Roger Grau-Andrés ( or David A. Wardle Marie-Charlotte Nilsson Hegethorn Paul Kardol October 2020 This file explains the variables in the file "BryoC_moss_growth_201020.csv", which includes data related to moss growth. The data is described in the paper "Precipitation regime controls bryosphere carbon cycling similarly across contrasting ecosystems", published in the journal Oikos. Please refer to the paper for further details. meso_id: ID of the mesocosm. shoots_n: number of shoots measured. shoot_growth_mm_d: moss growth during the experiment, in millimeters per day per moss shoot. shoot_growth_mg_d: moss growth during the experiment, in milligrams of dry biomass per day per moss shoot. date_initial: date at the beginning of the experiment when reference points were marked in moss shoots. date_final: date at the end of the experiment when growth to the reference points was measured in the shoots.