Kukulcania hibernalis (Hentz, 1842)

Figures 1 A–E, 3 A, 6 A–B, 7 A, 10–11, 18–21, 26, 32–36

Filistata hibernalis Hentz, 1842: 227, plate 8, fig. 9a–b. Syntype males and females from “South Carolina on the sea-coast, North Alabama on the banks of the Tennessee,” presumably lost (Levi, 1971), not examined. Keyserling, 1879: 348; F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1899: 47, plate 3, fig. 8; Banks, 1909: 156; Petrunkevitch, 1911: 115; Chamberlin and Ivie, 1935: plate 4, figs. 28–30; Mello- Leitão, 1943: 153; Alayón, 1972: 5, f. I–III, plates I–II.

Filistata capitata Hentz, 1842: 228, plate 8, fig. 7. Holotype male from Georgia, presumably lost (Levi, 1971), not examined. Keyserling, 1879: 347, plate IV, fig. 33; Simon, 1893: 257, figs. 212–219. First synonymized by Petrunkevitch (1911): 115.

Teratodes depressus C. L. Koch, 1842: 103, fig. 755. Syntype males from South America (ZMB), examined. First synonymized with F. capitata by Keyserling (1879).

Filistata cubaecola Lucas, 1857: 26, plate IV, fig. 2. Female syntypes from Cuba: Habana and Santo Domingo, presumably deposited in the MNHN but lost (Levi, 1971), not examined. First synonymized by Banks, 1909.

Filistata distincta Blackwall, 1867: 202. Male and two immature female syntypes from Jamaica, presumably deposited in the HDEO but lost (Levi, 1971), not examined. First synonymized by F.O. Pickard-Cambridge (1899).

Mygale muritelaria Holmberg, 1876: 7. Female syntypes from Argentina, lost. First synonymized by Mello-Leitão (1943).

Kukulcania hibernalis: Lehtinen, 1967: 242, fig. 19; Gray, 1995: 83, figs. 18, 24; Ramírez and Grismado, 1997: 348, figs. 1, 4, 7, 107–111; Griswold et al., 2005: 27, figs. 166D, 167D; Brescovit and Santos, 2013: 311, figs. 1D–F, 2D–F, 3B; Brescovit, Sánchez-Ruiz and Alayón, 2016: 429.

Filistata isolinae Alayón, 1972: 7, plates III–IV. Immature lectotype and paralectotype, designated by Alayón (1975), from Cuba, Santo Antonio de los Baños, deposited in MNHNCu, not examined. First synonymized by Brescovit et al., 2016.

Kukulkania isolinae: Alayón, 1975: 2.

EXAMINED TYPE MATERIAL: SYNTYPES OF TERATODES DEPRESSUS : Two pinned males with uncertain locality, possibly South America (“Ungewiss, wahrscheinlich Südamerika”), (ZMB_ Araneae _S00018), examined through photographs (fig. 34). One of the labels associated with the specimens is handwritten and somewhat illegible, but reads something similar to “La Guajira” (fig. 34C), a peninsula in northern South America which is one of the localities from where this species has been recorded (see fig. 3).

REMARKS: Hentz (1842) described this species under two different names in the same contribution. His types are presumed to be lost: in 1971, Herbert W. Levi compiled a list of type repositories of classical authors and stated that these types were deposited in the Boston Science Museum, but eaten up by beetles. However, Hentz’s original illustrations and localities leave no doubt about the identity of this species, since this is the only Kukulcania occurring in the eastern United States. F.O. Pickard-Cambridge (1899) synonymized F. distincta with F. hibernalis with some reservations and was followed by subsequent authors. He was also the first to suggest that F. hibernalis and F. capitata might be the same species; Petrunkevitch (1911) formally synonymized the two names. We have not been able to examine the types of F. cubaecola, F. distincta, M. muritelaria (all of them presumed to be lost; Levi, 1971) and F. isolinae to confirm the synonymies . However, their original descriptions indicate their generic placement is correct and they all come from areas where K. hibernalis is the only species known to occur. Thus, we have no reason to doubt the synonymies. Lehtinen’s illustration (1967: fig. 19) depicts a palp with a thin embolus that more closely resembles K. arizonica than K. hibernalis. We have not reexamined the material used by him to erect the genus. This species has been figured several times in faunistic lists and phylogenetic/morphological studies; not all of these have been referred to in the synonymic list above, and anyone interested in a more exhaustive reference list should see the WSC (2018).

DIAGNOSIS: Males are distinguished by the unusually long and slender palps, with the tibia around 10× longer than high (fig. 33A), and the broad embolus with a single coil and conspicuous keel (fig. 33B); they also have fewer macrosetae on the first legs (fig. 32C) compared to similar species (e.g., K. arizonica). Females differ from other species with sclerotized bars in having the membranous portion of the spermathecae apex subtriangular, often pointing slightly inward, by the semicircular glandular portion of the spermathecae apex, and by the robust, almost straight or only slightly curved sclerotized bars (figs. 7A, 36). They are also usually larger and more lightly colored than similar species (e.g., K. arizonica, K. utahana) and lack the fringe of long setae on the sternum and first pairs of legs.

DESCRIPTION: Male from Lexington, South Carolina (AMNH IFM-1652). Coloration yellowish orange. Carapace sparsely stippled with light brown, with brown coloration on median area. Abdomen dorsum brownish gray. Clypeus short. Sternum oval, with two pairs of sigillae. Total length 9.64. Carapace length 4.49, width 3.71, clypeus length 0.42. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.25; PME 0.29; ALE 0.32; PLE 0.28; AME–AME 0.08; PME–PME 0.3. Sternum length 2.13, width 1.98. Palp: femur length 5.44, height 0.54; tibia length 4.98, height 0.45. Leg I: femur (fe) 9.11; patella (pa) 2.09; tibia (ti) 9.34; metatarsus (mt) 9.43; tarsus (ta) 4.86. II: fe 7.25; pa 1.83; ti 6.5; mt 7.03; ta 3.38. III: fe 6.37; pa 1.63; ti 5.45; mt 6.53; ta 4.22. IV: fe 8.1; pa 1.7; ti 7.57; mt 8.78; ta 4.7. Abdomen: length 5.35, width 2.91. Palp macrosetae long, in several rows along femur ventral and dorsal faces. Leg macrosetae: fe I 8d, 10p, 20v, 11r, the ventral ones very short; ti I 8p, 9v, 1r; mt I 32p, 19v, 1r; ta I 18v; fe II 6d, 5p, 9v, 6r; ti II 1d, 2p, 7v, 1r; mt II 6p, 10v, 3r; ta II 10v; fe III 10d, 4p, 8v, 3r; ti III 2d, 2p, 5v, 3r; mt III 2d, 7p, 14v, 4r; ta III 21v; fe IV 13d, 2p, 20v, 8r; ti IV 1d, 2p, 4v, 3r; mt IV 2p, 16v, 4r; ta IV 22v. Palp: cymbium long, about 3× as long as high, with anterior border bearing a ring of setae that ends close to the embolus; bulb short, robust; sperm duct with four tightly packed coils; embolus with a single coil, broad, spatulate, with a conspicuous keel. State of the specimen: good, both palps dissected, left leg I and both legs IV disarticulated from tibia.

Female from Mobile, Alabama (USNM). Coloration orange brown. Abdomen dorsum brownish gray. Anterior margin of the carapace unmodified. Sternum oval, with two pairs of sigillae. Total length 16.85. Carapace length 6.44, width 4.8, clypeus length 0.82. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.24; PME 0.32; ALE 0.35; PLE 0.38; AME–AME 0.06; PME–PME 0.377. Sternum length 2.97, width 2.8. Palp: femur length 3.49, height 1.18; tibia length 2.05, height 1.05. Leg I: femur (fe) 7.31; patella (pa) 2.42; tibia (ti) 7.01; metatarsus (mt) 6.25; tarsus (ta) 3.32. II: fe 5.77; pa 2.25; ti 5.08; mt 4.9; ta 2.73. III: fe 5.03; pa 1.9; ti 3.87; mt 4.27; ta 2.24. IV: fe 6.46; pa 2.39; ti 6.19; mt 5.61; ta 2.82. Abdomen: length 11.07, width 8.6. Palp macrosetae on ventral surface of tibia and tarsus. Leg macrosetae present on ventral surfaces of tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi; all femora with 5–10 dorsal macrosetae. Calamistrum with three rows with 9–11 setae each. Interpulmonary fold large, rounded, covering the spermathecae dorsally. Sclerotized lateral bars present, subtriangular, widest anteriorly, parallel to each other; membranous portion of the spermathecae apex subtriangular, slightly pointing inward; glandular portion of the spermathecae semicircular, with glandular pores with long ducts hanging from them. State of the specimen: regular, soft tissues not well preserved, left legs III and IV missing from tibia, genitalia dissected.

