Olivier, 1795: 7. Type locality: no record. Type depository: MNHN. Synonymized by Fischer von Waldheim 1823: 225.

Mylabris bimaculata Olivier, 1811: 93. Type locality: “Athènes” (= Athens, Greece). Type depository: MNHN. Synonymized by Reiche 1866: 638.

Mylabris decora Olivier, 1811: 94 (homonym). Type locality: “Russie méridionale” (= Southern Russia). Type depository: MNHN.

Mylabris calida: Tauscher 1812: 138.

Mylabris maura Chevrolat, 1840: 273. Type locality: “Barbarie” (= Barbary, N Africa). Type depository: MNHN. Synonymized by Reiche 1866: 638.

Mylabris niligena Reiche, 1866: 638. Type locality: “ Caire, Aegyptus ” (= Cairo, Egypt). Type depository: MNHN. Synonymized by Gemminger & Harold 1870: 2139.

Zonabris calida: Heyden 1881: 152.

Zonabris calida var. latifasciata Pic, 1896: 62. Type locality: “ Algérie, Le Kreder et Tlemcen ”. Type depository: MNHN.

Zonabris calida var. bijuncta Pic, 1897: 2. Type locality: “Guelt-el-Settel”. Type depository: MNHN.

Zonabris maculata var. maroccana Escherich, 1899: 107. Type locality: “ Marokko ” (= Marocco). Type depository: TNJM.

Zonabris maculata var. transcaspica Escherich, 1899: 107. Type locality: “ Ashabad, Transkaspien ” (= Ashgabat, Turkmenistan). Type depository: ZMHB.

Zonabris bimaculaticeps Pic, 1920: 13. Type locality: “Algérie” (= Algeria). Type depository: MNHN. Synonymized by Pic 1930b: 240.

Zonabris calida var. interrupta Eichler, 1924: 66 (homonym). Type locality: “Caucase et Asie-mineure” (= Caucasus & Asia Minor). Type depository: unknown.

Zonabris calida var. maculata Eichler, 1924: 66 (homonym). Type locality: “Caucase et Asie-mineure” (= Caucasus & Asia Minor). Type depository: unknown.

Zonabris tlemceni Pic, 1930a: 3. Type locality: “ Algérie: Tlemcen ”. Type depository: MNHN. Synonymized by Pardo Alcaide 1969: 371.

Mylabris aschnae Makhan & Ezzatpanah, 2011: 1. Type locality: “ Mahallat, Markazi, Iran ”. Type depository: cDM, TUSB.

Type material examined. Mylabris bimaculaticeps: 1 ex., “ Zonabris calida var. maculata Oliv. ”, “ type ”, “ bimaculaticeps Pic ”, “ TYPE ”, “ Mylabris calida (Pall.) ab. // Pardo Alcaide det. 1967” (MNHN; Fig. 22).

Mylabris calida var. bijuncta: 1 ex., “Gueltes Stel (LeCunte)”, “ calida var trefoce...”, “ type ”, “ v. bijuncta Pic ”, “ TYPE ”, “pro…” (MNHN; Fig. 23).

Mylabris calida var. latifasciata: 1 ex., “Le Kreider // mou 93”, “ type ”, “ v. latifasciata Pic ”, “ TYPE ” (MNHN); 1 ex., “ Tlemcen ”, “ type ”, “ TYPE ” (MNHN; Fig. 24).

Mylabris tlemceni: 1 ex., “ Algerie // Tlemcen ”, “ type ”, “ Z. tlemceni Pic ”, “ Mylabris calida (Pall.) // Pardo Alcaide det. 1967” (MNHN; Fig. 25).

Other material examined from China. XINJIANG: 1 ex., Ebinur Lake, 2006.V.8, Ba Yibin leg. (MHBU); 1 ex., 10 km W of Beitun, 2007.VII.21, Zhang Chengli & Wang Xinpu leg. (MHBU); 1 ex., Burqin, 1984.VII.24, Liu Zhike leg. (XJU); 1511 exx., Burqin, Wucaitan (N47°48.334’ E86°43.733’, Elev. 491 m), 2010.VIII.10, Wang Xinpu & Pan Zhao leg. (MHBU); 2 exx., Fuhai, Aerda (N47°08.445’ E87°32.554’, Elev. 496 m), 2010.VIII.7, Wang Xinpu & Pan Zhao leg. (MHBU); 677 exx., Fuhai, Kalamagai (N46°41.762’ E87°45.338’, Elev. 563 m), 2010.VIII.8, Wang Xinpu & Pan Zhao leg. (666 MHBU;11 MHBUa); 29 exx., Habahe, 1975.VIII.6–7 (11 NKU; 18 TMNH); 1 ex., Kuitun, 1984.VI.21 (NXU); 3 exx., W Mori (N43°50.184’ E90°16.99’, Elev. 1250 m), 2010.VIII.3, Wang Xinpu & Pan Zhao leg. (MHBU); 69 exx., Qitai, Xibeiwan (N44°11.301’ E089°33.037’, Elev. 645 m), 2010. VIII.4, Wang Xinpu & Pan Zhao leg. (MHBU); 16 exx., Yumin, Jiyeke (N46°23.832’ E82°51.134’, Elev. 429 m), 2010.VIII.14, Wang Xinpu & Pan Zhao leg. (MHBU); 6 exx., Wuerhe, 1975.VIII.3, Liu Shengli leg. (TMNH).

Distribution. China: Xinjiang; widely distributed in the Palaearctic region.

Remarks. Makhan & Ezzatpanah (2011) described Mylabris aschnae from Iran. According to the description and illustrations, it almost has the same characters as M. calida: elytra yellow, with two black spots at basal quarter, two black fasciae in middle and at apical quarter respectively; parameres sub-triangular in lateral view and with a light longitudinal fascia; and dorsal hooks of penis slender, the distal one closed to the proximal one and far from the apex. For this reason, M. aschnae is synonymized to M. calida in the revised and updated version of “Catalogue of Palaearctic Coeloptera (Vol. 5: Tenebrionoidea)” by Bologna (in press). This represents a detailed explanation of this synonym.

The validity of Zonabris posticalis Dokhtouroff, 1889 is doubtful. It was treated as a synonym (Sumakov 1915, 1924, 1930), subspecies (Kaszab 1957), variety (Kaszab 1959), or aberration (Kaszab 1941) of M. calida, but also as a valid species (Kaszab 1958a, 1973, 1981; Bologna 2008). One of us (Z. Pan) examined some specimens determined as Z. posticalis by Kaszab (HNHM), and considered those specimens are not different from M. calida except the variable elytral pattern. However, this problem should be resolved after examining the types of Z. posticalis.