Winnertzia serri sp. nov.

Figs 35–37

Diagnosis. A medium-sized, brown Winnertzia with short antennae and short, broad wings. The gonostylus is peculiar for that the pectinate claw is situated dorsomedially on a distinct bulge with dense, coarse microtrichia (Fig. 37, ↓ 1). Other structures of diagnostic merit are the broadly triangular tegmen with large, sharply contoured flaps (↓ 2) and the short, subtriangular gonocoxal apodemes (↓ 3). Females and preimaginal stages of W. serri are unknown.

Other male characters. Body size 1.9 mm. Head. Eye bridge 4–5 ommatidia long dorsally. Antenna slightly longer than half body. Scape slightly larger than pedicel, both concolorous with flagellum. 11 flagellomeres; apical flagellomere long, composed of two nodes; flagellomeres 1–10 with translucent sensilla. Fourth flagellomere: neck 0.6 times as long as node; node 1.7 times as long as broad; sensory hairs dense; translucent sensilla short, filiform, on lateral surface usually crescent-shaped, on medial surface straight or slightly meandering (Figs 35–36). Palpus slightly longer than head height, 4 setae-bearing segments, apical segment longest of all. Labella of normal size.

Thorax. Pronotal setae about 15. Anepimeral setae absent. Lateral mediotergal microtrichia large. Parascutellar area inconspicuous. Wing shorter than body, 2.2 times as long as broad. Costal cell slightly reinforced. M 4 long, faint, very slightly bent, CuA moderately bent, both veins extending to edge of wing. Legs. Scales pointed. Basitarsal spines absent. Fore tibia 1.2–1.3 times length T 2. Acropods: claws slightly bent, empodia one third claw length.

Abdomen. Pleural membrane setose. Genitalia (Fig. 37). Ninth tergite longer than half gonopodal length; setae confined to lateroposterior portions; posterior edge shallowly concave, slightly reinforced medially; anterior edge indistinct. Gonocoxal synsclerite slightly broader than long; a short portion ventrobasally non-setose; ventroanterior edge faintly contoured, rounded rather than straight; ventral emargination large, broadly V-shaped, membranous basally, with diffuse, darkly pigmented margin; dorsoposterior portions markedly extended, subtriangular. Gonostylus 2.2 times as long as broad, slightly bent; pectinate claw small, transversely aligned; basolateral apophysis small, angulated. Aedeagal apodeme broadest beyond solid basal portion, the latter suddenly narrowed; apex delicate, pipette-shaped. Aedeagal bulge with closely spaced rows of tiny microtrichia. Tegmen only basally with sharp contours, apex membranous, rounded; edge of flaps with sparse, fine microtrichia; parameral apodemes small.

Etymology. The name, a noun in apposition, refers to the Serri Nature Reserve in northern Sweden, which protects a large area of well-preserved Lappish landscape.

Type material.Holotype. Male, Sweden, Lule Lappmark, Jokkmokk, Serri Nature Reserve, swampy oldgrowth forest mixed of spruce and birch, 8–30 July 2016, Malaise trap, M. & C. Jaschhof (spn CEC1831 in NHRS).

Paratype. 1 male, same data as the holotype (spn CEC1832 in SDEI).

Distribution and phenology.Winnertzia serri is known from only two specimens, whose collection data are specified above.