INTRASPECIFIC VARIATION: Males (N = 5): total length 8.67–11.31 (10), carapace length 3.81–4.75 (4.36), femur I length 7.78–9.93 (8.68), tibia I length 8–10.38 (8.99), femur/carapace ratio 1.84–2.11 (1.99). Females (N = 5): total length 10.36–17.95 (15.86), carapace length 4.09–7.2 (6.16), femur I length 4.47–8.67 (6.98), tibia I length 6.61–8.28 (7.27), femur/carapace ratio 1.04–1.2 (1.13). Female spermathecae are typically similar to those in figure 36A–B, although variants exist (fig. 36C–D).

NATURAL HISTORY: This species is synanthropic in most of its range, often found in association with buildings; it is among the most common species in Argentinian towns. Accordingly, most specimens whose labels state the collection site refer to a synanthropic setting (garages, basements, walls, houses, etc.). A female has been collected from primary tropical rainforest in Rupununi, Guyana, and another from rock outcrops in Chiapas, Mexico. Females and immatures weave irregular cribellate webs in cracks, crevices, and corners or under bark. The dry side of trunks of old, large trees may be covered by webs of dozens of individuals. The courtship, mating and egg-sac construction behaviors have been described by Barrantes and Ramírez (2013). Curtis and Carrell (1999) observed extended maternal care, cooperative prey capture and communal feeding by spiderlings of this species; Barrantes and Ramírez (2013) add that sometimes young will feed on prey items captured by their mother. Deyrup et al. (1988) found that K. hibernalis is preyed upon by the wasp Allochares azureus (Pompilidae), which appears to be a Kukulcania specialist. The web structure and spinning behavior have been briefly discussed by Lopardo and Ramírez (2007). Despite being an introduced species, at least in Argentina it often cooccurs with native prithine filistatids, suggesting that they do not displace autochthonous species.

DISTRIBUTION: Widely distributed in the New World (fig. 3A), ocurring from Virginia to Texas in the United States; around the Gulf of Mexico; the Antilles, Central America, and northern South America; eastern and southern Brazil and Bolivia; most of Paraguay and Argentina. Four records based on a single male each from California, Illinois, and New York (United States) and Nayarit (Mexico) are well outside the core distribution of the species and might be incidental introductions, but have been included on the map nonetheless. It is hard to speculate the original distribution of K. hibernalis, although it is most probably native to the eastern United States and the Gulf of Mexico coast. The species was almost surely introduced into southern South America, as well as into the Old World (Liberia). At first we thought the records from Liberia were mislabeled specimens, but they were recorded in two localities (Monrovia and Cape Palmas) and S.L. Zonstein (in litt.) also recorded this species from that country, providing evidence that there is a true established population in Africa. Collecting dates suggest the species had already attained a wide distribution by the early 1900s: there are century-old records from Liberia (1895, USNM), Paraguay (1902, ZMB), Argentina (1906, MACN-Ar), Suriname (1908, ZMB), Panamá (1913, MCZ) and Brazil (1919, AMNH). The record from Chile by Taucare-Ríos (2010) is a misidentified Kukulcania santosi (see below).

