Hirstionyssus isabellinus (Oudemans, 1913)

Liponyssus isabellinus Oudemans 1913a: 384.

Hirstionyssus arvicolae Zemskaya 1955: 366, figs 790–792.

Hirstionyssus isabellinus— Fonseca 1948: 297; Willmann 1952: 406; Bregetova 1956: 181, 189, figs 29, 34, 401, 418–419, 462–465; Lange 1958: 217; Piryanik 1962: 107; Allred & Beck 1966: 29, figs 34, 91, 138, 183, 240, 295, 339, 441, 476, 521, 525, 574; Evans & Till 1966: 295, fig. 73; Herrin 1970: 427, figs 1–4, 67–68; Zemskaya 1973: 83; Koroleva 1977: 138, figs 4(6), 6(8); Nikulina 1987: 233, 234; Senotrusova 1987: 86, fig. 41; Goncharova et al. 1991: 71; Mašán & Fend’a 2010: 135, figs 139–144.

Echinonyssus isabellinus— Tenorio 1984: 270.

Hirstionyssus galeatus Feider & Solomon 1960: 607, figs 1–8.

Echinonyssus galeatus— Tenorio 1984: 268.

Type locality: The Netherlands.

Type series: Unknown.

Type host: Oudemans (1913a) indicated Arvicola terrestris, Mus musculus, Talpa europaea, and Mustela erminea as the hosts of the mite individuals, which were used by him to establish a new species.

Host range: H. isabellinus is found on a very broad circle of mammal hosts, and neither can be designated as the principal host for this mite. H. isabellinus was found on many species of voles (of different genera), mice, shrews, pikas, rats, ground squirrels etc. (Herrin 1970; Yudin et al. 1976; Senotrusova 1987; Goncharova et al. 1991; Whitaker et al. 2007; Korallo 2009; Krasnov et al. 2010; Mašán & Fend’a 2010). It was found also in birds’ nests (Mašán & Fend’a 2010).

Distribution: Eurasia and North America (Allred & Beck 1966; Herrin 1970; Whitaker et al. 2007). In Asiatic Russia H. isabellinus occurs in all regions, including the extreme North (Yudin et al. 1976; Davydova & Nikol’sky 1986; Nikulina 2004).