Grammaria abietina (M. Sars, 1851)

Material examined: BBB 2016: St. 9; St. 11; St. 12; St. 27; St. 28; St. 32; St. 34; St. 35; St. 38; St. 39 (Fig. 2E) (MACN-In: 43437, 43438, 43439, 43440, 43441, 43442, 43443, 43444, 43445).

Distribution: Boreal region of the Atlantic (Vervoort 1972). In the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, it was frequently reported in south Patagonian sector and subantarctic islands (50– 54°S) as Grammaria magellanica (see Blanco 1994; Oliveira et al. 2017).

Remarks: Abundant, unfertile and big colonies were widely found in all analyzed areas. Usually, they were found growing on tubes of Chaetopterus antarcticus, a common tubicoulous polychaete found in several Patagonian areas (Bremec & Schejter 2019).