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED: ARGENTINA. Buenos Aires:Almirante Brown, Adrogué (S34.80344°, W58.39023°), Pujals, i.1972, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20743); Burzaco, Ferrocarril Central General Roca (S34.82936°, W58.39088°), 2♂ 2♀ (MACN-Ar 20664); 1938, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20641); Avellaneda, Sarandí (S34.6799°, W58.33396°), D. Grismado, 20.i.2003, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20610); Bahía Blanca (S 38.71862°, W62.2691°), B.S. Gerschman de Pikelin and R.D. Schiapelli, iv.1939, 2♂ 1♀ (MACN- Ar 20629); Balcarce, Sierra Larga (S37.88158°, W58.5846°), C. Wappers, ii.1948, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 2569); Campana, Estación Río Luján (S34.278°, W58.89017°), C.J. Grismado, 9.vi.2007, 2 imm. (MACN-Ar 12635); Chascomús (S35.58199°, W58.01452°), 18.x.1947, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20623); Escobar, Escobar (S34.34566°, W58.80609°), P. Paupy, iv.2009, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20658); Florencio Varela, Florencio Varela, Ferrocarril General Roca (S34.81124°, W58.27725°), F. Monrós, xii.1939, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20674); General Pueyrredón, Chapadmalal (S38.20606°, W57.69701°), S. Ibrahim, i.1948, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20697); La Plata [S34.9205°, W57.95357°], L.A. Pereira, xi.1987, 1 imm. (USNM); Isla Martín García (S34.18256°, W58.25135°), J.M. Viana, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 584); iv.1938, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 412); Merlo, Pontevedra (S34.75061°, W58.70188°), R. Maniglia, ii.1947, 1♂ 17♀ (MACN- Ar 20595); Moreno (S34.64969°, W58.78741°), J. Pereyra, 21.xii.1953, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 3730); R.D. Schiapelli, iii.1947, 2 imm. (MACN-Ar 2350); Pilar, Zelaya (S34.37205°, W58.87625°), C.B. Pereyra, ii.1938, 2♂ 1♀ (MACN-Ar 516); H. Hepper, ii.1938, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 518); Pereyra, v.1938, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 447); San Fernando (S34.45668°, W58.5622°), J.B. Daguerre, 3♀ 4 imm. (MACN-Ar 20653); 1954, 1♂ 4♀ (MACN-Ar 20608); San Miguel, Bella Vista (S34.57621°, W58.69846°), J. M. Gallardo, i.1964, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20725); San Pedro, San Pedro (S33.6821°, W59.66089°), 2♀ (MACN-Ar 20721); Vuelta de Obligado (S33.59705°, W59.81573°), Cesari and Toth, vi.1974, 3♀ 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20656); Vuelta de Obligado, Caverna La Salamanca (S34.55485°, W58.46133°), C. Cesari, 30.vii.1972, 3♀ 2 imm. (MACN-Ar 20680); Tres de Febrero, Caseros (S34.61023°, W58.5673°), 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20638), 6♀ (MACN-Ar 20639); x.1947, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20637); 14.xii.1946, 6♀ 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20636); 31.i.1947, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20594); W. Partridge, xii.1940, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20631); Vicente López, Florida (S34.53276°, W58.49148°), C. Cimini, v.2005, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20592). C.A. Buenos Aires: (S36.41299°, W60.40202°), 11.x.1946, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20605); A. Bachmann, xi.1947, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20607); B.S. Gerschman de Pikelin, viii.1940, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20747); C. Kopuchian, 30.xii.2008, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20660); Rivas, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20719); Rodríguez and Goñi, 1♂ 3♀ (MACN-Ar 20713); (S34.61562°, W58.433°), Grecco, ii.1948, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20699); J. Arias Obarrio, vii.1963, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20630); J.M. Gallardo, ii.1958, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20627); 5.ix.1946, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20613); J.M. Viana, ii.1945, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20615); L.N. Piacentini, 17.xii.2008, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20593); M.J. Ramírez, ii.2000, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20611); 11.x.2007, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20589) [S34.60372°, W58.38159°], H. Wollfhugel, 1913, 1 imm. (ZMB); Rengel G., 1913, 3♂ 3♀ 1 imm. (ZMB 487) (S34.61562°, W58.433°), 1944, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20723); x.1953, 1♂ 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20622); 15.i.1906, 1♂ 3 imm. (MACN- Ar 20763); A.G. Frers, 8.viii.1917, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20681); Carpintero, ii.1950, 1♂ 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20773); E. Masoia, 17.xi.1962, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20711); F. Monrós, iv.1940, 1♀ 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20753); J. Brèthes, 24.iii.1912, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20759); J.A. de Carlo, ii.1964, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20727); J.B. Daguerre, 1931, 1♀ 2 imm. (MACN-Ar 20751); Lafuente, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20764); M. Benedictto and L. Damer, iv.1948, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20715); M. Greaven, 28.i.1948, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20694); M.J. Ramírez, 25.x.1999, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20600); Pirán, v.1963, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20739); Pujals, xii.1967, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20734); R.J. Rodríguez, 1♀ 3 imm. (MACN-Ar 20651); S. Ibrahim, ii.1948, 2 imm. (MACN-Ar 20735); (S34.61765°, W58.43327°), R. Rivas, xii.1942, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 1245); A. Bachmann, 11.xi.1952, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 9412); B.S. Gerschman de Pikelin, xii.1950, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 3298); Belinzoni, xii.1961, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 5450); E. Massoia, 16.x.1961, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 5142); F. Monrós, 1944, 2♀ (MACN-Ar 2100); J. Rimer, 15.iv.1952, 2 imm. (MACN-Ar 3681); Pallochi, viii.1953, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 3731); Avenida Warnes 42 (S34.60417°, W58.43797°), M.J. Ramírez, 15.ii.2009, 1♂ (MACN- Ar 20596); Delta del Río Paraná, Río Luján [S34.39699°, W58.60326°], F. Monrós, ix.1940, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20700); Flores (S34.63533°, W58.45762°), Massoia, 20.xii.1962, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20731); Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” (S34.60541°, W58.4378°), several dates and collectors, (MACN-Ar 20588, 20599, 20649, 20590, 32732, 32731, 20668, 20584, 20625, 20736, 20586, 20598, 20587, 20591, 10441); Parque Patricios (S34.63788°, W58.40158°), Carpintero, x.1948, 1♂ 3♀ 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20688); Saavedra (S34.55448°, W58.48931°), F. Castillo, ii.1935, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20726); iii.1938, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20717); xi.1935, 