Flabellum curvatum Moseley, 1881

Material examined: BBB 2016: St. 13; St. 16; St. 18; St. 21; St. 25. PD BB 2017: St. 31; St. 33; St. 34; St. 43 (MACN-In: 41700, 41701, 41702, 41703, 41704, 41705, 41706, 41707).

Distribution: Coast of Argentina from RĂ­o de la Plata to Tierra del Fuego, Malvinas (Falkland) Islands, South Georgia and southern Chile (Cairns 1982; Cairns & Polonio 2013).

Remarks: Dead skeletons of Flabellum spp. were found to be settlement substrate for several invertebrate species such as octocorals, scalpellids, polychaetes and sponges, among others (Schejter et al. 2017b; Schejter & Bremec 2019). This species was recorded at the MPA NamuncurĂ¡ II (see Schejter & Bremec 2019).