Genus Naineris Blainville, 1828

Naineris Blainville, 1828: 490–491; Hartman 1957: 296; Pettibone 1957: 160.6; Zhadan et al. 2015: 792; Blake 2017: 94; Blake 2020: 25.

Diagnosis (after Zhadan et al. 2015). Prostomium rounded to square in front; one achaetous peristomial ring. Thoracic neurochaetae may include crenulate capillaries, uncini and subuluncini, or crenulate capillaries only, abdominal forked notochaetae present or absent. First pair of branchiae starting on any thoracic chaetiger from 2 to 23, branchial bases widely separated mid-dorsally. Thoracic neuropodia with 0–2 podal papillae; subpodal papillae absent.