1♂ 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20609); xii.1935, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20704); xii.1937, 1♂ 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20718); Villa Lugano (S34.67481°, W58.47606°), R.J. Rodríguez, 13♀ 7 imm. (MACN-Ar 20706). Catamarca:Santa Rosa, Manantiales (S28.14394°, W65.49743°), Após- tol and Tonima, i.1961, 2♂ 2♀ 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20740); Tinogasta, Tinogasta (S28.06339°, W67.56401°), J.A. Cranwell, 1947, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 2830). Chaco: [S26.79081°, W60.43642°], 1♂ 1♀ 1 imm. (MNRJ 2130); Bermejo, Río de Oro (S26.87536°, W58.79772°), Apóstol and Tonima, xi.1961, 3♂ 3♀ 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 5159); Comandante Fernandez, Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña (S26.79081°, W60.43642°), F. Ohneiser, ix.1922, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20602); ix.1932, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20716); Doce de Octubre, General Pinedo (S27.32563°, W61.2826°), A. Giai and J.A. Cranwell, x.1946, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 1705); O. Casal, 17. vii.1952, 2 imm. (MACN-Ar 3761); Resistencia, Resistencia (S27.45879°, W58.98746°), Freiberg, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20671); x.1943, 2♀ (MACN-Ar 20754); 27.x.1943, 1♂ 3♀ 4 imm. (MACN-Ar 20733); G. Aguilera, xii.1971, 3♀ (MACN-Ar 9411). Córdoba:Calamuchita, Villa Cañada del Sauce (S32.36717°, W64.6392°), J.M. Viana, xii.1941, 1 imm. (MACN- Ar 20710); Marcos Juárez, Leones (S32.65895°, W62.30067°), ii.1946, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20634); 23. xii.1945, 2 imm. (MACN-Ar 20624); 28.i.1946, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20628); A. Partridge, 11.x.1946, 2♀ (MACN-Ar 20603); W. Partridge, i.1966, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20597); 11.x.1946, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20604); Punilla, Villa Carlos Paz (S31.41657°, W64.50737°), C. Merti, v.1940, 2 imm. (MACN-Ar 20729). Corrientes: Guía del Peregrino, Estancia El Socorro, W. Partridge, 1963, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20619); Mburucuyá, Manantiales (S27.92237°, W58.10148°), Apóstol and Tonima, i.1961, 1♀ 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 5198); Paso de los Libres, Paso de los Libres (S29.71486°, W57.09436°), Bejarano, ii.1971, 5 imm. (MACN-Ar 20755); ii.1974, 1♂ 1♀ (MACN-Ar 9413); iii.1972, 3 imm. (MACN-Ar 20618); vii.1974, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20626); Paso de los Libres, Barrio Oficiales, Casa 16 (S29.7297°, W57.10274°), 11. viii.1968, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20686); San Cosme, Paso de la Patria (S27.31804°, W58.57091°), M.E. Galiano, 28.viii.1963, 1♀ 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20616); San Roque, Santiago Alcorta (S28.78858°, W58.70078°), M. Birabén, vi.1943, 1♂ 17 imm. (MACN-Ar 20687). Entre Ríos:Concordia, Concordia (S31.38107°, W58.01981°), J.B. Daguerre, 1931, 2♀ (MACN-Ar 20606); Federal, Federal (S30.95013°, W58.78562°), 21.ii.1931, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20762); Islas del Ibicuy, Delta del Río Paraná, Arroyo Ibicuycito (S33.84236°, W58.89506°), F. Castillo, iv.1939, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20724); Paraná, Paraná (S31.74034°, W60.52213°), R.J. José, iii.1971, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20745). Formosa: (S24.79716°, W60.28449°), Rios, 1♂ 1♀ 2 imm. (MACN-Ar 2379); [S26.18578°, W58.17557°], P. Jorgensen, ii.1918, 1♀ (MCZ 40969), 1♀ (MCZ 40967), 3♀ 1 imm. (MCZ 40966); iii.1918, 5♀ 4 imm. (MCZ 40964); Pilcomayo, Parque Nacional Pilcomayo, seccional Estero Poi (S25.03954°, W58.22876°), C.J. Grismado et al., 28–29.ii.2004, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 32554); in brick wall, 2♂ (MACN-Ar 32553); Puerto Santos, H. Hepper, 1♂ 1♀ (MACN-Ar 1023). Jujuy:General Manuel Belgrano, San Salvador de Jujuy (S24.1843°, W65.29702°), E.A. Maury, i.1966, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20738); Ledesma, Fraile Pintado (S23.94191°, W64.80185°), x.1967, 1 imm. (MACN- Ar 6037); 24.i.1966, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20748), 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20758); San Antonio, San Antonio (S24.19937°, W64.78884°), G. Casal, xi.1965, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20621); San Pedro, San Pedro (S24.23231°, W64.86821°), M. Birabén, v.1947, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20601). La Pampa:Capital, Santa Rosa (S36.618°, W64.28237°), 1♂ 4♀ 3 imm. (MACN-Ar 20583); Puelén, 25 de Mayo, house walls (S37.77352°, W67.71613°), A. Pérez-González, 13.i.2014, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 32714). La Rioja: (S29.85755°, W67.51169°), Gómez, 27.iv.1931, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20698); Chepes, in hotel room [S31.33639°, W66.59184°], M. Irwin and F. Parker, 1.ix.1999, 1♀ (CAS 9057810); Chilecito, Chilecito (S29.16397°, W67.49653°), L. Yivoff, xi.1962, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 33828). Mendoza:Mendoza [S32.89047°, W68.844°], 24.ii.2001, 1♀ (CAI 3461); J. Criach, 10.xi.2003, 1♀ (CAI 3463); S. Roig, x.2004, 1♂ (CAI 3459); T. Pérez, 17.vi.2004, 1♀ (CAI 3460); 5a sección, 23.x.2003, 1♂ (CAI 3457). Misiones: no further data (S26.94022°, W54.57814°), Armanini, Fonseca and Scavaglieri, i.1942, 1♂ 1♀ (MACN-Ar 1178); Apóstoles, Apóstoles (S27.91351°, W55.7566°), F. Castillo, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20693); R. Ward, 4♀ 5 imm. (MACN-Ar 229); Candelaria, Santa Ana (S27.3695°, W55.58242°), 1♂ 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20783); Capital, Posadas (S27.40671°, W55.91203°), F. D’Amico and J.A. De Carlo, xi.1947, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 2428); Concepción, Santa María (S27.8919°, W55.35367°), J.M. Viana, xi.1952, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20708); xii.1943, 1♂ 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 1455); Eldorado (S26.28°, W54.43°), A. Kovacs, 1. ix–15.xi.1964, 2♀ (AMNH); San Ignacio, San Ignacio (S27.25799°, W55.53712°), A. Zotta, xi.1940, 1♂ 7 imm. (MACN-Ar 1052). Neuquén:Huiliches, Junín de los Andes (S39.94421°, W71.07252°), P. Carnotto, 22.vii.1970, 4♀ 2 imm. (MACN-Ar 20635). Salta:Capital, Salta (S24.81212°, W65.42022°), J. P. Duret, 6.vi.1952, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20659); La Viña, Talapampa (S25.54013°, W65.56258°), C.J. Grismado, 20.xii.1994, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20682); Rosario de la Frontera, Rosario de la Frontera (S25.79546°, W64.96606°), O. Donado, x.1986, 16♀ (MACN-Ar 20585). San Juan:Valle Fértil (S30.8141°, W67.41618°), J.M. Viana, xi.1970, 2♂ (MACN-Ar 20714); Parque Provincial Valle Fértil, Camping municipal (LNP-loc-015) (S30.63339°, W67.48344°), L.N. Piacentini et al., 02–07.xii.2014, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 34022). San Luis:Junín, Merlo (S32.34226°, W65.01326°, 470m), M.J. Ramírez, 18.i.2017, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 38353). Santa Fe: (S31.18424°, W60.87651°), Pignarelli, ix.1963, 1♂ 2♀ (MACN-Ar 20737); Garay, Colonia Mascías (S30.80077°, W60.01758°), J.M. Viana, xi.1942, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 1371); San Cristobal, San Guillermo (S30.35995°, W61.91599°), Hepper and Casal, xi.1962, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 9414). Santiago del Estero: (S27.79928°, W64.2643°), Havrylenko, xi.1963, 3 imm. (MACN-Ar 20732); xii.1963, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20744); 15.xi.1963, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20612); 20. ix.1963, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20614); [S27.79641°, W64.2738°], 1♂ 1♀ (MNRJ 2097); Capital, Santiago del Estero (S27.79641°, W64.2738°), Havrylenko, 4.vi.1963, 1♀ 3 imm. (MACN-Ar 20692); Termas de Río Hondo [S27.49856°, W64.86054°], M.L. Aczel, 21–28.iii.1950, 2♂ 3♀ 3 imm. (AMNH). Tucumán: (S27.00969°, W65.32484°), S. Núñez, 11.x.1948, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20617); Capital, San Miguel de Tucumán (S26.82085°, W65.20107°), A.G. Frers, 24.xi.1916, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20650); J.B. Daguerre, 26.xii.1950, 2♂ (MACN-Ar 2081); Parque 9 de Julio (S26.82533°, W65.18694°), A.O. Porta, iii.2015, 1♀ 10 imm. (MACN-Ar 34837); [S26.80829°, W65.21759°], H.W. Levi, 4.iv.1965, 1♀ several imm. (MCZ 41006). No further locality: 2♂ 2♀ (MNRJ 960); [S32.89047°, W68.844°], López, iii.2001, 1♀ (CAI 3464); T. Pérez, 20.xi.2000, 1♀ (CAI 3462); Patagonia, 1♀ (SMF 996). BERMUDAS. No further locality, [N32.29731°, W64.78103°], collector illegible 20. ix.1907, 1♀ (ZMB). BOLIVIA. Beni:San Joaquín [S13.04864°, W64.66587°], C.E. Yunker, 5.vi.1963, 1♀ (MCZ 39061). Santa Cruz:Charaguay, B. Malkin, 27.x.1986, 1♂ 1♀ (AMNH); Roboré [S18.333°, W59.75°], C. Cans and F. Pereira, 28.ii–1.iii.1954, 1♀ (MNRJ 3426); San Antonio de Parapetí [S20.0006°, W63.17523°], B. Malkin, 8–24.v.1985, 1♂ 1♀ (AMNH); Santa Cruz de Pt., 11–17.i.1985, 1♂ (AMNH). BRAZIL. Goiás:Alto Paraíso, RPPN Fazenda Brancas, pitfall trap [S14.13944°, W47.51931°], P.C. Motta, 4.vi.2010, 2 imm. (DZUB 5568); Jataí, Nova Orlândia [S17.8796°, W51.72068°], Martim et al., 1♀ (MZSP 8421); Mineiros, Parque Nacional das Emas (S18.2641°, W52.892°, 790m), M.D.F. Magalhães, 30–7.vi–vii.2016, 1♂ (UFMG 19930); Santa Leopoldina, 1♂ 1♀ (MNRJ 2095). Mato Grosso: no further locality [S20.19056°, W56.50528°], 1♂ 1♀ 1 imm. (MNRJ 962); Chapada dos Guimarães [S15.4583°, W55.75246°], M. Acuarensa, xi.1963, 1♀ (AMNH); Cuiabá [S15.60141°, W56.09789°], 21.iii.1958, 1♀ 1 imm. (MZSP 8324); M. Alvarenga, xi.1963, 1 imm. (AMNH), 1♀ (AMNH); Salobra [S20.19056°, W56.50528°], 2♂ 2♀ (MNRJ 561); Utiariti [S13.02193°, W58.28749°], K. Lenko, 12.viii.1961, 1♀ 1 imm. (MZSP 8496); vii.1961, 1♀ 4 imm. (MZSP 8514); viii.1961, 1♂ 1♀ (MZSP 8529). Mato Grosso do Sul:Corumbá [S19.00817°, W57.65155°], 14–23.xii.1919, 1♀ (AMNH). Minas Gerais:Chapada Gaúcha, Parque Nacional Grande Sertão Veredas, Mata de Santa Rita, in abandoned house [S15.2256°, W45.6423°, 736m], J.P.P. Pena-Barbosa et al., 14.viii.2011, 2♂ 2♀ (UFMG 7601); Lavras [S21.24849°, W45.00138°], J.P. Mattos, 2.ii.1947, 1♀ (MNRJ 2133); Unaí, Grapuava (S16.0894°, W46.5528°), E.A. Araujo, 3.x.2015, 1♀ (UFMG 19364). Paraná: Paranaguá, Parque Nacional de Saint-Hilaire, (S25.6606°, W48.5959°, 80m), L.S. Carvalho, 11.x.2014, 1♀ (UFMG 17020). Rio Grande do Sul:Bagé, around houses [S31.3314°, W54.1069°, 212m], E.O. Machado, 12.i.2000, 1♂ 1♀ (UFMG 602); Derrubadas, Parque Estadual do Turvo, in walls, (S27.2475°, W53.9578°, 440m), G.H.F. Azevedo and A.J. Santos, 21.iii.2011, 3♀ (UFMG 10248), 1♂ 2 imm. (UFMG 10249); (S27.2501°, W53.9487°, 423m), V.S.R. Diniz and L.E.C. Schmidt, 8.viii.2015, 2♀ (UFMG 19102), 2♂ (UFMG 19103); Pelotas [S31.7654°, W52.33759°], J.L. Mantovani-Biezanko, viii.1961, 2 imm. (MCZ 40941). São Paulo:Jaboticabal [S21.25251°, W48.32568°], W., L. Miller, 1979, 1♀ (MCZ 40961); W.L. Miller, 1979, 2♂ 5 imm. (MCZ 41288); Lins [S21.6733°, W49.74714°], A.M. Olalla, 1942, 3♀ (MZSP 11550); São José do Rio Preto [S20.81176°, W49.37623°], Vizotto, 1965, 1♀ (MZSP 4449); São Paulo [S23.55052°, W46.63331°], Pe. Pereira, 1941, 1♀ 1 imm. (MZSP 9310); Instituto Butantan [S23.55052°, W46.63339°], 2♀ (MNRJ 2131). COLOMBIA. Antioquia:Envigado [N6.16961°, W75.58736°, 1500m], M.A. Serna, 5.vii.1950, 1♀ (MCZ 69200); Medellín [N6.2442°, W75.58121°, 1700–1900m], A.B. Schneble, 1973, 1♂ (MCZ 145014); [1700m], P.B. Schneble, i.1964, 1♂ 1♀ (MCZ 145016); ix–x.1962, 1♂ (MCZ 145018); 1962, 3♂ (MCZ 145017); La Estrella [N6.2442°, W75.58121°, 1700m], P.B. Schneble, 1 imm. (MCZ 145019); ix–x.1963, 1♂ (MCZ 145015); [1900m], P. Schneble, vi.1973, 2♂ (MCZ 69253); [N6.2442°, W75.58121°, ca. 1900m], 3♂ (MCZ 145013); Salgar [N5.96334°, W75.96394°], M.A. Serna, 1969, 1♀ (MCZ 145020). Boyacá:Muzo, in house [N5.53163°, W74.10302°], J. Bequaert, 1936, 1♀ (MCZ 69199). Cauca:Popayán [N2.44481°, W76.61474°], P.R. and D.L. Craig, 6–7.ii.1965, 1♀ 3 imm. (CAS 9053485). Cundinamarca:Bogotá [N4.59806°, W74.07583°], 1♂ 2♀ (MNRJ 2036); Mesitas del Colegio, Vda. Santa Cecilia, Finca El Naranjal [N4.58398°, W74.44626°], A. García and J. Díaz, 23–30.xii.2011, 1♀ 1 imm. (ICN-Ar 5439). Huila:Parque Arqueológico de San Agustín [N1.88719°, W76.29509°], C. Gold, 9. xi.1980, 1♀ (CAS 9060628). Tolima:Ibagué, Barrio Versalles [N4.44066°, W75.24414°], L.F. García, 29. vi.2000, 1♀ (ICN-Ar 928); Veredas de Coello Cocora [N4.40539°, W75.29731°], 14.vii.2000, 1♀ 1 imm. (ICN-Ar 5630). Valle del Cauca:Buga [N3.90051°, W76.30219°], W. Eberhard, 29.ix–x.1969, 1♀ (MCZ 69221). COSTA RICA. Cartago:Moravia de Chirripó, K.A. Arnold, 21.xii.1962, 1♀ (MCZ 145026). Limón: [N9.52843°, W83.46436°], G. Harvey, 1965, 7♂ 1 imm. (CAS 9057584). Oca:San Pedro Mts., M. Valerio, ix.1966, 1♂ (MCZ 145025). Puntarenas:Monteverde, cloud forest [N10.27497°, W84.82551°, 1500m], D. Ubick, 12.v.1987, 1♀ (DU 87.05.12). San José: [N9.92807°, W84.09073°], 1♂ 1♀ (MCZ 69202); M. Valerio, 1♀ (MCZ 145022); San Antonio de Escazú (N9.933°, W84.133°), J. Coddington, 28–31.iii.1989, 1♀ (USNM); [N9.88997°, W84.13824°, 1300m], W. Eberhard, ii.1981, 1♀ (MCZ 145023), 2♂ (MCZ 145024); [N9.933°, W84.133°, 1300m], xi.1988, missing spermathecae, 1♀ 1 imm. (USNM); San José [N9.92753°, W84.09121°], Stieler, no date, 1♂ 1♀ (ZMB); San Pedro, in house [N9.93015°, W84.0511°], B.A. Huber, ii.1995, 2♂ (MCZ 69203); iii.1995, 1♂ (MCZ 145021). CUBA. Havana:Havana [N23.11359°, W82.3666°], Baker, 1♂ (MCZ 145030); Soledad [N20.41848°, W75.46215°], 6.iv.1940, 1♀ (MCZ 145029). Santa Clara:Las Villas [N22.4244°, W79.94166°], F. Alemán, 20.ix.1944, 1♀ (AMNH); 20.x.1945, 1♂ (AMNH). GUATEMALA. Guatemala City: [N14.63492°, W90.50688°], L. Waghorn, 30. xii.1982, 1♀ 2 imm. (DU 82.12.30). Zacapa:Estan- zuela [N14.99399°, W89.5757°], B. Patterson, 13.x.1971, 1♀ 1 imm. (MCZ 41322); 14.x.1971, 1♀ 2 imm. (MCZ 41330). GUYANA. Rupununi:Iwokrana forest, Turtle Mountain, primary tropical rainforest (N4.73173°, W58.71803°), S. Meyers, 15. viii.2004, 1♂ (AMNH). HAITI. no further locality, Linnaea V., 1♀ (ZMB). Port au Prince: [N18.5944°, W72.30743°], W.M. Mann, 1♂ 2♀ (MCZ 145034). HONDURAS. Atlantida:west of Tela R.R. near Rio Ulna [N15.77326°, W87.46535°], Stadelmann, 1♂ (MCZ 41335); Los Indios Farm, 1♂ (MCZ 41335). Lancetilla: [N15.73433°, W87.45617°], A.M. Chickering, vii.1929, 1♀ 2 imm. (MCZ 145028). Puerto Castillo: [N16.01733°, W85.95855°], J.B. Duncan, i–ii.1943, 1♀ 1 imm. (AMNH). San