Genus Leodamas Kinberg, 1866

Leodamas Kinberg, 1866: 252; Blake 2000: 448; Zhadan et al. 2015: 786–789; Blake 2017: 48–52 (partim).

Scoloplos (Leodamas): Hartman 1957: 284–285; Pettibone 1957: 160; Day 1973: 84; Eibye-Jacobsen 2002: 87.

Diagnosis (after Zhadan et al. 2015). Prostomium acutely pointed, usually prolonged; one achaetous peristomial ring. Thoracic neuropodia bearing large and numerous hooks accompanied by few or no crenulated capillaries, abdominal forked notochaetae present or absent, abdominal neuropodia possess robust emergent aciculae. Branchiae simple or branched, first present from chaetiger 5–7. Thoracic neuropodial podal papillae, subpodial papillae, stomach papillae present or absent.

Remarks. Blake (2017) undertook a morphological revision of the genus Leodamas and divided it into two groups, A and B. Group B includes species with branchiae on the posterior thoracic chaetiger or anterior abdominal chaetiger (12–40) and thoracic neuropodial uncini in 1–2 vertical rows. Some of the species in this group were previously referred to as Scoloplos. In the present paper, these species are still regarded as belonging to Scoloplos (see Remarks of the genus Scoloplos).