Caryophyllia squiresi Cairns, 1982

Material examined: BBB 2016: St. 13; St. 18; St. 21; St. 25. PD BB 2017: St. 13; St. 14; St. 31; St. 34 (MACN-In: 41677, 41678, 41679, 41680, 41681, 41682, 41683, 41684, 41685).

Distribution: Off Tierra del Fuego and Malvinas (Falkland) Islands at 406–659 m, recent records extended its range slightly north (42ºS) and expand its bathymetric range (Cairns & Polonio 2013).

Remarks: Some individuals were settled on Balanophyllia malouinensis. This species was recorded at MPA Namuncurá II (see Schejter & Bremec 2019).