Pedro Sula: [N15.51492°, W87.99227°], N.L.H. Krauss, viii.1975, 1♀ (AMNH). Subirana:Yoro [N15.20216°, W87.44801°], Stadelmann, 6♂ (MCZ 41332), 1♀ (MCZ 41333), 1♀ (MCZ 41333). Zacapa:Estanzuela [N14.99399°, W89.5757°], B. Patterson, 13. xii.1971, 1♀ 1 imm. (MCZ 41322); [N14.99958°, W89.56681°], 14.ix.1971, 3 imm. (MCZ 41330). JAMAICA. Mandeville: [N18.03129°, W77.50461°], Thomas Barbour, iii–iv.1909, 1♂ (MCZ 145035). Montego Bay: [N18.47622°, W77.89389°], D. Miller, 19.vi.1965, 1♀ 1 imm. (CAS 9057631). Port Royal: [N17.93677°, W76.8411°, 0m], L. Pinter, 31.xii.1968, 1♂ 4♀ (MCZ 145036). LIBERIA. Cape Palmas: [N4.36889°, W7.72861°], 1♀ (MCZ 68771). Monrovia: [N6.29074°, W10.76052°], iii.1895, 1♀ (USNM); vi.1894, 1♀ (USNM); near houses [N4.36889°, W7.72861°], iii.1895, subadult♀ (USNM). MEXICO. Campeche:San José (?) [N19.83579°, W90.54032°], H. Wagner, xii.1946, 1♂ 6♀ 9 imm. (AMNH). Chiapas: [N16.75693°, W93.12924°], H.M. Smith, iv–v.1940, 1♀ (USNM); 6 miles S Tuxtla Gutiérrez [N16.7516°, W93.10299°], J. and W. Ivie, 21.viii.1966, 1♀ (AMNH); near Soluuchiapa on Rte. 195, rock outcrops [N17.42978°, W93.03555°, 500m], F.A. Coyle, 17.vi.1982, 1♂ (MCZ 39919). Distrito Federal: [N19.43261°, W99.13321°], H. Wagner, fall/1940, 1♀ 4 imm. (AMNH). Hidalgo:Huachinango [N20.1757°, W98.06289°], Goodnight and Bordas, 24.viii.1946, 1♀ 1 imm. (AMNH IFM- 1509). Nayarit:25 miles E San Blas, 21.7 miles N Tepic, in bathroom [N21.6913°, W105.05364°], H. and H. Campbell, 17.iii.1961, 1♂ (CAS 9058474). Nuevo León:Cola de Caballo Falls [N25.36232°, W100.16347°], J.E. Carico, 31.viii.1968, 1♂ 2 imm. (USNM); Horsetail Falls [N25.36631°, W100.16142°], J.A. Beatty, 20.vi.1963, 1♀ (AMNH). Oaxaca:Salina Cruz [N16.18428°, W95.20876°], B. Malkin, 9–13. vii.1947, 1♂ 2♀ (AMNH). Puebla:Pahuatlán [N20.27693°, W98.15016°, 1100m], H. Wagner, 5–6. iv.1946, 1♀ (AMNH); Zoquitlán [N18.3336°, W97.01806°], A.G. Grubbe, 30.xii.1978, 1♂ (AMNH). Quintana Roo:Lázaros Cardenas, Reserva Ecológica El Éden, Rancho El Éden, night collecting (N21.19611°, W87.16618°, 35m), R. Paredes and G. Montiel, 7.vii.2007, 1♀ (CNAN-Ar 6502), 1♀ (CNAN-Ar 6504), 1♀ (CNAN-Ar 6503). San Luis Potosí:1 mile SW Tamazunchale (N21.15°, W98.49°), J. and W. Ivie, 25.vii.1966, 1♀ (AMNH); 3 miles W El Naranjo, route 80 [N22.52191°, W99.32536°], J.A. Beatty, 22.vi.1963, 2♂ (AMNH); Valles, Hotel Covadonga [N21.9919°, W98.99082°], L. Steude, 1961, 1♂ (AMNH), 1♀ (AMNH). Tabasco:Bocal del Cerro [N17.4523°, W91.42853°], M. Guerra, iii.1945, 1♀ (AMNH). Tamaulipas:10 km SW Aldama, Cueva de los Cuarteles [N22.86095°, W98.23746°], J. Reddell, D. and M. McKenzie and S. Murphy, 23.xii.1972, 1♂ 1♀ (AMNH); 10 miles SW Mante [N22.59659°, W99.03363°], J. Reddell, 28.v.1968, 1♂ 2♀ 3 imm. (AMNH); Ciudad Victoria [N23.73692°, W99.14112°, 300m], E.I. Schlinger, 13.viii.1977, 2♂ 1♀ 6 imm. (UCB); Cruillas, Rancho El Milagro [N24.7551°, W98.53684°], Dice and Bartlett, 1930, 1♀ 2 imm. (MCZ 40255); L.R. Dice, H.H. Bartlett, 1930, 1♀ 2 imm. (MCZ 40255); Jaumave [N23.41143°, W99.37936°], H. Wagner, 10.v.1946, 1♂ 1♀ 1 imm. (AMNH); Reynosa [N26.05084°, W98.2979°], L.E. Diamond, iv.1937, 2♂ (AMNH), 7♀ 13 imm. (AMNH); Tamazunchale (N21.15°, W98.48°), W.J. Gertsch and W. Ivie, 19. iv.1963, 4♀ 3 imm. (AMNH). Veracruz:Boca del Río, on tin house [N19.10627°, W96.10632°], G. Dingerkus et al., 12.viii.1975, 1♂ (AMNH); Fortín de Las Flores (N18.54°, W97.01°), J. and W. Ivie, 4. viii.1966, 1♀ (AMNH); Sanborns, on walls in the R.R. Station [N19.17259°, W96.18869°], A. Petrunkevitch, vii–viii.1909, 1♀ 8 imm. (AMNH). Yucatán:Chichen Itzá (N20.68429°, W88.56778°), V. Roth and B. Roth, 11.i.1984, 1♀ (CAS 9057625); [N20.68429°, W88.56778°], L.J. Cole, 14.ii.1904, 1♂ 3♀ (MCZ 145032); 14.vii.1904, 2♂ (MCZ 40224); R.V. Chamberlin, 1♂ 3♀ (MCZ 145031); Colonia Yucatán [N21.2125°, W87.72583°], Pallister, 21. viii.1964, 1♀ (AMNH). Uncertain locality:Paso Real, Río Tonto, H. Wagner, 30.vii.1946, 1♂ (AMNH). NETHERLAND ANTILLES. Aruba: [N12.51803°, W70.03666°], H. Campbell, ix.1963, 1♀ (MCZ 145033). NICARAGUA. Bonanza: [N14.0312°, W84.59296°], W.J. Smit, 6.vi.1968, 1♀ (AMNH). PANAMÁ. Ancón:Canal Zone [N9.05282°, W79.61652°], Lundy, iii.1960, 1♀ (AMNH); V. Ordonez, 27.xii.1960, 1♂ (MCZ 41324), 1♂ (MCZ 41324); Colón [N9.3317°, W79.90073°], vii.1913, 1♂ (MCZ 69201); Experimental Gardens, A.M. Chickering, 12.viii.1954, 1♂ (MCZ 145027). Taboga Island: [N8.78719°, W79.55753°], N.L.H. Krauss, 12.xi.1961, 2♀ (AMNH). PARAGUAY. Asunción: [S25.2822°, W57.6351°], vii.1961, 3♀ 2 imm. (AMNH); Asunción, J.D. Anisits, 15.ii.1902, 3 imm. (ZMB); 1903– 1904, 2♂ 2♀ 4 imm. (ZMB); 4.ix.1902, 1♂ (ZMB); 6.ix.1902, 1 imm. (ZMB); 6.x.1902, 1♀ (ZMB); 1 imm. (ZMB). Central:Villeta [S25.50702°, W57.55894°], L. Fogarty, ii–iii.1983, 1♂ 2 imm. (MCZ 69259). Concepción: Puerto Valle Mi (S22.15775°, W57.95191°), A. Bachmann, 8.v.1952, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20757); Puerto Max [S22.6833°, W57.733°], S. Anisits, 19.x.1902, 1♂ 4♀ 1 imm. (ZMB); Villa Sana [S22.833°, W57.1°], 19.i.1903, 1♂ 6♀ (ZMB). Itapua:Obligado, near Hohenau [S27.07849°, W55.6455°], B. Malkin, ix.1984, 1♂ (AMNH). Northern Paraguay:Colonia Risso [S22.6833°, W57.733°], 1♀ 3 imm. (ZMB). Paraguarí:Sapucai (S25.70258°, W56.9511°), E.J. Hammer, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20665); [S25.66776°, W56.95556°], S. Anisits, xii.1904, 1♂ 4♀ 2 imm. (ZMB); Sapucai (S25.66659°, W56.95346°), E.J. Hammer, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20666). Postillón:Postillón [S25.2822°, W57.6351°], J.D. Anisits, 1. ix.1902, 1 imm. (ZMB). Uncertain locality:Faramuran, 100 Km N de Estigarribia, J.A. Vellard, viii.1972, 1♂ 2♀ (MACN-Ar 20655). Label illegible: [S25.2822°, W57.6351°], no date, 1♀ (ZMB). No further locality: (S23.56393°, W58.01456°), W. Hanke, 1939, 1♀ 5 imm. (MACN-Ar 20707); (S23.56393°, W58.14557°), 5 imm. (MACN-Ar 20709); [S25.2822°, W57.6351°], Fiebrig, no date, 1♂ (ZMB 2521), 1♀ 1 imm. (ZMB 3949); J.D. Anisits, 3.ix.1902, 1 imm. (ZMB), 1 imm. (ZMB); no date, 4 imm. (ZMB). PERU. Piura:Negritos [S4.65064°, W81.30418°], D.L. Frizzell, 31.iii.1939, 1♀ (CAS 9057801); D.L. Frizzell and H. Exline-Frizzell, 31.iii.1939, 3♀ 6 imm. (CAS 9057821); H. Exline-Frizzell, iii.1941, 2♀ (CAS 9057838); x.1939, 1♂ (CAS 9057796). PUERTO RICO. Bo. Bosque:San Germán [N18.08419°, W67.04284°], D. Nazario, 1♂ (AMNH). Cabo Rojo: [N18.08663°, W67.14574°], 4♀ 3 imm. (AMNH); C.E. Seda, 2♀ 3 imm. (AMNH); iv.1983, 1♀ 4 imm. (AMNH). Ensenada: [N17.96788°, W66.9303°], 14–19.vi.1915, 1♀ (AMNH). Guanica: [N17.99813°, W66.92732°], C.E. Seda, 2♀ 3 imm. (AMNH). Mayaguez: [N18.20135°, W67.14515°], D. Fabón, iii.1962, 4♀ (AMNH). San Germán:calle El Río [N18.08419°, W67.04284°], D. Nazario, 1♀ 1 imm. (AMNH). San Juan: [N18.46633°, W66.10572°], i.1910, 1♀ (USNM). Santa Isabel:Bo. Arus, in packing warehouse [N17.96562°, W66.40476°], S. Modina et al., iii.1984, 4♀ (AMNH). Santa Rita: [N18.39922°, W66.05424°], E.G. Smyth, 22.i.1915, 1♂ (USNM); iv.1915, 1♀ (USNM); iv.1916, 1♂ 1♀ (USNM). No further locality: [N18.39922°, W66.05424°], Gundlach, 1♀ (ZMB), 2♀ (ZMB). SURINAME. Paramaribo:Paramaribo [N5.85204°, W55.20383°], C. Heller, no date, 1 imm. (ZMB); in house, 27.vii.1908, 1♂ (ZMB 1632); Paramaribo Botanical Gardens [N5.83405°, W55.1549°], A. Reynes, 1♂ 1♀ (MCZ 39059). TRINIDAD Y TOBAGO. Arima