Pyrogorgia lemnos (Bayer, 1998)

Material examined: BBB 2016: St. 13; St. 21; St. 25. PD BB 2017: St. 13; St. 14 (MACN-In 43520).

Distribution: Cape Horn (56°06’S, 66°19’W), 384–494 m; Off Staten Island (54°55.2’S, 64°09.2’S, 493–511 m) (Bayer 1998; Cairns & Bayer 2009); Drake Passage (Taylor 2011); off Staten Is. (608 m), Burdwood bank (467–785 m) (present study).

Remarks: Synonyms at the area: Fannyella lemnos Bayer, 1998. This species resembles genera such as Callogorgia Gray, 1858 and Fanellia Gray, 1870 in polyp arrangement and strong sculpture of abaxial scales. It still has few records in the literature. Most specimens examined were juvenile, indicating a recent colonization in the area surveyed. This is the first record at Burdwood bank and both MPAs.