September 8, 2021 Each datafolder (1-5) contains the direct input data for Figures presented in the related publication (.Rdata format). Input files for each simulation are provided (.csv format), and, if applicable (1-3), the Morris Trajectory (trajectory.csv) is given as well, to provide a summary of the provided input for multiple simulations. Note that these are relative to the input range chosen, which can be found in the related publication. For the numerical simulations, no raw model output is given. The water levels and drain discharge obtained from the numerical simulations is contained within the Rdata file, as ..wt and ..q dataframes (for 1-3). For (4), numerical results are saved in the Rdata file as ..Hnum and ..Qnum. Water levels are defined in meter with respect to soil surface, discharge is averaged over the area as m/d. For the analytical simulations, all model output is contained within the Rdata file, such that not all data is used directly within the related publication. Note that the definitions of H, Hd etc. are slightly different, such that the head with respect to soil surface can be obtained as -D+H+Hd+Hx0. Similarly, total discharge can be obtained by Q+Qx0. The source code folder contains the R source code used for modeling and processing data. The main input file for the numerical simulations is the DrainDiLeMaTool.R. Based on this input file, simulations can be performed without further interaction. In case one would like to re-simulate the data of the related publication, no new input datafile should be created, hence the input.R script should be skipped when running the simulation. A copy of source code or software required for numerical modeling, such as SUTRA v2.2, Gmsh v3.02 and MinGW, is included. The R version used (v3.5.3) is not included, but can be obtained via alternative sources. Processing algorithms of numerical results for the related publication, are given in 'ProcessingAndAnalyticalFuns.R'. As we did not upload all numerical model results, this script only functions when the numerical model is rerun with the correct input, such that all output is re-created. As the important output data is already available in the Rdata files these processing algorithms are mainly there for inspection. The analytical model and processing algorithms are also given in 'ProcessingAndAnalyticalFuns.R. Note that source directories etc. should be set to their proper locations for correct functioning of the model.