Valley: [N10.61719°, W61.27437°], C. Seiderman, vi.1983, 1♀ (AMNH). Team Drive: Diego Martín [N10.37572°, W61.23356°], N. Nieves, 16.ii.1959, 1 imm. (AMNH). TURKS AND CAICOS. Grand Turk:Mitch’s, Front Street [N21.47313°, W71.14804°], G. Hormiga, 24.iii.1988, 4♂ 12♀ 2 imm. (USNM IFM- 1654). U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS. Saint Croix: [N17.7246°, W64.8348°], 1922, 1♂ (MCZ 145037). Saint Thomas: [N18.3381°, W64.8941°], C.R. Shoemaker, vii.1915, 1♀ (USNM), subadult♀ 2 imm. (USNM). USA: Alabama:Baldwin Co.: Silver Hill [N30.54547°, W87.75166°], G. Nelson, vii.1945, 2♂ 2♀ (MCZ 144989); Cleburne Co.: Cheaha State Park, Mt. Cheaha [N33.48526°, W85.809°], A.F. Archer, 21.iv.1948, 1♀ (AMNH); Dallas Co.: Selma [N32.40736°, W87.0211°], Marx Collection, 2♀ (USNM); Lee Co.: Auburn [N32.60986°, W85.48078°], 1♀ (MCZ 144988); Mobile Co.: [N30.69537°, W88.03989°], Marx Collection, 1♀ (USNM), 1♂ (USNM IFM-1653); Tuscaloosa Co.: [N33.20844°, W87.56899°], 1939, 1♀ 2 imm. (AMNH). California:San Clemente Island Co.: label reads: “Marx collection, careful of loc. data” –specimen certainly mislabeled, 1♀ (USNM); San Diego Co.: 2980 E Street, on wall (N32.7151°, W117.1302°), J. Perez, 10.v.2008, 1♂ (SDSU). Florida:Alachua Co.: [N29.79381°, W82.49442°], J.D. McCrone and L.A.W., iii.1958, 1♂ (MCZ 144991); Gainesville [N29.65163°, W82.32483°], W. Ivie, 14.vi.1935, 2♂ 4♀ 1 imm. (AMNH), 1♀ 5 imm. (AMNH); Charlotte Co.: Punta Gorda [N26.92978°, W82.04537°], H. Ramstadt, 25.iv.1948, 1♂ (FMNH 2857696); Ramstadt, ii.1941, 1♂ 2♀ 5 imm. (AMNH); CitrusCo.: Inverness [N28.83545°, W82.3314°], M.J. O’Brien, vi.1979, 1♂ (MCZ 145007); Hardee Co.: Zolfo Springs [N27.49337°, W81.79592°], A.G. Rueckert, 21.vi.1945, 1♀ (FMNH 2857694); 30. iii.1940, 1 imm. (FMNH 2857689); 31.i.1945, 1 imm. (FMNH 2857664); 6.ix.1944, 1♀ (FMNH 2857686); 9.iv.1945, 1♀ (FMNH 2857690); ii–iii.1947, 1♀ (FMNH 2857693), 1♂ 2♀ (FMNH 2857691); vii.1946, 1♀ 1 imm. (FMNH 2857695); Highlands Co.: 8 miles S Lake Placid, Archbold Biological Station [N27.18286°, W81.35208°], A.M. Chickering, iii.1968, 1♂ 1♀ 2 imm. (MCZ 145005); C.E. Griswold and L. Vincent, 26–28.vi.1978, 1♂ 3♀ (UCB); G. Dingerkus, 5.i.1972, 1♂ (AMNH); Herbert W. Levi, 25.ii.1976, 1♂ (MCZ 145006); Highland Hammock State Park [N27.47362°, W81.53042°], P. Sierwald, 3.viii.1994, 1♀ (FMNH 2857659); Sebring, Highlands Hammock State Park [N27.45706°, W81.53839°], A.R. Brady, 6.vi.1961, 1♂ (MCZ 144999); Hillsborough Co.: Clearwater Pinilla [N28.06416°, W82.42139°], O. Paulus, 1963, 4♂ 4♀ 1 imm. (CAS 9057601); Marion Co.: Ocala National Forest, Juniper Spring, web on wall [N29.16692°, W81.79147°], D. Ubick, 7.viii.1981, 1♂ (DU 81.08.07); Miami-Dade Co.: Dade [N25.76168°, W80.19179°], D.C. Lowrie, vii.1938, 2♂ (AMNH); in hotel room, N.L.H. Krauss, 7.viii.1971, 1♂ (AMNH); Miami, M. Gribbins, 20.x.1934, 1♀ (FMNH 2857697); 30.iv.1935, 1 imm. (FMNH 2857699), 1♀ (FMNH 2857698); 30.xi.1935, 1♀ (FMNH 2857685); Miami-Dade, 29.iii.1935, 1♀ (FMNH 2857692), 1♀ (FMNH 2857700); Wardlow, vii.1934, 1♀ (FMNH 2857688); Monroe Co.: Keys [N24.67909°, W81.36438°], R. Jackson, i.1970, 1♂ (CAS 9058475); Okaloosa Co.: Crestview, in service station [N30.75418°, W86.5728°], A. Moreton, 2. vii.1966, 2♀ (AMNH); Orange Co.: Rock Springs [N28.75638°, W81.50146°], A. Jung, 7.x.1972, 1♀ 1 imm. (CAS 9060365); Putnam Co.: Welaka Conservation Reserve, night collecting [N29.46864°, W81.65909°], 23.iii.1966, 5♀ 5 imm. (USNM); Saint Lucie Co.: Fort Pierce, Harbor Branch [N27.53562°, W80.35971°], PMM, 13.viii.1992, 1♂ (FMNH 2857674); Ft. Pierce, Harbor Branch Foundation, in sink at men’s room, P.M. Mikkelsen, 29.iv.1986, 1♂ (USNM); Sarasota Co.: Eaglewood [N26.96201°, W82.3526°], A. Sommerman, ix.1952, 1♀ (USNM); vicinity of Pensacola Co.: (N30.333°, W87.25°), L. Malito, winter/1953, 2♂ 1♀ (AMNH). Georgia:Bulloch Co.: Statesboro [N32.44879°, W81.78317°], W.W. Liddell, 16.x.1984, 1♂ (USNM); Evermore House Farm, hay barn, T. Sullivan, 1.i.2006, 2♂ (AMNH); Camden Co.: Little Cumberland (N30.96667°, W81.41667°), W.E. Steiner et al., 3. vii.1996, 3♂ 3♀ (USNM); Little Cumberland I., 27.xi.1997, 1♀ (USNM); Chatham Co.: Savannah, in garage [N32.08354°, W81.09983°], T. Sullivan, 27. viii.2005, 1♂ (AMNH); Chattahoochee Co.: Ft. Benning, main post [N32.36234°, W84.94926°], P.R. Craig, 20.iii.1960, 1♂ (CAS 9057591); Hall Co.: Gainesville [N34.29788°, W83.82407°], B.J. Kaston, viii.1944, 1♂ 1♀ (MCZ 144987); Liberty Co.: Midway, Saint Catherine’s Island [N31.62889°, W81.1527°], D. Lavender, 15.ix.1984, 1♀ (USNM); Thomas Co.: Thomasville (N30.833°, W83.98333°), H. Field, iv.1940, 2♂ 1♀ (AMNH); Walton Co.: Monroe, Forsyth [N33.79484°, W83.71323°], A.F. Archer, 1963–1964, 1♂ (AMNH). Illinois:Logan Co.: Chestervale [N40.09227°, W89.32176°], 29. vi.1952, 1♂ (AMNH). Louisiana:Calcasieu Co.: Lake Charles, Sam Houston State Park [N30.2266°, W93.21738°], A. Moreton, 25–30.v.1966, 1♀ (AMNH); East Baton Rouge Co.: Baton Rouge [N30.45828°, W91.14032°], Marx Collection, 1♂ (USNM); sweet potato storage, F.W. Howard, 13. viii.1975, 1♂ (AMNH); East Baton Rouge Parrish, Baton Rouge Western Union office [N30.45069°, W91.15289°], C.E. Parker, 20.iii.1963, 1♀ (CAS 9057597); Lincoln Co.: Ruston [N32.52321°, W92.63793°], M.A. Cazier, 10.vii.1950, 2♀ 2 imm. (CAS 9057855); Orleans Co.: New Orleans [N29.95107°, W90.07153°], 1886, 1♀ (ZMB); Saint Martin Co.: St. Martinville, Longfellow-Evangeline State Park [N30.13728°, W91.82318°], A. Moreton, 14–19.v.1966, 2♀ (AMNH). Mississippi:Forrest Co.: Hattiesburg [N31.32712°, W89.29034°], C.D. Michener, 2.vii.1944, 1♂ 4 imm. (AMNH); Harrison Co.: Biloxi [N30.39603°, W88.88531°], 1♀ (USNM); Hinds Co.: Clinton [N32.34153°, W90.32176°], J.W. Bailey, 1926, 1♂ 1♀ 6 imm. (AMNH); Jackson Co.: Gautier, shrubs, garage [N30.38576°, W88.61169°], A. Moreton, 16.xii.1971, 1♂ (MCZ 145012); Ocean Springs [N30.41131°, W88.82781°], 1.iv.1966, 1♂ (MCZ 145011); 21–28.iii.1989, 1♂ 1♀ (USNM); in building, A.K. Jacobson, 8–12.iv.1968, 1♀ (FMNH 2857658), 1 imm. (FMNH 2857660); under cottage; both in web, A. Moreton, 18.vi.1967, 1♂ 1♀ (MCZ 145009). New Mexico:Las Cruces Co.: Marx Collection, label reads: “Marx collection, careful of loc. data” –specimen certainly mislabeled, 1♀ (USNM). New York:Tompkins Co.: Ithaca [N42.44396°, W76.50188°], G. Dingerkus, 15.v.1975, 1♂ (AMNH). North Carolina:Hyde Co.: Ocracoke Island Blackbeard’s Hammock [N35.11462°, W75.98101°], J. Coddington, 25.viii.1976, 4♀ (MCZ 145008); Mecklenburg Co.: Davidson, basement [N35.4993°, W80.84869°], x.1953, 1♀ (AMNH); New Hanover Co.: Wilmington, Saint James Church Yard, shrubbery and walls [N34.23507°, W77.94536°], W.F. Adams, 10.ix.1986, 2♀ (USNM); Orange Co.: Chapel Hill [N35.9132°, W79.05585°], G.F. Atkinson, 12. iv.1886, 13♀ 8 imm. (USNM); Marx Collection, 1♂ (USNM). South Carolina:Aiken Co.: Jackson, in house [N33.32542°, W81.78789°], W. Tarpley, 1. vi.1969, 1♂ (AMNH); Charleston Co.: Charleston [N32.77648°, W79.93105°], 1♂ 1♀ (MCZ 144993); Edisto Beach [N32.49712°, W80.30899°], T. Sullivan, 6.viii.2003, 1♂ (AMNH); Hampton Co.: Yemassee [N32.69018°, W80.85066°], J. Dean, v.1969, 1♀ (MCZ 144992); Lexington Co.: 5 miles S Leesville [N33.91014°, W81.53733°], L. Brodie, 1 imm. (FMNH 2857671), 1♀ (FMNH 2857661); 28.xi.1965, 1 imm. (FMNH 2857668); 30.vi.1964, 2♂ 1♀ 1 imm. (FMNH 2857670); 7.vii.1964, 