Hirstionyssus pavlovskyi Zemskaya, 1959

Hirstionyssus pavlovskyii Zemskaya 1959: 486, figs 1–3.

Echinonyssus pavlovskyi— Tenorio 1984: 276.

Hirstionyssus pavlovskyi— Koroleva 1977: 138, figs 4 (5), 6 (6); Nikulina 1987: 233, 234; Goncharova et al. 1991: 75.

Type locality: Russia, Primorye region, upper courses of the Iman River.

Type series: Unknown (possibly in EMAMS). ZIN collection has two specimens (females; accession numbers 6410 and 6411) of H. pavlovskyi collected and identified by Zemskaya in 1957. The sampling site and host (Eutamias sibiricus) coincide with data provided in the original description (Zemskaya 1959). These two females may originate from the type series of H. pavlovskyi.

Type hosts: Eutamias sibiricus (Laxmann, 1769), the Siberian chipmunk, and Pteromys volans (Linnaeus, 1758).

Host range: Goncharova et al. (1991) consider Eutamias sibiricus as the principal and virtually exclusive mammal host of this mite. However, according to other authors, various species of voles (Clethrionomys, Microtus), mice, shrews, squirrels and other Micromammalia may serve as the auxiliary hosts for H. pavlovskyi (Yudin et al. 1976; Nikulina 2004).

Distribution: H. pavlovskyi is endemic to Asiatic Russia. It is distributed in Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East, including the extreme northeast of Asia (Yudin et al. 1976; Goncharova et al. 1991; Nikulina 2004).

Notes:Hirstionyssus pavlovskyi Mrciak, 1974 is a junior homonym of H. pavlovskyi Zemskaja, 1959. Koyumdzhieva (1978) introduced Hirstionyssus nitedula as a replacement name for the former.