1♂ (FMNH 2857662); 9.x.1965, 1♀ (FMNH 2857669); Leesville, “Rockwood”, L. Ross, 15.v.1952, 1 imm. (FMNH 2857673); Pickens Co.: Clemson University, Entomology Lab, shore of Hartwell Lake [N34.67609°, W82.83642°, 213m], S. Crews, 5.viii.2000, 1♀ (CAS 9060618); Clemson University, on shore of Hartwell Lake, entomology lab (N34.64233°, W82.836°), I. Agnarsson, 18.vii.1998, 1♀ 1 imm. (USNM). Texas:Angelina Co.: LuOEin, on floor of PC lab [N31.33824°, W94.7291°], H.A. Pase, 1.xii.1975, 1♂ (AMNH); Aransas Co.: Arkansas [N28.13588°, W96.98694°], W. McAlister, 10.vi.1956, genitalia mounted in a slide, original specimen not seen, 1♀ (AMNH); Goose Island State Park, eaves of buildings, A.R. Brady, 15.vi.1961, 1♂ (MCZ 144998); Austin Co.: 8 miles NE of New Ulm [N29.97558°, W96.42134°], R.O. Albert, 20.viii.1961, 2♂ (MCZ 144986); Bexar Co.: San Antonio [N29.42412°, W98.49363°], 2♂ 1♀ (CAS 9039667); E.M. Nelson, 1967–1970, 4♀ 2 imm. (MCZ 145002), 2♀ 2 imm. (MCZ 145003); J. Griffith, 7–9.v.1940, 4♂ (AMNH); W.J. Gladney, 20.vii.1976, 2♂ 2♀ (AMNH); Brazoria Co.: 5 miles NE Rosenberg (N29.36°, W95.48°), J. and W. Ivie, 12.viii.1964, 1♂ 5♀ 1 imm. (AMNH), 4♀ 7 imm. (AMNH); Brazos Co.: [N30.65041°, W96.32261°], 1♂ 3♀ (MCZ 144984); Cameron Co.: 1.4 mile S San Benito [N26.13258°, W97.6311°], D. Campbell and P.R. Craig, 2.v.1960, 1♂ (CAS 9058476); 3 miles NW Brownsville [N25.9598°, W97.50971°], D.C. Lowrie, 27.xii.1941, 1♀ 5 imm. (AMNH); Brownsville, pack rat nest [N25.90175°, W97.49748°], Lt. Gentry, 26.i.1962, 1♀ (AMNH); Laguna Atasconsa Wildlife Refuge, east shore of Cayo Atascosa, near damsite [N26.22835°, W97.34865°], B.A.B., 29.i.1959, 1♂ (AMNH); Leguna Atascosa Wildlife Refuge, 29.i.1959, 1♀ (AMNH); Comal Co.: Bracken Bat Cave [N29.68742°, W98.34123°], H.L. Keegan, i.1952, 4♀ 3 imm. (AMNH); Dallas Co.: Dallas [N32.77666°, W96.79699°], M. Keating, 1972, 1♂ (MCZ 145004); Fannin Co.: Sherman (N33.39°, W96.35°), K.W. Haller, 25.vii.1963, 1♂ (AMNH); Fayette Co.: La Grange [N29.9055°, W96.87665°], J. and W. Ivie, 18.vii.1966, 1♀ (AMNH); Galveston Co.: La Marque [N29.36857°, W94.97131°], W.A. Benton, 1♂ 2♀ (MCZ 144997); Grayson Co.: 2 miles W Pottsboro [N33.75927°, W96.66944°], K.W. Haller, vii.1967, 1♂ (AMNH); 3 miles SW Pottsboro, viii.1967, 1♀ (AMNH); Sherman [N33.63566°, W96.60888°], ix.1964, 1♂ 1 imm. (AMNH); vii.1967, 3♂ 1 imm. (AMNH); Hidalgo Co.: Bentsen- Rio Grande Valley State Park [N26.1855°, W98.37944°], W.J. Pulawski, 28–29.iv.1985, subadult♀ (CAS 9057606); Edinburg [N26.30174°, W98.16334°], 29.xii.1949, 1♀ (AMNH); S. Mulaik, 24.vii.1937, 3♂ (AMNH); 7.iv.1937, 1♂ (AMNH); Edinburg-Eninburg Lane, J.E. Carico, 28.vii.1968, 1♂ (USNM); Edinburgh, D. Mulaik, 2♂ 2♀ 8 imm. (AMNH); Monte Alto, Reservoir [N26.37313°, W97.97167°], J.E. Carico, 28.vii.1968, 3♀ (USNM); San Juan [N26.18924°, W98.15529°], D. Campbell and P.R. Craig, 1.v.1960, caught in the middle of an imaginal molt, 1♀ (CAS 9057615); 1.vi.1960, 1♀ 1 imm. (CAS 9057616); Jefferson Co.: Beaumont [N30.08017°, W94.12656°], E.D. Palmer iv–vi.1946, 1♂ (MCZ 144990); Jim Wells Co.: Alice [N27.75225°, W98.06973°], R.O. Albert, 15–30.v.1961, 1♂ (MCZ 144994); Karnes Co.: Helena [N28.95361°, W97.82305°], W.P. Maddison, 23–28.v.1983, 1♂ (MCZ 144995); Kenedy Co.: 29 miles S Sarita [N26.78959°, W97.77569°], A.R. Brady, 14.xi.1958, 1♀ (MCZ 144996); Montgomery Co.: Montgomery [N30.38826°, W95.69634°], G. Jowell, 15.viii.1975, 1♂ 1 imm. (DU 75.08.15); Nueces Co.: Corpus Christi [N27.80058°, W97.39638°], F. Packard, 10. viii.1946, 1♀ (AMNH); in garage, K. Nichols, 20. xii.1975, 1♂ (MCZ 145001); Refugio Co.: 8 miles NE Sinton (N28.08°, W97.26°), J. and W. Ivie, 12. viii.1964, 5♀ 11 imm. (AMNH); San Patricio Co.: 7 miles N Sinton, Welder Wildlife Foundation, route 77, on wall of headquarter building [N28.03668°, W97.50916°], 26.vii.1982, 1♂ (AMNH); Travis Co.: Austin [N30.26715°, W97.74306°], B. Vogel, 10. xii.1971, 1♀ (USNM); 15.iii.1969, 1♀ (USNM); 25.ix.1969, 1♂ (USNM); 29.vii.1972, 1♂ (USNM); 30.vii.1983, 1♂ (USNM); x.1972, 1♀ (USNM); R.A. Stirton, 14.vi.1952, 1♂ (AMNH); McNiel [N30.45009°, W97.71888°], D. Campbell and P.R. Craig, 27.v.1960, 1♀ (CAS 9057595); U. T. Brackenridge Fieldlab [N30.28431°, W97.77825°], B. Vogel, 17.vii.1970, 1♂ (USNM); Victoria Co.: Victoria [N28.80527°, W97.0036°], D.C. Lowrie, 25.v.1919, 4♀ (AMNH). Virginia:Portsmouth Co.: U.S. Naval Hospital, in buildings, around windows [N36.845°, W76.3063°], E. Sabath, 7.vii.1968, 2♀ 2 imm. (MCZ 144985). No further locality: lab reared specimen, S. Crews, DNA voucher: H. Wood (Palpimanoidea), D. Polotow (Lycosoidea), 1♀ (CAS 9034219). VEN- EZUELA. Anzoategui:San Tomé [N8.94153°, W64.13008°], T. Briceno-Maaz, 1♀ (AMNH). Aragua:Girardot, Maracay [N10.24694°, W67.59611°], E.H. Cordero, 18.iv.1929, 1♀ (MNRJ 526). Caracas: [N10.46964°, W66.80372°], Rothe, 1♀ (ZMB); San José del Ávila [N10.52059°, W66.91516°], C. Vogl, 1940, 1♂ 1♀ (AMNH). Falcón: Morrocoy, Los Llanos [N10.83121°, W68.26238°], J.A. Vellard, iv.1936, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20620). Mérida: inside buildings [N8.6°, W71.15°], A.L. Edgar, 30.vi.1974, 1♀ several imm. (MCZ 40866); Mérida [N8.6°, W71.15°, 2500m], P. Briceno, no date, 1♂ 12♀ 14 imm. (ZMB); in house [N8.6°, W71.15°, 1700m], C. Sobrevila, 20.ix.1983, 1♀ (USNM). Miranda:Caracas suburbs, caves near Cementerio del Este [N10.45038°, W66.81118°], J.A. Coddington, vii.1986, 1♀ (USNM). Puerto Cabello: [N10.46667°, W68.01667°], A. Zilchi, 9.iv.1957, 1♂ 2♀ 1 imm. (SMF 8797/4). San Estebán: [N10.39638°, W67.96429°], P. Andruze, 26.i.1940, 5♀ 12 imm. (AMNH). No further locality: [N10.52059°, W66.91516°], 1♀ (AMNH); [N8.6°, W71.15°], F. Kamerow, 2♀ 4 imm. (ZMB), 1♀ (ZMB). WEST INDIES. Antigua:St. John’s [N17.12741°, W61.84677°], N.L.H. Krauss, 25.vii.1971, 1♀ 1 imm. (AMNH). LABEL ILLEGIBLE: 1♀ 1 imm. (ZMB), with egg sac, 1♀ (ZMB), 1♀ (ZMB); 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20646); 19.iii.1902, 2♀ 7 imm. (ZMB). NO DATA: 1♀ (MNRJ 2129); 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20643), 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20644), 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20640), 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20645), 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20766), 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20776), 2♀ (MACN-Ar 20767), 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20775), 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20772), 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20768), 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20784), 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20774), 2♀ (MACN-Ar 20782), 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20771), 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20770), 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20722), 1♂ (MACN-Ar 20701), 1♀ 5 imm. (MACN-Ar 20695), 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20673); 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20765); A.G. Frers, 1 imm. (MACN-Ar 20642); Castellanos, x.1946, subadult♀ (MACN-Ar 20633); D.M. Rees, 30.vii.1964, 1♂ (AMNH); E. Prano, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20781); F. Castillo, 1♀ (MACN-Ar 20741); M. Acembauch, vi.1975, 1♂ (MACN-Ar 6853); S. Castillo, 3♀ (MACN-Ar 226).